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Mrs CHAN PUN, Kit Ling

Mrs CHAN PUN, Kit Ling



Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development


Sp Ed. Teacher Cert., BSp.Ed., MEd., Principalship


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(852) 3917 0355


Room 511, Meng Wah Complex

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

Not applicable.



Changing Student Behaviour


Catering for students with diverse learning


Disability and its impact


Support system for staff and students


Educational Inquiry

Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong (2019)


Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship (2019)


Nominated for UGC Teaching Award (Early Career Faculty Members) (2018)


University Early Career Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong (2017)


Faculty Early Career Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong (2017)





2023:       Parental Training Programme - I can Do It: Building Young Children's Positive Behaviour


2018-21: Parental Support Programme - Building Positive Social Emotional Behaviours


2018-21: JC Play and Gain Project (Co-Investigator, Jockey Club Charities Trust)


2018-20: JC Diversity at Schools Project (Consultant for Teacher and Classroom Assistant collaboration, Jockey Club Charities Trust)


2018-19:  Building Positive Behaviour for children with ASD – Parental Support Project


2015-16: Project Go: Helping Children with ASD Learn Through their Special Interest in Transport.


2014-15: A one year pioneering project on developing a professional development model for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Shenyang, North East China.

Yuen, M., Wu, F., Wong, F., Yeung, P., Lam, C., Chan, K., Ma, G., & Tan, C. Y. (2022).  Inclusive education in a Chinese context: A Hong Kong perspective. In W. Beamish & M. Yuen (Eds.), The inclusion for students with special educational needs across the Asia Pacific (pp. 79-93). Springer.
Chau, L., Yuen, M., Chan, P., Liu, S., Chan, K., Lee, D. & Hsieh, W.-Y. (2022). Play-based parent training programme supporting Hong Kong kindergarten children in social competence development. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 50:3, 386-399, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2022.2030464
Yuen, M., Liu, S., Hsieh, W.-Y., Chau, L., Chan, K., Lee, D., Cheung, V., Hui, P., Poon, D. & Lee, C. (2022).  Play and Gain Social-Emotional Learning from Kindergarten to Community:  Final Report to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE), Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Chau N.L.L., Yuen M.T., Hsieh W.Y., Liu S.H.S., Chan Pun K.L.Lee P.L.D. (2021). Supporting Parents and Teachers in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A parent education and skills training program for promoting children’s social-emotional development. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society – International Virtual Conference on Comparative School Counseling.
Chan, K., Tsang, C. K. A., Wong, L. L. R., & Chan, J. (2020). Parental training manual: Building positive social emotional behaviour for children. Hong Kong, China: Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
Chau, L., Yuen, M., Hsieh, W.-Y, Liu, S., Chan, K. & Lee, D. (2020). Findings from the Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project: A brief report covering September 2018 - August 2020. Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Liu, Q., Hsieh, W.-Y., & Chan, K. (2020, April 17-21). Partnering pre-service teachers with families in supporting children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper session accepted [Roundtable session] at 2020 AERA Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA. [Full paper] (Conference canceled)
Liu, Q., Hsieh, W.-Y., Chan, K., & Zhu, J. (2019, July). Preparing pre-service teachers as mentors to support parents having children with autism spectrum disorders. Session presented at 2019 Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) Conference: Taipei, Taiwan.
Liu, Q., Hsieh, W.-Y., Chan, K., & Zhu, J. (2019, April). Parents’ growth through a behavior supports mentoring program for their children with autism spectrum disorders in Hong Kong. Paper presented at a roundtable session titled “Perspectives and partnerships: Listening to families of children with autism spectrum disorder” at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting: Toronto, Canada.
Yuen, M., Chau, L., Liu, S., Chan, K., Lee, D., & Hsieh, W.-Y. (2019a). The Parenting Efficacy Scale in Facilitating Group Play (PES-GP). Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (In Chinese and English)
Yuen, M., Chau, L., Liu, S., Lee, D., Hsieh, W.-Y., & Chan, K. (2019b). The Teacher Efficacy Scale in Facilitating Learning through Group Play (TES-GP). The Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (In Chinese and English)
Hsieh, W.-Y., Yeung, P.-S., Chan, K., Shao, S. & Yuen, M. (2017). Hong Kong, China. In M.L.Wehmeyer & J. R. Patton (Eds.), The Praeger international handbook of special education (Vol. 3, pp. 15-29)> Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Bridges, S.M., Jackson, L., Yeung, P., Chan, K., Mok, A.C., Aiston, S.J. (2016). Researching Diversity in Education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The International Journal of Diversity in Education. Special Issue: Affirming Diversity for Social and Educational Justice V16(3).

Chan, P. S. F., Chan, K. & Yuen, M. T. (2015). Applying team-teach approach in Hong Kong: Evaluation of a training workshop. Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 17, 15-27.

Co-Director, Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE), Hong Kong University


Honorary Clinical Supervisor, The Chinese University Hong Kong


Consultant of YWCA Y-Flight Project 周大福「逆」風高飛


Community Representative of School Council, Shatin Junior School, ESF (2014-20)

Presentations and Workshops


Four workshops presented for The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Cornwall Sschool to prepare staff for a pilot class for students with Autism:

 - A pilot class for students with ASD

 - Applied Behaviour Analysis

 - Effective teaching strategies for students with Autism – A learning journey for all

 - Learning from best practices – why are our students making progress?


