Professor YANG, Rui

Professor YANG, Rui
楊 銳
Professor, Chair of Education
PhD (USyd)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2414
Room 421, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- Culture and Cultural Studies
- Education in China
- Higher Education Policy and Practice
- International and Comparative Education
- Sociology and Philosophy of Education
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not accepting any further PhD/EdD/MPhil applications.
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Comparative and Cross-Cultural Analysis of Educational Issues
Globalization, Internationalization and Educational Reforms
International Relations in Education
Chinese Educational Traditions and Their Modern Transformation
Education in Chinese Societies
Higher Education Reforms
Social and Policy Studies in Education
Teaching Areas at HKU
2017- Chinese Educational Traditions and Their Modern Transformation (postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2011- Addressing the Global-Local Nexus in Education (postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2009- Hong Kong Education: Systemic Features and Social Approaches (undergraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2009- Globalization, Indigenization and Hong Kong Education Reforms (postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2008- Globalization and Higher Education (postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2008- Educational Studies (postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2005- Globalization and Education (undergraduate and postgraduate, University of Hong Kong)
1996-97 Research Methods in Education (undergraduate, University of Hong Kong)
2021- Distinguished Guest Professor, School of Education, Guangzhou University
2020- Guest Professor, College of Education, Shihezi University
2019- Pearl River Professor, School of Education, South China Normal University
2018- Distinguished Guest Professor, International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO, Southern University of Science and Technology
2018- Guest Professor, Institute for University Culture and History Research, Tianjin University
2016- Distinguished Chair Professor, School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University
2014 Japan Foundation Short-Term Fellowship for 2014-2015
2014 Best article of the year award by the Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG) of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
2014- Distinguished Overseas Professor for the Collaborative Centre of National Education Policy-Making, East China Normal University
2013-14 Zijiang (Purple River) Professor, East China Normal University
2000 The University of Sydney Postgraduate Award, University of Sydney
1998 Thomas T. Roberts Education Fellowship, University of Sydney
1998 Trevor Miller Memorial Fund Award, University of Sydney
1997 Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australian Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs
1997 International Postgraduate Student Award, University of Sydney
1996 Research Studentship, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
1995 Accelerated promotion to Associate Professor, Shantou University, China
1995 Future Academic Leader, in the field of higher education, selected by the Guangdong provincial government, China
2019-22 Accelerating the Development of a Global Innovation and Technology Hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area: The Roles of Public Research Universities in Hong Kong, Strategic Public Policy Research, RGC HKSAR HKSAR (HK$ 4,374,000) (Co-Investigator, with Professor Xun Wu from HKUST as the Chair Investogator)
2017-20 (Re)-Conceptualizing Chinese Education: China’s Educational Traditions and Their Modern Transformation, The General Research Fund, RGC HKSAR (HK$ 660,827) (Principal Investigator)
2017-21 “雙一流”建設背景下高校學科調整與建設研究, 國家社會科學基金“十三五”規劃2017年度教育學重點課題, 全國教育科學規劃領導小組辦公室 (RMB¥ 550,000) (Co-Chair, with Professor Jianhua Hu) (National Key Project, Ministry of Education, P. R. China)
2017-19 中國教育研究的國際影響力研究, 國家社會科學基金“十三五”規劃2017年度教育學重點課題, 全國教育科學規劃領導小組辦公室 (RMB¥ 350,000) (Co-Chair, with Professor Gang Ding) (National Key Project, Ministry of Education, P. R. China)
2016-19 高校海歸教師學術職業發展空間建構及其與學科發展的關係研究,2016年度教育部人文社會科學研究規劃基金項目(RMB¥ 100,000) (Co-Chair, with Professor Mei Li) (National Project, Ministry of Education, P. R. China)
2015-17 Countering Western Dependency: Prospects for the Indigenization of Educational Research in the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Tsinghua University International Collaboration in Basic Research (RMB¥ 220,000) (Co-Chair, with Associate Professor Wen Wen)
2014-15 Indigenization, Internationalization and the Social Science in an Era of Globalization: A Comparative Study of China and Japan. The Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship Scholars and Researchers (JPY¥ 606,727) (Principal Investigator)
2014 University of Hong Kong Strategy, Internationalization Strategies in Higher Education, and the European Parliament and Blomeyer & Sanz (An European Public Policy Evaluation & Consulting Firm) (Sole Investigator)
