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Ms POON, Ada W. M.

Ms POON, Ada W. M.



Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education


B.A. (CUHK); Dip. Ed. (CUHK); M.Ed. (Monash); PDip. Appl. Ling. (Monash); M.A. (PolyU)


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(852) 3917 5731


Room 614, Meng Wah Complex

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

Not applicable.

Teaching Areas:

Chinese Language and Literature Pedagogy, Modern Chinese Language, Teaching Chinese Language for Non-native speakers,  Language Acquisition and Development in Young Learners.


Research areas  and interests

Chinese Language Education, Text Linguistics, Varieties of Language, Teaching Chinese Language for Non-native speakers. 

  1. Invitation for Quotation for Provision of Services on the Study of Using Assessment Data to Enhance Secondary Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills and Motivation in Learning Literary Chinese (文言) Invitation for Quotation by Education Bureau Hong Kong Government. (PI Dr. Law Yin Kum). Co-Investigator . (2013- ongoing)
  2. University- School Support Programme: Supporting Secondary Schools in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for non-native learners. (PI: Dr. Loh Ka Yee). Co-Investigator. (2013-onging)
  3. '回歸學會學習─從文本到能力,從能力到文化的閱讀學與教設計'. Funded by QEF.  (P.I. Dr. Lam Wai Ip). Co-Investigator. (2013-onging)
  4. University- School Support Programme: Supporting Secondary Schools in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for non-native learners. (PI: Dr. Lam Wai Ip, Joseph). Co-Investigator. (2011-2013)
  5. Provision of Services on the Study of Students’ Speaking Skills and the Production of Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS) Materials of the Basic Competency Assessments (BCA) in the Key Learning Area (KLA) of Chinese Language at Primary Levels. EDB funded project. (PI: Dr.  Lam Wai Ip, Joseph) (2011-2012)
  6. University- School Support Programme: Supporting Secondary Schools in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for non-native learners. (PI: Dr. Ki, Wing Wah). Co-Investigator. (2009-2012)
  7. Research Project of 'Diversified Chinese language learning and assessment: Sub project-effects of integrated instruction on higher-order literacy'. QEF-funded project (PI Dr.  Albert Chung).  Co-Investigator. (2006-2007)
  8. Research Project of ' A longitudinal study on the school-based assessment component of the 2007 HKCE Chinese Language examination'. HKEAA-funded project (PI Dr. Albert Chung). Co-Investigator. (2006-2007)
  9. Research on the 2007 HKCEE Speaking Proficiency Standard, Funded by EMB, HKSAR Government, (PI Dr.  Albert Chung). Co-Investigator. (2005).

Conference Papers:

  1. Lam J.W.I., Poon A.W.M. and Yam D.P.Y.  Speaking performance of Hong Kong primary students and design of courseware on learning to speak from the perspective of language and textual features of story-telling by students, the Assessment Conference 2013- Assessment For, Of and As Learning: Optimising the Roles of Assessment in Learning and Teaching, (Hong Kong, 2013).
  2. Lam J.W.I. and Poon A.W.M.  Speaking performance of Hong Kong primary students and the design of courseware to promote students' speaking ability, "Let's Shape up Assessment to Benefit Learning" Symposium 2012 (Hong Kong, 2012). 
  3. Lam J.W.I. and  Poon A.W.M.  Oral storytelling structure of Hong Kong primary students and the design of story markup langauge, International conference on Chinese Language Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age.  (Hong Kong, 25-27 Nov 2011).
  4. Ho S.Y., Chan W.K., Poon A.W.M. and Law Y.K.    Reflections on the teaching of Chinese Literature Described in the Curriculum Reforms in Hong Kong from 1974 to 2006, International Conference on the Teaching of Literature under Curriculum Reforms. (Beijing, 2006).


