智領未來:運用生成式人工智能策略,開創中文寫作教學新格局 Leading the Future: Utilising Generative Artificial Intelligence-Powered Strategies to Pioneer a New Landscape in Chinese Writing Education
Lecture, Seminar , Workshop, Others
June 15, 2024 (Sat)
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

香港大學教育學院研究團隊應用「生成式人工智能」能夠快速分析文字和生成意念的特點,根據文類理論、香港中小學的寫作教學目標和評改標準,自主研發了「中文寫作評改系統」(簡稱 mAI Mind)。團隊邀請了三所中小學校試用該系統,檢視其對解決寫作學與教的難點,為學生提供個人化的寫作建議。研究發現該系統能於短時間內有效改善學生的寫作態度和動機;長遠而言,對提升學生寫作能力有正面影響。該系統的數據分析功能不但能減輕老師的評改壓力,而且能提高寫作評改的聚焦性和深度,為寫作學與教開創新路徑。
本講座將介紹「 mAI Mind 中文寫作評改系統」的研發理念和各項功能,並由先導學校師生分享他們的使用體驗,講述該系統在解決寫作困難方面的成效,並展示促進學與教的教學設計。
備註:每所合資格的參與學校將可獲發免費試用帳號乙個。學院保留向合資格人士提供試用帳戶的最終決定權。免費試用帳號數量有限, 派完即止。
時間 | 講座流程 | 講者 |
9:30 am – 9:35 am | 歡迎辭 |
9:35 am – 10:15 am | 寫作學與教的困難 生成式人工智能是甚麼 簡介 mAI Mind的設計理念 示範 mAI Mind 的功能
| 羅嘉怡教授 香港大學教育學院
陳瑞良校長 保良局黃永樹小學
劉國張博士 動語文項目經理 (中文及中史科) |
10:15 am – 10:45 am | GenAI促進寫作自學的實證研究 | 林德育校長、黃勵德副校長、 劉映琼老師 將軍澳循道衞理小學 |
10:45 am – 11:00 am | 小息 | |
11:00 am – 11:45 am | 結合VR、GenAI的中文讀寫教學: 釋放自主學習空間、專業引領科技前行 | 陳瑞良校長、蔡靜欣老師 保良局黃永樹小學 |
11:45 am – 12:15 pm | mLang AI中文寫作評改 —— 為未來學教評範式帶來新意義 | 馮順寧校長、郭紹洋老師、 許朗老師 佛教沈香林紀念中學 |
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm | 提問 總結 | 全體 |
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Leading the Future:
Utilising Generative Artificial Intelligence-Powered Strategies to Pioneer a New Landscape in Chinese Writing Education
Research shows that many students dislike writing and often encounter various difficulties, such as writer's block, limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, poor sentence structures, difficulties in organising ideas, lack of clarity, and inability to engage readers effectively. On the other hand, teachers face hurdles in assisting students to apply their reading skills to their writing and addressing the unique writing needs of each student. Due to heavy workloads, teachers may require up to three weeks to correct students' compositions, hindering the provision of timely feedback and discouraging frequent writing practice for improvement.
A research team from the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong developed the "Chinese Writing Assessment System" (abbreviated as mAI Mind) by applying the instant content analytic and idea generation functions of "Generative Artificial Intelligence" and referencing the genre theory, writing curriculum framework and assessment criteria of Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. Three primary and secondary schools were invited to have a trial run of the system, to examine its effectiveness in addressing the challenges in writing education and providing personalised writing suggestions for students. The results show that mAI Mind significantly improves students' writing attitudes and motivation in a short period of time, leading to long-term enhancement of their writing abilities. The system's data analysis capabilities not only alleviate teachers' assessment pressures but also enhance the focus and depth of writing feedback. It opens a new path for the learning and teaching of writing.
This seminar will introduce the design concept of the "mAI Mind Chinese Writing Assessment System" and showcase its diverse features. Teachers and students from the pilot schools will share their first-hand experiences of using the system to facilitate teaching and learning. They will also discuss the effectiveness of the system in addressing writing difficulties, and present their school-based teaching designs that help promote students’ learning outcomes.
This event is suitable for principals, curriculum development officers, Chinese subject heads, teachers, and educators who are interested in leveraging "Generative Artificial Intelligence" to enhance Chinese writing education.
Date: June 15, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: MWT2, G/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Language: Cantonese
Organisations and Speakers:
- Professor Loh Ka Yee Elizabeth, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
- Principal Chan Shui Leung and Ms Choi Ching Yan, PLK Wong Wing Shui Primary School
- Principal Lam Tak Yuk Eddie, Vice Principal Wong Lai Tak and Miss Lau Ying King, Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School
- Principal Fung Shun Ning Brenda and Mr Kwok Siu Yeung, Mr Hui Long, Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College
- Dr Lau Kwok Chang, mLang Project Manager (Chinese Language and Chinese History)
- Mr Li Kin On, MBCS, mLang Technology Development & Co-Ordination Manager
Remark: A free trial account will be given to each participating school. The Faculty retains the final decision regarding the provision of trial accounts to eligible parties. Free trial accounts are available while supplies last.
For the programme rundown, please refer to the Chinese version for more details.
Enquiries: [javascript protected email address]