Professor CHEN, Logan C.

Professor CHEN, Logan C.
Assistant Professor in STEM education
Faculty of Education, HKU
Research Associate,
Science Education Department,
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Coordinator, Master's Degree Program in STEM Education
Associate editor, Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST)
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Master's degree in Mind, Brain & Education (Harvard) -- Dyslexia in STEM Learning
Doctorate degree in Human Development and Education (Harvard) -- Conceptual Change and Transfer in STEM Education
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 0732
Room 523, Meng Wah Complex
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
- Conceptual Change in STEM.
- Human-Centric Design Thinking in Engineering Education.
- STEM Identity and Interest Development
- Educational Technology for STEM Education.
- Computational thinking and Algorithmic Thinking.
- Equity and diversity in STEM+C (C for computer science) education.
- (In-service and pre-service) Science Teachers’ Professional Development
- Psychometric Development and Measurement.
- Experimentation and Causal Inference.
Establishing A Performance Expectation Framework or STEM Education Among Primary and Secondary School Students In Hong Kong.
Researching Factors that Lead to Persistence in Computer Science.
Gallup and Amazon-Future-Engineer Nationally Representative Sample Study of Pre-college Students' Computer Science Interest.
MOSART HSPS: Misconceptions Oriented Standards-Based Assessment Resource for
Teachers of Physical Sciences.
MOSART HSLS: Misconceptions Oriented Standards-Based Assessment Resource for
Teachers of High School Life Science.
Crowd-Sourced Online Nexus for Developing Assessments of Middle-school Physical
Science Disciplinary Core Ideas.
Youth-Astro-Net: Research on the Scale-up of Innovative Technology Experiences in
Astronomy and Science Imaging.
Study of Preservice Teachers’ Science Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content
Investigating a Framework for STEM-Reading to Support Secondary School Students
with Reading Disabilities.
Investigating Strengths People with Learning Differences Bring to STEM.
The Effects of Dyslexia on Scientists' Analysis of Astrophysical Data.
Outcome Predictions of Students in Massive Open Online Courses (OPSMOOC).
Student Outcomes in a Computer Science MOOC (SOCSMOOC).
Persistence Research in Science and Engineering (PRiSE).
Factors Influencing College Success in Mathematics (FICSMath).
Factors Influencing College Success in Information Technology (FICSIT).
Collaborative Research: A study of How Informal Activities Influence Female
Participation in STEM.
Chen, C., Said, T., Sadler, P. M., Perry, A., & Sonnert, G. (2024). The impact of high school science pedagogies on students' STEM career interest and on their ratings of teacher quality. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1-35.
Chen, C., Chen, J., Ju, L., Sonnert, G., Sunbury, S., & Sadler, P. (2024). Kitchen Chemistry Boosts STEM Identity and Increases STEM Career Interests. Journal of Chemical Education.
He, S., & Chen, C. (2024). The Effects of Equiprobability Bias and Representativeness Heuristics on the Performance in Probability Comparison and Calculation Tasks Among Middle School Students in China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-26.
Chen, C., Hardjo, S., Sonnert, G., Hui, J., & Sadler, P. M. (2023). The role of media in influencing students’ STEM career interest. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(1), 56.
Chen, C., Chen, S., Haste, H., Selman, R. L., & Schneps, M. H. (2023). Romantic Transfer from Thermodynamic Theories to Personal Theories of Social Control: A Randomised Controlled Experiment. Education Sciences, 13(6), 599.
Chen, C. (2023). An Unexpected Moral Lesson from High School Science among Chinese Adolescents. In New Civics, New Citizens. Edited by Haste H., Bempech, J. (pp. 85-101). Brill.
Shah, Z., Chen, C., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. M. (2023). The Influences of Computer Gameplay and Social Media Use on Computer Science Identity and Computer Science Career Interests. Telematics and Informatics, 100040.
Kitchen, J. A., Chen, C., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. (2022). The impact of participating in college-run STEM clubs and programs on students’ STEM career aspirations. Teachers College Record, 124(2), 117-142.
Birnbaum, L., Sonnert, G., Chen, C., Sadler, P. M., & Kröner, S. (2024). Intervening opportunities between home and college: Students’ geographic mobility by college type. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 48(2), 105-120.
Chen, S., Chen, C., & Wen, P. (2022). Parental anxiety, endorsement of literacy learning, and home literacy practices among Chinese parents of young children. Reading and Writing, 35(4), 825-852.
Fuchs, T. T., Sonnert, G., Scott, S. A., Sadler, P. M., & Chen, C. (2022). Preparation and motivation of high school students who want to become science or mathematics teachers. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(1), 83-106.
Chen, S., Zhao, C., Chen, C., Wu, Z., Snow, C. E., & Lu, M. (2022). Does one more year matter? Dosage effect of the One-village-One-preschool intervention in rural China. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 15(2), 217-242.
