Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award 2021-22
Updated on October 25, 2022 (Tue)

We are happy to announce that Ms Louisa Yen, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty’s Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership, is the recipient of the Faculty Early Career Teaching Award for 2021-22, under the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award scheme. A Selection Panel made up of Faculty colleagues and students met to look at applications for this year’s Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award.
Louisa’s teaching philosophy was well presented in her portfolio with strong and rich evidence of how her teaching philosophy, curriculum design and pedagogy align with each other, and how they have had a positive impact on student learning. The Selection Panel was particularly impressed by the way Louisa embedded her critical reflections in her practices of creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment for her students, and continuously innovating her courses in order to provide high-impact learning experiences for her students. Her efforts to achieve teaching excellence are evidenced by the feedback from students and colleagues.
Please join us in congratulating Louisa on her achievement!