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Dr HUI, Sau Yan

Dr HUI, Sau Yan



Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education


Ph.D. (HKU), M.Ed. (Manchester, UK) , PGDE (HKU)


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(852) 3917 8547


Room 625, Meng Wah Complex

Research Expertise

  • Assessment, Testing and Measurement
  • Chinese Language and Literature Education
  • Diversity, Ethnicity and Identity
  • Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language
  • University-School Partnerships

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am available to supervise EdD students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.

Teaching Areas:

Main teaching areas: Chinese Language pedagogy(PGDE), Curriculum development(MEd), Chinese Language Assessment(MEd), Second language learning(MEd).


Research Interests:

Self-regulated learning, Chinese Language assessment, Chinese Language curriculum development, Teaching and learning of Chinese Language as a second / foreign Language.

In Progress

Lam, J.W.I., and Hui, S.Y.


Thematic Network on Utilising “Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong” for Effective Chinese Learning (2017/18 School Year)

Funded by Quality Education Fund


Lam, J.W.I., and Hui, S.Y..


Pilot Training Programme for Kindergarten Teachers on Teaching Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Kindergartens

Funded by Education Bureau


Tsang, W. H. H., Cheung, W. M., & Hui, S. Y.


Facilitating Transition to Primary Schools of NCS Students: Coping with Challenges of Foreign Language Anxiety in Learning Chinese, Social Integration and Social Participation

Funded by Quality Education Fund


Tse, S.K., & Hui, S.Y.


Provision of Services on Analyses of the Learning Performance in Chinese Language of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students in Primary and Secondary Schools 

Funded by Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., Hui, S.Y., Loh, E.K.Y., & Lam, J.W.I.


The Fifth Study of the Progress in Chinese and English Reading Literacy Study (in 2016) at Primary 4 in Hong Kong and Approaches to and Strategies for Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning of Reading

Funded by General Research Fund


Lam, J.W.I., Tse, S.K., Cheung, W.M., & Hui, S.Y.


Effective Student Transition: Facilitating the Learning of the Chinese Language of NCS Kindergarten (K.3) Students in the Transition to Primary School.

Funded by Education Bureau



Tse, S.K., & Hui, S.Y.

2015 - 2016

Research and Development Project on Listening and Speaking Assessment for the Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework

Funded by Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., & Hui, S.Y.

2014 - 2016

Research and Development Project on Reading and Writing Assessment for the Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language learning Framework

Funded by Curriculum Development Institute


Lam, J.W.I., Hui, S.Y., & Cheung, W.M.


Development of Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong

Funded by Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., & Hui, S.Y.

2014 - 2015

Provision of services on analyses of learning performance in Chinese language of NCS students in primary and secondary schools

Funded by Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., Lam, J.W.I., Loh, E.K.Y., & Hui, S.Y.

Quality Education Fund Thematic Network Chinese Language (2015-2016)

Funded by Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., Lam, J.W.I., Loh, E.K.Y., & Hui, S.Y.

Quality Education Fund Thematic Network Chinese Language (2014-2015)

Funded by Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., & Hui, S.Y.


Provision of Services on Analyses of the Chinese Proficiency of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students 

Funded by Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., Lam, J.W.I., Loh, E.K.Y., & Hui, S.Y.

Quality Education Fund Thematic Network Chinese Language (2013-2014)

Funded by Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau


Tse, S.K., Lam, J.W.I., Loh, E.K.Y., & Hui, S.Y.

Quality Education Fund Thematic Network Chinese Language (2012-2013)

Funded by Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau

(a) Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters


Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y., Cheung, W. Y., Lui, W. L. (2016). Chinese language curriculum design for students with special needs. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. (Written in Chinese.)

Lam, J. W. I., Cheung, W. M., Hui, S. Y. (Eds.). (2013). Overcoming difficulties, celebrating success: Strategies for teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students. Hong Kong: Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, The University of Hong Kong. (Written in Chinese.)


