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Professor YUEN, Man Tak

Professor YUEN, Man Tak


Director of Laboratory and Program for Creativity and Talent Development (CnT),
Co-Director of Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE),
Chartered Psychologist & Associate Fellow (BPS),
Certified Counsellor, Approved Supervisor & Fellow (HKPCA),
Registered Psychologist (Counselling Psychology and Educational Psychology) & Fellow (HKPsS)
Registered Clinical Supervisor, Asian Professional Counselling & Psychology Association (APCPA)
Educational Psychologist in Accredited Register (HKAEP)

Associate Professor

Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development


Ph.D.(CUHK), MSc.(London), MAEd (CUHK), Cert.Ed.(HKU), B.Soc.Sc.(HKU)


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(852) 3917 8542


Room 518, Meng Wah Complex

Research Expertise

  • Child Development
  • Educational Psychology
  • Guidance and Counseling
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Special/Inclusive and Gifted Education

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2024-2025.

Teaching Areas:

  • MEDD7001 Psychology and Education of the Gifted and Talented Learners
  • MEDD7038 Counselling, Career Education and Talent Development in Schools
  • MEDD6248 Theories and Practices of Counselling and Group Guidance
  • MEDD8884 Career Counselling and Talent Development in Schools 
  • MEDD8008 Research Project
  • MEDD8009 Professional Portfolio
  • MEDD8602 Practicum in Counselling and Group Guidance
  • MEDD8603 Practicum in Gifted Education and Talent Development  
  • EDUC7166 Supporting Gifted and Talented Learners in Schools
  • EDUC7167 Supporting Students' Career Planning and Life Skills Development  
  • EDUR8043 Career Education and Life Skills Development in Schools 
  • EDUR8100 Nurturing Creativity and Talent Development 
  • PhD and EdD Dissertation Supervision


Research Interests:

  • Connectedness, self-efficacy, meaning in life, life satisfaction, life career development and well-being of children and young people
  • Connectedness, self-efficacy, meaning in life, life satisfaction, life career development and well-being of gifted learners and people with special needs
  • Social cognitive theory, social cognitive career theory, sociocultural perspective, perfectionism, gifted education and talent development programmes, inclusive and special education, invitational education, social and emotional learning, comprehensive guidance and counseling programmes in schools, programme and policy evaluation, meta-analysis, Adlerian individual psychology and well-being 

  • 2022 Honorary Advisor, Asian Professional Counselling & Psychology Association 
  • 2022 Vice- President, Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness Long Service
  • 2022 Long Service Award (25 years), The University of Hong Kong
  • 2022 Registered Clinical Supervisor, Asian Professional Counselling & Psychology Association (APCPA) 
  • 2021 Member, Editorial Board, Gifted Education International
  • 2021 Member, Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Career Development
  • 2020 Member, Editorial Board, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
  • 2018 Lead Editor, Springer Book Series Advancing Inclusive and Special Education in the Asia-Pacific
  • 2018 Principal Investigator (2018 – 2022) Jockey Club Project Play and Gain Social-Emotional Learning from Kindergarten to Community
  • 2017 Regional Leader for East Asia (2017), International Society for Policy Research and Evaluation in School-Based Counseling
  • 2016 Principal investigator (2016-2017) QEF "No Play No Gain" Kindergarten Social Emotional Learning Project
  • 2016 Executive Committee Member, Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness
  • 2015 Fellow, Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • 2015 Faculty Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2014, The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education
  • 2014 Fellow, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  • 2014 Long Service Award (15 years), The University of Hong Kong
  • 2013 Marden Scholar, Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, HKU
  • 2012 Principal Investigator (2012- 2015) GRF Project “Life skills development in junior secondary students: influence of purpose, connectedness and comprehensive guidance programs”
  • 1989  Hong Kong Government Training Scholar, Hong Kong Government Training Scholarship in Educational Psychology


  • Professional Development Programme for Special Educational Needs Coordinators in Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools (2024/25 - 2026/27 School Years)

    Project Lead: Mantak YUEN (Course Coordinator and Principal Investigator)                                                                                      Co-Project Leads: Kit CHAN (Co-Course Coordinator and Co-Principal Investigator), Jesus Alfonso D. DATU (Co-Principal Investigator)

    Special Duties: Ricky Van Yip TSO (Quality Assurance Committee Member, Course Instructor and Co-Investigator), Tsang Nam Janna CHAN (Quality Assurance Committee Member, Course Instructor and Co-Investigator)

    Course Instructors: Derrick AU, Ho Tat CHU, Nga Lei Lilian CHAU, Richard CHIU, Pat HUANG, PL KUNG, An Yee Queenie LEE, Jo NG, Simon NG, Ada SO

    Programme Manager: Virginia CHEUNG

    Quality Assurance Committee Chairperson: Franky Poon

    Funding: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China Education Bureau


  • Development of a Set of Identification Tools for Gifted and Talented Students (PI: Professor Jesus Alfonso D.DATU, Co-PI; Professor Mantak YUEN,  Dr Serene CHAN; funded by Hong Kong Academcy for Gifted Education)    

  • Life Skills and Career Planning Self-Efficacy, Meaning in Life and Social Connectedness: An Online Longitudinal Study of Junior Secondary Students in Hong Kong (Life Skills, Meaning in Life and Career Development Project; PI; Collaborator: Hong Kong Association of Career Masters and Guidance Masters)

  • Life Skills Self-Efficacy, Career Adaptability, Vocational Identity, Meaning in Life, Determination, Hope and Social Connectedness: A Study of Gifted and Talented Students (The Life Skills and Career Development Project; PI; Collaborator: Hong Kong Academcy for Gifted Education) 

  • Jockey Club Project Well-being  (Convenors: Esther Ho, Elaine Chan; Research Partners: Mantak Yuen, Florence Wu; Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust) 

  • Are Triarchic Model of Grit Dimensions Related to Subsequent Achievement Goals and Academic Engagement in Math and Science in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Philippines? (PI: Jess A D Datu; Co-I: M.M. Chiu, Mantak Yuen, Mingchen Fu, Ricci W.T Fong, N J Mateo; Research Grant Council - Early Career Scheme)

  • Play and Gain Social-Emotional Learning from Kindergarten to Community 賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃 Jockey Club ‘Play n Gain’ Project (PI; Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust )

  • Research Study to Develop and Evaluate a Model for Life Planning for SEN Students (F.1- F.3) (PI; Community Services Division Tung Wah Group of Hospitals)

  • "No Play No Gain" Kindergarten Social Emotional Learning Project (PI; Quality Education Fund 2015/0255)

  • Project n KLA-Based Differentiation for Gifted Students in Regular Class (Primary Schools)(PI; Gifted Education Secton Hong Kong SAR Education Bureau)

  • Life skills development in junior secondary students: influence of purpose, connectedness and comprehensive guidance programs (PI; RGC GRF HKU 756312)

  • Overcoming obstacles associated with other learning experiences and school-based assessment: Perspectives of high school students with visual impairment in Hong Kong (PI; Collaborative Research Project of HKU Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education and Hong Kong Blind Union; Marden Seed Grant)

  • Efficacy beliefs in supporting twice-exceptional students among guidance professionals in Hong Kong: Relations to professional burnout and school guidance climate. (project code 201010159021; PI; Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKU)

  • The Career and Life Adventure Planning for Youth Project (CLAP for Youth @JC) ( Chief Principal Investigator: Professor Alvin S. Leung; Principal Investigator: Dr. Esther Y. Ho ; Principal Investigator: Professor Victor C. Wong; Co-Principal Investigator: Professor To Siu Ming; Co-investigators: Professor Stephen W. Chiu, Professor Fanny M. Cheung, Professor Irvin King, Professor Patrick S Y Lau, Professor Pun Wai Yin, Professor Eunice Tang, Dr. Raysen Cheung, Professor Petrus Ng, Dr. Esther Cho, Dr. Pan Jiayan, Dr. Sharon Leung, Dr. Yuen Man Tak; initiated by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust; co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University)

  • Wellness among school teachers in Hong Kong: The relationship with occupational stress and purpose in life (PI: PSY Lau; Co-investigators: RMC Chan, J Myers, M Yuen; GRF CUHK 448310H)

  • Connectedness and life skills development among primary school students: Relationship to comprehensive developmental guidance programs in schools (PI; RGC GRF HKU 754509H)

  • Connectedness, leadership talent, personal-social self-efficacy, and life satisfaction among high ability and average ability Chinese adolescents. (PI; Small Project Fund, HKU)

  • Life skills development and school connectedness among senior secondary students: Relations to comprehensive developmental guidance programs in schools. (PI; RGC CERG HKU 7453/06H)

  • Learning to collaborate: Promoting collaborative problem solving in guiding adolescents in schools. (PI; Teaching Development Grant 2006-2007)

  • Assessing career and talent development among high ability and average ability Chinese adolescents (PI; HKU Project Fund)

  • Life skills development among upper primary and junior secondary students: its relationship to comprehensive developmental guidance programs in schools (PI; RGC CERG HKU 7295/03H)

  • Assessing perfectionism among gifted and non-gifted students in Hong Kong (PI; funded by Faculty Research Fund)

  • Life skills development among senior secondary school students in Hong Kong (PI; Quality Education Fund)

Conference and Invited presentations




Yuen, M. & Chan, S. (2024 May). Cultivating children's talents - Practical tips for parents. Invited Parent Workshop. Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial School. 11 May 2024.   
袁文得、陳穗寧 (2024 年5月)。 培育孩子的才華 - 給家長的實用技巧。 家長工作坊。 吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校。 2024年5月11日。


Chan, S. & Yuen, M. (2024 April). Igniting the spark: Cultivating creativity in primary school students and teachers' mental health. Teacher Professional Development Day. Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial School. April 8, 2024.

