Professor WONG, Eddy C. H.

Professor WONG, Eddy C. H.
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development
PhD (PolyU)
MPhil (CUHK)
BSc (Sp&HrSci) (HKU)
[javascript protected email address]
Room 768, Meng Wah Complex
Areas>- Apraxia of speech in children and adults
- Speech sound disorders in children
- Pitch-variation skills in children and adults
- Clinician training
- Speech-language pathology/speech therapy education
Research Expertise
- Speech and Hearing Sciences
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
- Apraxia of speech in children and adults
- Speech sound disorders in children
- Pitch-variation skills in children and adults
- Clinician training
- Speech-language pathology/speech therapy education
- Best Research Postgraduate Student of the Year 2023, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Faculty of Humanities Outstanding Teaching Award for Postgraduate Students/Postdoctoral Fellows 2020/21, Faculty of Humanities, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Nicole Muller and Martin Ball Prize for Best Oral Presentation, the 18th biennial conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Glasgow, UK.
- Best Poster Presentation Award 2007 at the annual presentation of honors dissertations, Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
Funded research projects
Principle Investigator (PI)
Treatment of Cantonese speakers with childhood apraxia of speech. Doctoral Student Clinical Research Grant. Apraxia-Kids, US. Amount: US$10,000. September 2023 to August 2024.
Co-Investigator (Co-I)
Lexical prosodic perception and production in Cantonese-English bilingual with childhood apraxia of speech. Dean's Reserve. Faculty of Humanities, PolyU. Amount: HK$100,000. October 2023 to September 2025
Development of an online training module for phonetic transcription of children’s speech. CBS L&T Grant. PolyU, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies. Amount: HK$100,000. November 2022 to October 2023.
From segmental sequencing to pitch-variation skills: New insight for diagnosing childhood apraxia of speech. General Research Fund (GRF). HKSAR Government. Amount: HK704,240. Jan 2022 to Dec 2023.
Technological competency development for clinical education in speech therapy: Exploration in the intervention of acquired motor speech disorders. Dean's Reserve for L&T Projects. Faculty of Humanities, PolyU. Amount: HK$149,760. May 2021 to April 2023.
Pitch Variation in Adults with Apraxia of Speech. Dean’s Reserve for Research, Scholarly and Other Endeavours. Faculty of Humanities, PolyU. Amount: HK$150,000. June 2021 to May 2023.
Speech Therapy Services for Children with Motor Speech Disorders. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), HKSAR Government. Amount: HK$397,253. April 2018 to March 2020. Project website:
The Diagnostic Criteria of Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Cantonese-speaking Children. United College, Endowment Fund Research Grant 2015-2016, CUHK. Amount: HK$10,000. January 2016 to August 2017.
* Authors share equal contributions
Zhang, Y. X.*, Wong, E. C. H.*, & Wong, M. N. (2024). Tone-vowel interaction and co-articulation in Cantonese aphasia and apraxia of speech. Aphasiology. 1-28.
McCabe, P., Beiting, M., Hitchcock, E. R., Maas, E., Meredith, A., Morgan, A. T., ... Wong, E. C. H., & Grigos, M. I. (2024). Research priorities for childhood apraxia of speech: A long view. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1–14.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Velleman, S. L. (2024). Acoustic analyses of tone productions in sequencing contexts among Cantonese-speaking preschool children with and without childhood apraxia of speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., Chen, S., & Lin, J. Y.W. (2024). Pitch-variation skills in Cantonese speakers with apraxia of speech after stroke: Preliminary findings of acoustic analyses. Journal ofSpeech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(1), 1-33.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Wong, T. O. K. (2023). An online survey of clinical practice and confidence in diagnosing acquired apraxia of speech in Cantonese speakers. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Velleman, S. L. (2023). Clinical practices of childhood apraxia of speech in Hong Kong: A web-based survey study. PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0284109.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Velleman, S. L. (2023). Assessment and diagnostic standards of apraxia of speech in Chinese-speaking adults and children: A scoping review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(1), 316-340.
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., Velleman, S. L., Tong, M. C. F., & Lee, K. Y. S. (2023). Lexical tone perception and production in Cantonese-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech: A pilot study. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 37(4-6), 319-326.
Wong, M. N., Wong, E. C. H., & Velleman, S. L. (2022). Using segmental and suprasegmental sequencing skills to differentiate children with and without childhood apraxia of speech: Protocol for a comparative accuracy study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(10):e40465.
Wong, E. C. H., Velleman, S. L., Tong, M. C. F., & Lee, K. Y. S. (2021). Pitch variation in children with childhood apraxia of speech: Preliminary findings. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(3S), 1511-1524.
Wong, E. C. H., Lee, K. Y. S., & Tong, M. C. F. (2020). The applicability of the English clinical features of childhood apraxia of speech to Cantonese: A modified Delphi survey. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(2), 652-663.
Professional Community Services
Invited presentations, seminars, workshops
Wong, E. C. H. (2024, June 14-16). Is CAS different in children who speak different languages? [Invited oral presentation]. International Conference of Childhood Apraxia of Speech and the II International Conference of Speech Disorders. Monterrey, Mexico.
Sheng, L. & Wong, E. C. H. (2024, April 27). Dynamic assessment of narrative in Cantonese [Invited seminar]. Speech Therapy Unit, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong SAR.
Gildersleeve-Neumann, C., Velleman, S. L., Case, J., & Wong, E. C. H. (2023, July). Childhood apraxia of speech in children whose first language is not English: A deep dive into case studies [Invited oral presentation]. Apraxia-kids National Conference 2023. Plano, Tx, US.
Wong, E. C. H. (2023, January). Childhood apraxia of speech in Cantonese speakers: Assessment and treatment [Invited workshop]. St. James' Settlement. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2022, August 6). Integrating mobile apps use into evidence-based speech therapy practice [Invited oral presentation]. STU 10th Anniversary Symposium - The Future of Speech Therapy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2022, May 11). Do the kids have childhood apraxia of speech? [Invited seminar]. Speech Therapy Unit, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2021, November 23). Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and speech sound disorders (SSD) [Invited workshop]. Salvation Army. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2020, April). How much do we know about childhood apraxia of speech? [Invited seminar]. Smiley Speech Therapy Centre. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2019, October). Assessment and treatment of children with childhood apraxia of speech [Invited workshop]. Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Government of the Macao SAR. Macau SAR.
Lee, K. Y. S. & Wong, E. C. H. (2019, September). Assessment and treatment of children with childhood apraxia of speech [Invited workshop]. Macao Association of Speech Therapists. Macau SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2018, July - 2020, March). Assessment and Treatment of Children with Severe Speech Sound Disorders [Invited workshop]. Division of Speech Therapy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, & Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR.
Wong, E. C. H. (2018, May). Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Division of Speech Therapy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, & Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR.
Academic activities
Editorial Board Member. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Peer-reviewer. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Communication Disorders Quarterly, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Languages
Student Organizer and Conference Co-chair. Postgraduate Research Symposium on Linguistics, Language, and Speech. Faculty of Humanities, PolyU. Symposium date: 18 & 19 June 2021. Symposium website: