Professor TAI, Chung Pui

Professor TAI, Chung Pui
BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chinese Course Coordinator
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education
BEd (LangEd) in Chinese Language and Literature (HKU)
BA in Linguistics (HKU)
MPhil in Linguistics (HKU)
PhD in History (Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Registered Teacher, Hong Kong SAR
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 4259
Room 627, Meng Wah Complex
Areas>- Teaching Chinese as a First Language
- Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language
- History of Education in Hong Kong
- Tangut
- Zhuang
Research Expertise
- Chinese Language and Literature Education
- Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language
- Diversity, Ethnicity and Identity
- Literacies and Languages
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Pedagogy of teaching Chinese as a second/additional language for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong
Republican China-registered Secondary Schools in British Hong Kong, 1928-1949
Phonological reconstruction of Tangut, a medieval Trans-Himalayan (Sino-Tibetan) language
Literacy of Zhuang character script, a writing system derived from Chinese characters
Teaching Areas
Pedagogy of teaching Chinese as a first language
Pedagogy of teaching Chinese as a second/additional language
Chinese children’s literature
Classical Chinese
Urban legend: fact, myth and reinterpretation (Common Core Course)
- Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 2019.
- Co-investigator, “Eliciting evidence from multimodel assessment in experiential learning: An investigation on the success factots of the development of professional identity among pre-service teachers", Teaching Development Grant, The University of Hong Kong (on-going). (Principal Investigator: Ms Ng Hiu-lam).
- Principal Investigator, “Reconstructing the pronunciation of Tangut characters: on the basis of 12th and 13th centuries manuscripts”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (on-going).
- Principal Investigator, “Cross-boundary Hegemony over Schooling: Republican China-registered Secondary Schools in British Hong Kong, 1928-1949”, Early Career Scheme, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (on-going).
- Co-investigator, "Supporting Ethnic Minority Students' Chinese Language Learning through Enhancing Chinese Social Media Use", Research and Development Project, Standing Committeeon Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Hong Kong (2018-2020). (Principal Investigator: Dr. Lai Chun).
- Principal Investigator, Student Support Programmes (SSP) on Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students, Education Bureau tender project (2016-2018).
- Co-investigator, “Using Genre-based Approach to Enhance Chinese Written Composition Performance by Ethnic Minority Students”, General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (2015-2016). (Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark S. K. Shum).
- Project team member, Student Support Programmes (SSP) on Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students, Education Bureau tender project (2014-2016). (Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark S. K. Shum).
- Project team member, Student Support Programmes (SSP) on Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students, Education Bureau tender project (2012-2014). (Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark S. K. Shum).
Tai Chung-pui, and Liao Hanbo (book proposal accepted). Yang Zhuang and Its Zhuang Character Writing in the Mid-eighteenth Century: With an Appendix of Yang Zhuang Reconstructions. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2024). "Dharmodayā as Recorded in the Tangut Fragment with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses Tang. 1075/Fr. 5(10) from the Russian Collection", Tangut Research, 2024.3: 26-33.
戴忠沛、维 • 彼 • 扎伊采夫 (2024).「俄藏附有藏文注音西夏文殘片Tang. 1075/Fr.5(10) 所記的法生宮」,《西夏研究》2024 年第 3 期,第 26-33 頁。
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2024). "Tibetan Buddhism practice of the great seal (mahāmudrā) as recorded in Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses: an annotated sentence-based reading of Tang. 1075/Fr. 6(11)". in Sergey V. Dmitriev (ed.) Тангутская и китайская филология. К юбилею М. В. Софронова / Tangut and Chinese Philology. To the Anniversary of M. V. Sofronov. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 363-395.
Tai Chung-pui (2023). "Taiwan Plains Austronesian Latin scripts and documents from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century: a bibliographical survey", Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 7.4: 213-262.
Zaytsev, Viacheslav P., and Tai Chung-pui (2023). "Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the lost ‘extended manual’ of Tangut characters with Tibetan phonetic glosses", Written Monuments of the Orient, 9.S1: 18-48.
Tai Chung-pui (2023). "An annotated reading of the Tangut fragment with Tibetan phonetic glosses Or. 12380/3910 from the British Collection, and its relationship with similar fragments from the Russian Collection", Tangut Research, 2023.1: 56-61.
戴忠沛 (2023).「英藏附有藏文注音西夏文殘片 Or. 12380/3910 解讀——兼論與俄藏同類殘片的關係」,《西夏研究》2023 年第 1 期,第 56-61 頁。
Tai Chung-pui, Kong Tsz-ching, and Yung Wan-shan (2023). "Systemic functional linguistics in teaching explanation writing to multicultural secondary school students in Hong Kong: the application and effectiveness", International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 4.2: 41-54.
