JUPAS Information Sessions 2024
Updated on May 17, 2024 (Fri)

On May 17, the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong hosted a series of activities during the JUPAS Information Sessions 2024. This annual event aims to provide prospective students with a comprehensive overview of the Faculty's diverse undergraduate programmes.
During the event, visitors had the opportunity to obtain the latest programme updates and engage with our programme staff and current students at the exhibition booths. In addition, our teachers from different programmes delivered in-depth thematic talks, enabling attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the programmes, the admissions process and the career prospects for graduates. Our current students also shared their learning experiences and insights with the visitors, providing valuable perspectives on campus life.
Campus tours, led by students from the Faculty, were also arranged to guide participants to explore the iconic sites and facilities of the HKU campus. The tours offered a dynamic and interactive experience for the participants and enabled them to learn more about the learning environment at HKU.
Videos recordings of the thematic talks and accompanying PPT slides are now available on our website at the following link https://web.edu.hku.hk/event/detail-page/jupas-infosessions-2024
For further information on our undergraduate programmes, please visit https://web.edu.hku.hk/programme/undergraduate