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Seminar: Using Sociological Frameworks for Understanding Educational Change and Development in Global Context

Event type




March 26, 2024 (Tue)


Room 408-410, Meng Wah Complex, HKU


12:45 PM - 2:00 PM


Professor John C. Weidman
Seminar: Using Sociological Frameworks for Understanding Educational Change and Development in Global Context

Using Sociological Frameworks for Understanding Educational Change and Development in Global Context

John C. Weidman

Professor Emeritus
Higher and International Development Education
University of Pittsburgh, USA

March 26, 2024 (Tuesday)
12:45 – 14:00
Room 408-410, Meng Wah Complex, HKU

Chair: Professor Gerard A. Postiglione



This presentation contrasts structural-functional, conflict, and consensus models for understanding educational change and development. Questions are raised about the continuing applicability of static, normative conceptual frameworks under uncertain social and economic conditions around the globe.  Attending to dynamic aspects of social systems such as personal agency, consensus building, and transparency are suggested as important ways for addressing problems of change in non-normative situations. 

About the speaker:
John C. Weidman is the Professor Emeritus of Higher and International Development Education at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, where he also served as the Chair, Department of Administrative and Policy Studies, and Director, Institute for International Studies in Education (IISE).  His work on the socialization of students in higher education is widely recognized.  He has also done consulting and publication on comparative and international education policy, planning, capacity building, and sector analysis in more than 20 countries.  He was a visiting professor at Nagoya University in Japan, Beijing Normal University in China, Maseno University in Kenya (UNESCO Chair), and Augsburg University in Germany (Fulbright).   

~ All are welcome ~

For enquiries, please contact the Office of Research, Faculty of Education


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