2013-15 Integrating Chinese and Western Higher Education Traditions: A Comparative Policy Analysis of the Quest for World-class Universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, The General Research Fund, RGC HKSAR (HK$ 185,238) (Principal Investigator)
2012-15 Hong Kong-Guangdong University Partnership: Toward Regional Integration of Higher Education in South China, Public Policy Research, RGC HKSAR HKSAR (HK$ 478,322) (Co-Investigator, with Professor Gerard A. Postiglione as the Principal Investigator)
2012 China’s Internationalization Strategy, Project Commissioned by the American Council on Education (ACE) in collaboration with the Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, USA (Sole Investigator)
2011 Country Report: Access and Equality in China’s Higher Education, Project Commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (Principal Investigator, with Dr. Mei Li from East China Normal University as Co-Investigator)
2011 Governance Reforms in China: A Case Study of East China Normal University, Project Commissioned by IIEP/UNESCO (around HK$ 90,000) (Principal Investigator, with Dr. Mei Li from East China Normal University as Co-Investigator)
2009 Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis on Education in East Asia and the Pacific, Project Commissioned by UNICEF (Co-Investigator, with Professor Kai-ming Cheng as Principal Investigator)
2008-09 Higher Education and Soft Power: Confucius Institutes as a Test of China’s Global Engagement, The University of Hong Kong Seed Funding Program for Basic Research, HK$ 120,000 (Sole Investigator)
2007-09 Chinese Knowledge Diaspora and the International Knowledge Network: Australian and Canadian Universities Compared, Australian Research Council Discovery–Project Grant, AUD 193,182 (Chief Investigator during the first year, changed into Partner Investigator later due to my move to Hong Kong, with Professor Anthony Welch from the University of Sydney as the other Chief Investigator)
2004-06 Building Global Universities. Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, USD 120,000 (Chief Investigator, with Professor Anthony Welch from the University of Sydney as the other Chief Investigator)
2003 Political Education in Chinese Universities: The Post-Mao Period, Monash University Small Australian Research Council Grant Scheme, AUD 10,582.75) (Sole Investigator)
2003-05 University Responses to Globalization in Singapore, Hong Kong, and China, Australian Research Council Discovery-Project Grant, AUD 100,000 (Chief Investigator)
2001 The Position of Non-mainstream Cultures in the Contemporary Narration of Globalization: An Example of a Provincial Chinese University in an Ethnic Minority Area, the University of Western Australia Individual Research Grant, AUD 4,000 (Sole Investigator)
2001 Higher Education Internationalization: A Case Study of Xinjiang University, the University of Western Australia Supplementary Travel Grant, AUD 1,250 (Sole Investigator)
1998-2000 University Internationalization in China for the 21st Century: Comparing Six Major Universities in Different Regions, the University of Sydney International Development Fund, AUD 27,500 (Chief Investigator, with Professor Anthony Welch from the University of Sydney as the other Chief Investigator)
ResearchGrants prior to 1997 in China
1996-97 A Comparative Study of Regional Higher Education Development, funded by the State Education Commission, Chief Investigator
1996 Multidisciplinary Study of Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Chief Investigator
1995 A Study of the Legislation of China’s Higher Education Act, funded by the State Education Commission, Co-investigator
1995 Theoretical Studies of a Socialist Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics, funded by the State Education Commission, Chief Investigator
1994 A Study of the Macro-Background of China’s Higher Education Development, funded by the State Education Commission, Chief Investigator
1993 International Trends of Educational Reforms, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Chief Investigator
1992 A Study of Training Goals of Community Colleges in Guangdong, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Chief Investigator
1991 Strategies for Higher Education Development in China’s Special Economic Zones, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Chief Investigator
1990 A Study of the Legislation of Guangdong Higher Education Act, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Co-investigator
1988-89 The Collaboration between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau in Higher Education, funded by Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Bureau, Chief Investigator
Books and Chapters
- Yang, R. (2022). The Chinese Idea of a University: Phoenix Reborn. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press (Forthcoming)
- Li, M. & Yang, R. (2014). Governance Reforms in Higher Education: A Study of China. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO.