戴忠沛、姜芷晴、容運珊 (2023).「系統功能語言學在香港少數族裔中學生說明文寫作上的應用及成效」,《國際漢語教學學報》第 18 第 1 期,第 66-89 頁。
Tai Chung-pui, Kong Tsz-ching, and Yung Wan-shan (2023). "Using picture book teaching to enhance the ability of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong to write Chinese characters and passages", Journal of Applied Studies on Sinograph and Literary Sinitic, 1: 101-123.
戴忠沛、姜芷晴、容運珊 (2023).「利用繪本教學提升香港少數族裔學生寫作漢字和篇章的能力」,《漢字漢文應用研究》第 1 期,第 101-123 頁。
Yun Wan-shan, Lai Chun, Tai Chung-pui, and Cai Shiyu (2023). "The impact of social media applications on the learning of Chinese as a second language among ethnic minority students in Hong Kong", Journal of Chinese Language Education, 21.1: 63-82.
容運珊、賴春、戴忠沛、蔡世予 (2023).「社交媒體應用對香港少數族裔學生學習華文第二語言的影響」,《華文學刊》第 21 卷第 1 期,第 63-82 頁。
Lai Chun, Cai Shiyu, Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan (2021). "The impact of social media applications on ethnic minority students' acculturation to the Hong Kong society", International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 10: 45-66.
賴春、蔡世予、戴忠沛、容運珊 (2021).「社交媒體應用對少數族裔學生適應香港社會文化的影響」,《國際中文教育學報》第 10 期,第 45-66 頁。
Lai Chun, and Tai Chung-pui (2021). "Types of social media activities and ethnic minority students' Chinese language learning motivation", System, 97: 102432.
Zaytsev, Viacheslav P., and Tai Chung-pui (2021). "Re-examination of Tangut fragment Or. 12380/3495 from the collection of the British Library", Tangut Research, 2021.1: 111-118. (An extended Chinese version of Zaytsev and Tai 2018)
维 • 彼 • 扎伊采夫、戴忠沛 (2021).「英國國家圖書館藏西夏文殘片Or. 12380/3495 再考」,《西夏研究》2021 年第 1 期,第 111-118 頁。(本文為 Zaytsev and Tai 2018 擴充漢譯)
Yung Wan-shan, and Tai Chung-pui (2020). "The teaching of writing for non-Chnese speaking students in Hong Kong in the classroom of teaching Chinese as a second language: taking argumentative passage as an example". Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 19: 115-133.
容運珊、戴忠沛 (2020).「香港非華語學生中文第二語言寫作教學:以論說文為例」,《香港教師中心學報》第 19 期,第 115-133 頁。
Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan (2020). "A multiple-case study research on the teaching of writing for the ethnic minority students in Hong Kong in the classroom of teaching Chinese as a second language". Journal of Chinese Language Education, 18.1: 66-89.
戴忠沛、容運珊 (2020)「香港少數族裔學生華文第二語言寫作教學的多重個案研究」,《華文學刊》 第 18 卷第 1 期,第 66-89 頁。
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Lam Wai-ip, Tai Chung-pui, Cheung Tsz-mei, Yung Wan-shan, and Yeung Man-yee (2020). "The effectiveness of SFL-based teaching material to faciliate the use of functional words in the Chinese practical writing of non-Chinese speaking students". Journal of International Han-character Education Research, 2.1: 89-121.
岑紹基、林葦葉、戴忠沛、張紫薇、容運珊、楊敏怡 (2020).「以功能語法構建的應用文教材對提高非華語學生功能字詞運用的成效」,《漢字與漢文教育研究》 第 2 卷第 1 期,第 89-121 頁。
Tai Chung-pui, translated by Yoshikawa Masayuki (2020). "Learning and teaching of Chinese characters for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools". Window on Chinese Characters, Bulletin of the Japan Society for Cultural Studies of Chinese Characters, 2.1: 2-15.
戴忠沛,吉川雅之譯 (2020).「エスニック・マイノリティを巡る漢字の学習と教育——香港の小中学校の事例から」,《漢字之窓》 第 2 卷第 1 期,第 2-15 頁。2.1: 2-15(京都:日本漢字学会)。
Yung Wan-shan, Li Weijie, Shum Mark Shiu-kee, and Tai Chung-pui (2020). “The application and effectiveness of ‘outcome-based learning’ model in the teaching of practical writing in a Chinese as a second language classroom in Hong Kong: illutration from the writings of job application letter and email”, in Tam Mei-ling (ed.) Theory, Application and Teaching of Practical Writing: Proceeding of the 2018 International Forum on the Research of Chinese Practical Writing. Taipei: Wanjuanlou Book Company, 179-201.