陳穗寧、袁文得 (2024年4月)。 燃起火花:培養小學生創造力與教師心理健康。 教師專業發展日。 吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校。 2024年4月8日。


Yuen, M. (2024 April). Advocating for gifted and talented individuals : Reflections in Asian cultural contexts. Invited Presentation. The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. WCGTC Webinar. If You Build It, They Will Come: Advocating for the Gifted.  9 April 2024.


Yuen, M. (2024, March). Guiding and supporting students' career and life planning: Exploring teachers' roles and techniques [Invited Presentation]. Staff Development Day, Valtorta College.                          袁文得 (2024年3月)。指导和支持学生的职业和生活规划:探讨教师的角色和技巧。教师专业发展日。恩主教書院。




Yuen, M. (2023 December). Teacher education and professional development policies and practices in Hong Kong China with reference to guidelines on enhancing gifted learners’ wellbeing. A presentation for the International Symposium on Teacher Training and Professional Development for the Education of the Gifted and Talented in the Asia-Pacific Region.  Pre-event of Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness 2024. Takamatsu, Japan. Dec 10 2023.


Yuen, M. (2023 December). How to support gifted students achieving their best in our classroom? An invited sharing on Staff Development Day. Wah Yan College, Kowloon (WYK). 4th December 2023.


Chan, W.C. M., de la Torre, J., Yuen, M. (2023 October). Pilot study on promoting well-being and positive youth outcomes through a brief intervention program on personal narratives and storytelling. 49th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education.   Texas Christian University (TCU).  October 26th-28th, 2023.


Yuen, M., Ng, A. W.-y., Chan, S.  & Leung, P.K.Y. (2023 February). Nurturing character strengths, creativity and thinking skills: Perspectives from Hong Kong China. An invited panel discussion on Instruction design for inclusive classrooms with high ability students in Asia. Educators’ Summit Asia ‘23. Organized by Partners in UpBringing, Singapore & Koveri Gifted Education and Research Centre, India. February 16 & 17 2023.


Yuen, M. & Feng, J. (2023 April). Equipping teachers to implement positive education at school.  Invited experience sharing and case studies. Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School Staff Development Day Programme.  April 4 2023.




Yuen, M. (2022 July). Hong Kong Counselling Profession: Status and Development. Invited  9th Forum Four Region Special Report.  Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Universities Psychological Counseling and Counseling Summit Forum. Chinese Mental Health Association College Student Psychological Counseling Professional Committee, Taiwan Counseling and Counseling Society, Hong Kong Psychological Society Counseling Psychology Division, Macau Student Affairs Association Co-hosted by Hong Kong Shue Yan University. 袁文得 (2022年7月).香港辅导专业:现状与发展. 第九届论坛四地特邀报告. 海峡两岸暨港澳地区高校心理辅导与咨询高峰论坛.中国心理卫生协会大学生心理咨询专业委员会、台湾辅导与咨商学会、香港心理学会辅导心理学部、澳门学生事务协会 共同主办香港树仁大学承办举行 2022年7月27日


Yuen, M. (2022 July). Hong Kong Counselling Profession: Status and Development, Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Universities Psychological Counseling and
Counseling Summit Forum (Online). 26-30 July, 2022. 


Yuen, M. (2022 July). Life satisfaction of gifted adolescents: Relations with career self-efficacy, perseverance of effort and adaptability to situations. Symposium on Career Development and Well-being of Gifted Learners. The 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG), Taipei, Taiwan, July 9, 2022. 


Yuen, M., Zhang, J., Man, P.K.W., Mak, J., Chung, Y.B.,  Lee, Q.A.Y. , Chan, A.K.C., So, A., Chan, R. (2022 June). A strengths-based longitudinal career intervention for junior secondary school students with special educational needs: Impacts on students’ meaning in life and self-efficacy.The International MIL Conference 2022. Organized  by Hong Kong Shue Yan University,  Gratia Christian College,  Colorado State University. 22-25 June 2022. 


Yuen, M. (2022 May). Laughter yoga:For happiness, health and peace. Invited presentation. Sun Yat-sen University Mental Health Education and Counselling Centre Psychology Talk.  2022 May 27. 袁文得 (2022年5月). 爱笑瑜伽——给大家带来快乐、健康与和平.中山大学心理健康教育咨询中心心理学讲座。


Hsi, T.,  Sou, E. & Yuen, M. (2022 May). Efficacy of a group career intervention with unemployed individuals in Singapore: A mixed-method approach. Asia Pacific Career Development Association. APCDA Conference. May 20 2022.


Yuen, M. (2022, March). Collaborative efforts in supporting all students in schools: The roles of the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education. An invited presentation for the CSGCA Coordinators from Japan. University of Hiroshima Faculty of School Education. March 19 2022. 




Chau, L. & Yuen, M. (2021 Dec). "A Professional Development Programme to Support Hong Kong Early Childhood Practitioners in Assisting Children to Learn through Play" Learning & Teachign Expo LTE presentation 2021 Dec 10. 

周雅莉博士 (助理教授, 耀中幼教學院) 袁文得博士 (副教授, 香港大學教育學

院)(支援香港幼稚園教師 以協助幼兒從遊戲中學習的 專業發展計劃) (2021 Dec). 


Yuen, M. (2021 November).  Well-being in Primary and Secondary School Students during the Pandemic. Invited  presentation. PLK Jockey Club Project Well-being Steering Committee Meeting.  November 5 2021 


Yuen, M., Zhang, J., Man, P.K.W., Mak, J., Chung, Y.B.,  Lee, Q.A.Y. , Chan, A.K.C., So, A., Chan, R. (2021 November). A strengths-based longitudinal career intervention for junior secondary school students with special educational needs: A mixed-method Evaluation.  AHRD-ARACD 2021 virtual conference Hosted by Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), MALAYSIA. 6-18 November, 2021.  Best Paper Award. 


Chan, W.C.M.,  De La Torre, J. & Yuen, M. (2021 August). Fostering students’ well-being through meaning intervention strategies. INPM’s Virtual 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference 2021. August 7 2021.


Chan, W.C.M.,  De La Torre, J. & Yuen, M. (2021 July) Adolescents’ meaning, purpose and satisfaction in life, emotional regulation, and social connectedness: A review with implications for research and practice in the context of a pandemic. 15th The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education APNME Annual Conference. July 9 to 11, 2021


Yuen, M., Ho, E. Y. F., Yang, V. & Zhang, J. (2021 July). Landscape of well-being in primary school students in Hong Kong. Invited presentation. Project Official Launch Event cum Year end Symposium. Jockey Club Project Well-being. July 5 2021


Zhang, J., Yuen, M., Ho, E. Y. F. & Yang, V. (2021 July). Landscape of well-being in secondary school students in Hong Kong. Invited presentation. Project Official Launch Event cum Year end Symposium. Jockey Club Project Well-being. July 5 2021


Chan, S., Leung, S. & Yuen, M.(2021 August). Talent development and early career awareness: Stories from a creative cross-disciplinary workshop. On demand Presentation. 2021 Virtual WCGTC World Conference. World Council For Gifted and Talented Children. July 31- August 1, August 7-8 2021. 


Yuen, M., Fang, L., Fung, E., Chan, S., Wong, J.K.Y., & Wu, F. (2021 August).  Life satisfaction of gifted and average adolescents in Hong Kong. On demand Presentation. 2021 Virtual WCGTC World Conference. World Council For Gifted And Talented Children. July 31- August 1, August 7-8 2021. 


Yuen, M.,  Zhang, J., Ho, E. Y.F. &  Yang, V. (2021 March). Primary school students’ subjective well-being and life skills self-efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic: Association with time spent on leisure activities, meaning in life and social connectedness. International Virtual Conference on Comparative School Counseling, organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society. 22-25 March 2021


Yuen, M., Zhang, J., Chung, Y.B., Lee. Q. A. Y. & Chan, R.T. H. (2021 March). A strengths-based longitudinal career intervention for junior secondary school students with special educational needs: A mixed-method evaluation. International Virtual Conference on Comparative School Counseling, organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society. 22-25 March 2021


Ho, E., Tsang, J., Yau, F., Tsui, J., Lee, B. & Yuen, M.(2021 January). HKACMGM student support experiences in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Suggestions for policy changes  Invited Presentation. ISPRESC 2020-21 Online Conference. Assuring Equity in Access to Quality School-Based Counselling Services in Response to the COVID19 Pandemic.  24th Jan 2021 

Wu, F.,  Yuen, M., Lee, Q. &  Chu, M. (2021 January). An online service for trainee counsellors in response to the COVID19 pandemic: A description of the service and participating students’ experiences. Invited Presentation. ISPRESC 2020-21 Online Conference. Assuring Equity in Access to Quality School-Based Counselling Services in Response to the COVID19 Pandemic.  10th Jan 2021




Yuen, M. (2020 October). Cultivate young people's sense of connection, life meaning, career and life skills development in the "new normal" world. Invited keynote speech. Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters 2020 Annual General Meeting Keynote Talk.  Holy Trinity College October 22 2020. 袁文得 (2020 10月). 在“新常態”世界中培養年輕人 的聯繫感, 人生意義, 生涯和生活技能發展. 香港輔導教師協會2020年周年大會主題演講.  寶血會上智英文書院. 22/10/2020


Fung, E., Yuen, M., Chan, S. , Wu, F. & Zhang, J. (2020 Nov).  Grit: Its link with academic and career self-efficacy, meaning in life, social connectedness and talent. A presentation in the Symposium on Life Skills Self-Efficacy, Meaning in Life, Grit, Hope and Social Connectedness: A Study of Gifted and Talented Students. 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Daegu, Korea. Nov 27-29, 2020.

Wu, F., Yuen, M., Chan, S., Fung, E. & Zhang, J. (2020 Nov).  Hope: Its link with personal and social self-efficacy, meaning in life, social connectedness and talent. A presentation in the Symposium on Life Skills Self-Efficacy, Meaning in Life, Grit, Hope and Social Connectedness: A Study of Gifted and Talented Students. 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Daegu, Korea. Nov 27-29, 2020.  

