Dr YIP, Valerie W. Y.

Dr YIP, Valerie W. Y.
Deputy Director, Committee on Double Degree Curriculum
Principal Lecturer
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
B.Sc. (CUHK), PCEd (HKU), M.Ed. (HKU), P.C.Adv.Ed.Stud. (HKU), PhD (Cantab)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5461
Room 314, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational Change, Leadership and Administration
- Primary and Secondary Education
- Science Education
- Teacher Education and Development
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests:
Science literacy and use of languages in science; STEAM education; Pedagogical content knowledge and classroom teaching; Differentiated instruction
(1) Teaching Awards
Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (Team) - 2018-19
Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (Individual) - 2017-18
(2) Fellowships
Advance Higher Education - Follow
Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowship - 2016
Principal Investigator
- 2021/2024: School-based diversity management (DM) 2.0 [Differentiated instruction team], The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust ($17,726,000).
- 2017/2020: Joint university collaboration to develop students’ competence and leadership in promoting integrated STEM education, Joint University Teaching and Learning Related Proposals, University Grants Committee ($4,953,900).
- 2016/2018: Strengthening STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in pre-service teacher preparation, Teaching Development Grants, The University of Hong Kong ($250,000).
- 2017/2018: Developing the competence in STEM education, (an experiential learning course BBED6747), Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Fund, The University of Hong Kong, ($100,000).
- 2015/2017: An experiential approach to learning and teaching in a regional educational institution (an experiential learning course BBED6742), Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Fund, The University of Hong Kong, ($100,000 each year).
- 2014/2016: Blended learning for building student-teachers’ capacity to learn and teach science-related interdisciplinary subjects, Joint University Teaching and Learning Related Proposals, University Grants Committee ($4,035,900).
- 2014/2015: Bridging the theory-practice gap by enhancing student teachers’ Knowledge of formative assessment and pedagogical content knowledge using authentic classroom videos, Teaching Development Grants, The University of Hong Kong ($253,396).
- 2017/2019: Multilevel leadership network for SDL innovation to advance STEM development (SDLS-MLN), Education Development Fund, University-School Support Programmes, Education Bureau ($8,658,000).
- 2016/2018: L2 classroom talk and subject content learning: Investigating the relationship between L2 learning and content learning in EMI mathematics and science classrooms, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) ($6,916,338).
- 2015/2016: Exploring the use of exemplars, Teaching Development Grants, The University of Hong Kong ($472,684).
- 2014/2017: Self-directed learning in science with e-learning support for learner diversity and smooth primary-secondary transition, Education Development Fund, University-School Support Programmes, Education Bureau ($13,291,700).
- 2013/2014: Discursive construction of critical thinking in the Hong Kong senior secondary curriculum: Language differences and cross-curricular support. General Research Fund (GRF) ($280,000).
- 2012/2015: Promoting assessment for learning in junior secondary science through identifying students’ learning difficulties from secondary analysis of TIMSS and refining classroom learning and teaching practices, Education Bureau ($1,416,700).
- 2010/2011: Promoting assessment for learning in junior secondary science through secondary analysis of the Hong Kong data of the TIMSS 2007 on science component, Education Bureau (499,000).
- 2008/2010: Preparing teachers for teaching ideas about science in the new senior science curriculum: A dual approach, Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($1,933,900).
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2020). Developing Undergraduate Student Teachers’ Competence in Integrative STEM Teaching. Frontiers in Education, 5 (April).
- Lee Y.C., Lau K.C.V., & Yip W.Y.V. (2016). Blended learning for building student-teachers’ capacity to learn and teach science-related interdisciplinary subjects: The case of Hong Kong. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 11(2), 166-181.
- Fung, C.L.D., Yip, W.Y.V. (2010). The policies of reintroducing Liberal Studies into Hong Kong secondary schools. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 9(1), 17-40.
Conference Papers
Yip, W.Y.V., He P., Lam W.H., & Lo Y.Y. (2024). Exploring self-directed professional development in differentiated instruction through an online platform. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024,
Lo, C. T. S., Bridges, S. M., Yip, W. Y. V., Williams, G. A., Chan, K. H., Chen, G., Leung, J. S. C., Russell, B. D., Not, C. A. & Goodwin, A. L. (2022). Sociomateriality of apprenticeship learning in ecological fieldwork. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2021). Developing pre-service science teachers to teach STEM. European Science Education Research Association (ESERA).
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2019). Preparing pre-service teachers to teach STEM: a cognitive and metacognitive approach. The institutional development scheme international conference 2019 - Bridging the gap: Translating Interdisciplinary Research into Evidence.
