Professor CAMPBELL, Paul
Professor CAMPBELL, Paul
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Ed.D. Education Policy and Leadership (University of Glasgow, Scotland)
M.Ed. Education Studies (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
B.Ed. (Hons) Primary Education (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
[javascript protected email address]
Room 644, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Educational Change, Leadership and Administration
- Educational Policy
- Primary and Secondary Education
- Teacher Education and Development
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
Educational Leadership
Leadership Preparation and Development
Education Policy
Education Governance
Sociology of Education
Professional Learning
K-12 Education (Teaching, Learning and Assessment)
Prior to moving into Higher Education, I spent 11 years as a Primary Teacher and Senior Leader (Vice Principal) in schools in Scotland, Australia, Spain and Hong Kong. I retain a strong interest in supporting schools, leaders, teachers, and communities through professional learning and partnerships, and welcome inquires related to this.
- Outstanding Paper Award, Emerald Literati Awards
- Innovation Award – Journal of Professional Capital and Community (JPCC)/ International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- Reflective Practice Award, British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
- ICSEI and Scottish Educational Review Best Paper Award
- PI. Exploring the antecedents and effects of organizational ambidexterity in Chinese contexts. EdUHK Department of Education Policy & Leadership Research Programs Support Scheme. Duration: 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025. Co-I: Assoc. Prof. Haiyan Qian, Assoc. Prof. Sedat Gumus, Assoc. Prof. Jiafang Lu, Assist. Prof. Maxwell Ho, Assist. Prof. Soobin Choi. International Collaborators: Prof. Kai Yu (Beijing Normal University), Prof. Yulian Zheng (Guizhou Education University), and Prof. Marcus Pietsch (Leuphana University of Lüneburg). Budget: $120,000.
- PI. Professional collaboration in the Hong Kong education system: examining the intersection of collaboration and leadership. EdUHK Start-Up Grant for Assistant Professors, Committee on Research & Development. Duration: 15/12/2023 to 14/12/2024. Budget: HK$ 150,000.
- PI. Principal Life Histories in Relation to Reform. Co-I: Prof. Amanda Datnow, UC San Diego, USA and Dr. Vicki Park, San Diego State University, USA.
- PI. Research and evidence informed policy making. EdUHK Faculty of Education and Human Development Targeted Research Exchange Scheme (2023-2024). Co-I: Prof. Melanie EHREN, VU (Netherlands)/ UCL (UK). Duration: 16/09/2023 to 15/09/2024. Budget: HK$ 80,000.
- PI. Collaboration: the ubiquitous panacea for challenges in education. BELMAS Research Bursary (2019). Duration: 26/9/2018 to 25/09/2020. HK$20,000.
- Campbell, P. (2024). Conceptualising collaboration for educational change: the role of leadership and governance, School Leadership & Management. 44: 4, 347-372. (Q1, IF3.7)
- Campbell, P. (2024). Leadership for Action on Climate Change: the role of Education Policy and Professional Standards in the Hong Kong Context. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (Scopus 6.8, IF 3.8).
- Campbell, P., Klein, E. D., & Sawalhi, R. (2023). Leading in times of disruption – preparedness, problems, and possibilities (Part 1), School Leadership & Management, 43:2, 99-103. (Q1, IF3.7)
- Campbell, P. (2023). Teacher Education in a Postcolonial Hong Kong: Forms, Drivers, Influences, and Agency. In: Mifsud, D., Day, S.P. (eds) Teacher Education as an Ongoing Professional Trajectory. Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability. Springer, Cham.
- Campbell, P., Hollweck, T., Netolicky, D.M. (2023). Grappling with pracademia in education: Forms, functions, and futures. In: Dickinson, J., Griffiths, TL. (eds) Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia. Knowledge Studies in Higher Education, vol 13. Springer, Cham.
- Hollweck, T., Netolicky, D.M. and Campbell, P. (2022). Defining and exploring pracademia: identity, community, and engagement, Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 7:1, 6-25. (Scopus 6.8, IF3.8)
- Lu, J. & Campbell, P. (2021). Conceptualising innovation and professional learning in the Hong Kong context, PRACTICE, 3:1, 67-72, DOI: 10.1080/25783858.2020.1831887
- Campbell, P. (2020). Rethinking professional collaboration and agency in a post-pandemic era. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 5:3/4, 337-341. (Scopus 6.8, IF 3.8).
Editorial Work
- Guest Editor – Special Issue: A Nexus Between Teacher Agency and Accountability: Research and Practice, Education Sciences (Q2)
- Guest Editor – Special Issue: Teachers’ Use of Knowledge Sources to Develop and Improve Practice, Journal of Professional Capital and Community (Scopus 6.8, IF3.8)
- Editorial Borad Member – British Educational Research Association (BERA) ‘BERA Guides’ Series
- Publishing Mentor, BERA Curriculum Journal (Q2, IF1.6)
- Editorial Board Member – School Leadership and Management Journal (Q1, IF3.7)
- Social Media Editor and Editorial Board Member – Management in Education Journal (Q1, IF2.5)
- Guest Editor – Special Issue (3 parts) Leading in times of disruption – preparedness, problems, and possibilities, School Leadership and Management, 43(2) (Q1, IF3.7)
- Guest Editor – Special Issue: Pracademia: Exploring the possibilities, power and politics of boundary-spanners straddling the worlds of practice and scholarship, Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 7(1) (Scopus 6.8, IF3.8)
- Co-editor – ICSEI Dialogic (Annual Issue) - International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- Editorial Board Member – Management in Education Journal (Q1, IF2.5)
Professional Community Services
Board and Committee Membership
- National Representative (Hong Kong) - International Study Association for Teachers and Teaching (ISATT)
- Editorial Board Member - School Leadership and Management Journal (SLAM) (Q1)
- Editorial Board Member - Management in Education Journal (MiE) (Q1)
- Elected Board Member and Director – International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- International Advisory Board Member, Leadership for Professional Learning Symposium (LfPL)
- Publications Committee Member, British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- External Reviewer, Master of Education (M.Ed.) international contexts specialism pathways, University of Hong Kong
- Educational Leadership Network (ELN) Coordinator, International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- Reviewer for the journals:
- School Leadership and Management (Q1)
- Educational Administration Quarterly (Q1)
- Management in Education (Q1)
- Journal of Professional Capital and Community (Q1)
- Professional Development in Education (Q1)
- Teaching and Teacher Education (Q1)
- Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (Q1)
- Frontiers in Education (Q2)
- International Journal of Leadership in Education (Q1)
- International Studies in Sociology of Education (Q2)
- Chinese Education & Society
- Conference reviewer for:
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
- British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)
Professional Membership
- Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) – Registered Teacher
- General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) – Fully Registered Teacher
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Division A – Leadership
- Division K – Education Policy
- Educational Change SIG
- International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA)
- Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK)
Honorary Positions
- Honorary International Affiliate, Centre for International Research into Leadership in Education (CIRLE), Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
- Scholar Practitioner Fellow, The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC)