Professor RAPPLEYE, Jeremy A.

Professor RAPPLEYE, Jeremy A.
Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education
BA (Yale), MSc, PhD (Oxon)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 0356
Room 514, Meng Wah Complex
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
- Globalization and policy transfer (‘borrowing/lending’) in education; globalization, international development
- Theoretical debates in comparative education, focusing on recognition and dialogue with marginalized or underrepresented contexts; decoloniality in knowledge production, worldview, and being
- Education transformation in East Asia, including historical dimensions, philosophical foundations, political processes, and globalization; East Asian student achievement and well-being
- Climate change, sustainability, environment, and education
- Future directions in comparative education; values and worldview underpinning current paradigms
- GEORGE BEREDAY AWARD, Comparative and International Education Society, 2013
- BLAKEMORE FREEMAN FELLOWSHIP, Blakemore Foundation, 2011-2012
- CLARENDON FELLOWSHIP, Oxford University, 2005-2009
- Do East Asian Students Achieve Highly At The Cost Of Well-Being? Critical Analysis Utilizing Pisa
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research Principal Investigator (2020-2023)
- Towards Diversification of Global Policies To Enhance Student Well-Being And NonCognitive Outcomes: Bridging Education And Cultural Psychology
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#1430161) Principal Investigator (2021-2022)
- Is An Alternative Concept Of Learning Driving East Asian Achievement? Comparisons of PISA Performance With Implications For Policy
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#17K14019) Principal Investigator (2017-2020)
- Japanese Education Reform Under Globalization: Discursive Space and The Process of Reception
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#09FO0920) Principal Investigator (2009-2011)
- Political Education for Co-Existence With Others: American Pragmatist Philosophy And International Dialogue From a Japanese Perspective
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#18KK0064) Team Researcher (2018-2022)
- Internationalization of Japan’s Educational Research: A Focus On The Function Of Academic Associations
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#19HO1621) Team Researcher (2019-2021)
- Mechanisms of Social Stratification Via Schooling In Late-Modern Societies: A Comparative, Historical, And Sociological Approach
Funding Body: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research (#18KK0064) Team Researcher (2019-2022)
Books / Monographs
Rappleye, J., with Yukiko Uchida (2023). An Interdependent Approach to Happiness and Well-Being. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Rappleye, J. with Kariya, T. (2021) Education, Equality, and Meritocracy in a Global Age; The Japanese Approach. New York; Teachers College Press.
Rappleye, J. with Komatsu, H. (2021) In Japanese 日本の教育はダメじゃないー国際比較データで問いなおす [Japanese Education is Not So Bad: Using International Comparative Data to Rethink our Assumptions]. Chikuma: Tokyo. *** Best-seller in Japan in 2021.
Rappleye, J. with Kariya, T. (2020) Education, Equality, and Meritocracy in a Global Age: The Japanese Approach. International Perspectives on Reform Series. New York: Teachers College Columbia Press. (Open Access)
Rappleye, J. 2012. Educational Policy Transfer in an Era of Globalization: Theory – History - Comparison. Berlin: Peter Lang (Komparatistische Bibliothek).
Rappleye, J. 2007. Exploring Cross-national Attraction in Education: some historical comparisons of American and Chinese attraction to Japanese education. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. Oxford: Symposium Books.
Edited Books / Special Journal Issues
Rappleye, J., Silova, I, Yun, Y. (Eds). 2020. Beyond the Western Horizon in Educational Research: Towards a Deeper Dialogue about our Interdependent Futures. ECNU Review of Education 3(1).
Rappleye, J. with Aizawa, S., Kagawa, M. (Eds.) 2018. High School for All in East Asia. London: Routledge.
Rappleye, J with Silova, I. (Eds.) 2015. Beyond the World Culture Debate in Comparative Education. Globalisation, Societies and Education – Vol.13, Issue 1.
Rappleye, J. with Willis, D. (Eds.) 2011. Reimagining Japanese Educational Change: Borders, Transfer, Circulations, and the Comparative. Oxford: Symposium.
