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Professor KOBAKHIDZE, Magda Nutsa

Professor KOBAKHIDZE, Magda Nutsa

Professor KOBAKHIDZE, Magda Nutsa

Director, Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC)
Vice-president, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK)

Assistant Professor

Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education


BA,MA (TSU); MA (TC, Columbia); PhD (HKU)


[javascript protected email address]


(852) 2241 5454


Room 412, Runme Shaw Building

Research Expertise

  • International and Comparative Education
  • Educational Policy
  • Parents and Family Issues in Education
  • Research Methods and Methodologies

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2024-2025.

Comparative Education; Privatization of Education (Shadow Education, Education Markets); Globalization and Education; Large-scale International Assessments (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS); Qualitative Research Methods 


Teaching Area:


MEDD6097, Comparative Education - Approaches, Methods and Themes (MEd)


MEDD6014, Methods of Research and Enquiry (MEd)


BBED5022, Globalization and Education (BBED)


EDU6760, Educational Inquiry (PGDE)


CCGL9022, Globalization in Question: Economic and Human Consequences (Common Core)


MAES7109, Intercultural Communication (MATESOL)


MEDD8886, Qualitative Methods: Research Design, Data Collection and Analysis (MEd)


EDUR8203, Families, Inequalities and Shadow Education 



Geographic Focus:

Georgia and Former Soviet Countries; Hong Kong; South East Asia (Cambodia and Myanmar/Burma)   


  • Wiley Top Cited Article 2020-2021 in European Journal of Education for: 'The Global Diversity of Shadow Education'. 

  • 2020 - Faculty Early Career Teaching Award 

  • 2019 - Letter of Commendation from the Dean (for a PhD Student's Teaching Award) 

  • 2018 - HKU Knowledge Exchange Award 

  • 2017 - Gail P. Kelly Award for Outsdanding Doctoral Dissertation - Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), USA

  • 2016 - PhD Thesis -Awarded Rank of 'Excellent' - Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

  • 2016 - Research Postgraduate Students Publication Award (Incentive Award) - Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

  • 2016 - EURASIA SIG Best Graduate Paper Award -Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), EURASIA SIG, March 6-10, Vancouver, Canada

  • 2016 - United Nation's Sustainable Developmen Goal (SDG) # 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Routledge's Special Collection for 'Corruption Risks of Shadow Education: A Case of Georgia'

  • 2012-2016 - Hong Kong PhD Fellowship  - Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong

  • 2013 - Global Supplementary Grant - Open Society Institute - New York, USA

  • 2009 - International Fellowship - Teachers College, Columbia University  -New York,  USA

  • 2008-2009 - Georgian Government and Open Society Institute Joint Fellowship, Tbilisi and New York

  • 2007 - Visiting Research Scholarship by the Georgetown University - Washington, DC.  USA

  • 2006-2007 - Faculty Development Fellowship - Open Society Institute, New York, USA

Research Projects and Grants  


Principal Investigator (PI) 

  • 2021. "From Tiger Mothers to Outsourced Parenthood". Seed Fund for Basic Research. University Research Committee. Principal Investigator. HK$48,420

  • 2020-22. "Local Anxieties, Global Ambitions: Social Class Impact on Parental Demand for Shadow Education in Hong Kong." Early Career Scheme (ECS). Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Principal Investigator. HK$706,246.

  • 2020-2021. "Kindergarten Wars: The Business of Interview Classes in Hong Kong". Special One-Off Research Fund. Principal Investigator. Faculty of Education. HK$80,000.

  • 2019-2020. Faculty Research Fund. Principal Investigator. HK$32,415.

  • 2019-2020. Special One-Off Research Fund. Faculty of Education. HKU. HK$250,000.

  • 2019-2020. Faculty Incubation Fund for GRF/ECS Proposals. Principal Investigator. HK$10,000. 

  • 2017-2018. "Supplementary Tutoring and Roles of Teachers in Myanmar." Principal Investigator. KE Funding Exercise Impact Project Scheme. UGC. HK$81,860.

  • 2017-2018. "Deepening Understanding and Exploring Diversity of Shadow Education Markets in Georgia". Principal Investigator. Faculty Research Fund. HKU. HK$59,846.