- Lee, Y.C., Yip, W.Y.V., Lau, K.C.V., Lam, S.S.E., & Yeung, C.H. (2019). Developing a MOOC for the professional development of STEM education. International Conference on Advances in STEM Education.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2016). Blended Learning for Building Student-Teachers’ Capacity to Learn and Teach Science-related Interdisciplinary Subjects: The case of Hong Kong. Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Conference.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2016). Supporting Pre-service Science Teachers to Develop Online Learning Platform for Teaching Scientific Inquiry. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2016). Enhancing teachers' understanding and perceived roles to teach nature of science (NOS) through the use of classroom videos. East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE) Conference.
- Chung, Y.K. & Yip, W.Y.V. (2016). Getting students' voices heard in sexuality education: the case of implementing a radio drama in a Hong Kong school. East-Asian Association for Science Education Conference.
- Fung, C.L.D., Yip, W.Y.V. (2014). The Impact of the Medium of Instruction on Students' Learning in Physics at the Senior Secondary Level in Hong Kong. Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2013). Learning to teach nature of science through reflection on videos of critical incident in class. European Science Education Research Association (ESERA).
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2013). Learning Nature of Science in the Eyes of Students. International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE).
- Yip, W.Y.V., Yung, H.W.B., Lai, C. (2012). Learning to Teach Nature of Science: A Focus on Working with Students’ Ideas. Annual Conference of Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA).
- Yung, H.W.B., Wong, S.L.A., Yip, W.Y.V., Lai, C., Lo, M.S., Lie, H.Y. (2010). Preparing teachers for teaching nature of science: a video-based approach. Global Chinese Conference on Science Education, 全球華人科學教育會議.
- Yung, H.W.B., Yip, W.Y.V., Lai, C., Lo, F.Y. (2010). Towards a model of effective use of video for teacher professional development. The International Seminar.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2009). Parent Volunteering for Reading in Hong Kong. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference.
- Yip, W.Y.V. (2008) Parent-child Reading – Voyage between Home and School. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference.
Books Edited
- Fung, DCL., Yip, W.Y.V. (2012). Evidence-based Education. Nova Science Publishers.
Book Chapters
Chen Y.L., Lu S., & Yip W.Y.V. (in print). Pedagogical considerations in EMI: A comparison by science and history teachers. In: Tsui, B.M.A. and Macaro, E. (Eds.) Language issues in English medium instruction: Theoretical Orientations and practices. Routledge.
Yip.V.W.Y., Leung P.K.Y. (2023). Pre-service STEM teacher education. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education, vol.11. Elsevier.
- Yip, W.Y.V., & Chan, K. K. H. (2019). Teachers’ conceptions about STEM and their practical knowledge for STEM teaching in Hong Kong. In Asia-Pacific STEM Teaching Practices (pp. 67-81). Springer, Singapore.
- Wong, S.L.A., Cheng, M.W.C., Yip, V.W.Y. (2013). Scientific models in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) research and in the biology curriculum. Scientific models in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) research and in the biology curriculum. In Treagust, D.F. and Tsui, C.Y. (Eds.), Multiple representations in biological education, p. 225-243. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
- Fung, C.L.D., Yip, V.W.Y. (2012). Critical analysis of the policies of school-based management in Hong Kong. Critical analysis of the policies of school-based management in Hong Kong. In Fung, C.L.D. & Yip, W.Y.V. (Eds.), Evidence-based education, p.57-70. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
- Yip, W.Y.V., Fung, C.L.D. (2012). Parental involvement in children’s reading: a cultural perspective. Parental involvement in children’s reading: a cultural perspective. In Fung, C.L.D. and Yip, W.Y.V. (Eds.), Evidence-based education, p.71-94. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
- Fung, C.L.D., Yip, W.Y.V. (2010). Science for all: embracing science modules for non-science students in liberal studies in Hong Kong. Science for all: embracing science modules for non-science students in liberal studies in Hong Kong. In Nata, R.V .(Ed.), Progress in education, v. 22, p.1-26. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2010.
Professional Community Services
Professional Societies
- 09/2013 - present: Honorary advisor, Biology subject committee, The Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education.
- 01/2013 - 12/2013; 1/2021-12/2021: Member, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA).
- 01/2016 - 12/2018: Executive Board Member and Newsletter Editor, East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE).
- 01/2013 - 12/2015: Member, East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE).
- 07/2017 - 8/2022: Director, Centre for Educational Leadership
- 07/2015 - 06/2017: Deputy Director, Centre for Educational Leadership, HKU.
- 07/2013 - 06/2015: Member, Management Committee, Centre for Educational Leadership, HKU.