Professor HORTA, Hugo

Professor HORTA, Hugo
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2007)
M.A. in Contemporary Sociology: Studies in Social, Political and Cultural Order
(University of Durham, United Kingdom, 2000)
B.A. in Sociology (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal, 1999)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2525
Room 419, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Higher Education Policy and Practice
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
General research areas:
Higher Education Studies (major); Science and Technology Studies; Public Policy
Main research interests:
Impact of PhDs trajectories and institutional environment on knowledge production and collaboration
Factors influencing the strategic research agenda preferences of PhD holders
Evolution and structures of knowledge in higher education research in Asia
CCGL9005 Poverty, Development, and the Next Generation: Challenges for a Global World
MEDD6098 Critical issues in educational reform
MEDD6751 Education Studies
Taught before:
EDUC6652 School and society: Understanding the processes and contexts of education
MEDD6014 Methods of research and enquiry
PhD students under-supervision (or co-supervision):
Supervising (as primary supervisor only) the PhD dissertation of:
- Hugo Luna: “Exploring the role of research agendas in fostering technological innovation and knowledge exchange in academic research settings” (PhD student at The University of Hong Kong), started in 2019.
- Li Tang: “Barriers to promotion and tenure at Chinese universities: insights on gender” (PhD student at The University of Hong Kong), started in 2017.
- Yingxin Liu (Margaret): “Delving into the conceptualization and implementation of scholarly research agenda setting in the context of higher education: a regional exploration in East Asia (PhD student at The University of Hong Kong), started in 2017.
- Jin Jin: “The perceptions of post-docs in China concerning their current working situation and future employability” (PhD student at The University of Hong Kong), started in 2016.
- Paulo Loureiro Maia: "The link between academic research and participatory research" (PhD student at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon), started in 2018.
Supervised the PhD dissertations of:
- João Santos: "The role of scientific agendas in defining researcher and academic careers" (PhD student at ISCTE-IUL), 2017-2020.
Co-supervised the PhD dissertations of:
- Sandra Hasanefendic: "Research Funding at Universities of Applied Sciences: On the Development of Policies to Reinforce Institutional Integrity and Higher Education Diversity" (PhD student at the Free University of Amsterdam and ISCTE-IUL), 2014-2018.
Supervising the EdD dissertation of:
- Jiang Qinxu (Violet): " The essentiality of career planning for international MBBS students in China" (EdD student at The University of Hong Kong), started in 2017.
2017-2018 HKU Overseas Fellowship Award given on a university-wide competitive basis for my research project and work to be undertaken during the sabbatical in the Center for Global Higher Education (CGHE) at the Institute of Education, UCL, London.
Faculty Early Career Output Research Award of 2016 for the article: Santos, J.M. & Horta, H. (2015) The generational gap of science – a dynamic cluster analysis of doctorates in an evolving scientific system. Scientometrics, 104(1): 381-406.
Recipient of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Higher Education SIG Best Book Award 2019 for the edited volume: Researching Higher Education in Asia: History, Development and Future (in co-authorship with Dr. Jisun Jung, HKU, and Prof. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Tohoku University, Japan; Springer).
Received the Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing in November 2018 awarded by the journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
Considered a Top Reviewer for the Social Sciences, General – September 2018 by the Publons platform for being in the top 1% in the field of social sciences, general with most reviews performed during the year of 2018.
Research Grant Council, General Research Funding (GRF) awarded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Committee. Project “Factors influencing current and expected career trajectories of PhD students and PhD holders in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan” (Principal Investigator), 2020-2022.
Research Grant Council, Project "Characterising researcher' research agenda-setting: an international perspective across fields of study", Temp RGC Ref No. T26120116 (Principal Investigator), 2017-2019.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Project “Career trajectories of doctorates: deepening the knowledge on types of mobility”, reference PTDC/IVC-ESCT/3788/2012 (Principal Investigator), 2013-2016.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Project “The Portuguese International Partnership Programs: assessing the role of scientific networks in the knowledge society”, reference PTDC/CS-SOC/118487/2010, (Member of the team; project based at CIES-IUL), 2011-current.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/European Science Foundation, Project “Change in Networks, Higher Education and Knowledge Societies (CINHEKS)”, European Science Foundation (EUROHESK call), reference EuroHesc/0002/2008, (National Principal Investigator), 2009-2013.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Project research entitled “Academic inbreeding: its impact on scholarly activities in Japan, France, Portugal and Mexico” with the reference number JSPS ID P08014 (Principal Investigator).