Journal articles and book Chapters:

  1. Lam W. I. J., Poon A. W. M.  (2012) Oral Competance: Assessment and Learning. (聆聽能力的評估與學習) in  Hong Kong Basic Competency Assessment Team (Eds). Assessment and Learning. Issue 1 : 66-80. Hong Kong: Education Bureau, HKSAR Government.
  2. Shum M.S.K., Poon A.W.M. and Lee K.F. (2012) ‘Oral Practice for Seventh Graders: Case  1’ (個案一: 中一說話訓練). In Tse, S.K. et al (Eds) Teaching and learning Chinese of Non-Chinese-Speaking students. Curriculum, teaching materials, pedagogy and assessment (p.119-132).  Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 
  3. Shum M.S.K., Poon A.W.M. and Lee K.F.  (2012) ‘Teaching of writing to Seventh Graders: Case 2’ (個案二: 中一寫作訓練). in Tse, S.K. et al (eds),  Teaching and learning Chinese of Non-Chinese-Speaking students: Curriculum, teaching materials, pedagogy and assessment  (p. 133-140). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 
  4. Poon A. W. M.  ‘Listening: Assessment and Learning’  (聆聽評估與學習)  (2011)  in  Shum, S. K. et al (Eds), New  Directions of Teaching and Assessing Chinese Language. 《香港中國語文課程新路向》(p.101-118).   Hong Kong : University Press.
  5. Ho, S.Y. & Ada W. M. Poon. (2006) "Application of Readers Theatre in Advanced Chinese Language Courses" 朗讀劇場應用於高級漢語課. Honolulu: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 41.2: 23-44.
  6. 潘溫文 (2002)  ‘反思學習模式在寫作教學上的實踐’ 見於 陳慰敏 等編《串串心聲:散文創作的互動學習與反思》。香港:  香港教育學院.



  1. Kosar S, Ki, W H and Poon A. W. M. (2011) 《閱讀及創作之旅: 非華語學生與中文圖畫書》。 香港: 香港大學教育學院中文教育研究中心》。
  2. Chung A.L.S., Law Y.K., Lam J.W.I., Poon A.W.M.,  Chu C.W.L. and Chou P.W.Y.  (2007)《小說.文化.香港「以書為本」深層次語文綜合能力教學計劃》。  香港: 香港大學教育學院中文教育研究中心。
  3. 潘溫文、李婉華  (1993) 《活學讀與寫》。 香港: 中華書局。


Other outputs:

  1. Lam J.W.I. and Poon A.W.M.  ( 2012)    Speak Up! (Online courseware), Web-based learning and teaching support, Assessment for Learning Resource Bank.  EDB, Hong Kong Government.
  2. Chung A.L.S., Lam J.W.I., Poon A.W.M., Chu C.W.L., Ki W.W. and Chou P.W.Y.  (2007)  Online and Offline Learning & Teaching Support for the new syllabus of the 2007 HKCEE Chinese Language 2007. 
  3. Chung A.L.S., Lam J.W.I., Poon A.W.M., Chu C.W.L. and Ki W.W. (2005)  Online Learning Platform for Oral Communication, Hong Kong Education City. 
  4. 潘溫文 、劉志平 (2002)  ‘聲情並茂:普通話、廣州話朗誦技巧訓練(影音教材及網上教材製作)’. 香港: 香港教育學院。

Invited Lectures/Keynote Speeches and Lectures Delivered

  1. Law Y.K., Lam J.W.I. and Poon A.W.M.  Using Assessment Data to Enhance Secondary Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills and Motivation in Learning Literary Chinese, (Hong Kong, Jun  2013)
  2. Lam J.W.I. and Poon A.W.M.  Design and Application of Speaking Courseware in the Chinese Subject, "Let’s Shape Up Assessment to Benefit Learning" Symposium 2011 organized by the Education Bureau (EDB) on 24 June 2011. 
  3. Lam J.W.I. and Poon A.W.M.  Performance and Teaching Suggestions for Hong Kong Primary Students' Speaking (Chinese Subject), "Let’s Shape Up Assessment to Benefit Learning" Symposium 2011 organized by the Education Bureau (EDB) on 24 June 2011.