Yuen, M. & Zhang, J.  (2020 Nov). School connectedness: Its link with career and talent development self-efficacy, parent care, parent control, and talent.  A presentation in the Symposium on Life Skills Self-Efficacy, Meaning in Life, Grit, Hope and Social Connectedness: A Study of Gifted and Talented Students. 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Daegu, Korea. Nov 27-29, 2020.  


Yuen, M. & Yau, F. (2020 June). Life planning education and career guidance services for students (From career assessments to individual guidance). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students (From Career Assessments to Individual Guidance), 2019/20 School Year.  University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 26 June  2020.


Yuen, M. & Tsui, J. (2020 June). Life planning education and career guidance services for students (From career assessments to group guidance). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students (From Career Assessments to Group Guidance)     2019/20 School Year. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 12 June 2020.         


Yuen, M. & Ho, E,Y.F. (2020 June). Thematic seminar for secondary school teachers on life planning education and career guidance services for students with special educational needs, 2019/20 School Year. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 5 June 2020.


Yuen, M. & Liu, S. (2020 June). Play education and treasure game. Knowledge exchange seminar. An invited presentation. Faculty of Education University of Hong Kong. 2020 June 20.




Yuen, M. (2019 November). Life career planning project for junior secondary students with special educational needs: School-based research and practices. Invited Presentation. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Inclusive Education Forum “Harmony in Diversity – Prospects of Inclusive Education Theory and Practice”. City University of Macau. November 7 2019


Yuen, M. (2019 November). Life planning for gifted learners. An invited seminar. 2019 Life Planning Education Conference. HKSAR Education Bureau. November 1 2019


Yuen, M. (2019 November). Nurturing adolescents’ career and talent development. Invited Keynote Presentation. "Assessment and Counselling" 2019 Life Planning Education Conference. EDB Kowloon Education Services Centre. November 1 2019


Yuen, M., Chan, S. & Chow, J. (2019 April). Preparation of teachers for gifted learners. Invited Symposium. 2019 Biennia Conference of the International Research Association for Talent Develeopment and Excellence. National Taiwan Normal University. 12-16 April 2019.


Yuen, M. (2019 February). Parents workshop on career and life planning of gifted learners. Invited chairperson and facilitator. Hong Kong Academcy for Gifted Education. 23 February 2019.




Yuen, M. (2018 March). How to supervise/write a coherent dissertation: Some useful practices. Invited presentation. Lunch Forum. Faculty of Education University of Hong Kong. March 1 2018


Yuen, M. & Chung, Y.B. (2018 January). Career development research findings: Implications for teachers of junior secondary students with special educational needs. Invited presentation. Symposium on Individual Life Planning: Teachers’ roles in career-related support for junior secondary students with special educational needs. Co-organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals School Social Work Services and HKU CAISE. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. January 13 2018.




Yuen, M. (2017 November). Life skills development in junior secondary students: influence of purpose, connectedness and comprehensive guidance programs. An invited presentation for Research Grants Council Visit Panel. November 23 2017. Hong Kong, China: Education University of Hong Kong.


Yuen, M., Liu, S.H., Chan, P.S.F., Lau, A., Cheung, V., Hsieh, W.-Y., & Lee, D. (2017). “No Play No Gain” Kindergarten Social Emotional Learning Project: Research Summary and Tables. The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.


Yuen, M. (2017 June). Enhancing students’ connectedness, meaning in life, life skills self efficacy, career adaptability: Life skills development model. Invited presentation. 5th National Humanistic Psychological Counseling and Therapy Conference.  Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus. June 8-10 2017. (In Putonghua)




Yuen, M., Yau, F.S.Y., Tsui, J.Y.C., Tsang, J.C.T., & Lee, B.S.F. (2017 May). Career education and vocational training in Hong Kong. Invited country paper. NYPI International Conference and International Conference of ARACD 2017. Seoul, South Korea: Sheraton Seoul Palace Gangnam Hotel. May 17th 2017


Yuen, M. (2016 Dec). Nurturing students’ connectedness, meaning in life and life skills self-efficacy among talented students: The Life Skills Development Model. An invited presentation in The SEN Theatre in Learning & Teaching Expo 2016. Hong Kong Education City. Dec 8 2016.


Yuen, M. (2016 Dec). Let no one steal your dreams. An invited opening address. Macau Project Sharing Session. HKU Centre of Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education. 3 December 2016.


Yuen, M. & Chan, R. M.C. (2016 October). School-based counseling policy, policy research and implications: Findings from Hong Kong and Japan. CERC and CAISE Joint Seminar. Organized by Comparative Education Research Centre & Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education. Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. October 7 2016.


Yuen, M. (2016 July). Nurturing meaning in life, connectedness and life skills self-efficacy among economically disadvantaged students: The Life Skills Development Model. An Invited Presentation in a Forum for the Third International Conference on School Guidance in the Chinese Communities. July 3-4 2016 Taichung, Taiwan.




Yuen, M., Lau, P.S.Y., Chan, R.M.C., & Yau, J. (2015 September).Career adaptability of Grade 9 adolescents in Hong Kong: Relations to gender, meaning in life and connectedness. Invited Presentation. IAEVG International Conference 2015. Organized by International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Asia Regional Association for Career Development & The Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education. Tsukuba, Japan. September 18-21 2015.




Yuen, M. (2014 December). Cultivating purpose of life and work meaning: Career planning education applications. Invited paper presentation. Zhuhai Hong Kong Macau Employment Guidance and Career Planning Education Conference. Zhuhai, China: Sun Yat-sen University. December 5-7 2014. 袁文得培养人生目的和工作意义:职业规划教育的应用 . 第二届珠港澳高校就业指导与职业规划教育学术研讨会. 中山大学珠海校区 . 2014126-7 (In Putonghua)




Yuen,M. & Lee, B.S.F. (2013 Nov). Development of comprehensive guidance and counseling program in Hong Kong secondary schools. Taiwan Counseling Psychology Association Annual Meeting and Conference. Taichung Education University, Taiwan. 中學全方位輔導的發展(袁文得、李少鋒)分組論壇「香港全方位學生輔導的研究與實踐」臺灣諮商心理學會年會暨學術研討會「多元服務需求下的諮商心理專業:優質化的核心能力與人才培育」2013 11 23 台中教育大學 (In Potunghua)


Yuen, M. & Sun, V.J.* (2013 Dec). Current theories in career planning education research in the US and European Countries. The First Zhuhai Hong Kong Macau Employment Guidance and Career Planning Education Conference. Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai Campus), China. 袁文得孫競. 当前欧美国家职业规划教育研究的最新理论. 第一届珠港澳高校就业指导与职业规划教育学术研讨会. 中山大学珠海校区 . 2013126-7 (In Potunghua)




Yuen, M. (2012 May). Assessing career and talent development self-efficacy in Chinese college students. Invited presentation. The 2012 International Conference on Career Development Education. Ministry of Education, China & Tsinghua University, Beijing, China May 24-25 2012.




Yuen, M., Lau, P.S.Y. & Chan, R. M.C. (2011, January). The Connectedness and Life Skills Development Project: Improving comprehensive guidance programs in Hong Kong. 2011 School Guidance and Counseling Conference. Invited presentation. Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University. January 7 2011.




Yuen, M. (2007 July). Research findings on teachers' perceptions of and involvement in comprehensive guidance programs in Hong Kong. An invited presentation. Career Guidance Symposium: Prospects for Comprehensive Career Education and School-wide Cooperation Development. Tokyo, Japan: Works Institute & Japan Professional School of Education. 14 July, 2007.




Yuen, M. (2005 Dec). School counseling in Hong Kong: History, policy, current implementation status, and future directions. Invited keynote presentation. 21`st Century Asia Pacific School Counseling Conference. Macau, China: University of Macau. 3-4 December 2005.


Scholarly books and monographs


  • Bakshi, A. J. & Yuen, M. (2024 Eds.). Counselling and career guidance in Asia: Developments, challenges and opportunities. Routledge.
  • Beamish, W., & Yuen, M. (Eds.). (2022). The inclusion for students with special educational needs across the Asia Pacific: The changing landscape. Springer. 
  • Yuen, M., Beamish, W. & Solberg, V.S.H. (2020 Eds.). Careers for students with special educational needs : Perspectives on development and transitions from the Asia-Pacific region. Springer.
  • Yuen, M., Chan, R.M.C., Lau,P.S.Y., Gysbers, N.C. & Shea, P. M.K. (2015). Life skills development, connectedness and meaning in life as displayed by junior secondary school students in Hong Kong: Brief Report on Follow-up Survey. Life Skills Development Project, Centre for Advancement of Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, M., Chan, R.T.H., Chan, R.M.C., Lau, P.S.Y., Gysbers, N.C. & Shea, P. M.K. (2014). Life skills development, connectedness and meaning in life as displayed by junior secondary school students in Hong Kong: Brief report. Life Skills Development Project, Centre for Advancement of Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, M., Yeung, P. & Ng,M. (2014; editors). CAISE Review, Special Section: Supporting Students with Special Needs in their Transition from Schools to Higher Education, 2
  • Yuen, M., Yeung, P. & Ng, M. (2013; editors). CAISE Review, Special Issue: Learner Diversity in Mainstream Schools and Special Schools,1.
  • Yuen, M., Ho, J., Chung, Y.B.*, Fong, R.W.*, Cheng, S., Ho, J.H., Kwok, D., Ho, S., Tsui, J., Chiu, C.W., Cheng, C. K. Y., Yuen, J., & Cheung, V. (2012). Overcoming obstacles associated with other learning experiences and school-based assessment: Perspectives of high school students with visual impairment in Hong Kong. Collaboration Research Project Report. Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, & Hong Kong Blind Union. pp.50
  • Jin, L.* & Yuen, M. (2012; Guest editors). Asian Journal of Counselling Special Issue: Career Centers: Current International Perspectives, 19(1&2), 1-125.
  • Yuen, M. (2011; Guest editor). Asian Journal of Counselling Special Issue: International Perspectives on Connectedness in Children and Adolescents, 18(1&2), 1-169.
  • McMahon, M. & Yuen, M. (2009; Guest co-editors). Asian Journal of Counselling Special Issue: Internationalization and Career Counselling, 16(2), 91-251.
  • Yuen, M. (2008; Guest editor). Asian Journal of Counselling Special Issue: International Perspectives on School Counseling, 15(2), 103-231.
  • Lau, P. S.Y., Yuen, M., Chan, R. M.C., Leung, T. K.M., Hui, E.K.P., Shea, P. M. K., & Gysbers, N.C (2007). Life skills development and comprehensive guidance program: Assessment and applications.  The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project. pp. 64
  • Shea, P. M.K., Yuen, M., Lau, P. S.Y., Leung, T.K.M., Chan, R.M.C., Hui, E.K.P., & Gysbers, N.C. (2005). Life skills development curriculum: activity plans. Life Skills Development Project, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, M., Gysbers, N.C., Hui, E.K. P., Leung, T. K.M., Lau, P.S. Y., Chan, R. M.C., Shea, P. M.K., & Ke, S.S.Y. (2004a).Career development self-efficacy inventory: users’ manual. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project. pp.52
  • Yuen, M., Gysbers, N.C., Hui, E.K. P., Leung, T. K.M., Lau, P.S. Y., Chan, R. M.C., Shea, P. M.K., & Ke, S.S.Y. (2004b). Academic development self-efficacy inventory: users’ manual. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project. pp.51
  • Yuen, M., Gysbers, N.C., Hui, E.K. P., Lau, P.S. Y., Chan, R. M.C., Shea, P. M.K., Leung, T.K.M.,& Ke, S.S.Y. (2004c).Personal-social development self-efficacy inventory: users’ manual. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project.
  • Yuen, M., Lau, P.S.Y., Leung, T.K.M., Shea, P. M.K., Chan, R. M.C., Hui, E.K.P., & Gysbers, N. C. (2003).(Eds.), Life skills development and comprehensive guidance program: Theories and practices. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project. pp.82.    