Rappleye, J. with Carney, S. (Eds.) 2011. Education Reform in Nepal: from modernity to conflict. Globalisation, Societies and Education – Special Issue on Education, Development, and Conflict in Nepal. Vol.9, Issue 1.
Reports / International Development Products / Academic Translations
Rappleye, J. with Anayatova, D., Basu, M., Darira, S., Freiband, A., Glanz, D., Halkiyo, A., Hovsepian, S., Jenik, A., Jiang, J., Komatsu, H., Kwarase, P., Law, L., Nielsen, A., Oneill, J., Palandjian, G., Pretti, E., Sanchez, B., Silova, I., Tsotniashvili, K., & CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS (2022, May). Turn it Around! An Education Guide to Climate Futures(Available Online)
Rappleye, J. (2021) Happy Schools! School Guide and Teacher Toolkit. UNESCO-Bangkok. (Available Online)
Rappleye, J. (2017). Toward the Comprehensive Development of Academic Research in the Arts and Sciences: Proposals from the Humanities and Social Sciences. Tokyo: Science Council of Japan **Major report on future of social sciences in Japan (Japanese to English)
Rappleye, J. with Un. L. (2015) Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project: Stocktaking Report. Cambodia: Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education. (Available online)
Rappleye, J. & Miller, A (co-Translators) of Kariya, T. (2013). Education and Social Class in Japan. Tokyo/London: Routledge/University of Tokyo (Chapters 4-8) **Winner of Osaragi Jiro Prize, Japan’s equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize (Japanese to English)
Book Chapters
Rappleye, J. & Komatsu, H. (2023, under review). From the Limits of Growth to The Limits of Imagination: self, education, sustainability. In A. Bryan & Y. Mochizuki (Eds.) Springer Handbook of Childhood and Youth Studies.
Rappleye, J. (2023, in press). Education and Modernity, in M. Ueno, M. Okabe, and F. Ono (Eds.) Philosophy of Education in Dialogue Between East and West: Japanese Insights and Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Rappleye, J. (2022-2023, under review). Why the collective fear of ‘collective’ education?, In S. Aizawa (Ed.) Japan Social and Educational Transformation in Late Modernity.
Rappleye, J. with Silova, I, Komatsu, H. 2020. Will Education Post-2015 Move Us Toward Environmental Sustainability?, in Antonia Wulff (Eds.) The Big Book on SDG 4 (pp. 297- 321). Brill: Leiden.
Rappleye, J. with Silova, I, Auld, E. 2019. Rethinking Education, Values, and Policy Transfer: Beyond the Western Horizon, in G. Fan & T. Popkewitz (Eds.) International Handbook on Education Policy Studies, Volume 1: Theory, Technology, and Methodology (pp. 3-29). Springer: Shanghai.
Rappleye, J. 2018. Toward a New Horizon for Comparative Education?, in I. Silova, N. Piattoeva, and Z. Millei (Eds.) Childhood and Schooling (Post)Socialist Societies (pg. 285- 289).
Rappleye, J. 2018. Towards an original contribution based on “Asian Education? A Review of Existing Theories of Educational Expansion, in A. Shinichi, M. Kagawa, J. Rappleye (Eds.) High School for All in East Asia (pp. 19-48). London: Routledge.
Rappleye, J. with Aizawa, S 2018. Conclusion, in A. Shinichi, M. Kagawa, J. Rappleye (Eds.) High School for All in East Asia (pp. 235-244). London: Routledge.
Rappleye, J. 2018. Borrowings, Modernity, and De-Axialization: rethinking the educational research agenda on Japan for a Global Age, in A. Yonezawa, Y. Kitamura, B. Yamamoto, T. Tokunaga (Eds.) Education in Japan in a Global Age (pp. 53-74). Dordrecht: Springer.
Rappleye, J. & Vickers, E. 2017. Japan: Nationalism versus Internationalism, in G. Mihut, P., Altbach, & P. DeWit (Eds). Understanding Higher Education Internationalization (pg. 357-361). Leiden: Brill.