- Yang, R. (2002) Third Delight: Internationalization of Higher Education in China. New York: Routledge.
- Huang, Y.Z., Yang, R. & Wu, E.C. (1995). 《中國高等教育發展宏觀背景研究》 [A Study of the Macro Background of Higher Education Development in China]. Guangzhou: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
- Huang, Y.Z., Yang, R. & Wu, E.C. (1994). 《現代教育改革論》 [On Contemporary Educational Reforms]. Shantou: Shantou University Press.
- Yang, R. (2020) Toxic Academic Culture in East Asia: An update. In E. Denisova-Schmidt (ed.), Corruption in Higher Education: Global Challenges and Responses (117-122). Leiden: Brill/Sense.
- Yang, R. (2020). Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education. In M.A. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore: Springer Nature. DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_606-1
- Yang, R. (2020). Schooling in China. In K. Latham (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Culture and Society (34-49). London and New York: Routledge.
- Cao, Y.N. & Yang, R. (2019). World-Class University Construction and Higher Education Governance Reform in China: A Policy Trajectory. In C.D. Wan, M. Lee & H.Y. Loke (eds.), The Governance and Management of Universities in Asia (21-42). New York: Routledge.
- Yang R. (2020). Higher Education systems and Institutions, China. In P. Teixeira & J.C. Shin (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions, vol. 2 · H (942-950). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2019). Riddled with Gaping Wounds: A Methodological Critique of Comparative and International Studies in Education: Views of a Professor. In L.E. Suter, E. Smith & B. Denman (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education (63-78). London: Sage.
- Yang, R. (2019). The Cultural Experiment at East Asian Universities. In D. Neubauer, K.H. Mok & S. Edwards (eds.), Contesting Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education: Discourse and Responses in the Asia Pacific Region (33-47). Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yang, R. (2018). Hitting a Glass Ceiling Soon? A Preliminary Assessment of China’s Higher Education Development. In S. Chakrabarti (ed.), Higher Education in India and China: Select Perspectives (144-160) Delhi: Aakar Books.
- Yang, R. (2018). China’s Soft Power Projection through Higher Education: A Preliminary Assessment. In J.L. LI & C.J. Johnstone (eds.), The Rise of US-China International Cooperation in Higher Education: Views from the Field (3-22). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Yang, R. (2018). 「中國頂尖大學的文化使命」 [The cultural mission of China’s premier universities].In J. Wang & S.Y. Zhang (eds.), 《大學文化講演集》[Selected Speeches on University Culture] (95-102).Tianjin: Tianjin University Press.
- Yang, R. (2018). Transformations of Higher Education Institutions in the Chinese Tradition. In B. Cantwell, H. Coates & R. King (eds.), Handbook of the Politics of Higher Education (66-78). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Yang, R. (2018). Foil to the West? Interrogating Perspectives for Observing East Asian Higher Education. In J.S. Jung, H. Horta & A. Yonezawa (eds.), Researching Higher Education: History, Development and Future (37-50). Singapore: Springer.
- Li, Y.Y. & Yang, R. (2017). Chinese Business Schools Pursuing Growth through International Publication: Evidence from Institutional Genres. In M.J. Curry & T. Lillis (eds.), Global Academic Publishing: Policies, Practices, and Pedagogies (50-69). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Yang, R. (2017). Internationalization of Higher Education in China: A National Scenario. In H. de Wit, J. Gacel-Avila, E. Jones & N. Jooste (eds.), The Globalization of Internationalization: Emerging Voices and Perspectives (145-152). London: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2016). Higher Education in China. In L.H. Meyer (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199756810-0157
- Yang, R. (2016). Cultural Challenges Facing East Asian Higher Education: A Preliminary Assessment. In C. Collins, J. Hawkins, M. Lee & D. Neubauer (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education (227-245). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yang, R. (2016). Internationalization of Higher Education in China: An Overview. In S.B. Guo & Y. Guo (eds.), Spotlight on China: Chinese Education in the Globalized World (35-49). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Yang, R. (2016). The East-West Axis? Liberal Arts Education in East Asian Universities. In I. Jung, T. Sasao & M. Nishimura (eds.), Liberal Arts Education Interdisciplinary and East Asian Perspectives (27-37). Springer.