  • 2016-2017. "Intersections of Equity, Quality and Ethics: Shadow Education Provided by Teachers in Myanmar." Principal Investigator. Faculty Research Fund. HK$30,000


Co-Investigator (Co-I) 


  • 2022-2025. "Parental demand for shadow education: Contexts, processes, determinants and outcomes". Funded by the Czech Science Foundation. Collaboration with the Institute for Research and Development of Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prage, Czech Republic, 

  • 2020-2022. "Study on the Provision of International School Places in Hong Kong". Co-investigator. Education Bureu (EDB) Hong Kong. 

  • 2016-2017. "Shadow Education in Myanmar: Private Supplementary Tutoring and its Policy Implications.". Co-Investigator. UNESCO-funded. HK$235,237.

  • 2016-2017/ "Supplementary Tutoring and Roles of Teachers in Myanmar". Co-Investigator. Seed Fund for Translation and Applied Research. HKU. HK$26,000. 

Full list of publications: 


Google Scholar 



Peer-reviewed Journal Articles/Book Chapters  


Other Co-authored Books 


  • Chachkhiani, K., Kobakhidze, M.N., & Gabashvili, M. (2011). Practical Guide for School Principals (II). National Center for Teacher Professional Development. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. TPDC (211 pp). [in Georgian].
  • Kobakhidze, M.N., & Gabashvili, M. (2010). Effective Teaching: Theory and Practice. National Examination and Evaluation Center. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. NAEC. (270 pp). [in Georgian].
  • Goglichidze, A., Kobakhidze, M.N., & Latsabidze, G. (2010). Practical Guide for School Principals (I). National Center for Teacher Professional Development. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. TPDC (176 pp). [in Georgian]

Book/Media Reviews:


  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2021); Cambodia for sale: Everyday privatization in education and beyond. By Will Brehm. International Review Educcation. Routledge, London/New York, 2021, 144 pp. Politics of Education in Asia series. (a view-only version).
  • Kobakhidze, M. N. (2015).Shedding Light on Shadow Education.Comparative Education Review, 59(3), 577-582. Open Access. 

Selected Conference Papers 


  • Kobakhidze, M.N. & Hui, J. (2023). Early Childhood Tutoring and the Kindergarten Admission Rat Race. European Educational Research Association (ECER). University of Glasgow, the UK. 22-25 August, 2023. 

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2023). “Less USSR, More Democracy Please!”: Hope and Discontents in Georgia’s Quest for Academic Freedom. ​Freedom of Academia In and Out: Social Sciences and Humanities in the Times of Geopolitical Crisis.​ 19-21 October, 2023 , Yerevan, Armenia. 
  • Kobakhidze, M.N. & Tsaloukidis, A. (2023). Responding to uncertainity: Hong Kong parents' perceptions of the roles and functions of private tutoring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference in Washington DC, USA. Feb 14-22. (Online)
  • Kobakhidze, M. N. & Hui, J. (2023). Chasing Elitism: From kindergarten interview preparation services to equitable education. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference in Washington, DC, USA. Feb 14-22 (online)
  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2022). In search of legitimacy: Covid-19, education policy responses and emerging forms of public-private partnerships.  Digital education governance beyond international comparative assessment: complex histories, contested presents, and contingent futures. May 25-26. Online Conference.  
  • Kobakhidze, M.N. & Ma, Y. (2022). Revisiting Tiger Parenting: From Cultural Essentialism to Multiple Frames of Reference. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 18-22. (online presentation).
  • Nhem, D., & Kobakhidze, M.N. (2021). New Generation School Education Reform in Cambodia: Farewell to Shadow Education?.Comparative Education Society of Cambodia Annual Conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.October 14-15, 2021. (Online conference). 
  • Kobakhidze, M.N. & Samniashvili, L. (2021). "Less USSR, more democracy, please!: Hopes and discontents in Georgia's quest for academic freedom. University Purpore and Institutional Authonomy: Challenges and their Impact on Georgia, International Conference. October 29-30, Georgia, Tbilisi. (Online conference). 