Updated publication list in the refereed literature (Scopus): here
Editor of Special Issues
- Co-editor of the special issue “Network ethics in the growing global, multi-dimensional and technological academy” at the International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, July-September 2011, 1(3) (with William Boyd, South Cross University, Australia).
- Co-editor of the special issue “Academic knowledge production, diffusion and commercialization policies and practices: perspectives from developed and catching-up countries” at Science and Public Policy. (with Liudvika Leisyte, CHEPS, University of Twente, The Netherlands), 2011
- Co-editor of the special issue “Scientific Capacitation and Innovation Policy in Latin America” at JOTMI - Journal of Technology and Innovation Management (with Manuel Heitor, IN+/IST, Portugal, Rosário Ibarra, UNAM Mexico, Roberto Sbragia, University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Alejandro Jiménez Montecinos, University Alberto Hurtado, Chile), December 2014
- Co-editor of the special issue “Higher Education Research in East Asia: Regional and National Evolution and Path-dependencies” at Higher Education Policy. (with Jisun Jung, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and Akiyoshi Yonezawa, University of Nagoya, Japan), December 2015
- Co-editor of the special issue “Technological Change in the Iberian region” at Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (with Manuel Heitor, IN+, Portugal, and César Dopazo and Norberto Feyo, University of Zaragoza, Spain), December 2016.
- Co-editing the special issue "The evolution of knowledge production in East Asian countries: learning from the past to draw implications for future policy”in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (with Ka-Ho Mok, Lingnam University), March 2020 .
Articles in Referred International Journals
Impact of PhDs trajectories and institutional environment on knowledge production and collaboration
- Horta, H., Jung, J., and Santos J.M. (2020) “Mobility and Research Performance of Academics in City-based higher education systems. Higher Education Policy 33(3): 437-458.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., Zhang, L.F., and Postiglione, G. (2019) Academics’ job-related stress and institutional commitment in Hong Kong universities, Tertiary Education and Management, Accepted for publication
- Cattaneo, M., Horta, H., and Meoli, M., (2019) “Dual appointments and research collaborations outside academia: evidence from the European academic population”, Studies in Higher Education, Accepted for publication.
- Horta, H., Cattaneo, M., and Meoli, M. (2019) “The impact of Ph.D. funding on time to Ph.D. completion”, Research Evaluation, 28(2): 182-195.
- Horta, H. (2018) “PhD students’ self-perception of skills and career plans while in doctoral programs: are they associated?” Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(2): 211-228.
- Horta, H., Cattaneo, M., Meoli, M. (2018) “PhD funding as a determinant of PhD and career research performance”, Studies in Higher Education, 43(3): 542-570.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., and Santos, J.M. (2018) “Effects of mobilities on the research output and its multidisciplinarity of academics in Hong Kong and Macau: an exploratory study”, Higher Education Quarterly, 72(3): 250-265.
- Patrício, M.T., Santos, P., Loureiro, P.M., and Horta, H. (2018) “Faculty-exchange programs promoting change: motivations, experiences, and influence of participants in the Carnegie Mellon University-Portugal Faculty Exchange Program”, Tertiary Education and Management, 24(1): 1-18.
- Horta, H. and Santos, J.M. (2016) “The impact of publishing during the PhD on career research publication, visibility, and collaborations”, Research in Higher Education, 57(1): 28-50.
- Horta, H., and Yudkevich, M. (2016) “The role of academic inbreeding in developing higher education systems: Challenges and possible solutions”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 363-372.
- Yonezawa, A., Horta, H., Osawa, A. (2016) “Mobility, formation and development of the academic profession in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in East and South East Asia”, Comparative Education, 52(1): 44-61.
- Santos, J.M., Horta, H., and Heitor, M.V (2016) “Too many PhDs? An invalid argument for countries developing their scientific and academic systems: The case of Portugal”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 352-362.
- Santos, J.M., and Horta, H. (2015) “The generational gap of science - a dynamic cluster analysis of doctorates in an evolving scientific system”, Scientometrics, 104(1): 381-406.
- Heitor, M.V., Horta, H., and Mendonça, J. (2014). Developing human capital and research capacity: science policies promoting brain gain, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 82, 6-22.