Rappleye, J. 2014. Foreword, in D. Phillips & M. Schweisfurth. Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method, and Practice (pg. xi-xiv). London: Bloomsbury.
Rappleye, J. 2012. Reimagining Attraction and ‘Borrowing’ in Education: Introducation a Political Production Model, in G. Steiner-Khamsi & F. Waldow (Ed.) World Yearbook of Education, ‘Policy Borrowing and Lending’ (pg. 121-147). New York: Routledge.
Rappleye, J. & Kariya, T. 2011. Reimagining Self/Other: ‘Catch-up’ Across Japan’s Three Great Education Reforms, in D. Willis & J. Rappleye (Eds.) Reimagining Japanese Educational Change: Borders, Transfer, Circulations, and the Comparative (pp. 51-83). Oxford: Symposium.
Rappleye, J. 2011. Re-Contextualizing Foreign Influence in Japan’s Educational History: The (Re)reception of John Dewey, in R. Bruno-Jofre & J. Schriewer (Eds.) Deweyian thought refracted through time and space: Studies on the transcontinental dissemination and culturespecific re-contextualization of educational knowledge (pg. 116-147). New York: Routledge.
Rappleye, J. 2010. Different Presumptions about Progress, Divergent Prescriptions for Peace: connections between conflict, ‘development, and education in Nepal, in J. Paulson (Ed.) Education, Conflict, and Development (pp 51-92). Oxford: Symposium Books.
Rappleye, J. 2010. Compasses, Maps, and Mirrors: relocating episteme(s) of transfer, reorienting the comparative kosmos, in M. Larsen (Ed.) New Thinking in Comparative Education: Honouring the World of Robert Cowen (pp. 57-79). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Rappleye, J. with Kariya, T. 2010. The Twisted, Unintended Impacts of Globalization on Japanese Education, in E. Hannum, H. Park, Y. Goto-Butler (Eds.) Research in the Sociology of Education: Globalization, Demographic Change and Educational Challenges in East Asia (pp. 17-63). New York: Emerald.
Rappleye, J. with Willis, D. and Yamamura, S. 2009. Frontiers of Education: Japan as “Global Model” or “Nation at Risk”? in S. Majhanovich, C. Fox, & A. Kreso (Eds.) Living Together: Education and Intercultural Dialogue (pp. 207-229). Dordrecht: Springer.
Articles in Referred Journals (* indicates first author or co-first author)
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Uchida, Y. (2023, in press) Is Happiness Possible in a Degrowth Society? Futures (available online in preprint form)
Rappleye, J.* (2023, in press) Japan’s Comparative Education Contribution to Global Research: ‘Field as Method’. 比較教育研究 [Comparative Education Research – Flagship Journal of Japan Comp Ed Society] (forthcoming)
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H. (2022). Learning to Be, Differently? UNESCO, The Mutual Appreciation Project (1957-1966), and the Faure Report in Retrospect and Prospect, Knowledge Cultures, 10 (2): 7-23.
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Silova, I. (2022). Education and Environmental Sustainability: Culture Matters. Journal of International Cooperation in Education. Online First:
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Uchida, Y., Markus, H. (under review). The OECD’s “Well-being 2030” Agenda: How PISA 2018’s Affective Turn Gets Lost in Translation (leading journal of educational policy)
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Silova, I., S.P. Fu, M.H. Lin (2022). Measuring the Transformation of University Students’ Self-Construal for Greater Environmental Sustainability. Sage Open (open access)
Rappleye, J., with Yano, S. 2021. Global Citizens, Cosmopolitanism, and Radical Relationality: Towards Dialogue with the Kyoto School? Education Philosophy and Theory [online first]
Rappleye, J., with Nishihira, T. 2021. Unlearning as (Japanese) Learning. Education Philosophy and Theory, [online first]
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Silova, I. 2021. Student Centered Learning and Sustainability: Solution or Problem? Comparative Education Review (open access)
Rappleye, J.*, with Komatsu, H., Silova, I. 2021. Rearticulating PISA. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 19(2): 245-258.