  • Kobakhidze. M.N. & Hui, J. (2021). Catching the Train: An Emerging Tutoring Market for Kindergarten Admissions in Hong Kong.Comparative and International Education Sociaty (CIES) Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington, USA, April 27, 2021. (conference took place in a virtual space due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • Kobakhidze. M.N. (2020). Desacrilising Teachers: Inside Myanmar's Educational Capitalism. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conferencei in Miami, Florida, March 22-26. 2020. (Conference moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2020). Teachers' Indentities in the Informal Shadow Education Market in Georgia. [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, California, USA. (Conference Canceled due to COVID-19).

  • Jackson, L., Kobakhidze, M.N. (2019). Overview of the Comparative Education Research Centre (special guests). OSF Southeast Asia Education Conference. October, 26-27. Bangkok, Thailand. 

  • Bray, M., and Kobakhidze, M.N. (2018). Shadow Education in Myanmar: Private Dimensions in Public Schooling. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Comparative Education Society of Asia, Siem Reap, Cambodia. May, 10-12. 2018. 

  • Kobakhidze. M.N., Bray, M. & Sutter, L. (2018). The Challenges of Measuring Outside-School-Time Educational Activities: Experiences and Lessons from the Programme for International School Assessment (PISA). Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, April 25-29, 2018. 

  • Kwo, O. & Kobakhidze, M.N. (2017). Shadow Education and the Roles of Teachers in Myanmar: Private Dimensions in Public Schooling. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. March 5-9, 2017.

  • Kobakhidze. M.N., (2017). Intersections of Equity, Quality and Ethics:Shadow Education Provided by Teachers in Myanmar. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Annual Conference in Education University of Hong Kong, March 24-25, 2017.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2016). Mixed roles and identities in the shadow education market in Georgia. Paper presented at the XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2016, August 21-26.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2016). Teachers as Tutors: Shadow Education Market Complexities in Georgia. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Annual Conference Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong SAR, China, 2016, April 15-16.

  • Bray, M. Kobakhidze, M.N., Liu, J., & Zhang, W. (2016). Values in the enactment of shadow education in Cambodia: Living together but living apart. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Annual Conference. Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong SAR, China, 2016, April 15-16.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2016). Impact of Shadow Education on Teacher Professionalism and Identity in Georgia. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2016, March 6-10.

  • Bray, M. Kobakhidze, M.N. (2016). Shadow Education in Cambodia. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) the 2016 Biennial Conference. De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 2016, January 28-30.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2015). Teacher Professionalism in Marketized Georgia. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference. Washington DC, USA, 2015, March 8-13.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2015). Corruption Risks of private tutoring: Case of Georgia. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Annual Conference. The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, China, 2015.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2014). Teachers as Tutors: Teachers’ Dual Lives in the Republic of Georgia. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Annual Conference. The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, China, 2014.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2012). Teacher Certification Examinations in Georgia: A two Year Experience. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society’s (CIES) Annual conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico April, 2012.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2010). Teacher Salaries and Incentives in Georgia. Paper presented at the Second East Asian Conference in Teacher Education Research. Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIED). Hong Kong, China. December 15-17, 2010.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2010). Teacher Incentives and Future of Merit-based Pay in Georgia.The XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Boğaziçi University, Department of Education, Istanbul, Turkey. June 14-18, 2010.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. (2010). Education and Military Expenditure in the Baltic States. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society 54th Annual Conference (CIES). Chicago, USA. March 1-5, 2010.

  • Kobakhidze, M.N. & Revishvili, N. (2009). International Models in Georgian Education System. Paper presented at theOpen Society Institute (OSI) – New York Annual Conference. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education. April, 2009.

  • Henninger, M. & Kobakhidze, M.N. (2007). Four Cultures of the West . . . and Beyond. Paper presented at the Open Society Institute (OSI) – New York Annual Conference. Rutgers University, School of Arts and Sciences. April – May, 2007.

  • Bakhtadze, R. & Kobakhidze, M.N. (2006). Georgia After Revolution of Roses: Achievements and Challenges. Paper presented at the Open Society Institute (OSI) – New York Annual Conference. Brown University, the Watson Institute of International Studies. May 2006.


Other Publications (Newspaper/Media)




  • Associate Editor: International Journal of Comparative Education and Development (IJCED)

  • Co-Editor of Orbis Scholae's special issue (2020) (together with Dr Vit Stastny) published by Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 

  • Editorial Board Member - Academic Praxis. 

