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Professor TANG, Ding-lan

Professor TANG, Ding-lan


Assistant Professor

Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development


PhD, University of Oxford


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(852) 3917 1583


Room 765, Meng Wah Complex

  • Speech motor control
  • Speech perception
  • Neuromodulation (TMS, tDCS)
  • Brain imaging (MEG, EEG) during spoken language
  • Stuttering

Research Expertise

  • Speech and Hearing Sciences
  • Neuroscience and Learning
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Research Methods and Methodologies

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am available to supervise PhD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.

Research Interests:

  • Speech motor control
  • Speech perception
  • Neuromodulation (TMS, tDCS)
  • Brain imaging (MEG, EEG) during spoken language
  • Stuttering 

Teaching areas:

  • SHSC 2032 Research Methods and Statistics for Speech and Hearing Sciences
  • SHSC 2034 Speech Science

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Award, awarded by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2022

St Anne's Research Grants, awarded by St Annes's college, University of Oxford, 2019-2020

Guarantors of Brain Grant, awarded by the Guarantors of Brain, 2019


Tang, D-L., Niziolek, C*. A; Parrell, B*., (2023). “Modulation of somatosensation by transcranial magnetic stimulation over somatosensory cortex: a systematic review”. Experimental Brain Research 241 (4), 951-977, doi: 10.1007/s00221-023-06579-9

*Equal contribution


Tang, D-L., Parrell, B; Sara Beach; Niziolek, C. A.,(2023, under review). “The brain’s sensitivity to sensory error can be modulated by altering perceived variability". bioRxiv. DOI:


Tang, D-L., Parrell, B*; Niziolek, C. A*., (2022). “Movement variability can be modulated in speech production”. Journal of Neurophysiology 128 (6), 1469-1482. DOI:

*Equal contribution


Tang, D-L., Möttönen, R; Asaridou, S. S, Watkins, K. E., (2021). “Asymmetry of auditorymotor speech processing is determined by language experience”. Journal of Neuroscience 41

(5), 1059-1067. DOI:


Tang, D-L., McDaniel, A; Watkins, K. E., (2021). “Disruption of Speech Motor Adaptation with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Articulatory Representation in Primary Motor Cortex”. Cortex 145, 115-130. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.09.008.


Tang, D-L., Zhang, J-Y, Li X, Zhang, Y-X., (2021). “Dopamine enhanced auditory perceptual learning in humans via long-term memory consolidation”. bioRxiv DOI:


Xiong, Y. Z., Tang, D. L., Zhang, Y. X., & Yu, C. (2020). “Complete cross-frequency transfer of tone frequency learning after double training”. J Exp Psychol Gen, 149(1), 94-103. doi:10.1037/xge0000619.


Tang, D-L., Lametti, D. R; Watkins, K. E., (2019). “Altered auditory feedback induces coupled changes in formant frequencies during speech production”. bioRxiv DOI:


Gao, X*., Yan, T. T*., Tang, D. L., Huang, T., Shu, H., Nan, Y., & Zhang, Y. X. (2019). “What Makes Lexical Tone Special: A Reverse Accessing Model for Tonal Speech Perception”. Front Psychol, 10, 2830. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02830.

*Equal contribution


Zeng, J. M., Tang D-L., Yu, J. Zhang, Q. L., & Nusbaum, H. C. (2019). “Does deliberation really need more effort than intuition? A test using event-related brain potential”. bioRxiv, DOI:


Zhang Y -X., Tang D-L., Moore DR., & Amitay S. (2017). “Supramodal Enhancement of Auditory Perceptual and Cognitive Learning by Video Game Playing”. Front. Psychol.



Review Editor in Brain Imaging and Stimulation: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021- present.


Peer Reviewer: Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Stimulation, Neurobiology of Language, Cortex, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, Brain and Language, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Plos One, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, etc

Invited Talks:

“Using altered auditory feedback to understand the neurobiology of speech production”, The University of Hongkong, online, 2023 

“Using altered auditory feedback to understand the neurobiology of speech production”, University of Texas - Dallas, Dallas, TX, 2023

“Auditory-motor interactions during speech perception and production”, UTHealth, Houston, TX, 2022

“语音产出和感知期间的听觉-运动皮层交互作用” 北京师范大学—珠海, online, 2020.