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Dr TIET, My Chanh

Dr TIET, My Chanh



Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education


Ed.D. (HKU)
M.Ed. (University of Western Australia)
B.A. (UC Berkeley, USA)


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(852) 3917 7606


Room 658, Meng Wah Complex

  • Teacher Learning, Teacher Reflection
  • Teacher Professional Development & Teacher Education
  • English primary language education - ESL methodologies, curriculum design & evidence-based instruction
  • Literacy approaches

Journal Articles:

Moorhouse, B.L. & Tiet, M.C. (2021). Attempting to implement a pedagogy of care during the disruptions to teacher education caused by COVID-19: A collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education. 


Book Chapters:

Moorhouse, B.L. & Tiet, M.C. (2023). What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about becoming a teacher: Lessons for post-pandemic realities. In Marsh-Davies K, & Burnett, C (Eds). Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change. Routledge 

(2021 - present)  Member, Moderation Committee, The Education Bureau, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region