- Yang, R. & Yao, J.Y. (2016). The Dragon and the Tiger Cubs: China-ASEAN Relations in Higher Education. In K. Mundy, A. Green, B. Lingard & A. Verger (eds.), The Handbook of Global Education Policy (385-400). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Yang, R. & Ma, J.Y. (2015) China’s International Aid in Education: Development, Determinants and Discord. In I.H. Cheng & S.J. Chan (eds.), International Educational Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices (113-130). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2015) Cost Sharing in China’s Higher Education: Analyses of Major Stakeholders. In S. Schwartzman, P. Pillay & R. Pinheiro & P. Pillay (eds.), Higher Education in the BRICs Countries: Investing the Pact between Higher Education and Society (237-251). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Cheng, K.M. & Yang, R. (2015). A Cultural Value in Crisis: Education as Public Good in China. In O. Filippakou & G. Williams (eds.), Higher Education as Public Good: Critical Perspectives on Theory, Policy and Practice (127-139). New York: Peter Lang.
- Yang, R. (2015). Viewing CERC through a Chinese Lens: 2008-2010. In M. Manzon (ed.), Changing Times, Changing Territories (57-62). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong.
- Yang, R. (2015). The Tianxia Concept and Its Impact on Chinese Discourses on the West. In C. Halse (ed.) Asia Literacy Schooling in an Asian Century (44-55). New York: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2015). Institutional Mergers in Chinese Higher Education. In A. Curaj, L. Georghiou, J.C. Harper, & E. Egron-Polak (eds.), Mergers and Alliances in Higher Education: International Practice and Emerging Opportunities (139-160). New York: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2014). China’s Internationalization Strategy. In L.E. Rumbley, R.M. Helms, P.M. Peterson & P.G. Altbach (eds.), Global Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education Leaders: Briefs on Key Themes (95-98). Boston: Sense Publishers.
- Yang, R. (2014). Unfinished Business: Integrating Chinese and Western Ideas of a University. In Y.Z. Cai & V. Kohtamäki (eds.), Transformation of Higher Education in Innovation Systems in China and Finland (115-132). Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere Press.
- Yang, R. (2013). Comparing Policies. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methodology (2nd edition) (285-308). Hong Kong: The Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2013). Long Road Ahead: Modernizing Chinese Universities. In A.R. Nelson & N.S. Strohl (eds.) Universities 2013: Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future (36-40). A commissioned report prepared for the Global Higher Education and Research (GHEAR) project Worldwide Universities Network.
- Li, M. & Yang, R. (2013). Governance Reforms in Higher Education: A Study of Institutional Autonomy in China. In N.V. Varghese & M. Martin (eds.), Governance Reforms in Higher Education in Asia: A Study of Institutional Autonomy in Asian Countries (69-85). Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO.
- Yang, R. (2013) Indigenized while Internationalized? Tensions and Dilemmas in China’s Modern Transformation of Social Sciences in an Age of Globalization. In M. Kuhn & K. Okamoto (eds.), Spatial Social Thought: Local Knowledge in Global Science Encounters (43-61). Stuttgart, Germany: ibidem-Verlag.
- Yang, R. (2012). Asian Indigenization of Knowledge. In J.A. Banks (ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education Vol. II (163-164). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Yang, R. (2012). Education and Global Cultural Dialogue: An Analysis of the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora at a Major Canadian University. In K. Mundy & Q. Zha (eds.), Education and Global Cultural Dialogue: A Tribute to Ruth Hayhoe (125-138). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yang, R. (2012). China’s Current Policy for Internationalization. In P.G. Altbach & L. Reisberg (eds.), International Briefs for Higher Education (13-14). Washington, DC: The American Council on Education, and Boston: Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College.
- Yang, R. (2012). Cultural Thinking and Higher Education Reforms: A Review of China’s Policies since 1978. In B. Adamson, J. Nixon & F. Su (eds.), The Reorientation of Higher Education: Compliance and Defiance (177-191). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, and Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2012). Scholarly Publishing, Knowledge Mobility and Internationalization of Chinese Universities. In T. Fenwick & L. Farrell (eds.), Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research: Politics, Languages and Responsibilities (185-167). New York: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2012). Soft Power and Higher Education: An Examination of China’s Confucius Institutes. In E. Hartmann (ed.) The Internationalization of Higher Education: Towards a New Research Agenda in Critical Higher Education Studies (65-76). New York: Routledge.