- Horta, H., and Yonezawa, A., (2013). “Going places: exploring the impact of intra-sectoral mobility on the scientific productivity and communication behaviors in Japanese academia”, Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(4): 537-547.
- Horta, H. (2013). Deepening our understanding of academic inbreeding effects on research information exchange and scientific output: new insights for academic based research, Higher Education, 65(4): 487-510.
- Horta, H., Sato, M., and Yonezawa, A. (2011). Academic inbreeding: exploring its characteristics and rationale in Japanese universities using a qualitative perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(1): 35-44.
- Horta, H., Veloso, F., and Grediaga, R. (2010). Navel gazing: Academic inbreeding and scientific productivity. Management Science, 56(3): 414-429.
- Horta, H. (2009). Holding a post-doctoral position before becoming a faculty member: does it bring benefits for the scholarly enterprise? Higher Education, 58(5): 689-721.
Factors influencing the strategic research agenda preferences of PhD holders
- Santos, J.M., Horta, H., and Amâncio, L. (2020) “Research agendas of female of male academics: a new perspective on gender disparities in academia”, Gender and Education, Accepted for publication.
- Horta, H., and Santos, J.M. (2020) The multidimensional research agendas inventory – revised (MDRAI-R): factors shaping researchers’ research agendas in all fields of knowledge. Quantitative Science Studies 1(1): 60-93.
- Santos, J.M., Horta, H., and Zhang, L.-F. (2019) The association of thinking styles with research agendas among academics in the social sciences”, Higher Education Quarterly 74(2): 193-210.
- Horta, H., and Santos, J.M. (2018) “Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics in the social sciences”, Studies in Higher Education, Accepted for publication.
- Santos, J.M. and Horta, H. (2018), “The research agenda setting of higher education researchers”, Higher Education, 76(4): 649-668.
- Horta, H., Santos, J.M. (2016) “An instrument to measure individuals’ research agenda setting: the multi-dimensional research agendas inventory”, Scientometrics, 108(3): 1243-1265.
Evolution and structures of knowledge in higher education research in Asia
- Kim, Y., Horta, H., and Jung, J. (2017) “Higher Education research in Hong Kong, Japan, China and Malaysia: exploring research community cohesion and the integration of thematic approaches”, Studies in Higher Education, 42(1): 149-168.
- Jung, J., and Horta, H. (2015) “The contribution of East Asian countries to internationally published Asian higher education research: the role of system development and internationalization”, Higher Education Policy, 28(4): 419-439.
- Horta, H., and Jung, J., (2014) “Higher education research in Asia: An archipelago, two continents or merely atomization?”, Higher Education, 68(1): 117-134.
- Jung, J., and Horta, H. (2013). Higher education research in Asia: a publication and co-publication analysis, Higher Education Quarterly, 67(4): 398-419.
Other research focuses in the field of higher education
- Jiang, Q., Yuen, M., and Horta, H. (2020) Factors influencing life satisfaction of international students in Mainland China. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, Accepted for publication.
- Zhang, L.-F., Horta, H., Jung, J., and Postiglione, G.A. (2020) “The research-teaching nexus: not merely an enduring myth”, Higher Education Forum 17: 67-97.
- Horta, H., and Mok, K.-H. (2020) “Challenges to research systems, academic research and knowledge production in East Asia: learning from the past to inform future policy”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 42(2): 119-133.
- Horta, H., and Shen, W. (2019) Current and future challenges of the Chinese research system, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Accepted for publication.
- Cattaneo, M., Horta, H., Malighetti, P., Meoli, M., and Paleari, S. (2019), “The relationship between competition and programmatic diversification”, Studies in Higher Education, 44(7): 1222-1240.
- Zhang, L.F., Horta, H., Jung, J., Chen, G. W., and Postiglione, G.A. (2018) “The Role of Thinking Styles in Program Satisfaction and Perceived Intellectual Competence among STEM Doctoral Students”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(4): 573-589.
- Cattaneo, M., Horta, H., Malighetti, P., Meoli, M., and Paleari, S. (2019) “Universities’ attractiveness to students: the Darwinism effect”, Higher Education Quarterly, 73(1): 85-99.
- Horta, H. (2018) “The declining scientific wealth of Hong Kong and Singapore”, Scientometrics, 117(1): 427-447.
