Dr YANG, Ruby C. C.

Dr YANG, Ruby C. C.
Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education
BEd, MEd, MA[Applied Linguistics] (HKU), PhD in Applied Linguistics (Lancaster), Preparation for Principalship Course for Aspiring Principals (HKU), Registered Teacher Certificate, LPR Certificate of Merit (English Language & Putonghua), BLNST, FHEA
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 4557
Room 659, Meng Wah Complex
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise EdD students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Recipient of the Support Scheme for Excellent General Education Consolidation Course (GECC) ePortfolio Supervision, The Education University of Hong Kong
William Ritchie Travel Fund (£300) (awarded by Lancaster University)
Journal Articles:
- Yang, C. C. R. (2021). Teaching reading: Struggling readers? Modern English Teacher, 30(1), 52-54.
- Yang, C. C. R., & Chen, Y. (2020). Implementing the flipped classroom approach in primary English classrooms in China. Education and Information Technologies, 25(2), 1217-1235.
- Yang, C. C. R., & Yan, T. L. (2020). An analysis of gender representation in Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) English language papers for primary school students in Hong Kong. Sexuality and Culture, 24(4), 1128-1149.
- Gan, Z., Liu, F., & Yang, C. C. R. (2020). Student-teachers’ self-efficacy for instructing self-regulated learning in the classroom. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(1), 120-123.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2019). Student responses to online peer assessment in tertiary English language classrooms. TSEL-EJ, 23(1), 1-24.
- Gan, Z., & Yang, C. C. R. (2018). How prepared are the preservice ESL teachers to teach: Insights from university supervisor feedback. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(1), 99-117.
- Gan, Z., Liu, F., & Yang, C. C. R. (2017). Assessment for learning in the Chinese context: Prospective EFL teachers’ perceptions and their relations to learning approach. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(6), 1126-1134.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2017). An investigation of the use of the ‘flipped classroom’ pedagogy in secondary English Language classroom. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 16, 1-20.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2016). Are males and females still portrayed stereotypically? Visual analyses of gender in two Hong Kong primary English Language textbook series. Gender and Education, 28(5), 674-692.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2015). Technology as both tool and content in the EFL class. TESL Reporter, 48(1), 56-59.
- Gan, Z., Stapleton, P., & Yang, C. C. R. (2015). What happens to students’ English after one year of English-medium course study at university?Applied Language Learning, 25(1&2), 71-91.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2012). Is gender stereotyping still an issue? A corpus-based analysis of a Hong Kong primary English textbook series. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 33-49.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Investigating the information technology courses for pre-service and in-service English teachers in Hong Kong: A case study. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 13(2), 43-57.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Using Microsoft Photo Story for digital storytelling in the language classroom. TESL-EJ, 15(2), 1-9.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of an overseas field experience programme. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(2), 92-104.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Gender representation in a Hong Kong primary English textbook series: The relationship between language planning and social policy. Current Issues in Language Planning, 12(1), 77-88.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Developing an independent learning component for an EFL course. TESL Reporter, 43(2), 36-40.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Using Google Docs to facilitate collaborative writing in an English Language classroom practice. TESL-EJ, 14(3), 1-8.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Teacher questions in second language classrooms: An investigation of three case studies. Asian EFL Journal, 12(1), 181-201.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2009). Theme-based teaching in an English course for primary ESL students in Hong Kong. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 6(2), 161-176.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2009). A case study of the use of short stories in a junior secondary ESL classroom in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Learning, 16(1), 35-50.
Book Review:
- Yang, C. C. R., Wang, W., & Gan, Z. (2021). [Review of the book Flipping acdemic English language learning: Experiences from an American university, by E. Voss, & I. Kostka]. The Journal of Asia TEFL.
Book Chapter:
- Yang, C. C. R., & Kwan, Y. H. (2016). A study of request strategies used by Chinese learners of English in business writing: Its pedagogical implications. In I. H. Mirici, I. H. Erten, H. Oz, & I. Vodopija-Krstanovic (Eds.), Research papers on teaching English as an additional language (pp. 71-88). Rijeka, Croatia: The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the University of Rijeka.
Professional Community Services
- Classroom Language Assessor (English Language), Education Bureau (2013-2023)
- Consultant of English Language Education, Kwong Ming School (2021)
- Adjudicator for the Panel Interview of TWGHs Good People Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2020-21
- Guest Speaker of Macau Teachers' Training on Pronunciation Teaching & Differentiated Instruction for ELT (offered by School of Liberal Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology)
- Invited Article Editor of SAGE Open
- Reviewer of System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, Journal of Immersion and Content-based Language Education, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Heliyon, & Asian ESP Journal
- External Examiner of General Education Courses, Hong Kong College of Technology
- A Taste of University 2017 at Tung Tau Correctional Institution - Teaching male adults English at Tung Tau Correctional Centre
- Chief Examiner of Primary 6 English for Territory-wide System Assessment (Listening and Speaking papers) (2010-2014)
Paper Presentations at Conferences:
- Yang, C. C. R. (2019). Implementing the flipped classroom pedagogy in primary English classrooms in China. Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity. The Education University of Hong Kong, 28-29 June, 2019.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2016). Integrating mobile technologies into a flipped language classroom. 2016 International Symposium on CALL, Qingdao, China. (invited speaker)
- Yang, C. C. R. (2015). Using mobile devices in EFL/ESL Classrooms. The Learning and Teaching @ HKIEd Festival2015. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 20 March, 2015.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2014). Using mobile devices in teaching and learning of English listening and speaking. Sharing on Community of Practice (CoP): Fostering a Mobile Learning Community. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 28 November, 2014.
- Gan, Z. & Yang, C. C. R. (2014). An investigation into score gains on the IELTS. LML Research Projects Sharing. Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 26 August, 2014.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2014). Analysing visual representation of gender in two Hong Kong primary English Language textbook series. International Gender and Language Association Conference 2014. Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre, Vancouver, Canada, 5-7 June, 2014.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2013). Does gender bias still exist? An investigation of two Hong Kong English Language textbook series. The 7th International Free Linguistics Conference (FLC). Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 27-28 September, 2013.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2012). Does a female character always have long hair and wear a dress? Gender representation in Hong Kong primary English Language textbooks. The 4th International Conference on Language and Communication 2012. Bangkok, Thailand, 13-14 December, 2012.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Gender representation in Hong Kong English textbooks: An investigation of collocations of gendered terms in a small corpus. Corpus Linguistics 2011: Discourse and Corpus Linguistics conference. Birmingham, UK, 20-22 July, 2011.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Investigating pre-service and in-service teachers’ views of the effectiveness of the IT modules in their teacher education programmes. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 – Global Conference on Learning and Technology. Penang, Malaysia, 17 - 20 May, 2010.
- Yang, C. C. R. (2009). Theme-based teaching in an English course for primary ESL students in Hong Kong. Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT 2009). Bangkok, Thailand, 16 - 17 October, 2009.