- Welch, A.R. & Yang, R. (2011). A Pearl on the Silk Road? Internationalizing a Regional Chinese University. In J.D. Palmer, A. Roberts, Y.H. Cho & C. Ching (eds.) Globalization's Influence upon the Internationalization of East Asian Higher Education Institutes (63-89). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yang, R. & Welch, A.R. (2011). Belonging from Afar? Transnational Academic Mobility and the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora: An Australian Case Study. In N. Bagnall (ed.), Education and Belonging (129-143). New York: Nove Science Publishers.
- Yang, R. (2011). Advanced Global Strategy in China: The Case of Tsinghua. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur & E. Sawir (eds.), Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic Responses to Globalization (143-159). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2011). Brain Power Stored Overseas? An Australian Case Study of Chinese Knowledge Diaspora. In W.J. Morgan & B. Wu (eds.), Higher Education Reform in China: Beyond the Expansion (154-170). New York: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2011). Chinese Ways of Thinking in the Transformation of China’s Higher Education System. In J. Ryan (ed.), China’s Higher Education Reform and Internationalization (34-47). London: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2010). Changing Governance in China’s Higher Education: Some Analyses of the Recent University Enrolment Expansion Policy. In K.H. Mok (ed.), The Search for New Governance of Higher Education in Asia (49-66). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yang, R. (2010). Transnational Higher Education in China. In C. Findlay & W.G. Tierney (eds.), Globalization and Tertiary Education in the Asia-Pacific: The Changing Nature of a Dynamic Market (285-302). Singapore: World Scientific Printers.
- Yang, R. & Wu, M. (2010). Education for Ethnic Minorities in China: A Policy Critique. In C.C. Wolhuter & H.J. Steyn (eds.), Education and Ethnicity: Comparative Perspectives (81-99). Potchefstroom, South Africa: Platinum Press.
- Yang, R. (2010). Quality Assurance, University Rankings and China’s Higher Education: The Case of Wuhan University. In S. Kaur, M. Sirat & W. G. Tierney (ed.), Quality Assurance and University Rankings in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Challenges for Universities and Nations (171-193). Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
- Yang, R. (2009). International Organizations and Asian Higher Education: The Case of China. In R.M. Bassett & A. Maldonado-Maldonado (eds.), International Organizations and Higher Education Policy (174-191). New York: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2009). Enter the Dragon? China’s Higher Education Returns to the World Community: The Case of the Peking University Personnel Reforms. In J. Smart & W. Tierney (eds.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Practice (427-461). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2008). International Organizations, Changing Governance and China’s Policy-making in Higher Education: An Analysis of the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. In Centre of Asian Studies (ed.), Positioning University in the Globalized World: Changing Governance and Coping Strategies in Asia. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
- Yang, R. (2007). Urban-Rural Disparities in Educational Equality: China’s Pressing Challenge in a Context of Economic Growth and Political Change. In W. T. Pink & G. W. Noblit (eds.), International Handbook of Urban Education (223-240). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. & Yao, W.H. (2007). Whose Knowledge Counts? A Case Study of a Joint MBA Program between Australia and China. In L. Farrell & T. Fenwick (eds.), The World Yearbook of Education 2007: Educating the Global Workforce: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Knowledge Workers (41-53). London: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2007). Comparing Policies. In M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methodology (241-262). Hong Kong: The Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2006). Transnational Higher Education in Hong Kong: An Analysis. In Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University (ed.), Transnational Higher Education in Asia Pacific Region (35-58). Hiroshima: Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University.
- Yang, R. (2006). Education Policy Research in the People’s Republic of China. In J. Ozga, T. Popkewitz & T. Seddon (eds.), The World Yearbook of Education 2006: Education Research and Policy (270-284). London: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (2005). Globalization and Higher Education Restructuring: Issues and Debates. In K.H. Mok & R. James (eds.), Globalization and Higher Education in East Asia (22-55). Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
- Yang, R. (2005). The Debate on Private Education Development in China. In P. Altbach & D. Levy (eds.), Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution (117-120). Dordrecht: Sense Publishers.
