Professor CHAN, Stephanie W. Y.

Professor CHAN, Stephanie W. Y.
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development
PhD in Early Childhood Education & Second Language Acquisition, The University of Hong Kong, HK
MPhil in Research in Second Language Education, University of Cambridge, UK
BSocSc in Psychology, PGDE in Early Childhood Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 0362
Room 520, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Child Development
- Early Childhood Education
- Literacies and Languages
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism
- Assessment, Testing and Measurement
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
Teaching Areas:
Early Childhood Development and Education; Language and Cognitive Development of Young Children; Investigation and Discovery in Early Childhood Education; Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education
Research Interests:
Early Childhood Development and Education; Language and Cognitive Development of Young Children; Executive Functions; First and Second Language Acquisition; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
Google Scholar:
- Home Environment and Young Children’s Executive Function and Language Skills (2023–2024). Principal Investigator. Funded by the University Research Committee, The University of Hong Kong.
- Promoting Executive Functions among Chinese Children: Teacher Beliefs and Practices (2023). Principal Investigator. Funded by the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
- An Evaluation of the Early Childhood Care and Development Programme in Bhutan, (Aug 2019–Jan 2020). Co-investigator. (PI: Prof Nirmala Rao). Funded by the Ministry of Education Bhutan and UNICEF Bhutan.
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Chan, S. W. Y., & Rao, N. (2024). Implementing play-based pedagogy in early childhood education in Hong Kong. In R. M. Holmes & J. L. Roopnarine (eds), Culture, Schooling, and Children's Learning Experiences (pp. 165-180). Oxford University Press.
Rao, N., Su, Y., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2024). Reliability and validity of the East Asia-Pacific Early Child Development Scales: A longitudinal validation study in China. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 55, 1691–1700.
Chan, S. W. Y., Cheung, W. M., & Marton, F. (2023). The early language gap between first- and second-language learners: Acquisition of Chinese characters among preschoolers. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1142128.
Richards, B., Rao, N., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2023). Measuring sustainable development goal target 4.2.1: Approaches to assessing children’s developmental competence. Oxford Review of Education, 49(1), 69–92.
- Chan, S. W. Y., & Rao, N. (2022). Relation between executive function and early language and literacy development in Bengali, Chinese, and Hindi. Reading and Writing, 35, 2341–2364.
- Rao., N., Chan, S. W. Y., Su, Y., Mirpuri, S., Richards, B., Sun, J., Zhang, L., & Ip, Patrick. (2022). Early motor development in China: Secular trends among 4-year-olds. Early Child Development and Care.
- Rao, N., Chan, S. W. Y., Su, Y., Richards, B., Cappa, C., de Castro, E. F., & Petrowski, N. (2022). Measuring "developmentally on track": Comparing direct assessment and caregiver report of early childhood development in Bangladesh, China, India, and Myanmar. Early Education and Development, 33(6), 1013–1035.
- Rao, N., Chan, S. W. Y., Wang, R., Lee, D., Ng, R. Y. T., Becher, Y., Lau, C., Sun, J., Ho, F. K., & Ip, P. (2022). The Hong Kong Early Child Development Scale-3: A validation study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 16(2), 1–23.
- Schirmbeck, K., Runge, R., Rao, N., Wang, R., Richards, B., Chan, S. W. Y., & Maehler, C. (2022). Assessing executive functions in preschoolers in Germany and Hong Kong: Testing for measurement invariance. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Rao, N., Cohrssen, C., Richards, B. (2021). Predicting child outcomes in Bhutan: Contributions of parenting support and early childhood education programmes. Children and Youth Services Review, 126, 106051.
- Schirmbeck, K., Rao, N., Wang, R., Richards, B., Chan, S. W. Y., & Maehler, C. (2021). Contrasting executive function development among primary school children from Hong Kong and Germany. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36, 923–943.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Cheung, W. M., Huang, Y., Lam, J.W.I., Lin, C-H. (2020). Development and validation of Chinese character acquisition assessment for second-language kindergarteners. Language Testing, 37(2), 215–234.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Lau, W. W. F., Hui, C. H., Lau, E. Y. Y., & Cheung, S.-f. (2020). Causal relationship between religiosity and value priorities: Cross-sectional and longitudinal investigations. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 12(1), 77–87.
- Lau, C., Wang, Y., Chan, S. W. Y.¸ Chen, E. E., McBride, C., Tse, S. K., Richards, B., & Rao, N. (2020). Promoting Chinese language and literacy in South Asian pre-schooler and their mothers in Hong Kong: An intervention study. Early Education and Development, 31(4), 561–581.
- Marton, F., Cheung, W. M., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2019). The object of learning in action research and learning study. Educational Action Research, 27(4), 481–495.
- Cheung, W. M., Lam, J. W. I., Au, W. H. D., Tsang, W. H. H., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2016). Examining factor structure of the Chinese version of the PIRLS 2011 home questionnaire. Education Research International, 1–11.
- Hui, C. H., Chan, S. W. Y., Lau, E. Y. Y., Cheung, S-f., & Mok, D. S. Y. (2014). The role of religion in moderating the impact of life events on material life goals: Some evidence in support of terror management theory. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 17(1), 52–61.
Research Reports
- Rao, N., Lau, C., Chan, S., Richards, B., Lee, D., Bacon-Shone, J. & Ip, P. (2022). Consultancy study on the effectiveness of the provision of quality kindergarten education in Hong Kong under the kindergarten education policy.
- Rao, N., Cohrssen, C., Chan, S., & Richards, B. (2020). An Evaluation of the Early Childhood Care and Development Programme in Bhutan. Ministry of Education Bhutan and UNICEF Bhutan Country Office.