Book Chapters

Hui, S. Y., Tse, S. K., & Kwong, Y. K. (2015). Promoting Effective Chinese Learning for Non-Chinese Students through School-based Curriculum Development. In J.W.I. Lam (Ed.), Teaching Chinese to Chinese Language Learners: Theories and Practices (pp.203-212). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University-Singapore Centre for Chinese Language Press.  (Written in Chinese.)

Lam, J.W.I., Hui, S.Y., Zhu, Y., and Chan, M.C. (2015). An exploration of school-based Chinese curriculum planning for non-Chinese speaking students - case study of a designated secondary school. In J.W.I. Lam (Ed.), Teaching Chinese to Chinese Language Learners: Theories and Practices (pp.229-240). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University-Singapore Centre for Chinese Language Press.  (Written in Chinese.)

Hui, S.Y. and Lam, J.W.I. (2013). Learning Chinese through Tasks. In J. W. I. Lam, W. M. Cheung and S. Y. Hui (Eds.), Overcoming difficulties, celebrating the success: Strategies for teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students (pp.62-67). Hong Kong: The Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (Written in Chinese.)


(b) Journal Publications

Tse, S. K., Zhu, Y., Hui, S. Y. and Ng, H. W. (2017). The effects of home reading activities during preschool and Grade 4 on children’s reading performance in Chinese and English in Hong Kong. Australian Journal of Education.

Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y. (2015). Chinese writing curriculum reforms in Hong Kong in recent years and their impact on teaching and learning. Reading and Writing, pp. 1-25.

Tse, S.K., Hui, S.Y., Ng, H.W. and Lam, J.W.I. (2015). The Reading Attainment of Hong Kong Primary Four Students: A study of Literacy Achievements and Its Implications. Educational Journal, 43, 35-58.

Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y., Ng, H. W., and Lam, W. I. (2014). A Comparison of Hong Kong Primary 4 Students' Relative Progress in Chinese and English Reading Attainment in 2013. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, 3(2), 35-54.

Tse, S.K., Xiao, X., Ko, H.W., Lam, J.W.I., Hui, S.Y. and Ng, H.W. (2014). Do reading practices make a difference? Evidence from PIRLS data for Hong Kong and Taiwan primary school Grade 4 students. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-25.

Tse, S.K., Lam, J.W.I., Loh, E.K.Y., Hui, S.Y., and Ng, H.W. (2013). A comparison of Hong Kong primary 4 students’ relative progress in Chinese and English reading attainment. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, 1, 1-16.

Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y. (2012).  Supporting Ethnic Minority Students Learning the Chinese Language in Multilingaul Hong Kong.  L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, Vol 12, 1-27.


(c) Invited and Keynote Conference Papers

Cheung, W. M., & Hui, S. Y. (March 2015). A good lesson on Chinese learning. New Partners, New Transitions: Sharing Seminar on the Learning and Teaching of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Kindergartens and Primary Schools (Hong Kong).


(d) Conference Papers

Hui, S. Y., Ng, H. W., & Zhu, Y. (June 2017). Reading instruction through curriculum reform in Hong Kong: An evaluation of its impact and the escalation of PIRLS reading attainment. Paper accepted at the 7th IEA International Research Conference (Czech Republic).

Hui, S. Y., & Zhu, Y. (September 2013). Exploring an integrated approach to teaching second language writing – an experience of discerning the object of learning in varied language activities. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference for The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) (Sweden).

Committee Member


Curriculum Development Council's Committee on Apply Learning (Chinese Language) Task force, EDB


Ex-officio Members


Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR)




Curriculum Development Council's Committee on Chinese Language Education, EMB


Committee Member


CDC-HKEAA One Committee on Chinese Language




HKCEE Subject Committee (Chinese Language), HKEAA


Committee Member


Committee on the Basic Competency Indicators in Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics, HKEAA


Committee Member


HKCEE Subject Committee (Chinese Language), HKEAA


Committee Member


Curriculum Development Council's Committee on Chinese Language Education, EMB


Committee Member


Advisory Committee on the School-based Curriculum Tailoring Scheme, CDI, EMB