Journal articles and book chapters

*research student supervised by Mantak Yuen




185.  Yuen, M. & Wu, L.(2023). Relationship between school connectedness and psychological well-being in adolescents: A meta-analysis. Current Psychology


184. Yuen, M., Chan, R.T.H., Zhang, J.,  Fung, E. &  Chan, S. (2023).Assessing meaning in life for gifted learners: Validation of a Chinese version of Meaning in Life in Children Questionnaire. Gifted & Talented International, 38(1), 1-11.


183. Chan, C. & Yuen, M. (2023) Career decision-making of talented engineering graduates in Hong Kong, Gifted and Talented International, 38:1, 77-90,


182. Jiang, Q., Yuen, M., & Horta, H. (2023). Coping strategies of failing international medical students in two Chinese universities: A qualitative study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-11.


181. Wong, L. P.W.*, Chen, G & Yuen, M. (2023). Career development and the COVID-19 outbreak: protective functions of career-related teacher support.British Journal of Guidance and Counselling



180. Bakshi, A.J.  &  Yuen, M.  (2022) Counselling and career guidance in Asia. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(6), 813-817.



179. Wong, L*., Yuen, M.*, Zhang, J. & Ho, E.Y.-F. (2023). Assessing life skills development self-efficacy: A validation study in Hong Kong, China, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. (*corresponding authors)


178. Fang, L.*, Yuen, M.*, Zhang, J., Ho, E.Y.F., Chan, S., Wu, F. & Xie, N. (2023). A network analysis of positive developmental assets of Hong Kong school-age children during the Covid-19 pandemic. Current Psychology. (*corresponding authors)




177. Yuen, M., Zhang, J., Man, P.K.W.,  Mak, J., Chung, Y.B., Lee, Q. A.Y.,  Chan, A.K.C., So, A. & Chan, T.H. R. (2022). A strengths-based longitudinal career intervention for junior secondary school students with special educational needs: A mixed-method evaluation.  Applied Research in Quality of Life. 10.1007/s11482-021-10028-6


176. Yuen, M., Chan, R.T.H., Wong, S.-W., Yau, J., Zhang, J., Ho, E. Y.-F. , Fung, E., Chan, S. &  and Wu, F. (2022). Are the Dispositional Hope Scale (DHS) and Meaning in Life Questionnaire- Short Form (MLQ-SF) appropriate for use with average-achieving learners and gifted  learners in Hong Kong? High Ability Studies. 


175. Yuen, M. & Chan, R. C.H. (2022). The influence of social connectedness and meaning in life on career adaptability and career self-efficacy in students with special educational needs. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.  


174.Yuen, M., Wu, F., Wong, F., Yeung, P., Lam, C., Chan, K., Ma, G. & Tan, C. Y. (2022). Inclusive education in a Chinese context: A Hong Kong perspective. In The Inclusion for Students with Special Educational Needs across the Asia Pacific: The Changing Landscape (pp. 79-93).  Springer Nature. 



173. Jiang, Q., Horta, H., & Yuen, M. (2022). Factors related to university teaching that influence academic success of international medical students in China. F1000 Research, 11, 894.



172. Wong, L. P., Chen, G. & Yuen, M. (2022). Investigating career-related teacher support for Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance



171. Wong, L., Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2022). Career guidance and counseling: The nature and types of career-related teacher social support in Hong Kong secondary schools. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.



170. Wong, L. P.W.*, Chen, G. & Yuen, M. (2022). Investigating career-related teacher support for Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance



169. Datu, J. A. D.*, & Yuen, M. (2022). Factorial validity of Meaning in Life Questionnaire in Hong Kong secondary school students: A construct validation approach. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35(2), 467–480.


168. Beamish, W., Hay, S., & Yuen, M. (2022). Inclusive Education in the Asia-Pacific: Moving Forward with Commitment and Intent. In The Inclusion for Students with Special Educational Needs across the Asia Pacific: The Changing Landscape (pp. 211-223). Springer Nature.


167. Leung, S.A., Mo, J., Yuen, M. & Cheung, R. (2022). Testing the career adaptability model with senior high school students in Hong Kong. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103808 


166. Jiang, Q., Horta, H. & Yuen, M. (2022). International medical students’ perspectives on factors affecting their academic success in China: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 22:574. 


165. Ng, A. W-y, Yuen, M.  & de La Torre, J. (2022): Service learning online: evaluation of a programme delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong, Pastoral Care in Education, 10.1080/02643944.2022.2099004


164. Zhang, J.* & Yuen, M. (2022). Social connectedness and career and talent development self-efficacy: direct and mediating effects, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,.   50:3, 400-412,



163.Datu, J.A.D., Yuen,M., Fung, E., Zhang, J., Chan, S. & Wu, F. (2022). The satisfied lives of gifted and gritty adolescents: Linking grit to career self-efficacy and life satisfaction. Journal of Early Adolescence. Accepted March 5 2022 Published May 18 2022



162. Leung, S.K.Y., & Yuen, M. (2023). Exploring talented children’s humour through creating pop-up storybooks. Education 3-13. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 51(8),  1325-1341.


161. Wong, L., Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2022). Career guidance and counseling: The nature and types of career-related teacher social support in Hong Kong secondary schools. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 50(6), 897-915.



160. Sou, E.K.L.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2022). Career adaptability as a mediator between social capital and career engagement. Career Development Quarterly, 70, 2-15. (Publication Award for EdD Graduates 2021-22) 



159. Chau, L., Yuen, M., Chan, P.,  Liu, S., Chan, K., Lee, D. &  Hsieh, W.-Y. (2022). Play-based parent training programme supporting Hong Kong kindergarten children in social competence development. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 50 (3), 386-399.



158. Sou, E.K.L., Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2022). Career development in Macao: A perspective representing small states and territories. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.




151.  Yuen, M., Yau, J., Datu, J.A.D.*, Wong, S.-w.*, Chan, R.T.H., Lau, P.S.Y. & Gysbers, C.N. (2021).  Examining the influence of meaning in life and social connectedness on adolescents’ career self-efficacy. Journal of Individual Psychology, 77(3), 335-361.        


157.  Yuen, M., Lee, Q.A.Y.& Chung, Y.B.*(2021). Meaning in life, connectedness, and life skills development in junior secondary school students: teachers’ perspectives in Hong Kong. Pastoral Care in Education. 39:1, 67-83,


147. Yuen, M. & Datu, J.A.D. *(2021). Meaning in life, connectedness, academic self-efficacy, and personal self-efficacy: A winning combination. School Psychology International, 42(1) 79–99.


156. Chan, R. W., Yuen, M., & Tan, C.Y. (2021). Cultural Sensitivity of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in Empathy Measure. International Journal of Childhood Education, 2(3), 19–26.


155. Leung S.K.Y., Choi K.W.Y., Yuen M. (2021). Creative digital art: Young children’s video making through practice-based learning. In: Cohrssen C., Garvis S. (eds) Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


154. Tong, A. M. H.*, & Yuen, M. (2021). Effectiveness of career and life planning in a Hong Kong secondary school: Students’ perspectives.  Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, 4(2), 27-40.   


153. Hui, T.*, Lau, S.S.S. & Yuen, M. (2021). Active learning as a beyond-the-classroom strategy to improve university students’ career adaptability. Sustainability, 13, 6246. 


152. Fang, L.*, Yuen, M., Fung, E., Zhang, J., Chan, S. & Wu, F. (2021). Life Satisfaction of gifted and average adolescents in Hong Kong: Validation of the Chinese Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS). Applied Research in Quality of Life. ( published online 2021-03-25)


151.  Zhang, J.*, Yuen , M. & Chen, G. (2021).Career-related parental support, vocational identity and career adaptability: Interrelationships and gender differences. Career Development Quarterly. 69(2): 130-144. 


150. Zhang, J.*, Chen, G. & Yuen, M. (2021). Development and validation of the Career-related Teacher Support Scale: Data from China. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 21:161–185.