Rappleye, J.* 2020. Comparative Education as Cultural Critique. Comparative Education, 56(1) 39-56.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatu, H., Uchida, Y., Krys, K., Markus, H. 2020. ‘Better Policies for Better Lives’?:Constructive Critique of the OECD’s (mis)measurement of student wellbeing. Journal of Education Policy, 35(2): 258-282.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2020. Towards (Comparative) Educational Research for a Finite Future. Comparative Education, 56(2): 190-217.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2020. Reimagining Modern Education: Contributions from Modern Japanese Philosophy and Practice. ECNU Review of Education, 3(1): 20-45.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2020. Is Bullying and Suicide a Problem For East Asia’s Schools? Evidence from TIMSS and PISA. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41(2): 310-330.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2020. Is Shadow Education the Driver of East Asia’s High Performance on Comparative Learning Assessments. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(67).
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2019. Is Knowledge Capital Theory Degenerate? PIAAC, PISA and Economic Growth. Compare, 51(2): 240-258.
Rappleye, J.* and Komatsu, H. 2019. Refuting the OECD-World Bank development narrative: was East Asia’s ‘Economic Miracle’ primarily driven by education quality and cognitive skills? Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(2): 101-116.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2019. Culture and the Independent Self: Obstacles to Environmental Sustainability? Anthropocene, 26 (online first)
Rappleye, J.* and Komatsu, H. 2019. Is Exam Hell the Cause of High Academic Achievement in East Asia? The Case of Japan and the Case for Transcending Stereotypes. British Educational Research Journal, 44(5): 802-826.
Rappleye, J. 2019.* Origins of the Faith: the untold story of Hugh Wood American Development Assistance in the 1950s, and Nepal’s Modern Education System. Studies in Nepali History and Society, 24(1): 105-141.
Rappleye, J.* with Un, L. 2018. What Drives Failed Policy at the World Bank? An inside account of new aid modalities to higher education: context, blame, and infallibility. Comparative Education, 54(2): 250-274.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2018. Stereotypes as Anglo-American Exam Ritual? Comparisons of students’ exam anxiety in East Asia, America, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Oxford Review of Education, 44(6): 730-754.
Rappleye, J.* 2018. In Favor of Japanese-ness: Future Directions for Educational Research. Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook 12: 9-22.
Rappleye, J. with Auld, E., Morris, P. 2018. PISA for Development: How the OECD and World Bank shaped educational governance post 2015. Comparative Education 55(2): 197- 219.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2017. Did the Shift to Computer Based Testing in PISA 2015 Affect Reading Scores? A view from East Asia. Compare, 47(4): 616-623.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu., H. 2017. A New Global Policy Regime Founded on Invalid Statistics? Hanushek, Woessman, PISA, and Economic Growth. Comparative Education, 53(2): 166-191.
Rappleye, J.* & Komatsu, H. 2017. How to Make Lesson Study Work in America: A Japanese Perspective. Research in Comparative and International Education, 12(4): 398- 430.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2017. A PISA Paradox? An alternative theory of learning as a possible solution for variations in PISA scores. Comparative Education Review, 61(2): 269- 297.
Rappleye*, J. 2017. Experiencing Japanese Education: reflections on my evolving research trajectory. The Journal of Educational Sociology, 100: 23-30
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2016. Living on Borrowed Time: rethinking temporality, self, nihilism, and schooling. Comparative Education, 52(2): 177-201.
Rappleye, J.* 2015. Revisiting the Metaphor of the Island: reflections on isomorphism, transfer, and ‘world culture’ from an island misunderstood. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 13(1): 58-87.
Rappleye, J. with Silova, I. 2015. Beyond the World Culture Debate in Comparative Education: Critiques, Alternatives, and a Noisy Conversation. Globalisation, Societies, & Education, 13 (1): 1-12.
Rappleye,J.* with Carney, S., Silova, I. (2013). Entre la fe y la ciencia: La teoría de la cultura mundial y la educación comparada. Profesorado: Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 17(2), 243-267.