Four workshops presented for Watchdog:

 - Shaping students' positive behavidour

 - An excellent lesson - parts become the whole

 - IEP

 - I want my friends


Two parental workshops presented for the JC Diversity Management Project: 同處理同進步: 學習困難與行為問題 Easy Go


A workshop presented for the Child Development Center: Positive Handling of children’s physically aggressive behaviours


A 6-week parental training programme: 「佢扭計 . 我搞掂」建立幼童正面行為家長培訓工作坊, organized by CAISE, The University of Hong Kong


A workshop presented for a primary school: 課室行為「身..驗」


A workshop presented for the Chinese University of Hong Kong: A parental support project: Developing young children’s social emotional skills


Panel chair of the conference “Girls and Autism”, CAISE, The University of Hong Kong



A seminar presentated for Joint School Professional Deveopment, Christian Education Committee, The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod: 課室行為問題處理 Easy Go


A workshop presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong: A parental support project: Developing young children’s social-emotional skills





A workshop presented for the Rightmind Kindergarten: Supporting young children with challenging behaviours in class


A workshop presented for the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Cornwall School - Building positive behaviours: Application of a combination of approaches in a special school - Part 2


A workshop presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong: A parental support project: Developing young children’s social-emotional skills


A workshop presented for the Singapore International School - Motivate the Unmotivated (Building Positive Learning Behaviours in the Classroom)


Radio Television Hong Kong 學在其中 interview: 賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃之遊戲與社交情緒技能
A sharing session presented for the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong: Organizing online courses: A low cost but effective package
A workshop presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Baptist University: Developing young children's social-emotional skills
A workshop presented for the TWGHs kindergartens: 佢扭計,我有計: 兒童行為問題處理
A workshop presented for the Mulberry House International Kindergarten: Supporting young children with diverse learning needs
A 5-week parental training programme under the Jockey Club "Play N Gain" project, CAISE, The University of Hong Kong
A workshop presented for the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Cornwall School - Building positive behaviours: Application of a combination of approaches in a special school - Part 1
A sharing session presented for the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong - HKU: Who have benefitted from the EL journey?


Two parental talks for the Education Bureau:

  • EQ Easy

  • 扭計寶寶​我來了: 處理兒童情緒行為問題

A workshop presented at the Anfield Kindergarten: Helping young children to build up positive learning behaviours in class


A 5-week parental training programme under the Jockey Club "Play N Gain" project, CAISE, The University of Hong Kong


A workshop presented for North Point Methodist Church Kindergarten: EQ 高, 社交好。 我地兩樣都做到!


A workshop presented for St. James Settlement Kathleen Mcdouall Kindergarten: 如何處理孩子在互動中常遇上的社交情緒疑難?


A workshop presented for Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School: Building Students’ Positive Learning Behaviours in Class


Radio Television Hong Kong 教學有心人 interview: 賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃


如何透過遊戲及奬勵提升小朋友的情緒智商(EQ) ?Video, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong


A workshop presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong: A parental support project: Developing young children’s social-emotional skills




A 5-week parental training programme under the Jockey Club "Play N Gain" project, CAISE, The University of Hong Kong


A workshop presented for Watchdog: Parental Support: Essential Steps to Success


A talk presented for CAISE, HKU: Linking teacher education with community needs


Three workshops presented at staff professional development of The Affiliated Foreign Language School of SCNU:

  • Building Positive Behaviours to enhance Effective Learning Part 2

  • setting up a new classroom

  • building a positive learning culture in the classroom

Guest speaker at the School forum for The Hong Kong University PGDE Principal Talk

Two talks presented at CUHK:

  • Early intervention: A parental Support Project

  • Curriculum for Special Schools in Hong Kong

Three workshops presented at staff professional development for Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School:

  • Teacher – CA collaboration

  • Enhancing learning through reinforcement system

  • Making a Change in Learning Motivation

Two workshops presented for Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School’s teacher assistants

  • Understanding and supporting students with ASD

  • Understanding and supporting students with ADHD

A talk presented at a staff professional development of Stewards MKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial College: Practical Teaching and Learning Strategies: Inclusive of Students with Learning Diversity


A 5-week parental training programme for parents with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, CAISE, The University of Hong Kong




A workshop presented for EDB: Catering for Learner Diversity in Physical Education Series: An Exploration of Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Physical Education I


A workshop presented for HK Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped 提升智障運員的學習成效及行為處理方法


A series of workshops presented at TWGHs Tsui Chin Tong School: Positive Behaviour: Building and Management


A workshop presented for Watchdog: Building Positive Behaviour for students with moderate and severe learning needs


A talk presented at CUHK: Proactive and Reactive Strategies – Managing Students’ Behaviour


A talk presented at Orient Securities Co. Ltd. 了解自閉症「社交路路通」學生社適計劃


Guest speaker at the SCMP EP insights – Special Needs & Inclusive Education 2017: “Pathway to adulthood: Options for students with SEN”