- Wright, E. and Horta, H. (2018) “Higher education participation in “high-income” universal higher education systems: “Survivalism” in the risk society”, Asian Education and Development Studies, 7(2): 184-204.
- Jin, J. and Horta, H. (2018) “Same university, same challenges? Development strategies of two schools at a prestigious Chinese university in a changing higher education landscape”, Tertiary Education and Management, 24(2): 95-114.
- Cattaneo, M., Horta, H., Malighetti, P., Meoli, M., and Paleari, S. (2017) “Effects of the financial crisis on university choice by gender”, Higher Education, 74(5): 775-79
- Hasanefendic, S., Birkholz, J., Horta, H., and van der Sijde, P. (2017) “Individuals in action: Bringing about innovation in higher education”, European Journal of Higher Education, 7(2): 101-11
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2016) “Reforming higher education in Portugal in times of uncertainty: The importance of illities, as non-functional requirements”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 146-156.
- Horta, H., and Patrício, T. (2016) “Setting-up an international partnership program: a case study between Portuguese and US universities”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 230-239.
- Heitor, M.V., Horta, H., and Leocádio, M. (2016) “Enlarging the social basis of higher education: Lessons learned from extending a social support system with a risk-sharing loan scheme in Portugal”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 319-327.
- Hasanefendic, S., Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2016) “Training students for new jobs: the role of technical and vocational higher education and implications for science policy in Portugal”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113(Part B): 328-340.
- Pádua, M., Santos, J.M., and Horta, H. (2016) “Exploring knowledge styles as determinants of preventive behavior and diabetes risk among older people”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(5): 249-258.
- Horta, H., Meoli, M., and Vismara, S. (2016) “Skilled unemployment and creation of academic spin-offs: a recession-push hypothesis”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4): 798-817.
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H., (2014) “Further democratizing Latin America: Broadening access to higher education and promoting science policies focused on the advanced training of human resources”, Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 9(4): 64-82.
- Horta, H., and Martins, R. (2014) “The start-up, evolution and impact of a research group in a university developing its knowledge base”, Tertiary Education and Management, 20(4): 280-293.
- Hoffman, D.M., Blasi, B., Culum, B., Dragsic, Z., Ewen, A., Horta, H., Nokkala, T., and Rios-Aguilar, C., (2014) “The methodological illumination of a blind spot: information and communication technology and international team dynamics in a higher education research project”, Higher Education, 67, 473-495.
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2014). Democratizing higher education and linking science and higher education policy: the Portuguese reform 2006-2010, Higher Education Policy, 27, 239-257.
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2012). Opening-up higher education in emerging economies: autonomy and integrity on the rise of globalization. International Journal of Chinese Education, 1(2): 196-234.
- Horta, H., Dautel, V., and Veloso, F. (2012). An Output Perspective on the Teaching/Research Nexus: an analysis focusing on the US higher education system. Studies in Higher Education, 37(2): 171-187.
- Horta, H., and Lacy, T.A., (2011). How does size matter for science? Exploring the effects of research unit size on academics' scientific productivity and information exchange behaviors. Science and Public Policy, 38(6): 449-460.
- Horta, H. (2010). The role of the state in the internationalization of universities in catching-up countries: An analysis of the Portuguese higher education system. Higher Education Policy, 23, 63-81.
- Horta, H. (2009). Global and national prominent universities: internationalization, competitiveness and the role of the state. Higher Education, 58(3): 387-405.
- Horta, H., Huisman, J., and Heitor, M.V. (2008). Does competitive research funding regime adds to maintaining or increasing higher education diversity? Science and Public Policy, 35(3): 146-158.
- Horta, H. (2008). On improving the university research base: The Technical University of Lisbon case in perspective. Higher Education Policy, 21, 123-146.
- Horta, H., and Veloso, F., (2007). Opening the box: comparing EU and US scientific output by scientific field. Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 74, 1334-1356.
Chapters in Books
Impact of PhDs trajectories and institutional environment on knowledge production and collaboration
- Horta, H., and Blasi, B. (2016). Why public policies fostering knowledge networks in academia matter? insights from the Portuguese higher education system until 2010 In Hoffman, D.M. and Valimaa, J. (Eds.) Re-becoming Universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies. Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 141-168).
