Professor TSUI, Amy B. M.

Professor TSUI, Amy B. M.
Emeritus Professor
Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education
B.A. (English Literature and Linguistics), HKU
Dip. Ed. (English major, Chinese minor), HKU
M.A. (Language Studies), HKU
Ph.D. (Linguistics), University of Birmingham, U.K.
D.Ed. (honoris causa), University of Edinburgh, U.K.
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Room 652, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism
- Educational Policy
- English Language Education
- Teacher Education and Development
- University-School Partnerships
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
Areas of Expertise
Research Expertise
- classroom discourse analysis
- spoken discourse analysis
- language policy
- medium of instruction policies and implementation
- teacher expertise and teachers’ professional development
- technology and teacher learning
- corpus linguistics
- YuShan Fellow (玉山學者) Ministry of Education, Taiwan (awarded July 2023)
- Emeritus Professor, the University of Hong Kong (July 2017)
- Doctor of Education (honoris causa), the University of Edinburgh, the United Kingdom (3 July 2015) in recognition of contribution to higher education and academic research
- Outstanding Supervisor Award (2007)
- British Council Scholarship 1984-1985
- British Commonwealth Scholarship 1985 (tenable for 3 years)
Research and Development Projects
1 | Project Title | L2 Classroom Talk and Subject Content Learning: Investigating the relationship between L2 (English) learning and content learning in EMI mathematics and science classrooms |
Year and duration | 2015 - 2018 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $7,476,925.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Standing Committee on Language Research (SCOLAR), HK SAR Government | |
Role | Consultant and Co-investigator | |
Research Output | Research Report submitted to SCOLAR, HK SAR Government |
2 | Project Title | An investigation of good practices to enhance English language teaching in English medium and Chinese medium schools in Hong Kong (Consultancy Study) |
Year and duration | Feb 2003 – Sept 2004 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $3,050,000.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Education & Manpower Bureau (now Education Bureau), HK SAR Government | |
Role | Consultant and Chief investigator | |
Research Output | Consultancy Report submitted to HK SAR Government |
3 | Project Title | Unified Professional Development Project (1998 - 2003) |
Year and duration | 1998 - 2003 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $21,606,400.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Quality Education Fund, HK SAR government | |
Role | Project Leader | |
Project Summary | This project aimed to provide to a richer experience for student teachers during their practicum in partnership with Hong Kong schools, involving 70 staff members in the-then Department Curriculum Studies (now Faculty of Education). | |
Research Output | Publication, Authored book No. 1, Publication No. 26, 36, 45, 65. |
4 | Project Title | An investigation into the impact of school-university partnerships on teacher education in Hong Kong |
Year and duration | 2000 - 2002 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $807,817.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Teaching Development Grant | |
Role | Co-investigator | |
Project Summary | This project investigates the impact of the implementation of the School-University partnership on student teacher learning and school mentors’ professional development | |
Research Output | Multi-authored book, No. 1 |
5 | Project Title | The impact of the medium of instruction on students’ self-esteem, motivation, learning strategies |
Year and duration | 1998 - 2002 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $1,300,000.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Hong Kong University Research Grant | |
Role | Principal investigator | |
Project Summary | This project is a three-year longitudinal study on the effect of the choice of medium of instruction has on students’ self-esteem, motivation, and learning in Hong Kong Chinese medium and English medium schools. | |
Research Output | Publication No. 45 |
6 | Project Title | TeleNex (Teachers of English Language Education Nexus) |
Year and duration | 1993 - 2001 | |
Total amount of funding | $58.57m HKD + $1.4m HKD of hardware support + communication lines. | |
Source(s) of Funding | Hong Kong Telecom (now PCCW) Hong Kong Jockey Club Language Fund and Quality Education Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government | |
Role | Project Leader, Director of TELEC | |
Project Summary | Set up Teachers of English Language Education Centre (TELEC) and a wide-area computer network, TeleNex (Teachers of English Language Education Nexus), to provide online professional support to all primary and secondary English teachers in Hong Kong. | |
Project Output | Developed TeleNex, an English grammar database (TeleGram) and an English language teaching database (TeleTeach) and a corpus (TeleCorpora) for online access by all primary schools (over 900) and all secondary schools (450) in Hong Kong, with participation from 14,500 English teachers. |
7 | Project Title | The application and effectiveness of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in the professional development of English Language teachers in secondary schools in Hong Kong. |
Year and duration | 1994 - 1998 | |
Total amount of funding | HKD $951,000.00 | |
Source(s) of Funding | Hong Kong Research Grants Council | |
Role | Principal Investigator | |
Project Summary | This research project investigates the effect of participation in CMC, specifically TeleNex, on the subject knowledge, teaching competence and confidence of secondary school English teachers in Hong Kong. It also examines the patterns of conference interaction on the network. |
Published 6 sole-authored and multi-authored volumes, with one translated into Chinese, 5 edited and co-edited volumes, and over 110 journal papers and book chapters, in the areas of spoken discourse analysis, classroom discourse, teacher education, teachers' professional development, language policy and second language teaching and learning.
Sole Authored and Multi-authored Volumes
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025). Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Edwards, G. & Lopez-Real, F. (2009). Learning in School-University Partnership: Sociocultural Perspectives. New York & London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 200pp. (with contribution from Kwan, T., Law, D., Stimpson, P., Tang, R., and Wong, A.).
Book Reviews
I. Zhang, L. J. (2013). Learning in School-University Partnership: Sociocultural Perspectives. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 8(3), 295-298. II. Pupik Dean, C.G. (2010). Learning in School-University Partnership: Sociocultural Perspectives. Perspectives on Urban Education, 7(1), 134-135. Retrieved January 13, 2012. III. Field, K. (2009). Learning in School-University Partnership: Sociocultural Perspectives. Professional Development in Education, 35(2), 307-308. - Marton, F. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 242pp (with contribution from Chik, P., Ko, P.Y., Lo, M.L., Mok, I., Ng, F.P., Pang, M.F., Pong, W.Y., Runnesson, U.)
Book Reviews
I. Garcez, P.M. (2005). Classroom discourse and the space of learning. Language and Education, 19(4), 349-353. II. Todd, R. (2005). Review: Applied Ling/Discourse Analysis: Marton & Tsui. Retrieved April 29, 2010. - Tsui, A.B.M. (2003). Understanding Expertise in Teaching – Case studies of second language teachers. New York: Cambridge University Press, 308pp.