Guest speaker at HKU: Intensifying communication


Guest speaker at YWCA Y-Flight conference 由「家」出發‧凝聚「希望」


Guest speaker at the School forum for The Hong Kong University PGDE Principal Talk


A talk presented at the Affiliated Foreign Language School fo SCNU, Guangzhou, China: Building positive behaviour to enhance learning (Part I)


A talk presented at the exchange activity [天津特殊教育學校交流]


Panel speaker at the Showcase Excellence in Teaching and Learning, HKU




A workshop presented for three local kindergartens: Enhancing curriculum differentiation in inclusive pre-schools


Team Teach Foundation Course for TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School


A talk presented at HKU: Supporting Individuals with Learning Diversity: A WIN-WIN Formula


A talk presented at CUHK: Proactive and Reactive Strategies – Managing Students’ Behaviours


A workshop presented for ESF: Building positive classroom learning behaviour

Keynote speaker at Macau conference: New curriculum and New Pedagogy start from your Re-imagination and Re-thinking


A workshop presented for special education curriculum development project in Macau: Teaching students with Moderate to Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties: The starting point and the core


A talk presented at HKU INSTEP: Catering for Learner Diversity


A talk presented at EDB: Supporting teachers to manage students with aggressive and challenging behaviours


A talk presented at EDB: Developing and implementing an Individual Education Programme (IEP):  Preventive, reactive, and strength-oriented measures


School Forum discussion session at HKU: What makes a good professional student teacher /  beginning novice teacher?


A workshop presented at Ling Liang Church Sau Tak Primary School: I can do it! Learning Motivation and Positive Behaviour Building




Oral presentation at The First Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support entitled A site-based professional development leading to successful TEACCH  implementation for students with ASD in China


Workshop presented at EDB: Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs in Visual Arts


A series of training workshops for YWCA (Pre-school rehabilitation services)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Evidence based approaches
  • ADHD and building positive behaviours
  • The journey of implementation

A series of training workshops for YWCA (Youth, Family and Community Services)

  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders – Overview and supporting learning
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders – building positive behaviours
  • The journey of implementation

Workshop presented at ESF: Building positive classroom learning behaviours


Workshop presented at CAISE, HKU: Practical ideas to learn from a TEACCH implementation project for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Workshop presented at HKU: BBB Project – Undergraduate students’ experiential learning


Workshop presented at HKU INSTEP: Catering for learner diversity


A talk presented at Summer Institute, HKU: Training teachers to support students with SEN


A talk presented at HKU: Supporting Individuals with Learning Diversity: A WIN-WIN Formula

TEAM TEACH Foundation course (for special school)


Project Go – a project involving HKU undergraduate students working with students with ASD in a special school using interest-based approach


Workshop presented at CUHK: Proactive and Reactive Strategies – Managing Students’ Behaviours




Workshop presented at EDB: “Supporting students with SEN in mainstream - curriculum differentiation and teaching strategies”


Workshop presented at EDB: “Supporting students with SEN in mainstream - learning Visual Arts and Music”


Workshop presented at EDB: “Supporting teachers on building positive behaviour - seeing is believing”


Workshop presented at HKU: “Understanding students with diverse learning needs”


Team Teach Foundation courses for Society of Boys’ CentresChak Yan Centre, Society of Boys’ Centres Shing Tak Centre, Society of Boys’ Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School and CAISE of Hong Kong University


Workshop and consultation to support students with ASD, Society of Boys’ Centres Chak Yan Centre


Two series of workshops and project supervision for 11 special schools in Shenyang together with the Shenyang Institute of Education:

  • Understanding the learning characteristics of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Introduction to Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children
  • Application of the TEACCH approach to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Practical practice of preparing TEACCH work station and materials
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis and building positive behavior
  • Current evidenced-based strategies for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • TEACCH – leading and facilitation at school
  • Curriculum differentiation to support students’ learning diversity




Workshop presented at HKU: “Developing APPROPRIATE targets for an Individual Educational Plan”


Workshop presented at HKIE: “Team Teach Introduction”


Workshop presented at CAISE, HKU: “Proactive and Reactive: Managing Students' behaviours”


Workshop presented at Watchdog: “Setting up a home training programme - I can do it”


Workshop presented at Child Development Centre: “Differentiation for students with learning difficulties”


Workshop presented at SEN Right: 親自動手!為孩子設置家居訓練方案


Guest speaker at Baptist University: “Understanding Autism and practical strategies to support them in physical  activities”


Before 2013

Curriculum and Assessment


Formative and summative assessment for SEN students


Use of attainment level and SCALE assessment


Primary Years Programme (PYP) and its application in a special school setting


Use of EQUALs/ SAME curriculum / ASDAN in HK


Teaching and Learning


Teaching and supporting students with special needs in developing Literacy skills


Understanding and supporting students with profound multiple learning difficulties


Differentiation teaching


Behaviour management - theory and practice


Effective approaches in teaching students with autism


Applied Behaviour Analysis


ASD and Positive Behaviour Building


The use of TEACCH to support students with ASD


TEAM Teach foundation course