- Rao, N., Lau, C., & Chan, S., Koong, M., & Wong, J. M. S. (2018). Responsive policymaking and implementation: From equality to equity: A case study of the Hong Kong early childhood education and care system. Teachers College.
Assessment Scales
- Rao, N., Chan, S. W. Y., Lee, D., & Becher, Y. (2020). Early Childhood Development Assessment Scale (ECDAS). Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
- Rao, N., Wang, R., Lee, D., Chan, S. W. Y., Sun, J., Becher, Y., Lau, C., & Ng, R. (2019). The Hong Kong Early Child Development Scale III Short Form. Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
- Chan, S. W. Y., & Cheung, W. M. (2016). Chinese Character Acquisition Assessment (CCAA). Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
Conference Papers
- Liu, W. Y. E., Cheung, W. M., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2021). Describing transitional competences for grade one students with diverse backgrounds for social inclusion. Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (online).
- Cheung, W. M., Marton, F., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2021). Continuity of phenomenography – Learning study is the answer to “What is to be learned?” Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction SIG 9 (Phenomenography and Variation Theory) Conference 2021 (online).
- Tse, J. K. Y., Chan, S. W. Y., & Chu, S. K. W. (2020). Quality assessment for digital stories by young authors. Paper presented at ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2020 (online); published in Data and Information Management, 5(1), 1–10.
- Rao, N., Chan, S. W. Y., Wang, R. K. Y., Lee, D. P. L., Ng, R. Y. T., Tung, K. T. S., Wong, R. S., Ho, F. K. & Ip, P. (2019). Development and validation of the Hong Kong Early Childhood Development Scale – Short Form (HKECDS-SF). Paper presented at the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society, Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association, & Hong Kong College of Paediatric Nursing, Hong Kong. [Oral presentation second prize]
- Chan, S. W. Y., Cheung, W. M., Huang, Y., Lam, J. W. I., & Lin, C-H. (2019). Chinese character acquisition assessment for second language learners in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2019 Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Cheung, W. M., & Huang, Y. (2018). Do ethnic minority children have equity on the starting line? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
- Cheung, W. M., Huang, Y., Chan, S. W. Y., & Tsang, H. W. H. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy on second language teaching to advance public education. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
- Cheung, W. M., Huang, Y., Chan, S. W. Y., & Wong, W. Y. (2018). Innovative teacher professional development to support the quest for equitable educational opportunity in public education. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
- Chan, S. W. Y. (2017). Challenges in acquiring Chinese as a second language in young ethnic minority children in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on learning and instruction 2017, Tampere, Finland.
- Cheung, W. M., Chan, S. W. Y., & Tsang, K. K-H. (2017). The contributions of learning study to teaching engagement in research in an Asian setting. Paper presented at an invited symposium at the 17th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.
- Cheung, W. M., Chan, S. W. Y., & Fung, Y. M. (2017). Integrating multicultural variations and graphic organizers in enhancing Chinese story writing in grade four students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Cheung, W. M., Lam, J. W. I., Chan, S. W. Y., & Zhu, Y. (2016). A new horizon of teacher professional development: Developing the capability of preschool teachers to teach Chinese language learners using variation theory. Paper presented at the 2016 Conference of the EARLI Special Interest 9 – Phenomenography and Variation Theory, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Chan, S. W. Y. (2015). A case study of the impact of study abroad on identity in young Hong Kong bilingual adults. Paper presented at the Kaleidoscope Graduate Student Research Conference 2015, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Cheung, W. M., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2015). Innovative teacher professional development: A breakthrough in the teaching of Chinese to Chinese language learners in kindergartens. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States of America.
- Cheung, W. M., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2015). The use of observational learning in enhancing Hong Kong grade 5 students’ Chinese argumentative structuring abilities. Paper presented at the 10th International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education Conference 2015, Odense, Denmark.
- Cheung, W. M., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2015). Using hypertext and mind-map to enhancing grade 5 students’ literacy strategies and self-efficacy in informational text reading in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education Conference 2015, Odense, Denmark.
- Cheung, W. M., Chan, S. W. Y., & Wong, W. Y. (2015). Alice in the multicultural-land: The reading/ writing and writing/ oracy correction to enhance Chinese competence in literature education. Paper presented at the 10th International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education Conference 2015, Odense, Denmark.
Conference Posters
Chan, S. W. Y., Rao, N., & Wang, H. (2023). Development of executive functions, language and math skills in Chinese preschoolers. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Li, Z., Rao, N., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2023). Developmental status of young children in China: Findings from parent report and direct assessment. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Rao, N., Yang, S., Richards, B., & Chan, S. W. Y. (2019). Relations among linguistic and non-linguistic factors and children's acquisition of number concepts. Poster presented at the 4th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster University, UK.
- Rao, N., Yang, S., Richards, B, & Chan, S. W. Y. (2019). Are young children developmentally on-track in Learning, Psychosocial well-being and Health? Observations from China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. Poster presented at the 4th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster University, UK.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Lau, C., Richards, B., Chen, E., & Rao, N. (2019). Promoting Chinese literacy of South Asian preschoolers and their caregivers in Hong Kong. Poster presented at the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Chan, S. W. Y., Lau, W. W. F., Hui, C. H. H., Lau, E. Y. Y., & Cheung, S-f. (2016). Causal relationships between religiosity and values. Poster presented at the Conference of Psychology of Christian Faith 2016, Hong Kong. [Best Poster Award]
- Chan, S. W. Y., Hui, C. H., Lau, W. W. F., Lau, E. Y. Y., & Cheung, S-f. (2015). Unpacking the causal relationship between religiosity and values. Poster presented at International Convention of Psychological Science 2015 (under the auspices of Association for Psychological Science), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.