Book Reviews
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2003). In Pursuit of Excellence (追求卓越 - 教師專業發展案例研究 ) (Chinese Translation of Understanding Expertise in Teaching, with Foreword by Gu Ling Yuan). Beijing: People's Education Press, 326 pp.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1995). Introducing Classroom Interaction. London: Penguin, 123pp.
Book Review
I. Lewis, M. (1995). Introducing Classroom Interaction [Book review]. TESOL in Context, 5(2), 30-31. - Tsui, A.B.M. (1994). English Conversation. In Describing English Language Series. London: Oxford University Press, 298pp.
Book Review
I. Guthrie, A.M. (1995). English Conversation by Amy B.M. Tsui. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 158-162.
Edited and Co-edited Volumes
- Tsui, A.B.M. (Ed.) (2021). English Language Teacher Education: Global Challenges and Local Responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 237pp. DOI: 10.1017/9781108856218.
Book Reviews
I. Moodie, I. (2021). English Language Teacher Education: Global Challenges and Local Responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Asia TEFL, 18(3), 1066-1067. DOI: 10.18823/asiatefl.2021. II. Fan Fang (2021). English Language Teacher Education: Global Challenges and Local Responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ELT Journal, Vol. 75, Issue 4, 518-520. - Tsui, A.B.M. & Tollefson, J. (Eds.). (2007). Language Policy, Culture and Identity in Asian Contexts. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 283pp.
Book Reviews
I. Johnston, D. (2010). Language policy, culture and identity in Asian contexts. TESOL Quarterly 44(4), 843-845. II. Hamid, M. Obaidul (2009). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 8(1), 57-61. III. Alazzam-Alwidyan, S. (2008). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. TESL-EJ, 12(2). Retrieved November 06, 2008, from IV. Brown, R.A. (2008). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. JALT Journal, 30(01), 129-130. V. Mooney, A. (2008). Language, policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. Applied Linguistics, 29(3), 515-518. VI. Stanlaw, J. (2008). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. Language in Society, 37(5), 767-768. VII. Chao, R. (2007). Rethinking language policy and cultural identity. PsycCritiques, 52(28), Article 5. VIII. Hu, Guangwei. (2007). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 20(3), 247-251. IX. Kirkgoz, Y. (2007). Review: Sociolinguistics: Tsui; Tollefson (2006). The Linguist List. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from X. Soon, L. B. (2007). Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts. RELC Journal, 38(8), 400-401. - James W. Tollefson & Tsui, A.B.M. (Eds.). (2004). Medium of Instruction Policies: Which Agenda? Whose agenda? Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 306pp.
Book Reviews
I. Shin, H. (2007). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda?. Language Awareness, 16(1), 75-77. II. Ammon, U. (2006). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda?. Current Issues in Language Planning, 16(1), 141-145. III. Deng, Z. & Gopinathan, S. (2006). The complicity of medium‐of‐instruction policies: functions and hidden agendas. Journal of Curriculum Studies 38(5), 609-622. IV. Khubchandani, L. M. (2006). Medium of Instruction Policies: Which Agenda? Whose Agenda?. Language & Education: An International Journal, 20(1), 84-88. V. Osborn, T. A. (2005). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda?. Language Problems and Language Planning, 29(1), 94-95. VI. Otlogetswe, T. (2005). Review: Sociolinguistics: Tollefson & Tsui (2004). The Linguist List. Retrieved 15 July, 2015. VII. Talmy, S. (2005). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda?. Language Teaching Research, 9(1), 117-122. - Bird, N. with Falvey, P., Tsui, A. B. M., Allison, D., & McNeill, A. (Eds.). (1994). Language and Learning. Hong Kong: Institute of Language in Education, Education Department.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Johnson, I. (Eds.). (1993). Teacher Education and Development. Education Papers No. 18, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 177pp.
International Refereed Journal Papers and Book Chapters
- Tsui, A.B.M. and Macaro, E. (2025) Language Issues: Theoretical Orientations and Approaches in EMI Content Teaching and Learning Research. In Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025) Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge, pp. 1-13.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2025) Linguistic Mediation of Learning Processes in Content Classrooms. In Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025) Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge, pp. 29-47.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Wang, C., J.J. Tseng, M.L. Lo and Liu, M.M.D. (2025) Teachers’ Language Awareness and Language Related Episodes (LRE) Revisited: The Case of EMI in Computer Engineering. In Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025) Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge, pp. 100-120.
- Tsui, A.B.M., H.W. Hsu and P.L. Huang (2025) Language and Conceptual Change: The case of teaching ethnomusicology through EMI. In Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025) Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge, pp. 121-140.
- Macaro, E. and Tsui, A.B.M. (2025) Conclusion: The multiple dimensions of English Medium Instruction. In Tsui, A.B.M. & Macaro, E. (Eds.) (2025) Language Issues in English Medium Instruction: Theoretical Orientations and Cases from Disciplinary Practitioners. Routledge, pp. 181-189.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2023) Michael Halliday: Understanding language in education. Language, Context and Text 5:2, Special issue (2023), Mapping "Language" in Education, pp. 271-278.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2023). Classroom Discourse . In Li, W., Hua, Z. and Simpson, J. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics(2nd edition), U.K.: Routledge, pp. 163-176.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2023). Ethnography and Classroom Discourse. In J. P. Gee & M. Handford (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd edition), U.K.: Routledge, pp. 481-494. DOI: 10.4324/9781003035244-40.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2022). The gold standard for the teaching profession – a rejoinder. Journal of Second Language Writing, 58, 100941.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Yuh-Show Cheng (2022). Foreign Language Anxiety in EMI Classrooms - an Introduction. English Teaching and Learning, Special Issue, 46, Issue 3, 203-212.
- Tsui, A.B.M. and Tavares, N. (2021). The Technology Cart and the Pedagogic Horse in Online Teaching. English Teaching and Learning Journal, 45, 109-118.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2021). Glocalization and Grobalization: Critical Issues in English Language Teaching and Teacher Education in East Asia. In Tsui, A.B.M. (Ed.) English Language Teaching and Teacher Education in East Asia: Global Challenges and Local Responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-35.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Chan, C., Harfitt, G. and Leung, P. (2020).Crisis and Opportunity in Teacher Preparation in the Pandemic: Exploring the “Adjacent Possible”. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, Special Issue: Professionalism in the Pandemic.
- Tsui, A.B.M. and Imafuku, R. (2020). Conclusion: Silence in EFL Classrooms Revisited. In King, J. and Harumi, S. (Eds.) East Asian Perspectives on English Language Education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 166-181.