- Horta, H. and Maia, P.L. (2015). [Academic inbreeding in Portugal: an analysis between 2005 and 2012] Endogamia académica em Portugal: uma análise entre 2005 e 2012 In Rodrigues, M.L., Costa, A.F., Sebastião, J., Patrício, T., Heitor, M.V., Martins, S.C., Conceição, C.P. (Eds.) 40 Anos de Politicas de Ciência e Ensino Superior em Portugal. Lisboa: Almedina. (in Portuguese), pp 899-920.
- Horta, H. and Hasanefendic, S. (2015). Young Doctorates in a Fast-Changing Higher Education System: The Case of Portugal. In Yudkevich, M., Altbach, P., and Rumbley, L. (Eds.) Young Faculty in the Twenty-First Century: International Perspectives. Albany: SUNY Press. pp 201-226.
- Yonezawa, A., Ishida, K., and Horta, H. (2014). The Long-Term Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan – A Survey of Non-Japanese Faculty Members in Japanese Universities. In Mok, K.-H., and Yu, K.M., (Eds.) Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia – Trends of Student Mobility and Impact on Education Governance, London and New York: Routledge. (pp.179-191)
Evolution and structures of knowledge in higher education research in Asia
- Horta, H. (2017) Higher-education researchers in Asia: the risks of insufficient contribution to international higher-education research In Jung, J., Horta, H., and Yonezawa, A. (Eds) Researching Higher Education in Asia: History, Development and Future. Dordrecht: Springer (pp. 15-36).
Other research focuses in the field of higher education
- Horta, H. (2017) Is the research system in Hong Kong losing its competitiveness? In Postiglione, G.A., and Jung, J. (Eds) The Changing Academic Profession in Hong Kong. Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 77-95).
- Hoffman, D.M., and Horta, H. (2016). The CINHEKS research design: taking stock and moving forward. In Hoffman, D.M. and Valimaa, J. (Eds.) Re-becoming Universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies. Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 41-74).
- Torres-Olave, B., Horta, H., Kollasch, A., Lee, J., and Rhoades, G. (2016) The CINHEKS comparative survey: emerging design, findings, and the art of mending fractured vessels. In Hoffman, D.M. and Valimaa, J. (Eds.) Re-becoming Universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies. Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 309-335).
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2016). Introduction. Democratizing Higher Education and Science in Latin America. In Horta, H., Heitor, M.V., and Salmi, J. (2016) (Eds) Trends and challenges in Science and Higher Education: building capacity in Latin America: Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 1-26)
- Heitor, M.V., Horta, H., and Salmi, J. (2016) Looking forward: building capacity in Latin America. In Horta, H., Heitor, M.V., and Salmi, J. (2016) (Eds) Trends and challenges in Science and Higher Education: building capacity in Latin America: Dordrecht: Springer. (pp. 289-310)
- Patrício, M.T., and Horta, H. (2015). [The origins of the International partnership program] As origens do programa de parcerias internacionais. In Patrício, M.T., Conceição, C.P. (Eds.) Redes e colaborações científicas: os programas de parcerias internacionais em Portugal. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais (in Portuguese). (pp. 31-49).
- Heitor, M.V. and Horta, H. (2015). [The Bologna process and the challenge of democratization of access to knowledge] Bolonha e o desafio da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento In Rodrigues, M.L., Costa, A.F., Sebastião, J., Patrício, T., Heitor, M.V., Martins, S.C., Conceição, C.P. (Eds.) 40 Anos de Politicas de Ciência e Ensino Superior em Portugal. Lisboa: Almedina. (in Portuguese). (pp. 558-590).
- Horta, H. and Noronha Lisboa Filho, P. (2014). A keystone to the future of Brazil. Fostering general and STEM education for an inclusive development. In Freeman, B., Marginson, S., and Tytler, R. (Eds) The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practices across the world in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. New York: Routledge. (pp.266-277)
- Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2012). Science and Technology in Portugal: From Late Awakening to the Challenge of Knowledge Integrated Communities. In Neave, G., and Amaral, A., (Eds.) Higher Education in Portugal 1974-2009: A Nation, A Generation, Dordrecht: Springer. (179-226).