容運珊、黎偉杰、岑紹基、戴忠沛 (2020).「『成果導向學習』模式在香港中文第二語言應用文教學的實踐及其成效──以求職信和電郵寫作為例」,載譚美玲主編《應用寫作理論、實踐與教學——2018國際漢語應用文研究高端論壇論文集》。台北:萬卷樓,第 179-201 頁。
Kong Tze-ching, Li Weijie, Yung Wan-shan, and Tai Chung-pui (2020) “Error analysis and solving strategy in practical writing of non-Chinese speaking secondary school students in Hong Kong: illustration from the writing of letter of complaint”, in Tam Mei-ling (ed.) Theory, Application and Teaching of Practical Writing: Proceeding of the 2018 International Forum on the Research of Chinese Practical Writing. Taipei: Wanjuanlou Book Company, 37-59.
姜芷晴、黎偉杰、容運珊、戴忠沛 (2020).「香港非華語中學生應用文寫作的語誤分析及解決策略:以投訴信為例」,載譚美玲主編《應用寫作理論、實踐與教學——2018國際漢語應用文研究高端論壇論文集》。台北:萬卷樓,第 37-59 頁。
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Shi Dan, Huang Xianhan, Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan (2019). “Using the genre-based approach in teaching Chinese written composition to South Asian ethnic minority students in Hong Kong”. Writing and Pedagogy, 11.2: 253-283.
Huang Xianhan, Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Tai Chung-pui, and Shi Dan (2019). "Using Reading to Learn pedagogy to improve Chinese writing among ethnic minority students in Hong Kong: a quasi-experimental study". International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 7.5: 202-212.
Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan (2019). “The application of ‘reading to learn’ pedagogy in teaching Han characters in the classroom of teaching Chinese as a second language and its effectiveness”. International Han-character Education Research, 2019.1: 107-137 (Seoul: Han-character Education Research Center, Dankook University).
戴忠沛、容運珊 (2019). 「『閱讀促進學習』教學法在中文第二語言課堂的漢字教學之應用及成效」, 《漢字與漢字教育研究》2019 年第 1 期,第 107-137 頁。(首爾:檀國大學漢文教育研究所)
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). "Phonological rules, poetic form and dialogue pattern of the traditional Zhuang antiphonal singing ‘ngyam sley’ in Debao, Guangxi: illustration from ‘Folksong of Debao Song Fair'". Studies of Ethnic Literature 2019.4: 15-36 (Beijing: Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).
廖漢波、戴忠沛 (2019).「廣西德保縣壯族對歌傳統『吟詩』的音韻格律及歌路舉要——以〈德保歌墟山歌〉為例」,《民族文學研究》2019 年第 4 期,第 15-36 頁(北京:中國社會科學院少數民族文學研究所)。
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). “To graft and transplant: the etymology of Zhuang ‘ngyam sley’ and the origin of its poetic form”. National Arts Bimonthly 2019.2: 51-61 (Nanning: Guangxi Academu of Ethnic Culture and Arts, Department of Culture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region).
廖漢波、戴忠沛 (2019).「移花接木——壯族『吟詩』詞源與格律源流考」,《民族藝術》2019 年第 2 期,第 51-61 頁。(南寧:廣西壯族自治區文化廳民族文化藝術研究院)
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Shi Dan, Huang Xianhan, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). "Stepping into writing mystery: What are the Chinese writing difficutlies of the South Asian ethnic minority students in Hong Kong?" Journal of Educational Research and Review, 7.1: 1-9.
Leong Che-kan, Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Tai Chung-pui, Ki Wing-wah, and Zhang Dongbo (2019). "Differential contribution of psycholinguistic and cognitive skills to written composition in Chinese as a second language", Reading and Writing 32.2: 439-466.
Lee Kit-fong, Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan (2018). “Origami and theme-based teaching: a study on the application of origami activities in Chinese lessons for non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong", International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 4, 69-93.
李潔芳、戴忠沛、容運珊 (2018).「趣味摺紙與主題教學:探究趣味摺紙活動在非華語學生中文課堂的應用」,《國際中文教育學報》第 4 期,第 69-93 頁。
Zaytsev, Viacheslav, and Tai Chung-pui (2018). "Re-examination of Tangut fragment Or. 12380/3495 from the collection of the British Library", in Zhang Tieshan (ed.) 民族古籍研究 Studies of Minority Classics, Volume 4. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 27-41.
Tai Chung-pui (2018). “Tibetan Buddhism practice of inner fire meditation as recorded in Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses”, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 2.3, 163-184.
Tai Chung-pui, and Yung Wan-shan. (2018). “Strategies for teaching reading and writing in a Chinese as a second language classroom: reading reports and job application letters as examples", Journal of Chinese Language Education, 16.1: 66-77.