Medina, A., Chen, C., Doyle, J., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. (2021). The association of career outcome expectations and STEM career choice among Hispanic first-generation students: A unique pattern. Journal of First-generation Student Success, 1(3), 203-223.
Chen, C., Kang, J. M., Sonnert, G., & Sadler P. (2021). High School Mathematics and Computer Science Preparation as Predictors of Success in Introductory College Computer Science. ACM Transactions on Computing
Education. 21(1), 1-21. DOI: 10.1145/3433169
Chen, C., Sonnert, G. & Sadler P. (2021). What a Difference a Decade makes: The Gender Gap in Students' Career Related Goal Endorsement, From 2007 to 2017. Journal of Social Change. 12(1), 14.
Huber, M., Chen, C., & Kasswat, P. (2021). What Executives Need to Know about the Brain. Institute of Management Accountants.
Chen, C., Chen S., Wen., P., Snow, C. (2020). Are screen devices soothing children or soothing parents? Investigating the relationships among children’s exposure to different types of screen media, parental efficacy and home literacy practices. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106462. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106462
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., Sasselov, D., Fredericks, C. & Malan, D. (2020). Going over the cliff: MOOC dropout behavior at chapter transition. Distance Education. 41(1), 6-25. DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2020.1724772.
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., & Sunbury, S. (2020). The impact of high school life science teacher’s subject matter knowledge and knowledge of student misconceptions on students’ learning. CBE—Life Sciences Education. 19(1), ar9. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.19-08-0164
Schneps, M. H., Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Pomplun, M., Rose, L. T., Banerjee, M., & Greenhill, L. (2020). The advantages of astrophysics for those with reading impairment: an empirical study. Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Proceedings International Astronomical Union Symposium. 358.
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., & Malan, D. (2020). Computational Thinking Skills and Perseverance in Assignment Submission. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.1-14. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12427
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., & Malan, D. (2020). Foreseeing the Endgame: Who are the Students Who Take the Final Exam at the Beginning of a MOOC? Behavior & Information Technology. 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2019.1711452
Chen, S., Wen, P., & Chen, C. (2020). Vocabulary development of young Uyghur children: Exploring trajectories of receptive and expressive vocabulary. Journal of Chinese Writing System.4(1), 19-26. DOI: 10.1177/2513850219891618
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., Sasselov, D., & Fredericks, C. (2019). The impact of student misconceptions on student persistence in a MOOC. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1-32. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21616
Chen, C., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. M. (2019). The effect of first high school science teacher’s gender and gender matching on students’ science identity in college. Science Education, 104(1), 75-99. DOI: 10.1002/sce.21551
Chen, C., Jeckel, S., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. M. (2019). " Cowboy" and "Cowgirl" Programming and Success in College Computer Science. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 2(4), n4. DOI:10.21585/ijcses.v2i4.34
Chen, C., Haduong, P., Brennan, K., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. (2019). The effects of first programming language on college students’ computing attitude and achievement: a comparison of graphical and textual languages. Computer Science Education, 29(1), 23-48.
Schneps, M. H., Chen, C., Pomplun, M., Wang, J., Crosby, A. D., & Kent, K. (2019). Pushing the Speed of Assistive Technologies for Reading. Mind, Brain, and Education, 13(1), 14-29. DOI: 10.111/mbe.12180
Chen, S., Zhao, C., Cao, Y., Chen, C., Snow, C. E., & Lu, M. (2019). Long-term effects of China’s One Village One Preschool program on elementary academic achievement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 49, 218-228.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.06.010
Chen, C., Schneps, M. H., & Sonnert, G. (2016). Order Matters: Sequencing Scale-Realistic Versus Simplified Models to Improve Science Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(5), 806-823. DOI: 10.1007/
Chen, C., Schneps, M. H., Thomson, J. M., & Maysn, K. (2016). The Effects of Visual Attention Span and Phonological Decoding in Reading Comprehension in Dyslexia. Dyslexia, 22(4), 322-344.
Schneps, M., Chen, C., Pomplun, M., Wang, J., Crosby, A., & Kent, K. (2016). ReInventing Reading: Rapid multi-channel processing of language accelerates reading. Journal of Vision, 16(12), 462-462.
Jiahui, W., Schneps, M. H., Antonenko, P., Chen, C., Pomplun, M. (2016). Is reading impairment associated with enhanced holistic processing in comparative visual search?. Dyslexia, 22(4), 345-361.
Schneps, M. H., Thomson, J. M., Chen, C., Sonnert, G., & Pomplun, M. (2013). E-readers are More Effective Than Paper for Some with Dyslexia. PloS one, 8(9), e75634.
Schneps, M. H., Thomson, J. M., Sonnert, G., Pomplun, M., Chen, C., & Heffner Wong, A. (2013). Shorter Lines Facilitate Reading in Those Who Struggle. PloS one, 8(8), e71161.
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Exhibition: See Me As A Science Person.