- Tollefson, J. and Tsui, A.B.M. (2018). Medium of Instruction Policy. In Tollefson, J. and Peretz-Milan, M. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Policy and Planning, pp. 257-297.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2017). Classroom Discourse: Theoretical Orientations and Methodological Approaches. In J. Cenoz & N.H. Hornberger (Eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Language and Education. Revised edition, New York: Springer, pp.187-203.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2016). Leading Transitions: the case of undergraduate education reform at HKU. In Marshall, S. (ed.), A Handbook for Leaders in Higher Education: Transforming teaching and learning (pp. 129-131). U.K.: Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2015). A Response to Land, R. and Gordon, G. (2015) Teaching Excellence Initiatives: Modalities and operational factors. U.K. Higher Education Academy.
- Harfitt, G.J., & Tsui, A.B.M. (2015). An examination of class size reduction on teaching and learning processes: a theoretical perspective. British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 41, Iss. 5, 845-865. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3165.
- Tollefson, J.W. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2014). Language diversity and language policy in educational access and equity. Review of Research in Education, 38, 189-214.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2014). English as lingua franca on campus: Cultural integration or segregation? In N. Murray & A. Scarino (Eds.), Dynamic ecologies of languages education in the Asia-Pacific region: Developments, issues and challenges, Chapter 6 (pp. 75-93). New York: Springer.
- Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Awareness of orthographic structure in children's learning of Chinese characters. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 21(3), 83-111.
- Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Drawing on the variation theory to enhance students’ learning of Chinese characters. Instructional Science, 41(2), 955-974.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2012). Transforming Student Learning: Undergraduate curriculum reform at The University of Hong Kong. In P. Blackmore & C. Kandiko (Eds.), Strategic Curriculum Change: Global Trends in Universities (pp. 62-72). London, U.K.: Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2012). Language and Education in Asia. In J.A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Diversity in Education (Vol. 3, pp. 1319-1323). USA: Sage.
- Tsui, A.B.M.. (2012). The dialectics of theory and practice in teacher knowledge development. In J. Hüttner, B. Mehlmauer-Larcher, S. Reichl & B. Schiftner (Eds.), Theory and Practice in EFL Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap (pp. 16-37). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Tsui, A.B.M.. (2012). Ethnography and Classroom Discourse. In J.P. Gee & M. Hanford (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis (pp. 383-395). U.K.: Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2011). Globalization and linguistic paradoxes: The role of English. In J.L. Bianco & D. Veronique (Eds.), Chapter 7, Institutions and power (D. Divita, Trans.). In Geneviève Zarate, Danielle Lévy, & Claire Kramsch (Eds.), Handbook of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism (pp. 335-338). Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines (Contemporary Publishing International SARL). [Reprinted from: Tsui, A.B.M.. (2008). Mondialisation et paradoxes linguistiques: Le rôle de l anglais. In J. Lo Bianco & Daniel Veronique (Eds.), Chapiture 7, Institutions et pouvoir, in Geneviève Zarate, Danielle Lévy, & Claire Kramsch (Eds.), Précis du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme (pp. 353-356). Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines. (Contemporary Publishing International SARL).]
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2011). Classroom Discourse. In J. Simpson (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 274-286). New York & London: Routledge.
- Itakura, H., & Tsui, A.B.M. (2011). Evaluation in Academic Discourse: Managing Criticism in Japanese and English Book Reviews. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(5), 1366-1379.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2011). Teacher Education and Teacher Development. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning (Vol. II, pp. 21-39). New York & London: Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2011). Classroom Discourse as a Re-Mediating Source for Foreign Language Learning. In W.M. Chan, K.N. Chin, M. Nagami, T. Suthiwan (Eds.), Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 109-130). Singapore: Center for Language Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.
- Tsui, A.B.M., & Ng, M.M.Y. (2010). Cultural Contexts and Situated Possibilities in the Teaching of Second Language Writing. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(4), 364-375.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2010). Teacher’s Professional Learning in School-University Partnership. In D. Boorer, et. al. (Eds.), Bridging Worlds: Making Connections in Education: Selected Papers from the 14th International Conference on Education (ICE) 2009 (pp. 150-171). Brunei Darussalam: Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
- Cheng, W., & Tsui, A.B.M. (2009). ‘ahh ((laugh)) well there is no comparison between the two I think’: How do Hong Kong Chinese and native speakers of English disagree with each other?. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(11), 2365-2380.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2009). Distinctive Qualities of Expert Teachers. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(4: Special Issue), 421-439.
- Itakura, H., & Tsui, A.B.M.. (2009). Criticisms in English and Japanese in Academic Writing. In K.P. Turner & B. Fraser (Eds.), Studies in Pragmatics: Vol. 6: Language in Life, and a life in language: Jacob Mey – A Festschrift (pp. 193-202). U.K.: Emerald.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Wong, J.L.N. (2009). In Search of a Third Space: Teacher Development in Mainland China. In C.K.K. Chan & N. Rao (Eds.), Revisiting the Chinese Learner: Changing Contexts, Changing Education (pp. 281-311). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre/Springer Academic Publishers.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2009). Teaching Expertise: Approaches, Perspectives and Characterizations. In A. Burns & J.C. Richards (Eds.), Cambridge Guide to Second Language Teacher Education (pp. 190-197). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2008). Mondialisation et paradoxes linguistiques: Le rôle de l anglais [Globalization and linguistic paradoxes: The role of English]. In J. Lo Bianco & Daniel Veronique (Eds.), Chapiture 7, Institutions et pouvoir [Institutions and power], in Geneviève Zarate, Danielle Lévy, & Claire Kramsch, (Eds.) Précis du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme (pp. 353-356). Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines. (Contemporary Publishing International SARL).
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2008). Classroom Discourse: Approaches and Perspectives. In J. Cenoz & N. H. Hornberger (Eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Language and Education (Vol. 6: Knowledge About Language, pp. 261-272). New York: Springer.