戴忠沛、容運珊 (2018).「華文作為第二語言的讀寫教學策略在課堂上的應用——以閱讀報告和求職信教學為例」,《華文學刊》第 16 卷第 1 期,第 66-77 頁。
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Tai Chung-pui, and Shi Dan (2018). “Using ‘reading to learn, learning to write’ pedagogy to teach discussion genre to non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong”, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21.2: 237-247.
Tse Shek-kam, and Tai Chung-pui (2016). “Teaching and learning of Han characters in East Asia”, Han Character and Classical Written Language Education, 40: 81-102.
謝錫金、戴忠沛 (2016)「東亞地區的漢字教育」,《漢字漢文教育》第40期,第81-102頁。
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Shi Dan, and Tai Chung-pui (2016). “The effectiveness of using ‘reading to learn, learning to write’ pedagogy in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong”, International Journal of Language Studies, 10.3: 43-60.
Ki Wing-wah, Tai Chung-pui, Kosar Shanila, Rana Iruna, and Lau Chung-chi (2015) “Is there an invisible wall standing between us? Education from the perspective of South Asian parents in Hong Kong”, in Lam J. W. I. (ed.) Teaching Chinese to Chinese Language Learners: Theories and Practices. Singapore: Singapore Centre for Chinese Language Press, 115-131.
Tai Chung-pui (2014). “Historical origins of the multi-ethnic communities in Hong Kong”, in Fermi Wong and Holing Yip (eds.) The Unleavened Bread: Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Unison, 48-77.
戴忠沛 (2014).「香港多元族裔的歷史淵源」,載王惠芬、葉皓羚編《無酵餅——「中文為第二語言」教與學初探》。香港:香港融樂會,第 48-77 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2014). “The invention and evolution of Siraya script of Taiwan during the 17th to 19th centuries”, World Ethno-National Studies (Beijing: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2014.6: 93-100.
戴忠沛 (2014).「17 至 19 世紀台灣西拉雅拉丁文字的創製和演變」,《世界民族》(北京:中國社會科學院民族學與人類學研究所)2014 年第 6 期,第 93-100 頁。
Sun Bojun, and Tai Chung-pui (2012). “Features of the Tangut consonant system as reflected in Sanskrit-Tangut transliterations”, in Nathan W. Hill (ed.) Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages 5. Leiden: Brill, 353-386.
Tai Chung-pui (2010). “An introduction to the Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription”, in Nie Hongyin and Sun Bojun (eds), Research on Historical Records in the Period of Multiple Scripts. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 41-51.
戴忠沛 (2010).「藏文注音西夏文殘片綜述」,載聶鴻音、孫伯君編《中國多文字時代的歷史文獻研究》。北京:社會科學文獻出版社,第 41-51 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “Collation of 5 newly seen Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription”, Ningxia Social Sciences (Yinchuan: Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences) 2009.6: 95-99.
戴忠沛 (2009).「五份新見藏文注音西夏文殘片校釋」,《寧夏社會科學》(銀川:寧夏社會科學院)2009 年第 6 期,第 95-99 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “Categories and origins of Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription”, Ethno-National Studies (Beijing: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2009.6: 58-63.
戴忠沛 (2009).「藏文注音西夏文殘片的分類和來源」,《民族研究》(北京:中國社會科學院民族學與人類學研究所)2009 年第 6 期,第 58-63 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “Characteristics of mid-19th century Cantonese as reflected in Su Hua Qing Tang”. In Chin C. A., Kwok B.-C., Lee P.-L. P., Tsou K. B. (eds.) Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Cantonese Studies: Papers from the 13th International Conference on the Cantonese and Yue Dialects. Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. 245-260.
戴忠沛 (2009).「〈俗話傾談〉反映的 19 世紀中粵方言特徵」,載錢志安、郭必之、李寶倫、鄒嘉彥編《粵語跨學科研究:第十三屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》,香港:香港城市大學語言資訊科學研究中心,第 245-260 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2007). “A supplementary study on Tangut fragments discovered from the north region of Dunhuang Mogao caves ”, Xixia Studies (Yinchuan: Ningxia University) 2:120-124.
戴忠沛 (2007).「莫高窟北區出土西夏文殘片補考」,《西夏學》(銀川:寧夏大學)第 2 期,第 120-124 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2006). “On the Tangut fragment Zhan Cha Shan E Ye Bao Jing from the French collections”, Ningxia Social Sciences (Yinchuan: Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences) 2006.4: 94-96.
戴忠沛 (2006).「法藏西夏文〈占察善惡業報經〉殘片考」,《寧夏社會科學》(銀川:寧夏社會科學院)2006 年第 4 期,第 94-96 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2006). “Kam-Dai words in documents on Lingnan area in Song dynasty”. Minority Language of China (Beijing: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2006.3: 21-25.