Rappleye, J.* with Carney, S., Silova, I. 2012. Between Faith and Science: World Culture Theory and Comparative Education. Comparative Education Review, 56(3): 366-393. *Winner of the George Bereday Award for Best Paper in CER 2012
Rappleye, J. with Carney, S. 2011. Education Reform in Nepal: From Modernity to Conflict. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 9(1): 1-9
Rappleye, J.,* Imoto, Y., & Horiguchi, S. 2011. Towards ‘Thick Description’ of Educational Transfer: Understanding a Japanese institution’s ‘import’ of European language policy. Comparative Education, 47(4): 411-432.
Rappleye, J., with Willis, D. 2011. Education in Japan: Testing the Limits of Asian Education. Foro de educación, 13: 19-35.
Rappleye, J.* 2010. Catalyzing Educational Development or Institutionalizing International Influence? Donors, Civil Society, and Policy Formation in Nepal. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(1): 27-49.
Rappleye, J.* 2010. Analyzing Educational Transfer within the history of Japan’s Educational Development: the case of the (re)reception of John Dewey. Encounters in Education, 10: 103-133. (in Spanish)
Rappleye, J.* with Willis, D. and Yamamura, S. 2008. Frontiers of Education: Japan as “Global Model” or “Nation at Risk”? International Review of Education, 54: 493-515.
Rappleye, J. with Shields, R. 2008. Uneven Terrain: educational policy and equity in Nepal. Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Special Issue on Education in South Asia – Equity, Policy, and Pedagogy), 28(3): 265-276.
Rappleye, J.* 2008. Reflections on Some Challenges Facing Resurgent Interest in SouthSouth Transfer in Education: A Case for Re-Conceptualization. Society for International Education Journal 5(1): 65-78.
Rappleye, J. with Shields, R. 2008. Differentiation, Development, (Dis)Integration: Education in Nepal’s ‘People’s War.’ Research in Comparative and International Education, 3(1): 91-102.
Rappleye, J.* with Paulson, J. 2007. Educational Transfer in Situations Affected by Conflict: towards a common research endeavor. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2(3): 252-271.
Rappleye, J.* 2006. Theorizing Educational Transfer: toward a conceptual map of the context of cross-national attraction. Research in Comparative and International Education, 1(3): 223-240.
Articles in Non-Referred Journals (* indicates first author or co-first author)
Rappleye, J.* 2022 (in press). Why is it so Difficult to Discuss a “Japanese Model of Education”? Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
Rappleye, J.* 2021. Paideia as Dialetheia? Course Bulletin for Clinical Pedagogy, Issue 9. Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H., Silova, I. 2020. Measuring What Really Matters: Education and Large-Scale Assessments in the Time of Climate Crisis. ECNU Review of Education, 2(3), 342–346.
Rappleye, J.* with Komatsu, H. 2018. Will SDG 4 Achieve Environmental Sustainability? Center for Advanced Studies in Education Working Paper Series #4.
Rappleye, J.* 2009. Decline of the Technocrats in Japanese educational policy formation? Exploring the connections between the loss of Ministry autonomy and recent policy trends with reference to globalisation and educational transfer. Ryukoku University Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies Working Paper Series, 39: 1-22.
Scholarly Book Reviews
Rappleye, J. 2015 Review of International Education Policy in Japan in an Age of Globalization and Risk by R. Aspinall. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
Rappleye, J. 2015 Review of Imagining Japan in Post-War East Asia: Identity Politics, Schooling, and Popular Culture by Paul Morris, Naoko Shimazu, & Edward Vickers (Eds.). Comparative Education Review.
Rappleye, J. 2011. Review of Comparative Education: The Construction of a Field by. M. Manzon. Comparative Education, 48(3): 403-406.
Rappleye, J. 2009. Review of The Politics of Structural Education Reform by K. Niita. Comparative Education Review, 53(2): 237-239.
Rappleye, J. 2008. Review of Comparative Education: approaches and methods by M. Bray, Adamson, & Mason. Educational Review 60(4): 170-192.