- Wong, J.L.N. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). How do teachers view the effects of school-based in-service learning activities? A case study in China. Journal of Education for Teaching (JET), 33(4), 457-470.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). The Complexities of Identity Formation: A Narrative Inquiry of an EFL Teacher. TESOL Quarterly, 41(4), 657-680.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Law, D.Y.K. (2007). Learning as Boundary-crossing in School University Partnership. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(8), 1289-1301.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Linguistic Paradoxes and Cultural Domination. International Multilingual Research Journal, 1(2), 135-143.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Instructional Processes in L2 Grammar Teaching. Studies in English Education, 11(2), 147-173.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Classroom Discourse as a Semiotic Resource for EFL Learning. The Language Teacher, 31(7), 13-16.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Exploring EFL Teacher Identities and Identity Conflicts. In G. Poedjosoedarmo (Ed.), Teacher Education in Language Teaching: RELC Anthology Series 48 (pp. 50-59). Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Tollefson, J.W. (2007). Language Policy and the Construction of National Cultural Identity. In A.B.M. Tsui & J.W. Tollefson (Eds.), Language Policy, Culture and Identity in Asian Contexts (pp. 1-21). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Language Policy and the Social Construction of Identity: The case of Hong Kong. In A.B.M. Tsui & J. W. Tollefson (Eds.), Language Policy, Culture and Identity in Asian Contexts (pp. 121-141). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Tollefson, J.W. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). Issues in Language Policy, Culture and Identity. In A.B.M. Tsui & J.W. Tollefson (Eds.), Language Policy, Culture and Identity in Asian Contexts (pp. 259-270). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2007). What Shapes Teachers’ Professional Development? In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), International Handbook of English Language Teaching (Vol. 11, pp. 1053-1066). Norwell, MA.: Springer.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Wong, A.T.Y. (2006). Issues in School-University Partnership. In C.K. Lee & M. Williams (Eds.), School Improvement: International Perspectives (pp. 175-192). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2005). Plenary: Language policy, culture and identity in the era of globalization. In B. Beaven (Ed.), IATEFL 2005 Conference Selections (pp. 41-51). Canterbury: IATEFL.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2005). ESL Teachers' Questions and Corpus Evidence. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 10(3), 335-356.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2005). Expertise in Teaching: Perspectives and Issues. In Keith Johnson (Ed.), Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 167-189). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Sallili, F. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2005). The Effects of Medium of Instruction on Students’ Motivation and Learning. In Rumjahn Hoosain & Farideh Salili (Eds.), Language in Multicultural Education (pp. 135-156). Research in Multicultural Education and International Perspectives, Volume 4. Greenwich CT: Information Age Publishing (IAP).
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Ki, Wing Wah (2004). Language and Learning. In Wing Wah Ki (Ed.), Learning and Theory of Variation《變易理論與學習空間》(in Chinese) (pp. 33-50). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Language Policies in Asian Countries: Issues and Tensions. The Journal of Asia TEFL, Vol. 1, No. 2, Autumn 2004, 1-25.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Ruhe zuo anli yanjiu《如何开展案例研究》(Conducting Case Studies). In Jiaoyu Fazhan Yanjiu 《教育发展研究》(Exploring Educational Development), 2004 Volume, Issue No. 2, pp. 9-13. Reproduced in Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Shubao Ziliao Zhongxin: Fuyin Baokan Ziliao Jiaoyu Xue《教育学》(Information center for social sciences, RUC. education), 2004 Volume, Issue No. 5, pp. 91-94.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). What Teachers Have Always Wanted to Know – and how corpora can help. In John Sinclair (Ed.), How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching (pp. 39-61). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, B.V.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). What linguistic descriptions have to say about discourse? In K. Aijmer & J. Allwood (Eds.), Dialogue Analysis VIII: Understanding and Misunderstanding in Dialogue (pp. 25-46). Niemeyer: Tübingen.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Tollefson, J.W. (2004). The Centrality of Medium of Instruction Policy in Sociopolitical Processes. In J.W. Tollefson & Tsui, A.B.M. (Eds.), Medium of Instruction Policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? (pp. 1-20). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong: One Country, Two Systems, Whose Language? In J.W. Tollefson & Tsui, A.B.M. (Eds.), Medium of Instruction Policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? (pp. 97-106). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Tollefson, J.W. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Contexts of Medium-of-Instruction Policy. In J.W. Tollefson & A.B.M. Tsui (Eds.), Medium of Instruction Policies: Which Agenda? Whose Agenda? (pp. 283-294). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Itakura, H. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2004). Gender and Conversational Dominance in Japanese Conversation. Language in Society, Vol. 33, No. 2, 223-248.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2002). The Semantic Space of Learning. In F. Marton & P. Morris (Eds.), What matters? Discovering critical conditions of classroom learning (pp. 113-132). Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
- Mok, I., Runesson, U., Tsui, A.B.M., Wong, S.Y., Chik, P., & Pow, S. (2002). Questions and Variation. In F. Marton & P. Morris (Eds.), What matters? Discovering critical conditions of classroom learning (pp. 75-92). Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & W.W. Ki (2002). Socio-Psychological Dimensions of Teacher Participation in Computer Conferencing. Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, 23-44.
- Bunton, D. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2002). Setting Language Benchmarks: Whose benchmark?Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Vol. 12, No. 1, 63-76.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Andrews, S. (2002). Setting Standards and Language Variation: A dilemma for language education. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1-12.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2002). On-line and Off-line Communities. Information Technology, Education and Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1-13.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Lopez-Real, F., Law, Y.K., Tang, R., Shum, M.S.K. (2001). Roles and Relationships in Tripartite Supervisory Conferencing Processes. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Summer), 322-344.
- Ng, D, Tsui, A.B.M., & Marton, F. (2001). Two Faces of the Reed Relay. In D. Watkins & J. Biggs (Eds.), Teaching the Chinese Learner (pp. 135-160). Hong Kong: CERC, The University of Hong Kong.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2001). Maximizing Computer Mediated Communication as a Collaborative Learning Environment for ESL Teachers. In B. Morrison, D. Gardner, K. Keobke & M. Spratt (Eds.), ELT Perspectives on IT & Multimedia (pp. 43-68). Hong Kong: English Language Centre, Polytechnic University.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2001). Classroom Interaction Research, In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Ed.), TESOL Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Bunton, D. (2000). The Discourse and Attitudes of English Teachers in Hong Kong. World Englishes, Vol. 19, No. 3, 287-304.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Ng, M. (2000). Do secondary L2 writers benefit from peer comments?Journal of Second Language Writing, Vol. 9, No. 2, 147-170.