戴忠沛 (2006).「宋代嶺南文獻中的侗台語詞」,《民族語文》(北京:中國社會科學院民族學與人類學研究所)2006 年第 3 期,第 21-25 頁。
Tai Chung-pui (2005). “A preliminary study of Sam Cien Saw”, Study of Ethnics in Guangxi (Nanning: Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences) 2005.3: 120-122.
戴忠沛 (2005).「〈三千書〉初探」,《廣西民族研究》(南寧:廣西社會科學院)2005 年第 3 期,第 120-122 頁。
Bodomo, Adams, and Tai Chung-pui (2003). "Field notes from Guangxi: Zhuang characters for quasi-religious functions", China Education Forum (Hong Kong: Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China) 4.1: 13-14.
Academic Translation
瑪麗安.米敦著、戴忠沛譯 (2008).「語言是什麼?為多樣且不斷變化的讀者群而記錄」,載戴慶廈、羅仁地、汪峰主編《到田野去——語言學田野調查的方法與實踐》,北京:民族出版社,第59-79頁。(Translated from: M. Mithun 2007. “What is a language? Documentation for diverse and evolving audiences” Language Typology and Universals, 60: 42-55.)
Link from the academia page of Prof. Randy LaPolla:
Tai Chung-pui (2008). A Study of Tibetan Phonological Transcription in Tangut Buddhism Fragments. Ph.D. Thesis. Beijing: Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
戴忠沛 (2008)《西夏文佛經殘片的藏文對音研究》北京:中國社會科學院研究生院博士論文。
Tai Chung-pui (2005). Literacy Practices and Functions of the Zhuang Character Writing System. M.Phil. Thesis. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.
Tai Chung-pui (2019). “Learning and teaching of Chinese characters for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools エスニック・マイノリティを巡る漢字の学習と教育——香港の小中学校の事例を通して考える”, Commemorative Lecture for the Second Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cultural Studies of Chinese Characters 日本漢字学会記念講演, supported by the Japan Society for Cultural Studies for Chinese Characters. Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1 December, 2019.
Invited Academic Presentations
Tai Chung-pui (2024). "Chinese textboooks in Hong Kong in the 20th and 21st centuries 20 與 21 世紀的香港中文教科書". Hong Kong: Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum, 3 February, 2024.
Tai Chung-pui (2021). “Vajravārāhī in Tangut Buddhist manuscript”. Guest Lecture, BuddhistRoad Project. Bochum: Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 7 December 2021. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2021). "The mid-eighteenth century imperial glossaries in the Zhuang character script: with a focus on the Glossary of Zhen'an Native Chieftain in Guangxi". Invited presentation for the Research Forum on the World's Writing Systems to Commemorate the Establishment of the East China Normal University - The University of Göttingen Research Centre of Global Humanity. Shanghai: East China Normal University, 12 July 2021. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2021). “Education policy during the Japanese occupation period 日據時期的教育政策”. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, 19 June 2021.
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2018). "Reconstruction and translation of Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses under Inv. 8362 of the Russian collection", Invited presentation for "Rencontre de Tangoutologie" supported by LabEx TransferS. Arras: Université d’Artois, 23 November, 2018; Paris: École normale supérieure, 24 November 2018.
Tai Chung-pui (2017). “On the reconstruction of Tangut medial -w-”, Invited presentation for the workshop “Recent Advances in Tangut Studies” supported by the European Research Council (ERC) project “Asia Beyond Boundaries”. London: SOAS, University of London, 28 February 2017.
Tai Chung-pui (2016). “Zhuang character script in Yang Zhuang speaking region: historical comparison and modern issues”, Invited Seminars supported by Japan Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research project “Research on the typology of transformed and adapted Chinese characters 変形漢字と変用漢字の類型研究” (Project Number: 25284076). Osaka: Osaka University, 21 March 2016; Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 23 March 2016.
Tai Chung-pui (2013). “Application of the Leipzig Glossing Rules in the decipherment of Tangut texts: illustration form the fragments Fr. 10(15) and Fr. 16(11) of the Russian collection inv. 8363”. Invited presentation on the Symposium of Decipherment and Research of Tangut Language. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 19-20 December 2013.
Conference Presentations on Chinese Language Education
Tai Chung-pui (2021). “Chinese nationality and overseas Chinese education in Hong Kong during the regime change from the British rule to the Japanese rule 香港英日政權轉折之間的中國國籍與華僑教育”. Workshop on the Migration, Religion and Localization of Chinese Diaspora Communities in Asia 亞洲華人離散社群的遷徙、宗教與在地化工作坊. Taipei: Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity, Chengchi University, 4 December 2021. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui, and Wang Zeyi (2021). "Ethnicity, ideology, and state hegemony: Chinese language curriculum in British Hong Kong in the 1950s", 2021 AREA Annual Meeting. 9-12 April, 2021. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2017). “A preliminary survey on family language shift of non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong”, International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 7-8 April, 2017.
