Professor FUNG, Daniel K. T.

Professor FUNG, Daniel K. T.
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education
BA&BEd (HKU); MSc, DPhil (Oxon)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 0364
Room 544, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Curriculum and Instruction
- English Language Education
- Teacher Education and Development
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism
- Assessment, Testing and Measurement
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
Listening strategies, vocabulary acquisition, assessment, English Medium Instruction (EMI), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Language across the Curriculum (LAC), bilingual education, teacher education
Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2018, CUHK
- A multivariate longitudinal study on the listening problems and listening strategies of first-year tertiary EMI students (HK$639,350), General Research Fund (Ref. 18606223), Research Grants Council, 2024-25 [PI]
- Learning to listen in EMI: The effects of strategy instruction on strategic behaviour and learner uptake (HK$975,180), Early Career Scheme (Ref. 28616722), Research Grants Council, 2023-25 [PI]
- Conceptualising assessment literacy of teachers in Content and Language Integrated Learning programmes (HK$455,324), General Research Fund (Ref. 17603321), Research Grants Council, 2022-23 [Co-I]
- Towards a reflective approach to developing academic vocabulary: An intervention case study in the higher education context (HK$768,300), Faculty Development Scheme (Ref. UGC/FDS16/H19/21), Research Grants Council, 2022-23 [Co-I]
- Listening in transition: How students comprehend teacher input in EMI tertiary education (HK$ 124,970), Seed Funding Grant, EdUHK, 2022-23 [PI]
- Listening strategy instruction in EMI (HK$ 80,000), Internal Research Grant, EdUHK, 2021-22 [PI]
- Linguistic demands in EMI assessment (HK$ 50,000), Small-Scale Research Grant, Department of English Language Education, EdUHK, 2020-21 [PI]
- Investigating the role of language in CLIL assessments through examining teachers’ and students’ cognitive processes (HK$398,500), General Research Fund (Ref. 17603518), Research Grants Council, 2019-21 [Co-I]
- Application of innovative mixed-reality technology in STEM education: Secondary Biology teaching and learning (HK$1,522,600), Quality Education Fund (Ref. 2017/1021), 2019-21 [Co-I]
International refereed papers
- Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2023). Listening strategies in the English Medium Instruction (EMI) classroom: How students comprehend the teacher input. System, 113, 103004,
- Fung, D., & Chung, E. (2023). Defining language goals in EMI: Vocabulary demand in a high-stakes assessment in Hong Kong. Language and Education.
- Zhou, S., Fung, D., & Thomas, N. (2023). Towards deeper learning in EMI lectures: The role of English proficiency and motivation in students’ deep process of content knowledge. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Tsang, A., & Fung, D. (2023). Compulsory versus voluntary extensive reading: Investigating English learners’ perceptions, proficiency, and school banding. The Curriculum Journal.
- Chung, E., & Fung, D. (2023). ‘I realized I only knew the word partly’: Student beliefs about vocabulary knowledge and learning in different grades and proficiency levels. The Language Learning Journal, 51(3), 279-297.
- Fung, D. (2022). Students’ experience in online teaching and learning: An investigation into EMI classroom interaction, willingness to communicate and classroom enjoyment. In J. Pun, S. Curle, & D. Yuksel (Eds.), The use of technology in English Medium Instruction (pp. 159-175). Springer.
- Fung, D., & Macaro, E. (2021). Exploring the relationship between linguistic knowledge and strategy use in listening comprehension. Language Teaching Research, 25(4), 540-564.
- Lo, Y.Y., Fung, D., & Qiu, X. (2021). Assessing content knowledge through L2: Mediating role of language of testing on students’ performance. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Lo, Y.Y. & Fung, D. (2020). Assessment in CLIL: The interplay between cognitive and linguistic demands and their progression in secondary education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,23(10), 1192-1210.
- Tsang, A., Fung, D., & Yau, A.H.Y. (2019). Evaluating supplementary and mainstream ESL/EFL education: Learners’ views from secondary- and tertiary-level perspectives. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 62, 61-71.
- Tsang, M. & Fung, D. (2019). Beyond the spoon-feeding classroom: A Jesuit priest’s use of outings as holistic education. Education about Asia, 24(1), 22-27.
