Seminar: Writing for international publication: Selecting journals, submitting papers and responding to decisions
January 30, 2023 (Mon)
Location: Room 401-402, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Meeting link:
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Writing for international publication: Selecting journals, submitting papers and responding to decisions
Professor Ken Hyland
Honorary Professor, University of East Anglia
Date: January 30, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 12:45 – 14:00
Mode: Hybrid (Face-to-Face and ZOOM)
Location: Room 401-402, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Meeting link:
Chair: Dr Yongyan Li
This presentation/workshop attempts to cover some of the most frequently asked questions by researchers seeking to publish in academic journals. I draw on my experience as a widely published author and editor of two SSCI journals toset out key ideas and discuss strategies for academic publishing. I plan to focus on the publication process rather than the mechanics of writing and organize the talk around 4 key areas: selection, submission, decisions and revisions. Topics will include strategies for evaluating and targeting particular journals, the peer-review process and ways of responding to reviewers’ reports. This will also involve exploring how editors select reviewers, the criteria they use to screen submissions and what makes a good paper. Audience members are therefore encouraged to bring along their questions and there will be plenty of time for discussion.
About the Speaker
Ken Hyland is an Honorary Professor at the University of East Anglia. He was previously a professor at University College London, the UEA and the University of Hong Kong. He is best known for his research into writing and academic discourse, having published 280 articles and 29 books on these topics with 76,000 citations on Google Scholar. According to the Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% of World Scientists analysis of the Scopus database, he is the most influential scholar in language and linguistics. A collection of his work was published as The Essential Hyland (Bloomsbury, 2018). He is the Editor of two book series, with Bloomsbury and Routledge, is a visiting professor at Jilin University,was founding co-editor of the Journal of English for Academic Purposes and co-editor of Applied Linguistics.
~ All are welcome ~
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