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Seminar: Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing for Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigations

Event type




May 29, 2023 (Mon)


Room 202, Runme Shaw Building, HKU / by zoom


12:45 PM - 2:30 PM


Professor Yuxiang Chris Zhao
Seminar: Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing for Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigations

Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing for Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigations 

Professor Yuxiang Chris Zhao
School of Information Management
Nanjing University, China

Date: May 29, 2023 (Monday)

Time: 12:45pm - 2:30 pm

Venue: Room 202, Runme Shaw Building, HKU / by Zoom

Crowdsourcing is vital in facilitating the sustainable development goals of digital humanities projects. In this talk, I will start with a literature review on cultural heritage crowdsourcing. A preliminary conceptual framework will be presented to illustrate the intellectual development of this field. Later, I will report two empirical investigations to discuss the critical issues regarding the sustainability of cultural heritage crowdsourcing projects. The first study will use the machine learning approach to explore imbalanced volunteer engagement in a well-known project. The second study will use the fsQCA approach to examine the configuration effects affecting the sustainability of cultural heritage crowdsourcing projects.


Yuxiang Chris Zhao is a professor in the School of Information Management at Nanjing University, China. His research interests include human-computer interaction, health informatics, and digital humanities. His publications have appeared in some leading journals and conferences as Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing & Management, Journal of Documentation, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Internet Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Medical Internet Research, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Online Information Review, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, ICIS, ASIS&T, iConference, PACIS, JCDL, CHIIR, HCI International, and among others. His Google Scholar citation count is over 3,900 and the h-index is 24. Dr. Zhao has been awarded the distinguished young scholars in Chinese Humanities & Social Science domain in 2016. He is now serving on the editorial boards of ARIST, JASIST, IP&M, Library Trends, Journal of Data and Information Science, and Data and Information Management. Currently, Dr. Zhao is serving as Asia-Pacific Chapter Chair-elect of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

~ All are welcome ~

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