- Yonezawa, A., and Horta, H. (2011). Reconsidering the Realities of the International Student Market: A Perspective from Japan and East-Asia. In Pusser, B., Kempner, K., Marginson, S., and Ordorika, I., (Eds.) Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge Creation and State Building in the era of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge. (pp. 65-80)
- Horta, H., and Veloso, F. (2009). Scientific Output, Social Infrastructure, and Science Policies: the case of small and medium sized countries. In Gibson, D., Geenhuizen, M. Van, Trzmielak, D. (Eds.) Value Added Partnering in a Changing World, West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. (pp 42-67)
- Horta, H. and Vaccaro, A. (2008). ICT, Transparency and Proactivity: finding a way for higher education institutions to regain public trust. In Vaccaro, A., Horta, H. and Madsen, P., (Eds.) Transparency, and Information and Communication Technology: Social Responsibility and Accountability in Business and Education, Philosophy Documentation Center. (pp. 227-240)
- Conceição, P., Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2006). R&D funding in US universities: from public to private support or public policies strengthening diversification? In Enders, J., and Jongbloed, B. (Eds.) Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education: Expectations, Developments and Outcomes, Bielefeld: Transcript-verlag. (pp. 201-328)
- Heitor, M.V. and Horta, H. (2004). Engenharia e desenvolvimento científico [Engineering and scientific development] In Brito, J.M.B., Heitor, M.V., Rollo, M. F., (Eds) Engenharia em Portugal no Século XX, Lisboa, D. Quixote. (in Portuguese)
- Heitor, M.V., Conceição, P, and Horta, H. (2004). Do Ensino Técnico ao Ensino da Engenharia em Portugal” [From technical teaching to the teaching of Engineering in Portugal] in Brito, J.M.B., Heitor, M.V., Rollo, M. F., (Eds) Engenharia em Portugal no Século XX, Lisboa, D. Quixote. (in Portuguese)
- Conceição, P., Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2003). Reflexões sobre o Ensino Superior em Portugal: Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento Institucional [Reflections over the Portuguese Higher Education system: perspectives for institutional development] in Amaral., A. (Ed) Consolidação da legislação do ensino superior – Avaliação e Revisão da legislação em vigor, Matosinhos: CIPES. (in Portuguese)
- Conceição, P, Heitor, M.V., and Horta, H. (2002). Engenharia e conhecimento: ensino técnico e investigação [Engineering and knowledge: technical teaching and research], in Brito, J.M. B., Heitor, M., Rollo, M.F., (Eds.) Engenho e Obra: Uma abordagem à história da Engenharia em Portugal no século XX, Lisboa, D.Quixote. (in Portuguese).
Books Co-Editor
- Jung, J., Horta, H., and Yonezawa, A. (2017) (Eds.) Researching Higher Education in Asia: history, Development and Future. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Horta, H., Heitor, M.V., and Salmi, J. (2016) (Eds) Trends and challenges in Science and Higher Education: building capacity in Latin America. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Vaccaro, A., Horta, H. and Madsen, P., (2008) (Eds.), Transparency, and Information and Communication Technology: Social Responsibility and Accountability in Business and Education, Philosophy Documentation Center.
Professional Community Services
Coordinating Editor of Higher Education (Springer)
Co-editor of the book series Knowledge Studies in Higher Education (Springer), with Jung Cheol-Shin (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Editorial boards/councils:
Higher Education Policy; Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management; Asia Pacific Education Review; Journal of Higher Education and Science; International Journal of Institutional Research and Management (IJIRM); Participated also in the Outreach Advisory Board of The Journal of the Learning Sciences.
Member of the board of governors, Consortium for Higher Education Researchers
Newspaper/Web-news articles
- “Understanding the pros and cons of academic inbreeding” at University World News:
- “Reversing decades of brain drain” at University World News (with Manuel Heitor and Joana Mendonça):
- “Does a Higher Education Community Exists in Asia?” at International Higher Education, Number 74, Winter 2013:,4:P0_CONTENT_ID:120516
- “How does funding and publication affect the time taken to complete a PhD?” at LSE impact blog (with Michele Meoli and Mattia Cattaneo):
- Cited in a news piece for one of major Portuguese newspapers - Público: “O que se tem feito para combater a endogamia académica?” [what has been done to fight academic inbreeding?]:
Conference presentations
- Horta, H. (with João Santos) Development of an instrument to evaluate research agendas across all fields of science. The 32nd Annual Conference, Kassel, 28th – 30th August 2019.
- Horta, H. (with Marco Seeber) Determinants of personal and professional satisfaction with doctoral supervision. A study of two flagship East Asian universities. The 32nd Annual Conference, Kassel, 28th – 30th August 2019.