- Hui, B., & Fung, D. (2016). To know is not to use: The gap between students’ productive vocabulary knowledge and their actual use in free writing. Educational Research Reports, 14/15, 81-103.
- Fung, D. (2016). [Review of the book Studies in second language acquisition of Chinese]. System, 60, 143-145.
- Fung, D., & Murphy, V.A. (2016). Cross linguistic influence in adult L2/L3 learners: The case of French on English morphosyntax. Global Science and Technology Forum:Journal on Education, 3(2), 6-15. doi/10.5176/2345-7163_3.2.78
- Hui, B., Wong, S.-Y. S., & Fung, D. (2016). Different amount of L1 support in vocabulary learning through reading: The effects of gloss and bilingual texts. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Hong Kong.
- Fung, D. (2015). Listening comprehension strategies when listening to teacher during ESL classroom interaction. Proceedings of 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature, and Linguistics, Singapore. doi/10.5176/2251-3566_L315.39 (Best Student Research Paper Award)
Conference presentations
1. Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2023, Jul 17-21). Constructing a taxonomy of listening strategies in the EMI classroom. AILA 20th Anniversary World Congress 2023, France.
2. Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2023, Mar 13-15). Listening strategies in the EMI classroom. 57th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
3. Chung, E., & Fung, D. (2023, Mar 13-15). Understanding academic vocabulary learning from the learner’s perspective. 57th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
4. Fung, D., & Chung, E. (2022, Dec 6-9). What is the language goal in EMI? An analysis of vocabulary demand in a high-stakes assessment in Hong Kong. International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics (ICELEAL 2022), Hong Kong.
5. Fung, D. (2021, Dec 3-5). Pinpointing the language demand in CLIL: What vocabulary students need to learn. 19th Asia TEFL International Conference, India.
6. Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2020, Nov 27-29). Listening in the CLIL classroom: Interaction between listening strategies and teacher talk. 18th Asia TEFL International Conference, South Korea.
7. Tavares, N. & Fung, D. (2020, Apr 17-21). SMILE in Content and Language Integrated Learning: How "Maths Talk" Impacts on ESL Learners' Phonological and Morphosyntactic Awareness [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
8. Tavares, N., & Fung, D. (2019, June 27). Enriching ELT through CLIL: How ‘Maths Talk’ enhances L2 English morphosyntax and phonology. 17th Asia TEFL International Conference, Thailand.
9. Lo, Y.Y., & Fung, D. (2019, May 9). Informing Pedagogy through Exploring and Reforming Assessment Practices in EMI Education. Research and Development Project Dissemination Conference of SCOLAR, Hong Kong.
10. Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2018, November 24). Student needs in EMI assessment: An exploration of how cognitive and linguistic demands relate to students’ performance. International Conference on English Medium Instruction, China.
11. Fung, D., & Lo, Y.Y. (2018, March 26). Understanding how ELLs are assessed in CBI: The interplay of cognitive and linguistic demands. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, U.S.A.
12. Lo, Y.Y., & Fung, D. (2017, June 12). Assessing students in bilingual education programmes: The interplay between cognitive and linguistic demands. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB), Ireland.
13. Lo, Y.Y., Fung, D., & Lui, P. (2017, June 1). Reassessing CLIL assessment: The integral role of language. CAES International Conference: Faces of English 2, Hong Kong.
14. Fung, D. (2015, September 3). Breaking the boundaries: Development of a computer programme to tap into listening comprehension strategies during ESL classroom interaction. British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, UK.
15. Fung, D. (2015, June 11). Exploration of listening strategies in the classroom through a computer programme. CAES International Conference: Faces of English, Hong Kong.
16. Fung, D. (2015, March 6). On developing a computer programme to tap into listening comprehension strategy use during ESL classroom interaction. Language in Focus 2015 Conference, Turkey.
17. Fung, D. (2013, March 12). Understanding teacher codeswitching through interactionist approaches – with reference to language learner strategies. Students’ Ongoing Research in Education (STORIES) Conference, UK.
Professional Community Services
Reviewer for The Modern Language Journal; System; International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism; Second Language Research; Language Awareness; International Journal of Comparative Education and Development; The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher; TESOL International Journal; The Language Learning Journal; Speech, Language, and Hearing; Teaching and Teacher Education (2016-Present)
External Module Examiner, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong (2021-Present)