149. Sou, E.K.L.*,  Yuen, M, & Chen, G. (2021). Development and validation of a Chinese five-factor short form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

29(1) 129-147.




148. Yuen, M., Lee, Q.A.Y.& Chung, Y.B.*(2020). Meaning in life, connectedness, and life skills development in junior secondary school students: teachers’ perspectives in Hong Kong. Pastoral Care in Education.


147. Wong, L.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2020). Career-related teacher support: A review with implications for theory, research and practice. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. D


146. Lo, S.K.W.*, Yuen, M. & Chan, R.T.H. (2020).  Child care workers’ perspectives on transition services for pre-school children with special needs in Hong Kong. International Journal of Special Education, 35(1), 29-36.


145. Hui, C.*, Yuen, M. & Lee, Q. A. Y. (2020). Factors affecting career and life planning for Chinese cross-border senior secondary school students in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Career Development Journal. 3(2), 19-30.


144. Jiang, Q.*, Yuen, M. & Horta, H (2020). Factors influencing the life satisfaction of international students in Mainland China. International Journal for Advancement of Counselling. 42, 393–413. DOI 10.1007/s10447-020-09409-7


143.  Yuen, M., Chung, Y.B.*, Lee, Q.A.Y., Lau, P.S.Y., Chan, R.M.C., Gysbers, N. & Shea, P.M.K.(2020). Meaning in life and school guidance programs: Adolescents’ voices from Hong Kong. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 20(3), 653-676.  


142. Yuen, M. & Zhang, J. (2020). LIFE+: Assessing connectedness, meaning of life, life skills and career development to promote positive youth development in Hong Kong. M.Yuen et al. (Eds.), My Career Map 2020: Operation guide  of Life+ (WB and LITE versions). pp. 5-9. Hong Kong Association of Careers Master and Guidance Masters & University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.


141. Fung, J.J.Y.*, Yuen, M. & Yuen, A.H.K. (2020). Online learning for mathematically talented students: A perspective from Hong Kong. In S. R. Smith (Ed.). International Handbook of Giftedness & Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Mustard Seed Singapore.


140.  Yau, F.* & Yuen, M. (2020). Career guidance   for high school students with specific learning difficulties: A Hong Kong perspectives. In M, Yuen, W. Beamish, & S.V.H. Solberg ( Eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs - Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. Springer.


139. Tsui, J.* & Yuen, M. (2020). Career guidance for gifted students in Hong Kong.
In M, Yuen, W. Beamish, & S.V.H. Solberg ( Eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs - Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. Springer.


138.  Chung, Y.B. & Yuen, M. (2020). Views of parents on a career and life planning program for junior secondary students with special educational needs: A qualitative study in Hong Kong. In M, Yuen, W. Beamish, & S.V.H.Solberg ( Eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs - Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. pp.161-175. Springer. 


137.  Yang, J., Yuen, M., Wang, H., Wang, Z. & Sin, K,F.  (2020). Assessing career life skills self-efficacy of students with special educational needs: A comparative study in Hong Kong. In M, Yuen, W. Beamish, & S.V.H. Solberg (Eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs - Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. Springer.  


136. Datu, J.A.D.* & Yuen, M. (2020). Students’ social connectedness links with gratitude and self-efficacy outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 116. 


135. Sou, E.K.L.*, Yuen, M, & Chen, G. (2020). Development and validation of a Chinese five-factor short form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.


134. Wong, L.P.W.* & Yuen, M. (2020). Career guidance and counseling in secondary schools in Hong Kong: A historical overview. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling. doi : 10.18401.2019.9.1.2 


133. Wong, S.-W. & Yuen, M. (2020). Structural validity of the International Survey of School Counselor’s Activities (ISSCA) when applied with counseling and guidance personnel in primary schools in Hong Kong. Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation. 2(1), 81-88.



132. Lee, C.-h., Tse, A.C.-y., Liu, J. , Wong, M.Y.-p., Ho, A.H.-s. & Yuen, M. (2019). New initiative in special education in Macao: A curriculum reform project. International Journal of Special Education, 34(1), 40-50.

131. Leung, S. K.Y., Choi, K.W.Y. & Yuen, M. (2019). Video art as digital play for young children. British Journal of Educational Technology.

130. Lee, Q.A.Y. & Yuen, M. (2019). The role of teacher care in detrmining academic success of community college students: A case study from Hong Kong. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development. DOI: 10.1080/02643944.2019.1618376

129. Zhang, J.*, Chen, G., & Yuen, M. (2019). Validation of the Vocational Identity Status Assessment (VISA) using Chinese technical college students. Journal of Career Assessment. 27(4) 675-692. DOI: 10.1177/1069072718808798

128. Zhang, J.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2019). Supporting the career development of technical education students in China: The roles played by teachers. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Accepted for publication on 11 May 2019


127. Datu, J.A.D.*, Yuen, M., & Chen, G. (2018). The triarchic model of grit is linked to academic success and well-being among Filipino high school students. School Psychology Quarterly, 33 (3), 428–438.

126. Yuen, M. , Yau, F.*, Tsui, J.*, Shao, S., Tsang, J., & Lee, B. (2018). Career education and vocational training in Hong Kong: Implications for school-based career counselling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. published online on 28 August 2018

125. Yuen, M., Chan, S., Chan, C., Fung, D.C.L. Cheung, W.M., Kwan,T. & Leung, F.K.S. (2018). Differentiation in key learning areas for gifted students in regular classess: A project for primary school teachers in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International, 34(1), 36-46.

124. Hui, T.Y.C.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2018). Self-esteem and career adaptability of undergraduates: The mediating role of social support. Career Development Quarterly. 66(2), 94-106.

123. Datu, A.D.J.* & Yuen, M. (2018) . Predictors and consequences of academic buoyancy: a review of literature with implications for educational psychological research and practice. Contemporary School Psychology, 22(3), 207-212. DOI 10.1007/s40688-018-0185-y

122. Zhang, J.*, Yuen, M., & Chen, G., (2018). Teacher support for career development: an integrative review and research agenda, Career Development International, 23(2), 122-144.

121. Fung, J.*, Yuen, M. & Yuen, A.H.K. (2018). Validity evidence for a Chinese version of the Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (OLSQ) with average students and mathematically talented students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2017.1358056

120. Datu, J.A.D.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2018). Exploring determination for long-term goals in a collectivist context: A qualitative study. Current Psychology, 37(1), 263-271. doi 10.1007/s12144-016-9509-0



119. Datu J.A.D.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2017). Development and validation of the Triartic Model of Grit Scale (TMGS): Evidences from Filipino undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 114. 198–205.

118. Fang, L.*, Sun, R.F. & Yuen, M. (2017). “Be useful to society”: parental academic involvement in rural to urban migrant children’s education in China. Asia Pacific Education Review. 18:361-371. DOI 10.1007/s12564-017-9491-8



117.. Datu, J.A.D.*, Yuen, M. & Chen, G. (2016). Exploring determination for long-term goals in a collectivist context: A qualitative study. Current Psychology. doi 10.1007/s12144-016-9509-0

116. Yuen, M., Chan,S., Chan, C., Fung, D.C.L., Cheung, W.M., Kwan, T. & Leung, F. K.S. (2018). Differentiation in key learning areas for gifted students in regular classes: A project for primary school teachers in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International. 34(1), 36-46.doi: 10.1177/0261429416649047

115. Machell, K.A., Blalock, D.W., Kashdan, T.B., & Yuen, M. (2016). Academic achievement at the cost of ambition: The mixed results of a supportive interactive environment on socially anxious teenagers. Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 166–171.

114. Datu, J.A.D.*, Yuen, M., & Chen, G. (2016). Grit and determination: A review of literature with implications for theory and research. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 1-9. doi 10.1017/jgc.2016.2.

113. Ng, V. & Yuen, M. (2016). Career guidance and counselling in an international school in Hong Kong: Literature review and a school counselor’s reflection. Asian Journal of Counselling. Online first

112. Fang, L.*, Sun, R. & Yuen, M. (2016). Acculturation, economic stress, social relationships and school satisfaction among migrant children in urban China. Journal of Happiness Studies. 17(2), 507-531. doi: 10.1007/s10902-014-9604-6

111. Sun, J. V.* & Yuen, M. (2016). The students’ career development association in a Chinese university: A qualitative study. Asian Journal of Counselling. Online first.

110. Hsieh, W.-Y., Yeung, P.-S., Chan, K., Shao, S. & Yuen, M. (In press). Hong Kong, China. In M.L.Wehmeyer & J. R. Patton (Eds.), The Praeger Handbook of International Special Education. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

109. Yuen, M., Lee, T.L. , Ho, E. Y. F., Tsui, J., Leung, A.S., Lau, P.S.Y (In press). Assessing life skills self-efficacy, school connectedness and meaning in life - A brief manual for career development practitioners. In CLAP for Adventure Guidebook on Career Exploration E=portal 1.0. Hong Kong, China: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Chinese University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Baptist University.

108. Chung, Y. B., Yuen, M., Chow, C. W. and Leung, Y. C. (2016). An invitational approach to a service learning program in a university: A critical reflection. In S.T. Gregory & J. Edwards. (Eds.), Invitational Education and Practice in Higher Education: An International Perspective. (pp.113-119). Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books.

107. Fong, R.W.* & Yuen, M. (2016). The role of self-efficacy and connectedness in the academic success of Chinese learners. In R.B. King & A.B.I. Barnardo (Eds.), The Psychology of Asian Learners. pp. 157-169. Singapore: Springer.

106. Lam, C. W.H.*, Yuen, M. & Hsieh, W.-Y. (2016). Early childhood teachers coping with change: the roles of emotional intelligence, emotional labour and career adaptability. In T.V. Martin (Ed.), Career Development: Theories, Practices and Challenges. pp. 135-148. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.



