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Professor Cheng Kai-ming receives Honorary University Fellowship

Updated on September 28, 2022 (Wed)

Professor Cheng Kai-ming receives Honorary University Fellowship

We are proud to share with you the news that Professor Cheng Kai-ming, Emeritus Professor of the Faculty’s Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education and Honorary Director of the Faculty’s Education Policy Unit, was one of the five distinguished individuals who received an Honorary University Fellowship from HKU on September 22, 2022 (Thursday).  


Globally renowned as an expert on education policy and development, Professor Cheng is a prestigious university leader and a loyal and distinguished alumnus of HKU. He was appointed Chair Professor in 1995 and has served in numerous leadership positions at HKU, including Dean of Education, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Senior Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor, as well as Warden of Old Halls and Lee Hysan Hall, and Master of Robert Black College.


Professor Cheng’s research focuses on educational planning, policy-making and reforms. His course on Qualitative Research was the first of its kind at HKU. Professor Cheng has served as consulting researcher for a number of major international organisations, including the World Bank and UNESCO. He has also been involved in policy discussions, evaluation and training in various countries, and is well known for his focus on changes in society and their challenges to education.


HKU held this annual ceremony to present Honorary University Fellowships to outstanding individuals to recognise and salute their crucial contributions to the University, to academia and society. Dr the Honourable Sir David Li Kwok Po, Pro-Chancellor of HKU, officiated at the ceremony.