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, Lam Wai-ip, Tai Chung-pui, Cheung Tsz-mei Paisley, Yung Wan-shan, and Yeung Man-yee (2017). “Development of practical writing teaching materials for non-Chinese speaking students by using the ‘Reading to Learn’ pedagogy”, International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 7-8 April, 2017.
Tai Chung-pui, and Huang Xianhan (2015). “Challenges of Chinese character learning faced by international school students in Hong Kong: from the perspective of Chinese language teachers of IB curriculum”. The 6th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research. Hangzhou: Zhejiang International Studies University, 8-10 July, 2015.
Huang Xianhan, Tai Chung-pui, and Shum, Mark Shiu-kee (2015). “The impact factors of Chinese language learning difficulties of non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong”. IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2015. Macau: IB Organization, 19-21 March, 2015.
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, and Tai Chung-pui (2014). “The effectiveness of using ‘Reading to Learn, Learning to Write’ pedagogy in teaching Chinese writing to non-Chinese students in Hong Kong: illustration from narrative writing”. The 5th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research. Seoul: Korea University, 11-12 July, 2014.
Tse Shek-kam, and Tai Chung-pui (2014). “Research and teaching of Han characters: a multilingual and multicultural perspective”. The 5th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research. Seoul: Korea University, 11-12 July, 2014.
Shum Mark Shui-kee, Tang Tsz-yan Emily and Tai Chung-pui (2014). “The effectiveness of using ‘Reading to Learn’ pedagogy in enhancing the ability of non-Chinese speaking students in writing complaint letter”. When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 13-14 June, 2014.
Shum Mark Shui-kee, and Tai Chung-pui (2014). “The effectiveness of using ‘Reading to Learn, Learning to Write’ pedagogy in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong: Based on the text analysis of students' writing”. When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 13-14 June, 2014.
Shum Mark Shiu-kee, and Tai Chung-pui (2013). “Using ‘reading to learn, learning to write’ pedagogy to teach discussion genre to second language Chinese learners in Hong Kong”. The 40th International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFC40). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University, 15-19 July 2013.
Tai Chung-pui (2013). “Historical memories and identity formation of South Asian ethnic minorities in Hong Kong”, Symposium on Education, Ethnicity, and Inequality: Issues and Insights. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 12-13 July, 2013.
Ki Wing-wah, Tai Chung-pui, Shanila Kosar, Iruna Runa, Lau Chung-chi (2012). “Is there an invisible wall standing between us? Education from the perspective of South Asian parents in Hong Kong”, Conference on Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students: Challenge and Breakthrough. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 30 November – 1 December, 2012.
Conference Presentations on Tangut and Zhuang
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2023). "The discovery and reassembly of Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses Tang. 1075/Fr. 1-6 in the early 1910s". The Age of Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg in the Russian Academy of Sciences: International Conference dedicated to the 160th Anniversary of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg (1863-1934). Saint Petersburg: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26-27 September 2023. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2023). "Dharmodaya as recorded in the Tangut fragment with Tibetan phonetic glosses Tang. 1075/Fr. 5(10) from the Russian Collection 俄藏附有藏文注音西夏文殘片 Tang. 1075/Fr. 5(10) 所記的生法宮". The Eighth International Academic Forum on Tangutology 第八屆西夏學國際學術論壇. Yinchuan: Ningxia University, 19-20 August 2023.
Tai Chung-pui, and Li Zan (2023). "Chinese language education and Sinoxenic character reading in the Dejing dialect area of the Zhuang language during the mid-eighteenth century 十八世紀中葉壯語德靖方言地區的漢文教育與漢字讀書音". Annual Conference of the Research Association of Chinese Ancient Ethnic Scripts 中國民族古文字研究會年會. Xuzhou: Jiangsu Normal University, 22-23 July 2023.
Tai Chung-pui (2023). "Yang Zhuang phonology in the mid-eighteenth century revisited". The 32nd Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai University, 16-18 May 2023.
Zhou Guoping, and Tai Chung-pui (2023). "Semantic function of 'existential aspect' of classifiers and its grammaticalization in Zhuang". The 32nd Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai University, 16-18 May 2023.