105. Yuen, M. & Yau, J. (2015). Relation of career adaptability to meaning in life and connectedness among adolescents in Hong Kong. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 147–156. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2015.10.003

104. Yuen, M., Ho, E. Y. F., Lee, T.L. ,Tsui, J., Leung, A.S., Cheung, R., Lau, P.S.Y., Chan, R.M.C., Shea, P. M.K., & Gysbers, N.C. (2015). Assessing student background, life skills self-efficacy, school connectedness and meaning in life: A brief manual for career development practitioners. In CLAP for Adventure Guidebook on Career Exploration E=portal. pp.5-28. Hong Kong, China: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Chinese University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Baptist University.

103. Young, K.C. , Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., Blalock, D.V. , Yuen, M., & Richberg, J. B. (2015). Happy and unhappy adolescent bullies: Evidence for theoretically meaningful subgroups. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 224–228. doi 10.1016/j.paid.2014.11.024

102. Zhang, J.*, Yuen, M., & Chen, G. (2015). Career-related parental support for vocational school students in China. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. 37:346–354. doi 10.1007/s10447-015-9248-1 (Yuen 30%)

101. Yuen, M., Lee, Q., Kam, J. & Lau, P.S.Y. (2015). Purpose in life: A brief review of the literature and its implications for school guidance programmes. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. doi 10.1017/jgc.2015.18

100. Sun, J. V.* & Yuen, M. (2015). Vocational education: Its role in promoting competitiveness in the youth of Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies, 18 (2), 17-23.

99. Yim, A., Wong, S.W. *, & Yuen, M. (2015). Qualitative career assessment in Hong Kong: Reflections from a Confucian cultural heritage perspective. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds.), Career assessment: Qualitative approaches. pp. 239-246. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

98. Lo, C.C.* & Yuen, M. (2015). Succeeding against the odds: Observations on coping by three university students with specific learning difficulties in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International. doi: 10.1177/0261429415585407.

97. Ng, V.* & Yuen, M. (2015). How is buddhism relevant to career counseling in an international high school in Hong Kong? A counsellor's reflection. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 37, 223–232. doi: 10.1007/s10447-015-9239-2

96. Liu, S.*, Yuen, M. & Rao, N. (2015). A play-based programme (Pillars of Society) to foster social skills of high-ability and average ability Primary-one students in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International . doi: 10.1177/0261429415581221

95. Liu, S.*, Yuen, M. & Rao, N. (2015).Outcomes for young children’s social status from playing group games: Experiences from a primary school in Hong Kong. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25 (2), 217–244. doi: 10.1017/jgc.2015.4 (2014 ISSI 0.257)

94. Hao, D. , Sun, V. J.* & Yuen, M. (2015). Towards a model of career guidance and counseling for university students in China. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 37 (2), 155-167. doi: 10.1007/s10447-015-9234-7

93. Wong, S.-W.* & Yuen, M. (2015). Super’s Work Values Inventory: Issues of subtest internal consistency using a Chinese university student sample in Hong Kong. Journal of Employment Counselling , 52, 29-35. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1920.2015.00054.x

92. Tsang, J. C. & Yuen, M. (2015). Mentoring program collaborating with alumni: a career guidance activity for senior secondary boys in Hong Kong. In M.McMahon & W. Patton (eds.), Ideas for career practitioners: Celebrating excellence in career practice. pp.237-243. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.

91. Chan, S.* & Yuen, M. (2015). Teachers’ beliefs and practices for nurturing creativity in students: Perspectives from teachers of gifted students in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International , 31(3), 200-213. doi:10.1177/0261429413511884



90. Yuen, M., Yeung, P., & Ng, M. (2014). Supporting students with and without special needs in their transition from schools to higher education. CAISE Review, 2

89. Yuen, M., Leung, S.A. & Chan, R.T. (2014). Professional counseling in Hong Kong. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92, 99-103.

88. Lo, C.C.* & Yuen, M. (2014). Coping strategies and perceived sources of support among gifted students with specific learning disabilities: Three exploratory case studies in Hong Kong. Gifted and Talented International, 29(1&2), 125-136.

87. Fung, J.*, Yuen, M. & Yuen, A.H.K. (2014).Self-regulation in learning Mathematics online: Implications for supporting mathematically gifted students with or without learning difficulties. Gifted and Talented International, 29(1&2), 113-123.

86. Fang, L.*, Sun, R. & Yuen, M. (2014). Acculturation, economic stress, social relationships and school satisfaction among migrant children in urban China.Journal of Happiness Studies. DOI 10.1007/s10902-014-9604-6

85. Chan, S.* & Yuen, M. (2014). Creativity beliefs, creative personality and creativity-fostering practices of gifted education teachers and regular class teachers in Hong Kong. Thinking Skills and Creativity,14, 109–118. DOI:

84. Suh, H.N., Yuen, M., Wang, K.T., Fu, C.-C., &Trotter, R.H. (2014). Comparing perfectionist types on family environment and well-being among Hong Kong adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 70,111-116.

83. Yuen, M., Chan, R.T.H., & Lee, B. S.F. (2014). Guidance and counseling in Hong Kong secondary schools. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, 4(2), 103-112. .

82. Fong, R.W.* & Yuen, M. (2014). Perfectionism and Chinese gifted learners. Roeper Review, 36(2), 81-91, DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2014.884202

81. Shea, P.M.K. ,Yuen, M. , Chan, R.T.H. , Gysbers,N.C., Chan, R.M.C. & Lau, P.S.Y. (2014). Life skills self-efficacy in students with specific learning difficulties in Hong Kong, CAISE Review, 2

80. Chan, S.* & Yuen, M. (2014). Personal and environmental factors affecting teachers' creativity-fostering practices in Hong Kong. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 69–77.

79. Fong, R.W.* & Yuen, M. (2014). Perfectionism and Chinese Gifted. Learners. Roeper Review, 36:2, 81-91, DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2014.884202

78. Yeung, P.-S. & Yuen, M. (2014). Special education in Hong Kong. In C.R. Reynolds, K.J.Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen(Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed.). (pp. 1256-1259) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.



77. Yuen, M. & Fong, R. W.* (2013). Social-emotional development of Chinese gifted students: A review based within the actiotope model of giftedness. In S.N. Phillipson, H. Stoeger & A. Ziegler (eds.), Exceptionality in East Asia: Explorations in the actiotope model of giftedness. (pp. 132-146). London, U.K.: Routledge.

76. Chan, S.* & Yuen, M. (2013). Teachers’ beliefs and practices for nurturing creativity in students: Perspectives from teachers of gifted students in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International , 1-14. doi:10.1177/0261429413511884

75. Chung, Y.B.* & Yuen, M. (2013). Factors affecting a reporting system for learning and development in an inviting school in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 15,1-20.

74. Chung, Y.B.* & Yuen, M. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions of a reporting system for learning and development in an ‘inviting school’ in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Counselling , 20(1&2),85-111

73. Yuen, M. & Fong, R. W.* (2013). Social-emotional development of Chinese gifted students: A review based within the actiotope model of giftedness. In S.N. Phillipson, H. Stoeger & A. Ziegler (eds.), Exceptionality in East Asia: Explorations in the actiotope model of giftedness. (pp. 132-146). London, U.K.: Routledge.

72. Chan, R.* & Yuen, M. (2013). Factors influencing talent development: Stories of four Hong Kong elite sportspersons. Gifted and Talented International, 28(1), 123-134.

71. Kwan, A.C.K. & Yuen, M. (2013) “Mathematics in the workplace”: A pilot enrichment programme for mathematically talented primary students in Hong Kong. Gifted and Talented International, 28(1), 85-98.

70. Fan, W., Hao, D. & Yuen, M. (2013). Psychometric properties of the Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale when used with Chinese university students. Asian Journal of Counselling, 20(1&2)59-84.



69. Yuen, M. & Fong, R.W.* (2012). Connectedness and life skills development for all children: Commentary on A. Zeigler & S.N. Phillipson ‘Towards a Systemic Theory of Gifted Education’ High Ability Studies 23(1), 119–121. doi:10.1080/13598139.2012.679121

68. Yuen, M., Lau, P.S.Y., Lee, Q.A.Y., Gysbers, N.C., Chan,R.M.C., Fong, R.W.*, Chung, Y.B.*, & Shea, P. M.K. (2012). Factors influencing school connectedness: Chinese adolescents’ perspectives. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13(1), 55-63. DOI: 10.1007/s12564-011-9176-7

67. Sun, V. J.*, Yuen, M., & Hao, D. (2012). Reflections on a university career center in Guangzhou, China. Asian Journal of Counselling, 19,1&2, 97-114.

66. Jin, L.*& Yuen, M. (2012). Career centers in higher education: An international perspective. Asian Journal of Counselling, 19, 1&2, 1-4.

65. Lai, L. M.F.* & Yuen, M. (2012). Enhancing low-ability mainstream students’ academic self-esteem: Perspectives of a secondary teacher and her students. Hong Kong Special Education Forum,14, 22-35.

64. Leung, S.-M. A. & Yuen, M. (2012). The globalisation of an ethno-centric career theory and practice. In M., Watson, & M.,McMahon (Eds.), Career development: Global issues and challenges. (pp.75-91) New York: Nova Science Publishers.

63. Yuen, M. & Fong, R.W.* (2012). Connectedness and life skills development for all children: Commentary on A. Zeigler & S.N. Phillipson ‘Towards a Systemic Theory of Gifted Education’ High Ability Studies 23(1), 119–121. doi:10.1080/13598139.2012.679121

62. Wong, S.-W.* & Yuen, M. (2012). Work values of university students in Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. International Journal for Advancement of Counselling. 34(4), 269–285 DOI 10.1007/s10447-012-9155-7

61. Chung, Y.B.* & Yuen, M. (2012). Students’ perceptions of a reporting and feedback system for learning and development in an ‘inviting school’ in Hong Kong. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 30(3), 241-262. DOI:10.1080/02643944.2012.671344

60. Cheng, S.* & Yuen, M. (2012). Education and career aspirations among Chinese high school students: Validation of the Career Aspiration Scale. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(2), 394-401.