  • Editorial Board Member - Asia Pacific Education Review

Committee/Organization memberships 

  • Faculty of Education

    • Faculty Board member (since 2017)

  • Comparative Education Sociaty of Hong Kong (CESHK)

    • Vice-president (July, 2023 to present) 

  • Comparative Education Research Center, HKU.

    • Director, 2022 to present 

    • Managment Commitee Member (2019-2021)

    • Co-opted member (2018-2019)

    • Head of the Shadow Education SIG (since 2018)

  • Comparative and International Education Sociaty (CIES). USA.

    • Annual Conference Planning Committee member (2015-2016)

    • Deputy Conference Manager (2015-2016)

    • Member (since 2010)

    • Eurasia SIG (Founding Member since 2012)

      • Dissertation award commitee member 

      • Travel grant award commitee member 

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)

    • Lives of Teachers SIG 

  • Higher Education Institute. Education Policy Unit. HKU.

    • Organising committee member (2018)

    • Organising committee member (2017)

  • Postgraduate Student Research Conference 

    • Organising committee member (2018)

    • Reviewer (2017-present)

  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Tbilisi State University

    • Faculty search committe member (July, 2018)

  • Georgian Educational Research Association (GERA) (Founding Member)

  • International Society for Philosophers  

  • Georgian Association for Analytical Psychology 

  • Societe Internationnale pour L'etude de la Philosophie Medievale (SIEMP)

USAID Georgia (2022-2023)

  • Grant Commitee Member. Strategic Support and Policy Grants (SSPG) program (education, healthcare and social protection) 

Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (Canada). 

  • Member of the Independent Assessment Panel - KIX EAP Regional Call (Europe, Asia and Pacific) 

Reviewer for Journals: 

  • Comparative Education Review (CER); Oxford Review of Education; International Journal of Educational Development (IJED); Globalisation, Societies and Education (GSE); European Education (EE); Asia Pacific Journal of Education (APJE); Asia Pacific Education Review (APER); Comparative and International Education (CIES) Annual Conferences; Journal of Eurasian Studies.  


Invited Talks/Keynotes 


  • "Downward Pressure: Insights into Kindergarten Tutoring in Hong Kong". Invited seminar by Education and Social Research Institute at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). November 10, 2023. 

  • "Collaboration or Competition: A Difficult Balance in Education". A Keynote. Conference organized by Education for All (EFA) Coalition to honor National Teachers Prize participant teachers. July 27, 2023. Tbilisi, Georgia.

  • "Publishing in English Language Journals: Strategies and Practical Advice". Invited Doctoral Seminar. School of Education, Ilia State University. June 26, 2023. Tbilisi, Georgia.

  • "Educational Dilemmas in the Context of Globalization". A Keynote. Conference Organized by Education for All Coalition (EFA), Consultation and Training Center (CTC), and School-lab. September 20, 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia. 

  • "Navigating the Challenges of Academic Freedom in Post-Soviet Georgia: De Jure Declarations, De Facto Realities". Invited talk. Organised by Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC), American Councils and American Research Institute of the South Caucasus. July 19, 2023. 

  • "The Imagined freedom: Challenges of Academic Freedom in Post-Soviet Georgia". Invited talk. Organised by Eurasia SIG of Comparative and International Education Society of USA (CIES). May 31, 2023.  

  • SAGE Research Methods, Invited case study, video talk.  'Adapting a Qualitative Interview Study for Educational Research' (2023).  

  • "How to write and publish academic articles in peer-reviewed journals". Invited talk at the Faculty of Psychological and Educational Studies. Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi, Georgia. October 11, 2022. 

  • "Revisiting tiger parenting: From cultural essentialism to multiple frames of reference". Invited speaker. Institute for Research and Development of Education. Faculty of Education, Charles University. Prague, Czech Republic. June 8, 2022. 

  • "PhD journey and beyond: Strategies to write and publish academic papers". Invited speaker. Institute for Research and Development of Education. Faculty of Education, Charles University. Prague, Czech Republic. June 9, 2022. 

  • "Tiger parenting under globalization: Social class, ethnicity and culture". Invited keynote speaker. Global Public Seminars in Comparative and International Education. Department of Education. University of Oxford. March 16, 2022. 