- Lock, G. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2000). Customizing Linguistics: Developing an Electronic Grammar Database for Teachers. Language Awareness, Vol. 9, No. 1, 17-33.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Shum, M.S.K., Wong, C.K., Tse, S.K. & Ki, W.W. (1999). Which Agenda? – Medium of instruction policy in post-1997 Hong Kong. Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol. 12, No. 3, 196-214.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Tse, S.K., Shum, M.S.K., Ki, W.W., Wong, C.K., & Wong, W.L. (1999). Implementing Mother-tongue Education in Schools: Problems Encountered and Support Needed. Hong Kong: CMI Centre monograph, Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Hong Kong, 46 pp.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Nicholson, S. (1999). A Hypermedia Database and English as a Second Language Teacher Knowledge Enrichment. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 8, No. 2, 215-237.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Fullilove, J. (1998). Bottom-up or top-down processing as a discriminator of L2 listening Performance. Applied Linguistics, Vol. 19, No. 4, 432-451.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1998). The “unobservable” in Classroom Interaction. The Language Teacher, Vol. 22, No. 7, 25-26.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1998). Extending the frontiers of teacher education. In B. Asker (Ed.), Language, Culture and Education. Hong Kong: Longman.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1997). Awareness-raising about classroom interaction. In L. Van Lier & D. Corson (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 6: Knowledge About Language (pp. 183-194). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Wu, K.Y. & Tsui, A.B.M. (1997). Teachers’ Grammar on the Electronic Highway: Design Criteria for TeleGram. System, Vol. 25, No.2, 169-183.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Ki, W.W. (1996). An Analysis of Conference Interaction on TeleNex - a computer network for ESL teachers. Education Technology Research and Development, Vol. 44, No. 4, 23-44.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Sengupta, S., Wu, K.Y. (1996). Enhancing Teacher Development Through TeleNex - A computer network for English language teachers. System, Vol. 24, No. 4, 461-476.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1996). English in Asian Bilingual Education - from Hatred to Harmony - A Response. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Vol. 17, Nos. 2-4, 241-247.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1996). The Participant Structures of TeleNex - A computer network for teacher development. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications. Volume 2, No. 4, 171-197.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1996). Learning How to Teach Writing. In J. Richards & D. Freeman (Eds.), Teacher Learning in Language Teaching (pp. 97-124). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1996). Reticence and Anxiety in Second Language Learning. In K. Bailey & D. Nunan (Eds.), Voices From the Language Classroom (pp. 145-167). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1995). Social Factors in the Implementation of a Computer Network for English Language Teachers. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 4, No. 2, 149-164.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1995). Exploring Collaborative Supervision in In-service Teacher Education. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Vol. 10, No. 4, 346-371.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Coniam, D., Sengupta, S., Wu, K.Y. (1995). Computer-Mediated Communication and Teacher Education - the case of TeleNex. In N. Bird with P. Falvey, A.B.M. Tsui , D. Allison, & A. McNeill (Eds.), Language and Learning (pp. 352-369). Hong Kong: Government Printer.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Ki, W.W. (1994). Whence and Whither TeleNex - a Computer Network for English Language Teachers in Hong Kong. Curriculum Forum, Vol. 4, No.1, 1-12.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1993). Grammar in the Language Curriculum. In Teaching Grammar and Spoken English (pp. 21-30), Hong Kong: Education Department, Government Printer.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1993). Challenges in Education and Continuous Teacher Education. In A. B. M. Tsui & I. Johnson (Eds.), Teacher Education and Development (pp. 13-28). Education Papers No. 18, Faculty of Education, Hong Kong University.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1993). Helping Teachers to Conduct Action Research in ESL Classrooms. In D. Freeman & S. Cornwell (Eds.), New Ways in Teacher Education (pp. 171-175). Virginia: TESOL.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1993). Making Supervision a Non-threatening Experience for Teachers. In D. Freeman & S. Cornwell (Eds.), New Ways in Teacher Education (pp. 176-179). Virginia: TESOL.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1993). The Interpretation of Multi-act Moves in Spoken Discourse. In G. Francis, M. Baker & E. Tognini-Bonelli (Eds.), Text and Technology (pp. 75-94). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1992). A Functional Description of Questions. In M. Coulthard (Ed.), Advances in Spoken Discourse Analysis (pp. 89-110). London: Routledge.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1992). Using English as Medium of Instruction and English Language Acquisition. In K.K. Luke (Ed.), Into the Twenty First Century: Critical Issues of Language in Education in Hong Kong (pp. 135-146). Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1992). Classroom Discourse Analysis in ESL Teacher Education. ILE Journal, Vol. 9, 81-96.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). The Interpenetration of Language as Code and Behaviour. In E. Ventola (Ed.), Functional and Systemic Linguistics: approaches and uses (pp. 193-212). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). The pragmatic functions of "I don't know". TEXT, Vol. 11, No. 4, 607-622.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). The Description of Utterances in Conversation. In J. Verschueren (Ed.), Pragmatics at Issue (pp. 229-247). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins B.V.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). Sequencing Rules and Coherence in Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, Vol. XV, No. 1, 177-195.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). Learner Involvement and Comprehensible Input. RELC Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 44-60.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1991). Don't throw the baby out with the bath water - the place of grammar in communicative language teaching. Curriculum Forum, Vol. 3, 77-82.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1989). Beyond the Adjacency Pair. Language in Society, Vol. 18, No. 4, 545-564.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1989). Systemic Choices in Discourse Processes. WORD, Vol. 40, Nos. 1-2, 163-188.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1987). On Elicitations. In M. Coulthard (Ed.), Discussing Discourse (pp. 80-106), English Language Research Monograph Series, No. 14. U.K.: University of Birmingham.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1987). Aspects of the Classification of Illocutionary Acts and the Notion of the Perlocutionary Act. Semiotica, Vol. 66, No. 4, 359-377.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1987). Analyzing Different Types of Interaction in Second Language Classrooms. nternational Review of Applied Linguistics, XXV/4, 336-353.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (1985). Analyzing Input and Interaction in Second Language Classrooms. RELC Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, 8-32.
- Tsui, A.B.M., Johnson, F.C., Fu, G. & Boozer (1984). A Curriculum Model for The Design and Development of Instructional Materials at Post-Secondary Levels. In J. Read (Ed.), Case Studies in Syllabus and Course Design (pp. 80-95). Singapore: SEAMEO RELC.
Edited Special Issues of International Refereed Journal
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Yuh-Show Cheng (eds.) (2022). Foreign Language Anxiety in EMI Classrooms. English Teaching and Learning, Special Issue, Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. September 2022.
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Hedberg, J. (2003). Information Technology, Education and Society, 4(1). Australia: James Nicholas. (Guest-editing)
- Tsui, A.B.M. & Andrews, S. (Eds.). (2002). Special Issue of Journal of Asian-Pacific Communication, Summer 2002.
- Tsui, A.B.M. (Ed.). (1991). Curriculum Forum, Vol. 3, The University of Hong Kong.
Other Publications
- Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). In conversation with Amy Tsui - Challenges of experiential learning.Journal of the NUS Teaching Academy, 3(2), 54-56.