Research Dissemination: Commentaries, News Articles, Media Appearances, and Blogs
Hello! From Stanford. Kyoto University Newsletter (June 2022)
The Best Vaccine: Nature, Culture, and COVID NORRAG Blog (October 2021)
How Does Culture Shape Education? Great Transitions Initiative Blog (May 2021)
Covid-19, Climate, and Culture: Facing the Crisis of (Neo)Liberal Individualism NORRAG Blog (January 2021)
TINA Comes to European Education? NORRAG Blog (July 2020)
Facing the Climate Catastrophe: Continuing an Urgent Conversation ASU Advanced Studies in Global Education Blog (16 January 2019)
Framing the Future: PISA for Development and the Future of Education Governance NORRAG (11 December 2018)
Facing the Climate Catastrophe: Education as Solution or Cause? NORRAG (12 October 2018)
What if East Asia’s high achievement is not the result of longer hours of study, cram schools, and exam pressure? British Educational Research Journal Blog (10 August 2018)
‘Where is the World in the WDR 2018? An Appeal to Rename it the American Development Report Education International (January 2018)
Critical Reflections on the 2018 World Development Report: If learning is so important then why can’t the World Bank learn? NORRAG (February 2018)
Test Scores and GDP Fresh Ed Podcast (July 2018)
America’s Economic Future Does Note Hinge on Test Scores, Education Week (May 2017)
Teachers, “Smart People” and Flawed Statistics: What I want to tell my Dad about PISA Scores and Economic Growth Education International (2017)
Is there really a link between test scores and America’s economic future? Washington Post (27 April 2017)
The Cost of Ignorance Revisited: Imitating the OECD or Learning to be Critical? NORRAG (13 April 2017)
Searching for a New Educational Paradigm. KU Graduate School of Education Research Briefs (10 October 2016)
Nationalism vs Internationalism. World University News (with Ed Vickers, published 20 November 2015)
Asia is Japan’s Internationalisation Blind spot. World University News (with Ed Vickers, published 13 November 2015)
Can Japanese Universities Really Become Super Global? World University News (with Ed Vickers, published 6 November 2015)
Japan’s Strange University Globalization (written/published in Japanese as 外国⼈人教員から⾒見見た⽇日本の⼤大学の奇妙なグローバル化)(with Ed Vickers, published July 2015), Chuo Koron [中央公論]
What is a Truly ‘Global University’? Learning the Complex, Diversity of Our World (written/published in Japanese as 真のぐローバル⼤大学は:多様で複雑な世界知ること) (12 November 2015) Asahi Shinbun [朝⽇新聞]
Abenomics and World-Class Higher Education Ambition (20 December 2013). World University News
Higher Education stimulus would be a sure bet Japan Times (13 December 2013)
What does it mean to become Global? A ‘Foreigners’ Perspective from Kyoto University (written and published in Japanese as: グローバル人材とは? 白眉‘外人’研究者の視点), Center for Advanced Research Annual Newsletter (2013)
Response from Stephen Carney, Jeremy Rappleye and Iveta Silova, CIES Perspectives, 159(8) (September 2012)
Is ‘Development’ itself the cause of Nepal’s problems? Republica (Leading Nepal/Kathmandu Daily), 10 January 2011 (full text available free online)
Profile of Professor Jürgen Schriewer for CIEclopedia, January 2011
The Great Hysteric Pupil’s War: A Critical Response. Nepali Times (Leading Nepal/Kathmandu Weekly Magazine), 15-21 December 2006
Professional Community Services
- Comparative Education (and International Advisory Board Member)
- Comparative Education Review
- Compare
- Discourse
- East China Normal Review (Board Member) Journal of Education Policy
- International Journal of Educational Development Oxford Review of Education
- British Journal of Educational Research British Journal of the Sociology of Education Educational Policy Analysis Archives
- International Studies in Sociology of Education (and Board Member) Routledge
- Research in Comparative and International Education
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Education Educational Studies in Japan Spencer Foundation
Service to Comparative and International Education
- Chair, George Bereday Award Committee (2020-2021) Program Co-Chair, CIES 2020 Planning Committee (2019-2020)