  • "Working in higher education beyod the West: Job prospects, opportunities and challenges". New Scholars Workshop, vCIES 2021. A panel speaker. April 27, 2021. 

  • "Kindergarten admission competition during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong". RTHK Radio 3, "123 Show". February 26, 2021. 

  • "Reopening Schools, Reimagining Education: Experiences from the Central and West Asian Countries". Webinar. Invited keynote speaker. Asian Development Bank (ADB). December 16, 2020.

  • "Education in the Time of COVID-19". Webinar. Invited keynote speaker. UCL Institute of Education. September 25, 2020.

  • "Online tutoring and COVID-19". Public lecture. Caucasus University, School of Education. May 27, 2020.

  • "Universities and COVID-19". Invited speaker. Webinar. April, 10. 2020. 

  • "Online teaching, Hong Kong experience". Public lecture. Sokhumi University. Tbilisi, Georgia. April, 24. 2020.

  • Resilient Asia Webinar session #4. Ornagised by Resilio and Black Dog Consultants. April 21, 2020.

  • "Working in higher education beyond the West/Global North: job prospects, opportunities and challenges". A panel speaker. New Scholars Essential Workshop. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Miamim Florida, USA. March 27, 2020. (The event moved online due to COVID-19).

  • Postgraduate Research Conference. "Common Mistakes that postgraduate students make when transitioning to the first job academic job". Together with Yeung P.S. & Zhu, Z. May, 2019. 

  • "PhD journey and beyond". Interdisciplinary lab. A pair of talks organised by the Department of Educational Sciences, Tbilisi State University. July, 10-11. 2018.

  • Research Seminar. Shadow education in Myanmar: Private supplementary tutoring and its policy Implications. CERC & Faculty of Education, HKU. September, 2018. 

Knowledge Exchange 


Newspaper interviews:


TV/Radio interviews: 


Other KE seminars: 


  • Knowledge Exchange Seminar for Public School Teachers. "Competition in Education: Global Trends and Local Challenges." Organized by Sajarejo Municipality (Georgia) for local school teachers on June 26, 2023.

  • Invited speaker for “Resilient Academics” Podcast, 2022. 
  • Knowledge Exchange Seminar. "Admission Olympics: Expanding Tutoring Market for Kindergarten Admissions in Hong Kong". July 15, 2021. 
  • Book launch  "Teachers as Tutors: Shadow Education Market Dynamics in Georgia. Writers' House, Tbilisi. Georgia. August 2, 2018.
  • A pair of knowledge exchange workshops for teachers, school principals, NGO representatives. "Private Tutoring in Myanmar: Major Study Finidngs". Yangon, Myanmar. KE Impact project Scheme. April 25-26, 2018.  

PhD/EdD Students under Supervision and Co-supervision


Primary Supervision: 

  1. Li Jun (PhD) (Graduated in 2023) "Operators of Private Tutoring Business in Chongqing, China: Entrepreneurship in Multiple Social Cognitive Inclusions".
  2. Peter Suante (PhD) (Graduated in 2022) "Normalizing private tuition in Myanmar: Implications of embodied dispositions and forms of capital".
  3. Yvette Leung (PhD) "Parentocracy in the spotlight: how parents’ wish and wealth shape students’ English private tutoring experiences and learning opportunities in Hong Kong".
  4. Weilin Wang(PhD). "The Triangular Relationship between Curriculum Standard, High-Stakes Examination and Instruction in China".
  5. Claudia Chan (EDd). "Student agency in shaping and curating tutorial learning experiences: Case studies of secondary school students’ learner identities in Hong Kong".
  6. Alexandros Tsaloukidis (PhD). "Reflecting (on) uncertainty through tutoring: A case study of private tutoring-related risk perceptions of parents in Hong Kong from the perspective of risk society theory".
  7. Renxiang Tian (PhD). "Reshaping the ecosystem of education: An ethnographic study of teachers’, students’ and parents’ experience after China’s Double Reduction Policy." 
  8. Lelyzaveta Shchepertylnykova (PhD). "Intellectual Leadership in Post-Totalitarian Education Systems: the Study of Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine".


  1. Xiujuan Xie (PhD) 
  2. Wu Jiajun (PhD)
  3. Bi Xin (PhD)
  4. Lam Si Man (PhD)