Professional Community Services
Editorial / Advisory Boards of International Refereed Journals (current)
- Asian EFL Journal
- Australian Review of Applied Linguistics
- English Teaching & Learning
- International Content and Language Integrated Learning Journal
- International Journal of Multilingual Research
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
- Journal of Professional Capital and Community
- Language Culture Communication in Asia
- Linguistics and the Human Sciences
- Reflections on English Language Teaching
- Research Papers in Education: Policy and Practice
- Second Language Teacher Education
- The Open Applied Linguistics Journal
Editorial / Advisory Board of International Refereed Journals (Past)
- Applied Linguistics
- Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
- English for Specific Purposes
- Asian Journal of English Language Teaching
- Education Journal
- Information Technology, Education and Society
- Language Policy
- Functions of Language
- Pedagogies: An International Journal
- TESOL Quarterly
- The Journal of Asia TEFL, Associate Editor
- Review of Research in Education (Advisory Board Member for Volume 34)
Service to International Communities (2010 - present)
- External member, Steering Committee of the Institute of Pedagogical Innovation, Research and Excellence (InsPIRE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (Sep 2022 - Aug 2025)
- Member, Bilingual Education Committee, National Taiwan Normal University (Jun 2024 - present)
- External member, University Curriculum Committee, National Taiwan Normal University (Aug 2022 - present)
- Member, Board of Chatteris Educational Foundation (2018 - present)
- Associate member, MOSAIC Group for Research on Multilingualism, University of Birmingham (2016 - present)
- Member, International Advisory Committee, Cambridge Research in Community Language Education Network (CRiCLE-Net), Cambridge University, U.K. (2016 - present)
- Honored Life member, The Global (EIL) English International Language Congress / Asian EFL Journal (2011 - )
- Member, Institutional Self-review Panel, National Taiwan Normal University (27 Dec 2024)
- Member, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) External Review Committee, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (11-13 Oct 2023)
- Associate, Higher Education Academy, U.K., Teaching Excellence Framework (2015)
- Member, Board of Governors, International Baccalaureate, Geneva (Apr 2014 - May 2020)
- Member, International Advisory Board, University of Helsinki (2011 - 2017)
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki (2011 - 2014)
- Member, International Advisory Panel, English Language Institute of Singapore (ELIS), Ministry of Education, Singapore (2010 - 2016)
- Network for Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Research-Intensive Universities (2010 - 2014)
Senior Management Experience
The University of Hong Kong
- Pro-Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Nov 2007 - April 2014)
- Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (Oct - Nov 2001, Apr - Jun 2002, Jan - Feb 2004)
- Head, Department of Curriculum Studies (Jan 1998 - Dec 2001)
International Conferences Keynote/Plenary Presentations
(86 keynote/plenary presentations in 21 countries, including the U.K, U.S., Italy, Sweden, Norway, Spain, S. Africa, Turkey, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, S. Korea, Thailand, People’s Republic of China and Taiwan.)
- Keynote Speaker, “Reticence in the Classroom and Communicative Competence”, Warwick International Conference of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, 28-29 June, 2023.
- Keynote speaker, “Linguistic Mediation of Learning Processes in Content Classrooms”, International Forum on Language Issues in English Medium Instructions, National Taiwan Normal University, 22-23 April, 2023.
- Keynote Speaker, “The Paradox of EMI in Higher Education”, International Conference on EMI in Higher Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 15-16 June, 2022.
- Plenary Speaker, “On Becoming a Bilingual University: Leading and Managing Educational Change – the HKU experience.” Senior staff forum, National Taiwan Normal University, 16 Feb, 2022.
- Plenary Speaker, “Leading and Managing Change: The journey of curriculum reform at HKU”, University of York Council presentation, 26 May 2021.
- Plenary Speaker, “Interdisciplinary Common Core: the centrepiece in undergraduate curriculum”, Senior staff forum, National Taiwan Normal University, 20 Nov 2019.
- Keynote Speaker, “Intercultural Communicative Competence Revisited”, The 17th Asia TEFL International Conference, Bangkok, 27-29 June 2019.
- Keynote Speaker, “In Search of the Holy Grail: Challenges in ELT in Asian Contexts”, 2019 International Conference on English Education (ICEE), 27-28 April 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Keynote Speaker, “Sustainable Professional Development for EFL Teachers: What are the essential conditions?”, TEFLIN International Conference, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 12-14 July, 2018.
- Plenary Speaker, “Transforming Student Learning – the journey of a university-wide curriculum reform”, June 2018, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K..
- Plenary speaker, “Leadership in Higher Education: Insights from leading curriculum reform at HKU”, Workshop for Russian university presidents and vice-presidents, May 2018, Skolkovo Innovation Centre, Moscow, Russia.
- Plenary speaker, “Re-imagining Undergraduate Education: Designing and managing reform”, Workshop for University Administrators, June 2017, Skolkovo Innovation Centre, Moscow, Russia.
- Keynote Speaker, “On becoming an EFL Teacher”. The 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (ROCTEFL), 28-29 May 2016, National Changhua University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Keynote Speaker, “Linguistic Mediation of Learning Processes in Content Classrooms”. ALAA/ALANZ/ALTAANZ conference on Learning in a Multilingual World, 30 November – 2 December, 2015, University of Southern Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
- Plenary speaker, “Linguistic Mediation of Learning Processes in Content Classrooms”, ALAA/ALANZ/ALTAANZ 2015 Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2015.
- Keynote Speaker, “What kind of English should be taught at university? - A higher education language policy maker’s perspective”, 2015 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, 23-24 October, 2015, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, Conference on “TESOL: Leading, Enhancing, and Transforming”, organized by Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA), 30 September - 2 October, 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
- Keynote speaker, “Globalization and Language in Education Policies: Mediating factors in implementing bilingual education”, ALLT (Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching) Conference 2014, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 17-19 April, 2014.
- Keynote speaker, “Classroom Discourse in EFL Learning”, Conference on “Consulting of Teaching in Primary English Education”, organized by The Korea Association of Primary English Education, 18 January 2014, South Korea.
- Keynote speaker, Seminar on “Reforms in Higher Education and the Four-Year Undergraduate Program”, organized by the Lady Shri Ram College for Women, 7 Sept 2013, Delhi, India.
- Keynote speaker, “Foreign Language Classroom Discourse Research: Approaches, Major Issues and Future Developments”, V Colloquium on Research in Foreign Languages, 27-29 June 2013, the University of Veracruz, Mexico.
- Keynote speaker, “Re-imagining Undergraduate Education”, International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education: 10 years of enhancing the student experience, organized by Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) Scotland, 11-13 June 2013, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow, U.K..
