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Seminar: The Past, Present and Future of an AI System CSIEC in English Language Education

Event type




October 02, 2024 (Wed)


Room 202, Runme Shaw Building, HKU / by Zoom (Hybrid mode)


2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Professor Jiyou Jia
Seminar: The Past, Present and Future of an AI System CSIEC in English Language Education

The Past, Present and Future of an AI System CSIEC in English Language Education

Professor Jiyou Jia

Department of Educational Technology

Graduate School of Education, Peking University

October 2, 2024 (Wednesday)

14:30 – 16:00

Room 202, Runme Shaw Building, HKU / by Zoom (Hybrid mode)
Chair: Professor Maggie Wang

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 952 9110 1834   Passcode: 174662



A computer assisted English learning chatbot CSIEC (Computer Simulation in Educational Communication) developed by the speaker and his research team has been put on free usage on the Internet since 2003. It has been further expanded into an intelligent instructional system and applied to English education in secondary schools and higher education institutions in China since 2006. The findings from multiple quasi-experiments have demonstrated significant effects of using CSIEC on improving student performance and motivation in learning English language. CSIEC is also recognized as an early college-level framework and adaptive learning system for English language learners (Sabatini, Graesser, Hollander and O'Reilly, 2023). This speech will summarize the past experience of this AI system, introduce its enhancement through large language models, and look into the future of this AI system.

About the speaker:

Professor Jiyou Jia is a full professor and the Head of the Department of Educational Technology, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, China. He is also the founding director of the International Research Center for Education and Information at Peking University. He was a guest professor in Technical University of Munich, Germany and Distinguished Professor at the Open University of Hong Kong. Professor Jia received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from Peking University, and Ph.D. in artificial intelligence (AI) from Augsburg University, Germany. His research interests include educational technology and AI in education, especially in technology-enhanced language learning, math education, and decision support systems. He has led a dozen national projects and international cooperation projects, and won a number of national and international prizes including Outstanding Paper Award from Emerald Publishing 2023, the First-Class Award of the Fifth National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Educational Research from Ministry of Education of China 2016, and IAAI (Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence) Deployed Application Award by AAAI (Association of Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), USA, 2008.

This seminar is supported by HKU Academic Exchange Funding Programme and the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) 2022-25: Developing language teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge and enhancing students’ language learning in virtual learning environments (HKU Project: 101142204; EdUHK Project T5004).

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