Tai Chung-pui, and You Chengyu (2022). "Development of the database for reconstructing the pronunciation of Tangut characters 西夏字音數據庫的建設". Workshop on the Present and Future of the Study of Tangut Manusctipts 西夏學文獻研究的現在與未來工作坊. Beijing: Research Centre of Tangut Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Research Association of Chinese Ancient Ethnic Scripts, 10-11 December 2022. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2022). “A Revisit on the Reconstruction of the Reading of Tangut Characters”. Tangut Studies: Prospects and Problems for the 21st Century: International Conference in Memory of Evgeny I. Kychanov (1932-2013). Saint Petersburg: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, 23-24 June 2022. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2021). “Buddhist teaching in the Tangut text of Tang. 1075/Fr. 1(6) to Fr. 11(16)”. IIᵉ Rencontres de Tangoutologie. Artois: University of Artois, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 3-4 Feburary, 2021. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2020). “The relationship between type IX initials and the second micro-cycle rhymes in Tangut 西夏語第九類聲母與第二小循環韻母的關係”. The Third ILAS Annual Linguistics Forum in Memory of Professor Gong Hwang-cherng: His Academic Heritage and What Lies Ahead 第三屆中研語言學論壇 漢藏語言比較研究的回顧與前瞻:紀念龔煌城院士逝世十周年學術研討會. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 5-6 November, 2020. (Online)
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). “From traditional ‘nyaemz slei’ to modern pop song: inheritance and change of the rhyme scheme of Yang Zhuang chanted poetry”. The 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 11-17 July, 2019.
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). “Northern Tai Subgrouping in Diachronic Perspectives: Evidence from Yongnan Zhuang”. The 29th Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linuistics Society (SEALS29). Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 27-29 May, 2019.
Tai Chung-pui (2018). “A new proposal on the reconstruction of Tangut initials 西夏語聲母構擬新議”. Annual Research Forum, the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 1 December, 2018.
Tai Chung-pui (2018). “An annotated translation of the Tangut fragment with Tibetan phonetic glosses Or. 12380/3910 from the British collection, and its relationship with fragments of the same kind in the Russian collection 英藏附藏文注音西夏文殘片 Or. 12380/3910解讀——兼論與俄藏同類殘片的關係”. International Academic Conference on Literature and Manuscripts of Ethnic Minorities in China 中國少數民族文學與文獻國際學術論壇. Chengdu: Sichuan Normal University, 24-26 August, 2018.
Zaytsev, Viacheslav P., and Tai Chung-pui (2016). “Re-examination of the Tangut fragment Or. 12380/3495 from the collection of the British Library”. The 6th International Symposium on Oriental Ancient Documents Studies. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, 2-6 October, 2016.
Tai Chung-pui, and Zaytsev, Viacheslav P. (2016). “Tangut fragment with Tibetan transcription: a survey on their origins, history and typology”. 21st Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS 2016), Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Oriental manuscripts Russian Academy of Sciences, The State Hermitage Museum, 23-28 August, 2016.
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2013). “A study of three 18th century Chinese-Zhuang imperial glossaries”, International Conference on the Imperial Sino-Foreign Glossaries (Hua Yi Yi Yu) and Tangut Glyphs. Beijing: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 7-11 December, 2013.
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “The Tangut group IX initials revisited”. International Conference on the Tangut Language and the Religions and Cultures of the Northern China. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 17-22 December, 2009.
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “On the Tangut fragments of Aparimitāyur-jñāna-nāma- mahāyāna sūtra”. International Conference of Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research. Saint Petersburg: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Social Sciences, 3-5 September 2009.
Tai Chung-pui (2009). “Does Tangut have Prenasalized Initials? Examination through Tibetan Transcription of Tangut Characters”. 15th Himalayan Languages Symposium. Eugene: University of Oregon, 30 July - 1 August 2009.
Tai Chung-pui (2008). “Tibetan prescript ba and syllable medial -u-: Evident from the Tibetan transcription of Tangut characters”. International Conference on Historical Records of Liao, Tangut, Juchen and Mongolian. Beijing: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 3-5 November, 2008.
Tai Chung-pui (2005). “Kam-Dai words in documents on Lingnan area in Song dynasty”. The 38th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. Xiamen: Xiamen University, 28-31 October 2005.
Tai Chung-pui (2003). “The use of Zhuang character writing system in present-day Zhuang society: an illustration from Debao and Jingxi counties, Guangxi, China”. Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education in Minority Committee in Asia. Bangkok: SIL International, Mahidol University, and UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 November 2003.
Knowledge Exchange Courses
Tai Chung-pui (2022). “Introduction to Tangut Language”. Four 2-hours sessions on the Tangut language, its syntax, morphology, phonology, character writing, and its manuscripts. Summer School in “Language and Writing across in Asia: Historical and Current Trends”. Helsinki: The University of Helsinki; Nakhon Pathom: Mahidol University, 13-17 June 2022. (Online).
Liao Hanbo, and Tai Chung-pui (2019). “學謱講佒 Ghaak Rów Káang Qyaang [jaːk˧. ɹ̥əw˨˩˧ˀ. kaːŋ˨˦ˀ. ˀjaːŋ˧˩] เรียนรู้พูดอยาง-อยากเหริ่วก๋างอย้าง: Workshop on Yang Zhuang Language ”, Invited workshop series of six 3-hour sessions on typology, phonology, syntax, conversation, writing system and poetry of Yang Zhuang language in Guangxi, China, supported by the Department of Linguistics, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 10, 12 and 15 July 2019.