- Plenary speaker, “Does General Education or Liberal Arts Education still matter in the 21st Century?”, Conference on “The Futures of Chinese Higher Education” organized by Harvard China Fund, 14-15 June 2013, Shanghai, China.
- Plenary Speaker, Conference on “The Future on Indian Universities: Comparative Perspective on Higher Education Reforms”, 21-23 March 2013, O.P. Jindal Global University, Delhi, India.
- Invited speaker, “Bilingual Education - Policy into Practice”, Cambridge Horizons Seminar on “Bilingual Education: Cognitive Benefits and Policy into Practice”, organized by Cambridge International Examinations, 27 November, 2012, Singapore.
- Keynote speaker, “Nurturing Global Citizens in Undergraduate Education”, U21 Teaching & Learning Network Conference, 8-9 November 2012, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Keynote speaker, “The Conundrum of Standards Setting and Quality Assurance in Higher Education”, SAAIR Annual Forum 2012, organized by the Southern African Association for Institutional Research, 3-5 October 2012, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
- Keynote speaker, “English as a Medium of Instruction and English as a Lingua Franca on Campus: Meeting the Challenges”, Second Executive Conference on International Affairs, 26 June 2012, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, “Rising to the Challenges of Educational Reform at the University of Hong Kong”, Third Conference on Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors across Europe – Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities, 21-23 May 2012, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Plenary speaker, “HKU Common Core Curriculum: Rationale and Implementation”, 高等学校文化育人研讨会暨第五次文化素质教育工作会议, jointly organized by The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Education and Tsinghua University, 13 April 2012.
- Introductory Keynote speaker, “Achieving quality teaching in the context of the overall quality assurance policies”, OECD-IMHE “What Works” Conference, 5-6 December 2011, CETYS University, Mexicali, Mexico.
- Plenary speaker, “English as a Lingua Franca on Campus: Cultural integration or segregation?”, Research Centre for Languages and Culture Symposium, 14-15 November 2011, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
- Keynote speaker, “Managing Change in Curriculum Reform: the Experience of the University of Hong Kong”, Council Strategy Day of the University of Birmingham, 27 September 2011, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- Distinguished speaker, “Classroom Discourse Research and Classroom Ethnography”, the 27th Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics Lecture Series, 16 September 2011, Singapore.
- Keynote speaker, “Transforming Student Learning: 4-year undergraduate curriculum”, Curriculum Innovation International Network Meeting, 18-19 January 2011, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
- Keynote speaker, “Transforming Student Learning – 4 year undergraduate curriculum”, 19 November, 2010, University of Goteborg, Sweden.
- Keynote speaker, “Expertise in Teaching: Situated Possibilities in EFL Classrooms”, 2010 PKETA International Conference, 9 October 2010, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea.
- Keynote speaker, “Culture and Identity in a Global Era: Re-envisioning the Undergraduate Curriculum”, Festival of Learning, 14 September 2010, King’s College London, United Kingdom.
- Keynote speaker, “Sociocultural Contexts and Pedagogical Possibilities”, Cutting Edges Annual Conference, 2-3 July 2010, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
- Invited speaker, “Internationalization of Higher Education, Language Policy, and Language Use”, Inaugural APEC-RELC International Seminar, 19-21 April 2010, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore.
- Keynote speaker, “English as a Medium of Instruction in Content Classrooms and the Space of Learning”, 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Languages (ALLT), 16-17 April 2010, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, “Internationalization of Higher Education and Its Implications for Language Policy”, Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics Association of Korea 2009, 5 December 2009, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
- Keynote speaker, “Teachers’ Professional Learning in School-University Partnership”, 14th International Conference on Education, Bridging Worlds: Making Connections in Education, organized by the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 21-24 May 2009, Brunei Darussalam.
- Keynote speaker, “Local Understanding and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy”, 2009 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Languages (ALLT), 16-18 April 2009, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, “The Dialectics of Theory and Practice in Teacher Knowledge Development”, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice Conference, 26-28 February 2009, Department of English, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
- Keynote speaker, “EFL Classroom Discourse as a Re-Mediating Semiotic Resource for EFL Learning”, 3rd CLS International Conference, CLaSIC 2008, 4-7 December 2008, Centre for Language Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Guest speaker, “The Movement toward ‘General Education’ in Elite Universities”, Harvard-Berkeley International Forum on Chinese Higher Education, 10-12 October 2008, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- Plenary speaker, “Internationalization of Higher Education and Linguistic Paradoxes”, International Conference 2008, Language Issues in English-medium Universities: A Global Concern, 18-20 June 2008, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
- Invited speaker, “The Nature of Teacher Knowledge”, Understanding Knowledge for Teaching Working Conference, 11-13 May, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- Plenary speaker, “Boundary-Crossing in Classroom Discourse Research”, 25th International Conference of English Teaching and Learning in R.O.C., 2008 International Conference on English Instruction and Assessment, 3-4 May 2008, National Chung Cheng University (NCCU), Chia-yi, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, “The Linguistic Constitution of the Space of Learning in Science Classrooms”, The TED – ELTC ETeMS Conference 2007, Language, Mathematics and Science, Harnessing the Waves of Change, organized by Ministry of Education, Malaysia, 27-29 November 2007, Seremban, Malaysia.
- Plenary speaker, “Classroom Discourse as a Semiotic Resource for EFL Learning”, JALT2007: The Japan Association for Language Teaching 33rd International Conference, 22-25 November 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
- Plenary speaker, “Effective Teaching Strategies Reconceptualized: Teachers' Practical Knowledge”, CfBT-BELTA National English Language Conference Brunei, 23-24 August 2007, Brunei Darussalam.
- Keynote speaker, “Communicative Language Teaching or Cruel Language Teaching: Identity formation in EFL Learning and Teaching”, CELC Symposium 2007, 30 May – 1 June 2007, Singapore.
- Plenary speaker, “Linguistic Hegemony and Linguistic Paradoxes in Asian Contexts” SoLLs.INTEC.07 Language and Nationhood: Discourses Across Disciplines and Cultures, 15-17 May 2007, Universiti Kebangsaan, Subang Jaya, Malaysia.
- Plenary speaker, “The ESL Curriculum as an Additional Resource for Making Meaning”, Second International Language Learning Conference 2006, 23-25 November 2006, Penang, Malaysia.
- Plenary speaker, “Globalization & the Role of English in Asian Contexts”, 2006 SETA International Conference, 29-30 September 2006, Yeosu, South Korea.