59. Cheng, S.*, & Yuen, M. (2012). Validation of the Career-Related Parent Support Scale among Chinese high school students. Career Development Quarterly,60(4), 367-374.

58. Sun, V.J.* & Yuen, M. (2012). Career guidance and counseling for university students in China. International Journal for Advancement of Counselling, 34, 202-210. DOI 10.1007/s10447-012-9151-y



57. Yuen, M. (2011). Fostering connectedness and life skills development in children and youth: International perspectives. Asian Journal of Counselling. 18(1&2), 1-14.

56. Yuen, M., Chan, R. T.H., Chan, R.M.C., Lau, P. S.Y., Shea, P. M.K., & Gysbers, N.C. (2011). School connectedness: A review for teachers and administers. In Education Bureau Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & Hong Kong Christian Services (Eds.), Caring School Environment Award Scheme: a five year review (pp.14-31). Hong Kong, China: Education Bureau Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & Hong Kong Christian Services.

55. Chung, Y.B.* & Yuen, M. (2011). The role of feedback in enhancing students’ self-regulation in inviting schools. Journal for Invitational Theory and Practice, 17, 22-27

54. Ng, C. K.M.* & Yuen, M. (2011). The perceived school climate in invitational schools in Hong Kong: Using the Chinese version of the Inviting School Survey-Revised (ISS-R). Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 17, 11-20.

53. Chan, R. M.C., Lau, P.S.Y., & Yuen, M. (2011). Interrelationships among teacher care, students’ life skills development, and academic achievement: Implications for school guidance work. Asian Journal of Counselling, 18(1&2), 63–94.

52. Fong, R.W.* & Yuen, M. (2011). Perfectionism in Chinese elementary school students: Validation of the Chinese Adaptive/Maladaptive Perfectionism Scale. Talent Development & Excellence, 3(2),203-213.



51. Yuen, M., Chan, R., Lau, P. S.Y., Yu, L., Chan R.M.C., Gysbers, N.C.,& Shea, P. M.K. (2010). Implementing the comprehensive guidance and counseling program in Hong Kong: High school teachers’ perspectives. Asian Journal of Counselling, 17(1&2), 61-79

50. Yuen, M., Chan, R.M.C., Gysbers, N.C., Lau, P.S.Y., Lee, Q.A.Y., Shea, P.M.K., Fong, R. W.* & Chung, Y.B.* (2010). Enhancing life skills development: Chinese adolescents’ perceptions. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 28(4) 295-310

43. Yuen, M. (2010). Giftedness and talent development. In L.-F. Zhang, J. Biggs, & D. Watkins (Eds.), Understanding the learning and development of Asian students: What the 21st century teacher needs to know. (pp.167-192) Singapore: Pearson Education.

48. Yuen M., Gysbers N.C., Chan R.M.C., Lau P.S.Y. and Shea P.M.K. (2010). Talent development, work habits, and career exploration of Chinese middle-school adolescents: Development of the Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale, High Ability Studies, 21, 47-62. DOI: 10.1080/13598139.2010.488089



47. Yuen, M., Smith, E.V.Jr., Dobria, L., & Fu, Q. (2009). The Study Skills Self-Efficacy Scale for use of Chinese students. Journal of Applied Measurement, 13(3), 1-15.

46. Wang, K.T., Yuen, M., & Slaney, R.B. (2009). Perfectionism, depression, loneliness, and life satisfaction: A study of high school students in Hong Kong. The Counseling Psychologist, 37(2), 249-274.

45. McMahon M. and Yuen M.(2009). Career counselling and internationalization, Asian Journal of Counselling, 16, 91-111.

44. Fong, R. W.* & Yuen, M. (2009). Associations among measures of perfectionism, self-concept and academic achievement identified in primary school students in Hong Kong. Gifted and Talented International,24(1), 147-154.

43. Jin, L.*, Watkins, D. & Yuen, M. (2009). Personality, career decision self-efficacy and commitment to the career choices process among Chinese graduate students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74, 47-52



42. Yuen, M., Westwood, P., & Wong, G. (2008). Self-efficacy perceptions of Chinese primary aged students with specific learning difficulties: A perspective from Hong Kong. International Journal of Special Education, 23(2), 110-119.

41. Yuen, M. (2008). School counseling: Current international perspectives. Asian Journal of Counselling, 15(2), 1-14.

40. Lam, C.*, & Yuen, M. (2008). Applying solution focused questions with primary school pupils: A Hong Kong Teacher's reflections. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 26(2), 103-110

39. Kong, L.S.Y., Yuen, M., & Westwood, P. (2008). The development and initial validation of a school-related worries questionnaire (SRWQ) for Chinese students. Special Education Forum,10, 41-50

38. Lau, P.S.Y., Chan, R.M.C., Yuen, M., Myers, J.E., & Lee, Q.A.Y. (2008).Wellness of teachers: A neglected issue in teacher development. In J.C.K., Lee, N-K.L. Lo & L.P. Shiu (Eds.), Developing teachers and developing schools in changing contexts (pp.101-116). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.



37. Kashdan, T.B. & Yuen, M. (2007). Whether highly curious students thrive academically depends on perceptions about the school learning environment : A study of Hong Kong adolescents. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 260-270

36. Jin, L.*, Yuen, M., & Watkins, D. (2007). The role of filial piety in the career decision processes of postgraduate students in China. In J. A. Elsworth (Ed.), Psychology of decision making in education, behavior and high risk situations (pp. 243-255). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

35. Yuen, M., Chan R.M.C., Lau, P. S.Y., Gysbers, N.C., & Shea, P.M.K. (2007). Comprehensive guidance and counselling programmes in the primary schools of Hong Kong: Teachers’ perceptions and involvement. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 25(4) 17-24. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0122.2007.00421.x

34. Yuen, M., Westwood, P. & Wong, G. (2007). Bullying and social adjustment in a sample of Chinese students with specific learning disability. Special Education Perspectives,16 (2), 35-52

33. Yuen, M. (2007a). Evaluating life skills development curriculum and activities. In P.S.Y. Lau, M. Yuen, R.M.C. Chan, T.K.M. Leung, E.K.P. Hui, P.M.K. Shea, & N.C. Gysbers (eds.) Life Skills Development and Comprehensive Guidance Program: Assessment and Applications. (pp.8-20) University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project.

32. Yuen, M. (2007b). Assessing students’ life skills development. In P.S.Y. Lau, M. Yuen, R.M.C. Chan, T.K.M. Leung, E.K.P. Hui, P.M.K. Shea, & N.C. Gysbers (eds.) Life Skills Development and Comprehensive Guidance Program: Assessment and Applications. (pp.21-39) University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project.



31. Yuen, M. (2006). School counseling in Hong Kong: History, policy, current implementation status, and future directions. In C.H. So (ed.) School counseling and career guidance. (pp. 44-70). Macau, China: University of Macau Faculty of Education.

30. Yuen, M., Hui, E.K.P., Lau, P.S.Y., Gysbers, N.C., Leung, T.K.M., Chan, R. M.C., & Shea, P. M.K. (2006).Assessing the personal-social development of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28, 317-330.

29. Yuen, M., Westwood, P. & Wong, G. (2006). School-related social adjustment of Chinese primary school students with specific learning difficulties: a perspective from Hong Kong. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 11, 4, 165-174.

28. Rao, N. & Yuen, M. (2006) Listening to children: Voices of newly arrived immigrants from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong. In Adams, Leah, & Kiova, A. (Eds.), Children in Transition: Effects of global migration on the young. P139-150. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

27. Kong, L. S.Y., Westwood, P., & Yuen, M. (2006). School-related worries of adolescents in Hong Kong: a single school study. Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 8, 21-41.

26. Jimerson, S.., Graydon, K., Yuen, M., Lam, S.F., Thurm, J.M., Klueva, N., Coyne, J.H., Loprete, L.J., Phillips, J. & The ISPA Research Committee (2006). The International School Psychology Survey (ISPS): Data from Australia, China, Germany, Italy, and Russia. School Psychology International, 27, 1, 5-32

25. Yuen, M. & Furnham, A. (2005). Sex differences in self-estimation of multiple intelligences among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. High Ability Studies, 16,2, 187-199



24. Yuen, M., Gysbers, N.C., Chan, R. M.C., Lau, P.S.Y., Leung, T. K.M., Hui, E.K.P.& Shea, P. M. K. (2005). Developing a career development self-efficacy instrument for Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,5,57-73

23. Yuen, M., Westwood, P., & Wong, G. (2005).Meeting the needs of students with specific learning difficulties in the mainstream education system: data from primary school teachers in Hong Kong. International Journal of Special Education, 20, 1, 67-76.

22. Lau, P.S.Y., Yuen, M., & Chan, R. M.C. (2005). Do demographic characteristics make a difference to burnout among Hong Kong secondary school teachers? Social Indicators Research, 71, 491-516.



21. Yuen, M., Chan, R., Lau, P., Lam, M.P., & Shek, D.T.L. (2004). The counselling self-estimate inventory (COSE): Does it work in Chinese counselors? Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 17, 2, 177-194.

20. Yuen, M. (2004). Competencies of teachers of gifted learners: The Hong Kong student perspective. Gifted Education International, 18, 301-312.

19. Yuen, M. & Westwood, P. (2004).Expected competencies of teachers of the gifted learners: Perspectives from Chinese teachers and students. Gifted and Talented International, 19, 17-14

18. Yuen, M., Lau, P. S.Y., Leung, T. K.M., Chan, R. M.C., Hui, E.K.P., Ke, S.Y., Shea, P. M.K. & Gysbers, N.C. (2004). How to enhance students’ life skills development. In S.F. Lam (ed.), Practical Chinese Handbook of Educational Psychology. (pp 133-145). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Psychological Society Division of Educational Psychology.

17. Lam, S.F., & Yuen, M. (2004).Continuous professional development in school psychology: perspective from Hong Kong. School Psychology International, 25, 4, 480-494.