Knowledge Exchange Presentations
Tai Chung-pui (2022). "Urban-rural educational gap in Mainland China 中國內地城鄉教育差距". Seminar for the Rural Education Ambassador programme for secondary school students, Cultifuture Education Student Association HKU. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 22 October 2022.
Tai Chung-pui (2022). “Field studies in ethnic minority regions of China: with illustration from Debao County of Guangxi, an area with a high concentration of the Zhuang people 中國少數民族地區的田野調查——以壯族較集中的廣西德保縣為例”. Academic Talk for the “Ethnic Minorities in China: A Symbiosis of Origins” Academic Week, Hong Kong Baptist University China Studies Society 香港浸會大學中國研究課程學會學術週「中國少數民族——淵源共生」學術講座. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 22 February 2022. (Online)
Tai Chung-pui (2021). "The current situation on the education of mobile children and migrant children from rural areas 流動兒童及農民工子女的教育現況". Seminar for the Rural Education Ambassador programme for secondary school students, China Education Association HKU. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 8 October 2021. (Online)
Yuen Chun-wah, Tai Chung-pui, and Lam Ho-cheong (2021). “Evolving pedagogical and subject training needs of frontline teachers in supporting NCS students learning Chinese 前線教師在支援少數族裔學生中文學習上之持續專業發展需要.” The 25th Anniversary Conference of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 25 June 2021.
Tai Chung-pui (2021). “The evolution of the curriculum of Chinese language education in Hong Kong 香港中文課程的變遷”, Knowledge Exchange Seminar 7. Hong Kong: Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 13 January 2021. (Online, 152 participants. Rating 5.22/6.00)
Tai Chung-pui (2020). “The evolution of Chinese language education in Hong Kong as reflected from the textbooks 從教科書看香港中文教育的演變”, Knowledge Exchange Seminar 6. Hong Kong: Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 30 December 2020. (Online, 126 participants. Rating: 5.02/6.00)
Tai Chung-pui (2020). “A brief summary on the change of Chinese language pedagogy in Hong Kong 淺談香港中文教學法”, Knowledge Exchange Seminar 5. Hong Kong: Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 16 December 2020. (Online, 199 participants. Rating: 4.72/6.00).
Tai Chung-pui (2020). "Go behind the mountains, know the rural education in the Mainland 走進大山背後、認知內地農村教育". Seminar for the Rural Education Ambassador programme for secondary school students, China Education Association HKU. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 10 October 2021.
Professional Community Services
Professional Services
- Course Coordinator (2016-present), Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (Double Degree), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
- Member (2018-2024), Chinese Literature Subject Committee, Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE), Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
- External Examiner (2018-present), Continuing Education Courses leading to Certificate in Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) – Chinese in Business Service, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Course Coordinator (2014-2016) and Deputy Course Coordinator (2016-2018), Master of Education (Teaching Chinese to Non-Chinese Speaking Students), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (2014-2018).
- Associate Editor (2022-present), Journal of Chinese Writing Systems.
- Editorial Assistant (2010-2014), Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 中國語言學集刊.
Community Services
- Member, Archives Sub-committee, St. John's College, The University of Hong Kong (2018-present); Advisor, "Retracing St. John's", St. John's College Archival Project, St. John's College, The University of Hong Kong (2016-2018).
- Advisor, Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project, Ricci Hall, The University of Hong Kong (2016-present).
- Voluntary curriculum development for a summer course on Cantonese romanization for non-native speaking students at Pat Heung Central Primary School, August 2015. The "Cantonese Tone Song" developed for this course was later adopted by the Cantonese course of the Chinese Language Centre, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong. See:
- Core member and volunteer, Zhuang Pop Music Project (2003-2009). This is a language revitalization project initiated by my Zhuang friends based on the sociolinguistic advices I provided. The project aimed to change the language attitude of Zhuang teenagers towards their mother tongue by composing pop songs in the local language, which was often considered as a "backward and rural vernacular". Our Zhuang pop songs were well received. Several songs have reached the top 10 in the Guangxi Radio Billboard. The singers were invited to perform on regional and nationwide TV channels. We organized several Zhuang pop music concerts between 2005 and 2009, both at the county seats and the villages in Debao County and Jingxi County. In 2008 we issued a CD album "Beih Nongx 貝儂" (brothers and sisters), the first pop music CD album in Zhuang language. See our songs:
- Sleizeengz DeefBaov 德保情歌 (The Love Song of Debao) - Poenyuenx Binghfayz 夢火塘 (Dream of the fireplace)
- Sleizeengz DeefBaov 德保情歌 (The Love Song of Debao)