- Plenary speaker, “Globalization and Language Policy Responses in Asian Contexts”, Invitational Symposium – Language Issues in English-medium Universities Across Asia, 8-9 June 2006, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Plenary speaker, “Confucianism and ‘Confusion’: Negotiating EFL teacher identity”, The 41st RELC International Seminar, Plenary paper, 24-26 April 2006, Singapore.
- Opening Plenary, “Language Policy and the Social Construction of National Cultural Identity”, KOTESOL, 15-16 October 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
- Opening Plenary, “Globalization and Challenges to EFL Teacher Education”, First National Symposium Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development, 23-25 September 2005, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “Learning as Boundary-crossing in School-University Partnership”, 6-9 July 2005, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
- Plenary speaker, “ESL Teacher Knowledge: an Interpretive Framework”, 22 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, 4-5 June 2005, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Opening Plenary, “Language Policy, Culture and Identity in the Era of Globalization”, International Association of Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) Conference 2005, 6-9 April, Cardiff, Wales, U.K..
- Plenary speaker, “Understanding L2 Teacher Knowledge”, Association of Language Awareness (ALA) International Conference, 19-21 July 2004, Lleida, Spain.
- Plenary speaker, “Understanding Expertise in Teaching”, International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, 2004, 13-17 July 2004, Hong Kong.
- Public Lecture, “Learning a Second Language in the Primary School: Experiencing the World in a Different Way – the Case of TeleNex”, University of Giessen, 22 June 2004, Germany.
- Opening Lecture, “Learning a Second Language in the Primary School: Experiencing the World in a Different Way – the Case of TeleNex”, Research Colloquium: Language Technology and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, University of Education, Freiburg, 23 June 2004, Germany.
- Keynote speaker, “Teachers’ Professional Development and Case Study Methodology”, National Conference on School-Based Curriculum Innovation, 21-24 December 2003, organized by the Ministry of Education (Basic Education) and Institute of Pedagogical Research (Shanghai), People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “Language Policies in Asian Countries: Issues and Dilemmas”, Asia TEFL International Conference, 7-9 November 2003, Busan, Korea.
- Plenary speaker, “Reframing the Object of Teaching and Learning: the impact of corpus evidence on language teachers”. Corpora and Language Teacher Education, International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, 24-26 October 2003, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “ICT for Teacher Development”, TEFL Convention of China 2002, co-sponsored by the National Advisory Committee on TEFL in Higher Education, the College English Teaching and Research Association of China, and the National College English Testing Committee, 12-15 October 2002, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “Corpus Linguistics and Teachers’ Language Awareness”, Beijing Normal University Centenary International Conference on English Teacher Education and Development, 26-28 August 2002, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “What Teachers Have Always Wanted to Know – and how corpora can help”, 15-20 October 2001, Tuscany Word Centre, Tuscany, Italy.
- Plenary speaker, “Corpus Linguistics and Language Awareness”, Second International Conference on Teaching of English (SICTE), 11-14 July 2001, Nanjing University, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “Corpus as a Powerful Resource for Language Teaching and Learning”, Second Regional Conference on College English Teaching, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 28-30 June 2001.
- Plenary speaker, “Maximizing CMC as a Collaborative Learning Environment for ESL Teachers”, ITMELT 2001, International Conference on Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching), 1-2 June 2001, Hong Kong Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Plenary speaker, “What do linguistic descriptions have to say about discourse?”, 8th Biennial Congress of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA), 19-21 April 2001, Göteborg University, Sweden.
- Plenary speaker, “The Impact of Teacher Education Programs on Teacher Learners”, Ninth National Conference of Subject Pedagogy for Teacher Universities, 27 November – 3 December 1999, Guangzhou College of Education, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China.
- Plenary speaker, “In Search of Excellence in ESL Teaching”, ILEC 1999 (International Language in Education Conference), 17-19 December 1999, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Plenary speaker, “Young ESL Writers’ Responses to Peer and Teacher Feedback in Writing”, Eighth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, 11-13 November 1999, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
- Plenary speaker, “Building an Electronic Community of Teachers”, International Conference on New Professionalism in Teaching organized by PACT, 15-17 January 1999, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Plenary speaker, “Professional Relevance and the De-professionalization of Teacher Education”, International Teacher Education Conference 98, 27-30 April 1998, held at East China Normal University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
- Featured speaker, “Cognitive Dimensions in Classroom Interaction”, Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Conference, 20-24 November 1998, Omiya, Japan.
- Plenary speaker, “Teachers’ Professional Development and Teacher Education Policy in Hong Kong”, National Conference on Teacher Education, organized by Ministry of Education, PRC and Beijing Normal University, 25-30 August 1998, held at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
- Invited speaker, “Information Technology and Teacher's Professional Development” International Teacher Preparation and Professional Development Conference, hosted by National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, 21-25 July 1997, Bellagio, Italy, sponsored by Rockefeller Foundation. 1997, 20pp.
Local Conferences
- Keynote speaker, “Re-imagining Undergraduate Education: 334 Curriculum Reform”, Summer Institute organized by Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 06 June 2016.
- Keynote speaker, “Re-imagining Undergraduate Education”, Summer Institute: Higher Education for Tomorrow, organized by Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 15 June 2015.
- Keynote speaker, “Cultivating Minds for the New Age”, 2nd Joint Convocation Conference on “Nurturing 21st Century Talents - The Way Forward for CUHK & HKU”, co-organized by CUHK Convocation and HKU Convocation, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 13 April 2013.
- Invited speaker, “Reflections on Leadership in Curriculum Reform”, Leadership in Higher Education: A One-day Workshop, organized by the HKU Community for Research in Higher Education and Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol, University of Hong Kong, 23 January 2013.
- Plenary speaker, “Re-envisioning Undergraduate Education”, Research into Practice in the Four-year Curriculum, organized by the HKU Centre for Applied English Studies, 1 June 2012.
- Keynote speaker, “Teachers' Professional Development: Phases and Factors”, Learning Celebrations 2006, organized by Education and Manpower Bureau, 7 July 2006.
- Keynote speaker, “Understanding the Collaborative Construction of Meaning among Young Learners in L2 Classrooms”, Language Seminar on Integration and Best Practices in English Language Teaching, CECES, Hong Kong, 6 December 2003.
- Plenary speaker, “Medium of Instruction and Students’ Self-Perception, Motivation, Learning Strategies and Academic Attainment”, Symposium on Mother Tongue Education, organized by The University of Hong Kong, 27 April 2002.
- Plenary speaker, “Helping Children to Experience the World through a Second Language”, CECES’ Regional Seminar, CECES, The University of Hong Kong, 20 January 2001.