16. Yuen, M., Shea, P. M.K., Leung, T. K.M., Hui, E.K.P., Lau, P. S.Y., & Chan, R. M.C., (2003).Enhancing students’ life skills development. In M. Yuen, et al. (Eds.), Life skills development and comprehensive guidance program: Theories and practices. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Life Skills Development Project.

15. Yuen, M., Shek, D.T.L., Lam, M.P., Lau, P.S.Y., Chan, R. M.C. (2003). Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability of the Chinese version of a revised teacher efficacy scale among guidance teachers in Hong Kong. Psychologia: an International Journal of Psychology in the Orient,46, 67-78

14. Chan, S.*, Yuen, M., Lau, P. S. Y. (2003).The effects of a group guidance programme on the self esteem of newly arrived children from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 23, 2, 171-182.

13. Fung, M., S.C.* & Yuen, M. (2003).Body image and eating attitudes among adolescent Chinese girls in Hong Kong. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 96, 57-66.



12. Yuen, M. (2002). Exploring Hong Kong Chinese guidance teachers’ positive beliefs: a focus group study. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. 24, 169-182.

11. Yuen, M. (2002).Integrating newly arrived children from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong: A reaction paper to the experience of a starter school. In R. M. Chan (ed.). Education of young new arrivals in Hong Kong: Strategies and experiences. (pp.226-228). Hong Kong: New Arrivals Cross-cultural Adjustment Research Group.

10. Yuen, M., Lau, P. S.Y., Shek, D. T.L., & Lam, M.P. (2002). Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability of the Chinese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory among guidance teachers in Hong Kong. Psychological Reports, 91, 1081-1086.

9. Tirri, K.A., Tallent-Runnels, M.K., Adams, A.M., Yuen, M., Lau, P. S.Y. (2002). Cross-cultural predictors of teachers’ attitudes toward gifted education: Finland, Hong Kong, and USA. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 26, 2, 112-131.

8. Yuen, M. & Westwood, P. (2002). Teachers’ attitudes toward integration: Validation of a Chinese version of the attitudes toward mainstreaming scale (ATMS). Psychologia: an International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 45, 1, 1-11.

7. Chan, C., Chang, R., Westwood, P., & Yuen, M. (2002) Teaching adaptively: How easy is 'differentiation' in practice? A perspective from Hong Kong. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 11, 1, 27-58.

6. Fung, M.*, & Yuen, M. (2002).Clothing interest among Chinese adolescent girls in Hong Kong in relation to socioeconomic status. Psychological Reports, 90, 387-390.

5. Chan, R. M.C., Lau, P. S.Y., & Yuen, M. (2002).Guidance work in Hong Kong primary schools: Issues in professionalism. Journal of Basic Education, 11,2, 87-98.



4. Yuen, M., & Westwood, P. (2001).Integrating students with special needs in Hong Kong secondary schools: Teachers’ attitudes and their possible relationship to guidance training. International Journal of Special Education, 16, 2, 69-84.

3. Yuen, M., Lau, P. S.Y., & Chan, R. M.C. (2001). Improving guidance program: A conversation with Norman Gysbers. Asian Journal of Counselling, 7, 2, 19-41.

2. Leung, P.*, & Yuen, M. (2001). Parent-teacher conferences in a secondary school: A case study. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 19, 1, 28-30.

1. Rao, N., & Yuen, M. (2001). Accommodations for assimilation: Supporting newly arrived children from the Chinese Mainland in Hong Kong. Childhood Education, 77, 5, 313-318.

(2020- present) Task Force on Integrated Education in Mainstream Schools, Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR (IE Task Force)(主流學校推行融合教育工作小組)  


(2017-present) regional leader in East Asia,The International Society for Policy Research and Evaluation in School-based Counseling


(2016-present) member of executive committee, Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG)


(2015-present) Hononary advisor, Hong Kong Association of Career Masters and Guidance Masters


(2015-present) Member of board of directors. Asia Regional Association for Career Development (ARACD)


(2013-present) Hononary supervisor, Summer Programme for Creativity and Talent Development, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong


(2013-present) Honorary mentor, Mentorship Scheme for Senior Students, Ying Wa College, Hong Kong


(2011-2013) Honorary advisor, Academy for the Talented, The University of Hong Kong


(2011-present) Honorary consultant, Hong Kong Association for Parents of Gifted Children


(2010-present) Steering Committee Member, School-based Educational Psychological Service, Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong


(2010-present) Steering Committee Member, Educational Psychological Service, The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China


(2009-present) Hong Kong SAR Delegate, World Council for Gifted and Talented Children


(2008-2010) Professional External Selection Broad for the Gifted Student Programmes of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education


(2005-2011) Ping Wo Fund Advisory Committee, Home Affairs Bureau


(1998-2009) Founding board member, Support Committee on Integrated Education


(2003-2009) Committee on Gifted Education , Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council


(2006-2007) Ad Hoc Committee of CDCC(GE) on Development of Identification Pamphlet, Parent Pamphlet and Parent Education in Gifted Education


(2007-2008) Assessment Panel on Special Educational Needs, Chief Executive's Award for Teaching


(2002-2004) Excellence Advisory Panel on Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Hong Kong SAR Government Education and Manpower Branch


(2001-2003) Advisory Panel on Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students, Hong Kong SAR Government Education & Manpower Branch


(2000-2003) Ad Hoc Committee on Guide to Curriculum for Gifted/High Ability Students, Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council


(1999-2003) Working Group on Personal and Social Education Curriculum for Students with Special Educational Needs, Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council


(2002-2004) Action Committee Against Narcotics Sub-committee on Research


(1999-2003) Committee on Special Educational Needs, Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council


(1996-1998) Advisory Committee on School Guidance, Discipline, and Support Service

Editorial Board Membership of Scholarly Journals

  1. Editor of Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter (Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness; 2016-present)
  2. Member of the editorial board of the Asian Journal of Counselling (AJC; Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association; 1996-2016)
  3. International Associate Editor, Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  4. Guest Editor, Special Issue: International Perspectives on School Counseling, Asian Journal of Counselling
  5. Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue: Internationalization and Career Counseling, Asian Journal of Counselling
  6. Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue, Career Centers: Current International Perspectives, Asian Journal of Counselling
  7. Editor, CAISE REVIEW
  8. Member of the editorial board, Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling
  9. Associate editor, Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning


Doctoral Student Project Supervisions


Empowering Pre-service and In-service Science Teachers to Use IRE/IRF Form of Questioning to Promote Critical Thinking in STEM education 


Career Education Program in a Private School in Guangdong: Societal Involution and Meaning of Life perspectives 


Factors Influencing Academic Success of International MBBS Students in China 


Use of Character Strengths in Primary Education: Effects on Academic Performance and Student Satisfaction


Evaluating Positive Education in a Secondary School 


The Role of Emotional Labour and Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Burnout and

Career Adaptability among Kindergarten Teachers 


Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Theoretical-based Emotional Intelligence Training Programme for University Students in Hong Kong 


Life satisfaction and need satisfaction in Hong Kong secondary school students 


Can boarding versus day school experience make a difference for rural Chinese preschoolers’ development?  


Career-related teacher support for senior secondary students in Hong Kong 


Career adaptability among college students in Macao - mixed methods approach 


The roles of career-related teacher support and parental support in career adaptability and vocational identity 


The benefits of passion, perseverance, and adaptability for long-term goals in a collectivist context: Qualitative and quantitative studies in the Philippines  


Relationships among kindergarten teachers’ beliefs, reported practices, and observed pedagogy in Singapore 


Social Support, Self-Efficacy, Hope and School Satisfaction among Chinese Students in Hong Kong


Career Adaptability among Business Undergraduates in Hong Kong: The Influences of Self-esteem, Career-related Filial Piety, Social Support and Gender  

The Coping Strategies and Success Paths of Gifted Students with Specific Learning Difficulties in Hong Kong 


Exploring the Self-regulated Learning Strategies of Mathematically Gifted Students in an Online Context 


Impact of a Play-based Social Skills Programme for High-ability and Average-ability Primary One Students in Hong Kong  


Fostering creativity: Perceptions and practices of gifted education teachers 


Educational Experiences of Chinese Migrant Children: The Role of Acculturation, Social Support and Psychological Mediators 


Career Guidance in a University in Mainland China

A Reporting System for Learning and Development: Students' and Teachers' Perceptions in an 'Inviting School' in Hong Kong achers’  Perceptions in an ‘Inviting School’ in Hong Kong 


Assessing General and Work Values among University Students in Hong Kong 


Factors influencing adolescents’ career aspirations: A perspective from Hong Kong. 


Invitational Education in Hong Kong Secondary Schools: Relationships among Students’ Perceptions of School Climate and their Academic Affect, Academic Self-Concept, Self-Regulation, Goal Setting, and Social Concern  


A Qualitative Study of Chinese Male Sexual Minority Students Navigating Heterosexism in Hong Kong Secondary Schools


Perfectionism, Social Connectedness, and Academic Self-efficacy in Average and Academically Talented Primary School Students in Hong Kong       


The Role of Personality and Filial Piety in the Career Commitment Process among Chinese University Students                                



A few words about me

I have served as a secondary school teacher, as a lecturer at Northcote College of Education, and as an educational psychologist with the Education Department (Psychological Services, Special Education Section) of the Hong Kong Government. My academic and professional interests are in the areas of school guidance and counseling, gifted education and talent development, inclusive education and learners with special needs, positive psychology, social-emotive learning, life career development and individual differences. I am the principal investigator of the Connectedness and Life Skills Development projects. I coordinate courses in guidance & counselling, gifted education and career development, and I supervise postgraduate research student dissertations. I am the co-director of Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education and the director of Laboratory and Programme for Creativity and Talent Development. I am also co-convener of the Special Interest Group for School Guidance, Life Skills and Career Development at the HKU Faculty of Education. My other interests include table tennis, movies, photography, museums, and travelling.


Useful Webpages

Laboratory and Program for Creativity and Talent Development


CAISE Review


Life Skills Development and Comprehensive Guidance Programme