Multimodal Data in SRL/SSRL Research – the How and Why in Data Collection and Making It Meaningful?
May 02, 2024 (Thu)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Multimodal Data in SRL/SSRL Research – the How and Why in Data Collection and Making It Meaningful?
Professor Sanna Järvelä
University of Oulu
May 2, 2024 (Thursday)
10:00 – 12:00
Room 101, 1/F, Runme Shaw Building, HKU
Chair: Professor Nancy Law
One of the main challenges in studying self-regulated learning (SRL) and socially shared regulation (SSRL) is the accurate measurement and analysis of cognitive, metacognitive, socioemotional and behavioral processes in collaborative learning. The collection of extensive data from multiple modalities and sources, known as multichannel and multimodal data, offers a unique opportunity to address this challenge and more deeply explore the processes of SSRL. In this workshop I will introduce a) our progress using different data modalities in understanding learning process, b) explain our conceptual framework guiding empirically evidencing SSRL during learning and collaboration episodes, and c) demonstrate examples from our research in our multimodal data collection.
About the speaker:
Sanna Järvelä is a professor in the field of learning and educational technology and a head of the Learning and Educational Technology Research Lab (LET) ( Järvelä and her research group is internationally well known from theoretical advancement of social aspects self-regulated learning (SSRL). Her interdisciplinary research work has strong contribution to the methodological development of process oriented research methods in the field of learning and collaboration and recently applying of multimodal methods in self-regulated learning research. Järvelä is the International Society for Learning Sciences (ISLS) Fellow, she has been invited for the member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in 2015 and she is the past European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) president. She is the co-Chief editor of International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (iCSCL), a member of the OECD PISA 2025 ‘Learning in the Digital World’ expert team and co-PI of the Center for Learning and Living with AI (CELLA) funded by Jacobs Foundation. Järvelä is the leader of Profi 7 Hybrid Intelligence research programme at the University of Oulu.
~ All are welcome ~
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