- Yang, R. (2005). Internationalizing Chinese Higher Education: A Case Study of One Major Comprehensive University. In P. Ninnes & M. Hellstén (eds.), Internationalizing Higher Education: Critical Perspectives for Critical Times (97-118). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2005). The Chinese Professoriate in Comparative Perspective: Self-perceptions, Academic Life, Gender Differences and Internal Differentiation. In A.R. Welch (ed.), The Professors: Profile of a Profession (179-192). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Yang, R. (2004). Teaching English to Primary School Students in the People’s Republic of China. In P. Lee & H. Azman (eds.), Global English and Primary Schools: Challenges for Elementary Education (73-93). Melbourne: CAE Press.
- Yang, R. (2004). Toward Massification: Higher Education Development in the People’s Republic of China since 1949. In J. Smart (ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (311-374). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Yang, R. (2003). Progresses and Paradoxes: New Developments in China’s Higher Education. In K.H. Mok (ed.), Centralization Versus Decentralization: Educational Reforms and Changing Governance in Chinese Societies (173-200). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong.
- Yang, R. (2001). 「比較的觀點:在高等教育改革和發展研究中的運用」[Comparative perspective and its application in the reform and development of higher education]. In M.Y. Pan (ed.), 《多學科觀點的高等教育研究》[Higher Education Research: Multiple Disciplinary Perspectives] (380-404). Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1996). 「關於二十一世紀我國高等教育發展宏觀背景的若干思考」[Reflections on the macro background of China’s higher education development]. In Research Team of Building Theories of a Socialist Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics (ed.), 《建設有中國特色的社會主義高等教育理論要點》 [Building Theories of a Socialist Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics] Vol. III (74-83). Beijing: Higher Education Press.
- Yang, R. & Huang, Y.Z. (1995). 「論中國高等教育發展的宏觀背景」[On the macro background of China’s higher education development]. In Research Team of Building Theories of a Socialist Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics (ed.), 《建設有中國特色的社會主義高等教育理論要點》[Building Theories of a Socialist Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics]Vol. II (172-180). Lanzhou: Lanzhou University Press.
- Yang, R. (1994). 「大學生及其文化」[College students and their culture]. In Y.Z. Huang (ed.),《當代中國高等教育論要》 [Key Issues in Contemporary Chinese Higher Education] (237-270). Shantou: Shantou University Press.
- Wu, E.C. & Yang, R. (1994). 「產學研結合與高等教育發展」[University-industry consortia and higher education development]. In Y.Z. Huang (ed.),《當代中國高等教育論要》 [Key Issues in Contemporary Chinese Higher Education] (179-204). Shantou: Shantou University Press.
Journal Publications
International Peer-reviewed Journals
- Yang, R. (2021). World-Class Universities in China’s Heroic Past. International Higher Education, 107 (3), 18-19.
- Yang, R. (2021). Baby and Bathwater or Soup?: Some Epistemological Considerations of How to Observe China and Chinese Education. Globalization, Societies and Education,
- Zhu, J.H. &Yang, R. (2021).「革命抑或改良?創業型大學對高等教育傳統功能和理念的繼承與發揚」[Revolution or reform? Inheritance and development of traditional ideas and functions of higher education by the entrepreneurial university]. 《大學與學科》 [Universities and Disciplines], no. 1 (Forthcoming).
- Yang, R. (2021).「中國高等教育國際化:走出常識的陷阱」[China’s Internationalization of higher education in China Moving beyond the common sense trap:].《北京大學教育評論》[Peking University Education Review], 19 (1), 165-172.
- Yang, R. (2021).「新时代的教育学研究」[Educational research in the era]《清華大學教育研究》[Tsinghua Journal of Education], 42 (1), 8-10.
- Zhu, J.H. & Yang, R. (2020).「創業型大學的身份困境---基於文獻分析的視角」[The identity dilemma of the entrepreneurial university: Based on an analysis of the literature]《清華大學教育研究》[Tsinghua Journal of Education], 41 (6), 43-52.
- Yang, R. & Gao, Y. (2020). Innovating Cultural Competence Education in the Global Era: Insights from Fei Xiaotong’s Theory of Cultural Self-Awareness. Frontiers of Education in China, 15 (4), 539-563.
- Yang, R. (2020). China’s Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Preliminary Observations. Higher Education Research & Development, 39 (7), 1317-1321.
