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Press Invitation: Release of research findings on “Creating a Barrier-Free Online Learning Environment for Primary School Students with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong”
傳媒邀請函:「為有特殊教育需要的香港小學生營造無障礙的網上學習環境」 研究成果發佈會

Updated on February 06, 2023 (Mon)

Release of research findings on “Creating a Barrier-Free Online Learning Environment for Primary School Students with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong”


Online learning has become an increasingly popular mode of instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there has never been any systematic tools for examining the specific challenges experienced by primary school students with special educational needs (SEN) in Hong Kong. In order to promote inclusive education and improve students’ online learning experiences, the research team in the Speech, Language and Reading Lab from the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) conducted a large-scale online survey and in-depth child-parent and teacher interview during the pandemic, with 254 students, 506 parents, and 101 teachers. The results not only reveal the specific challenges encountered by different types of SEN students, their parents, and their school teachers, but also provide possible solutions to effectively allocate educational resources. This research is funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission under the “Funding Programme of Research Projects on Equal Opportunities 2020/21”.


This press conference will cover 1) the specific challenges faced by different types of SEN students in online learning; 2) the strategies which the government, schools, teachers and parents can employ to enhance the effectiveness of online learning; and 3) how to refine post-pandemic online and offline learning experiences. Additionally, the research team will introduce two freely accessible assessment tools, targeting at measuring the attitudes towards and effectiveness of online learning, which could provide future directions for education. 


Members of the media are cordially invited to attend the event. Details are as follows:


Date:February 9, 2023 (Thursday)
Time:2:30 pm – 3:30 pm (HKT)
Venue:    Room 408-410, 4/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Speakers:Professor Shelley Tong, Director, Speech, Language and Reading Lab, Faculty of Education, HKU

Dr Ferrick Chu, Executive Director (Operations), Equal Opportunities Commission


Ms Doris Tsui, Acting Head (Policy, Research and Training), Equal Opportunities Commission

Languages:Cantonese and English (simultaneous interpretation)

For details of the Speech, Language and Reading Lab, please visit:


For media enquiries, please contact Ms Emily Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel.: 3917 4270 / E-mail: [javascript protected email address]), or Ms Sochi Liu, Research Assistant of the Speech, Language and Reading Lab, Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 2241 5984 / Email: [javascript protected email address]).


February 6, 2023




新冠疫情徹底改變了傳統的學習和教育模式,網上學習更趨普遍和重要,但過往從未有任何系統性的測試工具評估香港有特殊教育需要的小學生面對的挑戰。為了促進融合教育和提高學生的網上學習體驗,香港大學教育學院言語、語言和閱讀實驗室研究團隊在疫情期間進行大型網上問卷調查和深度訪談研究,參與者包括254名學生、506名家長和101名教師。研究揭示有不同特殊教育需要的小學生,其家長和老師所面對的具體挑戰和困難,並解答如何有效分配教育資源的重要社會議題。該研究由平等機會委員會「平等機會研究項目資助計劃 2020/21」資助。












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