Challenging HE Practices: Technology Catalysing Change in Post-COVID Times
May 15, 2023 (Mon)
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Challenging HE Practices: Technology Catalysing Change in Post-COVID Times
Professor Bob Fox
Emeritus Professor
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Date: May 15, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 12:45 – 2:00pm (HKT)
Mode: Hybrid (Face-to-Face and ZOOM)
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, HKU
Chair: Dr Lukas Liu
Online Registration:
(The zoom link will be sent by e-mail upon registration)
The COVID era has accelerated changes in how higher education has adopted technologies to support student learning. These changes have brought about innovations along with increased complexities and uncertainties and a move towards total online provision during the pandemic have resulted in mixed levels of success and failure. The latest wave of generative AI has added to the complexities of everyday practices. To some extent, the education world has become more accepting of digital media and our educators more accustomed to new and continuous change in practices in their teaching. At the same time the digital focus has raised the need for multiple adjustments to the approach and delivery of teaching and learning. This seminar reviews case initiatives that focus on continuous improvements to curriculum, course and assessment design and associated capacity building in sustaining good practices in the use of evolving technologies to support student learning. The seminar concludes with lessons learnt and what is potentially transferable across institutions.
About the Speaker:
Bob Fox has 45 years experience in education in Australia, South East Asia, Europe and UK. He was Professor of Curriculum, Porfolio of the PVC (Education and Student Experience) at UNSW Sydney. He held concurrent appointments as Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU 2013-2016) and Professor of Innovation in Higher Education, School of Education, UNSW (2013-2020). He was Deputy Director Learning & Teaching UNIT, UNSW (2013-2017). He has taught undergraduate and post-graduate programs and supervised bachelors, masters and doctoral students. He was awarded the University Teaching Fellowship (UTF) for excellence in teaching at HKU in 2016. Between 2000-2013 he was Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education at HKU with one year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as Professor and Associate Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research before returning to HKU in 2009. He was also Assistant Dean (Learning Environments), Faculty of Education, HKU for the last two and a half years at HKU.
His research focuses on higher education learning and teaching innovation and staff development; technological practice, e-leadership and curriculum change; blended learning; and changing learning environments. He has extensive involvement in international academic and professional communities. This includes sitting on major international, regional and local editorial boards. He has been a keynote and invited speaker at multiple international, national and local conferences and has been on the program and organizing committees of over fifty international conferences. He has supervised bachelors, masters and doctoral students. His doctoral dissertation at Deakin University, ‘Technological Practice and Change in Higher Education‘, explored ways universities can enhance the quality of learning and teaching through the use of digital technologies. This study has been the basis of much of his subsequent research work which has led to evidence-based models and frameworks that have had practical applications across the higher education sector, nationally and internationally.
~ All are welcome ~
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