Dr LEE, Queenie A. Y.

Dr LEE, Queenie A. Y.
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Ed.D (CUHK), MA in School Guidance and Counselling (CUHK), MA in English Language Teaching (CUHK), PgDE (CUHK), B.Soc.Sc. (HKU)
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(852) 3917 0373
Room 524, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Educational Psychology
- Guidance and Counseling
- Teacher Education and Development
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
Areas of Expertise
School Guidance and Counselling, Career Facilitation and Counselling, School Connectedness, Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing
First Class Honours (HKU)
Dean's List (CUHK)
"A Teacher of Excellence" (EDB and FSTE)
Most-accessed Dissertations and Master's Theses Award (ProQuest)
TWGHs Research Project on Career Planning for SEN Students in Hong Kong
Harrison, M., Lee, Q. A. Y., & Yu, J. (in preparation). School Counselling in Asia. Routledge.
Yu, J. L. H. & Lee, Q. A. Y.(2021). Therapeutic exploration with the Rorschach Inkblot Test: A case demonstration of the lifeworld approach with a child. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 12:2, 127-137, DOI: 10.1080/21507686.2021.1960399
Hui, C., Yuen, M. & Lee, Q. A. Y. (2020). Factors affecting career and life planning for Chinese cross-border senior secondary school students in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, Vol 3(2), pp. 19 – 30. https://apcda.wildapricot.org/resources/APCDJ/A0003_01.pdf
Yuen, M., Lee, Q. A. Y., & Chung, Y. B. (2020). Meaning in life, connectedness, and life skills development in junior secondary school students: teachers’ perspectives in Hong Kong, Pastoral Care in Education, DOI: 10.1080/02643944.2020.1774634
Yuen, M., Chung, Y. B., Lee, Q. A. Y., Lau, P. S. Y., Chan, R. M. C., Gysbers, N. & Shea, P. M. K. (2020). Meaning in life and school guidance programs: Adolescents’ voices from Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational and vocational guidance. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-020-09423-6
Lee, Q. A. Y., Yuen, M., and Yu, J. L. H. (under review). What can we do to help community college students thrive? An exploration of difficulties faced by community college students from a case study in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Social Policy.
Lee, Q. A. Y., & Yuen, M. (2019). The Role of Teacher Care in Determining the Academic Success of Associate Degree Students: A Case Study from Hong Kong. Pastoral Care in Education, 37(2), 94-107 DOI: 10.1080/02643944.2019.1618376
Yuen, M., & Lee, Q. A. Y. (2017). Integrative regional summary. In J. Carey, S. M. Lee, B. Harris & J. Mushaandja (Eds.). International Handbook for Policy Research in School-Based Counseling. New York, Philadelphia: Springer.
Yuen, M., Lee, Q. A. Y., Chan, R. M. C., & Kurihara, S. (2017). School-based counseling policy, policy research and implications: Findings from Hong Kong and Japan. In J. Carey, S. M. Lee, B. Harris & J. Mushaandja (Eds.). International Handbook for Policy Research in School-Based Counseling. New York, Philadelphia: Springer.
Yuen, M., Siu, A., Lee, Q. A. Y., & Chan, M. (2017). Pastoral care and whole school approach. PGDE Integrated Inquiry Material. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education.
Yuen, M., Lee, Q. A. Y., Kam, J., & Lau, P. S. Y. (2015). Purpose in life: A brief review of the literature and its implications for school guidance programmes. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in School, pp.1-15. doi 10.1017/jgc.2015.18
Lee, A. Y. Q. (2014). School connectedness and beyond: Success stories of associate degree students in Hong Kong (Order No. 3690900). Available from Education Collection; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I. (1667737978). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1667737978?accountid=14548
Yuen, M., Lau, P. S. Y., Lee, Q., Gysbers, N. C., Chan, R. M. C., Fong, R. W., Chung, Y. B., & Shea, P. M. K. (2012). Factors influencing school connectedness: Chinese adolescents’ perspectives. Asia Pacific Education Review (ISI 2009 Impact factor 0.25).
Lau, P. S. Y., Lee, Q. A. Y., & Ng, H. T. Y. (2011). Teacher wellness: An important issue in fostering school connectedness and life skills development among students. Asian Journal of Counseling, 18(1,2), 149-169.
Yuen, M., Chan, R. M. C., Gysbers, N. C., Lau, P. S. Y., Lee, Q., Shea, P. M. K., Fong, R. W., & Chung, Y. B. (2010). Enhancing life skills development: Chinese adolescents’ perceptions. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 28(4), 295-310.
Lau, P. S. Y., Chan, R. M. C., Yuen, M., Myers, J. E., & Lee, Q. A. Y. (2008). Wellness of teachers: A neglected issue in teacher development. In J. C. K. Lee, N-K. L. Lo & L. P. Shiu (Eds.), Developing teachers and developing schools in changing context. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
Professional Community Services
Instructor of Diploma of Applied Education (DAE)
Instructor of Career Development Facilitation (FCDi)
Other Professional Qulifications and Credentials
Certified Global Career Development Faciitator (GCDF)
Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP)
Certified Career Development Facilitation Instructor (FCDi)
Somatic Experiencing (Advanced Levels)