- Horta, H. (with Mattia Cattaneo, Sebastian Birolini, Stefano Paleari, and Wenqin Shen) Moving abroad while doing a PhD in STEM fields at Chinese universities: Impact on knowledge creation and networking. The 32nd Annual Conference, Kassel, 28th – 30th August 2019.
- Horta, H. Impact of organizational factors on the research agendas of academics in the social sciences. The 2019 CIES 63rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, 14th – 18th April 2019.
- Horta, H. Higher-Education Researchers in Asia: The Risks of Insufficient Contribution to International Higher-Education Research. The 31st Annual CHER conference, Moscow, 30th August – 1st September 2018.
- Horta, H. (with João Santos) What organizational factors influence the choice for potentially disruptive research agendas? An exploratory analysis focusing on the social sciences. The 31st Annual CHER conference, Moscow, 30th August – 1st September 2018.
- Horta, H. (with Jin Jin) Postdoctoral systems, all the same? The case of China. The 31st Annual CHER conference, Moscow, 30th August – 1st September 2018.
- Horta, H. Is the engine losing steam? Hong Kong in the global race for knowledge. CESA 2018 Conference, Siam Reap, 10th – 12th May 2018.
- Horta, H. Higher-Education Researchers in Asia: The Risks of Insufficient Contribution to International Higher-Education Research. World Education Research Association Focal Meeting and HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong, 30th November-2nd December 2017.
- Horta, H. (with João Santos) Characterizing the research agenda setting of higher education researchers: an exploratory study. The 30th Annual CHER conference, Jyvaskyla, 28th – 30th August 2017.
- Horta, H. (with Mattia Cattaneo, Paolo Malighetti and Michele Meoli) Universities’ attractiveness to students: the Darwinism effect. The 30th Annual CHER conference, Jyvaskyla, 28th – 30th August 2017.
- Horta, H. (with Akiyoshi Yonezawa and Aki Osawa) Mobility, formation and development of East and South East Asian academics in STEM. The 2017 CIES 61st Annual conference, Atlanta, 5th-9th March 2017.
- Horta, H. (with Michele Meoli and Mattia Cattaneo) The impact of university competition for students on institutional diversity. The 29th Annual CHER conference, Cambridge, UK, 5th–7th September 2016.
- Horta, H. (with Akiyoshi Yonezawa and Aki Osawa) Mobility, formation and development of the academic profession in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in East and South East Asia. The 4th conference of the Higher Education Research Association, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 27th-28th May 2016.
- Horta, H. What results from analyzing higher education research communities in Hong Kong, Japan, China, and Malaysia in the international higher education literature: Picasso’s “Guernica” or Malevich “White on white”? 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Hong Kong Institute of Education, 15th-16th April 2016.
- Horta, H. The role of academic inbreeding in developing higher education systems: comparing Russia and Portugal. The 2016 CIES 60th Annual conference, Vancouver, Canada, 6th-10th March 2016.
- Horta, H. From the end of the PhD to the “safety” of becoming an assistant professor: what determines a quick journey? The 28th Annual CHER conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 7th–9th September 2015.
- Horta, H. The role of dual appointments in fostering academic research collaborations outside academia: evidence from 33 European countries 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), University of Hong Kong, 6th-7th February 2015
- Horta, H. (with Jisun Jung). The contribution of East Asian countries to Internationally published Asian higher education research 2015 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), University of Hong Kong, 6th-7th February 2015
- Horta, H. Bringing science and academia to the population: activities to raise questions and make people think in vulnerable urban contexts XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, July 13th -19th July 2014.
- Horta, H. (with Muriel Pádua). Challenging new frontiers in engineering systems research: complementing network methods and in-depth qualitative research for a better understanding of the social construction of reality? Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science LARSYS 2014 annual event, Lisbon, Portugal 4th July 2014.
- Horta, H. (with Jisun Jung). Higher Education research in Asia: seas of disjuncture, archipelagos and thematic navigation. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. Hong Kong SAR, China, 28th February to 1st March 2014.
- Horta, H. The establishment of an international partnership with world class universities: examining the policy options. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Annual International Conference, 27th February 2014.
- Horta, H. (with Jung Jung). Higher Education Research in Asia: Moving at Different Speeds and Looking at Different Issues? The 7th World Universities Forum, Lisbon, Portugal, 9th-10th January 2014.
- Horta, H. Bringing science and education to society: raising questions and make people think in vulnerable urban contexts. The 26th Annual CHER conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9th–11th September 2013.
- Horta, H. Higher Education Research in Asia: views on an emerging community. The 26th Annual CHER conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9th–11th September 2013.
- Horta, H. From the desert to the sea: the story of a research group in microelectronics attaining worldwide research recognition against the odds. Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science LARSyS Annual meeting. Lisbon, Portugal, 4th-5th July 2013.
- Horta, H. Higher Education Research in Asia: A look from internationally indexed journals in the field. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. Hong Kong SAR, China, 23rd February 2013.
- Horta, H., (with Joana Duarte). Mobility studies: what can the survey Careers of Doctorate Holders bring to the table? The 3rd International Workshop – Sharing Best Practices in R&D and Education Statistics, Lisbon, 23rd May 2012.
- Horta, H. Exploring internationalisation and intra-sectoral mobility through their impact on scientific productivity and communication behaviours: a perspective from Japan. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference, Hong Kong, 25th-26th February 2012.
- Horta, H. The international partnership program between Portugal and US research universities: analyzing the impact on Portuguese universities. The 10th European Sociological Association, Geneva, 7th–10th September 2011.
- Horta, H. Exploring the effects of research unit size on academics, scientific productivity and information exchange behaviors: evidence from Portugal. The 24th Annual CHER conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 23rd–25th June 2011.
- Horta, H. Public policies promoting the qualification of human resources and internationalization of academia: mobilizing change at Portuguese universities. The 23rd Annual CHER conference, Oslo, Norway, 10th-12th June 2010.
- Horta, H. Institutional Profiles in a Mixed-methods International Comparative Study. The 23rd Annual CHER conference, Oslo, Norway, 10th-12th June 2010.
- Horta, H. The competitive horizons of faculty and staff mobility in the 21st century knowledge societies: the best science, the best science in the local language or the best local scientists? ASHE 34th Annual conference, Vancouver, Canada, 4th-7th November 2009. (Roundtable organizer and participant in collaboration with Prof. Jussi Valimaa and Dr. David Hoffman)
- Horta, H. Organizational characteristics of research units and universities: how do they affect the faculty member’s individual scientific productivity and communication behaviors? The 31st Annual EAIR Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania, 23rd-26th August 2009.
- Horta, H. Internationalizing the University: When Internationalization Strategies at University Level are still Pulled by National Strategies. The 5th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 4th-6th November 2008.
- Horta, H. Post-doctoral period: what long-term benefits for academia? at the 21st CHER annual conference, Pavia University, Pavia, Italy, 11th-13th September 2008.
- Horta, H. Structural problems in a Portuguese technical university. The NONIUS Seminar, at ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal, 16th November 2007.
- Horta, H. What can universities do to regain part of the public trust? The ICT, Transparency and Social Responsibility Conference, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal, 7th-9th November 2007.
- Horta, H. Navel grazing: academic inbreeding and scientific productivity. The Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy 2007, at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, US, 19th-20th October 2007.
- Horta, H. Looking at the own belly button: academic inbreeding and scientific productivity. The 20th CHER annual conference, at Dublin, Ireland, 30th August-1st September 2007.
- Horta, H. Measuring productivity: what is the weight of institutional incentives, resources and structure in the university’s scientific output? The 19th CHER annual conference, at Kassel, Germany, 7th-9th September 2006.
- Horta, H. International mobility: policy instrument to diversify? The Association for Institutional Researchers 2006 Summer Data Policy Institute, in Potomac, Maryland, US, 16th-26th June 2006.
- Horta, H. Which science base for small and medium sized countries? Looking at research productivity assessments to discuss scale and scope of national science policies. The 8th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, at Lodz, Poland, 6th-8th July 2005.
- Horta, H. From public to market support for university research: Is Europe following the US? The 17th CHER Annual conference, at Enschede, The Netherlands, 17th-19th September 2004.
- Horta, H. On the role of engineering education and research on the process of technological change: a comparative analysis for 1985-2000. ISEG Globelics Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, on the 26th of May 2004.
- Horta, H. University Technology Transfer and Higher Education Policy. George Mason University, Arlington on the 8th of July 2003 (Doctoral Consortium in Technology Policy).