- Lin, W. & Yang, R. (2020). Centralizing, Decentralizing, and Recentralizing: A Case Study of the University-Government Relationship in Taiwan. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 43 (1), 67-90.
- Yang, R. (2020). Political Culture and Higher Education Governance in Chinese Societies: Some Reflections. Frontiers of Education in China, 15 (2), 187-221.
- Li, M.Y. & Yang R. (2020) Enduring Hardships in Global Knowledge Asymmetries: A National Scenario of China’s English-language Academic Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Higher Education, 80 (2), 237-254.
- Yang, R. (2020). China’s Internationalization of Higher Education: The Barrier Within. International Higher Education, 103 (3), 14-16.
- Yang, R. (2019). Benefits and Challenges of the International Mobility of Researchers: The Chinese Experience. Globalization, Societies and Education, 18 (1), 53-65.
- Li, M.Y. & Yang, R. (2019). China’s English-Language Journals in Human and Social Sciences. International Higher Education, 99 (3), 25-26.
- Yang, R., Xie, M. & Wen, W. (2019). Pilgrimage to the West: Modern Transformations of Intellectual Formulation in Social Sciences. Higher Education, 77 (5), 815-829.
- Yang, R. (2019). Turning Scars into Stars: A Re-conceptualized View of University Development in Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore. Frontiers of Education in China, 14 (1), 1-32.
- Lin, W. & Yang, R. (2019). To Borrow or to Mix? A Cultural Approach to Observing Taiwan’s Higher Education. Higher Education Forum (Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University), vol. 16, 143-159.
- Wen, W. &Yang, R. (2019). 「全球化時代我國教育研究的多重糾結及其出路」[China’s educational research in an era of globalization].《北京大學教育評論》[Peking University Education Review], no. 4, 173-182.
- Yang, R. & Ye, W. (2019). 「百孔千瘡:當代比較和國際教育研究的方法論批判」[Riddled with gaping wounds: A methodological critique of comparative and international studies in education]. 《比較教育研究》[Comparative Education Review], no. 3, 68-77.
- Yang, R. (2018). Let’s Get Real: China’s Higher Education Development and Its Global Significance. Frontiers of Education in China, 13 (4), 459-466.
- Yang, R., Gu, M.Y. & Hayhoe, R. (2018). The Global Significance of China’s Development in Education: Retrospect and Prospect in the 40th Anniversary Year of Reform and Opening Up. Frontiers of Education in China, 13 (4), 467-485.
- Li, M., Ding, G., Zhang, M.X., Yang, R. & Xu, Y. (2018). 「中國教育研究國際影響力的反思與前瞻」 [The global influence of China’s educational research: Reflections and prospects]《教育研究》 [Educational Research], no. 3, 12-19.
- Yang, R. (2018). Emulating or Integrating? Modern Transformations of ChineseHigher Education. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 12 (3), 294-311.
- Li, M., Yang, R. & Wu, J. (2018). Translating Transnational Capital into Professional Development: A Study of China’s Thousand Youth Talents Scheme Scholars. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19 (2), 229-239. 0DOI: 10.1007/s12564-018-9533-x
- Yang, R. (2017). The Cultural Mission of China’s Elite Universities: Examples from Peking and Tsinghua. Studies in Higher Education, 42 (10), 1825-1838.
- Chan, S-J., Lee, M.N.N. & Yang, R. (2017). The Hybrid University in East Asia: Searching for a New Paradigm. Studies in Higher Education, 42(10), 1803-1808.
- Yang, R. (2017). The Cultural Mission of Premier Universities in East Asia. International Higher Education, 91 (3), 29-30.
- Yang, R. (2017). Getting the Mix Right: The Cultural Mission of East Asia’s Elite Universities. HESB (Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond), the HEAD Foundation, 2, 3-5.
- Yang, R. (2016). 「多元視角與東亞高等教育研究」[Multiple perspectives and East Asian higher education research]《清華大學教育研究》[Tsinghua Journal of Education], 37 (3), 7-13.
- Yang, R. (2016). Academic Culture in East Asia. International Higher Education, 84 (1), 15-16.
- Yang, R. (2015). Reassessing China’s Higher Education Development: A Focus on Academic Culture. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16 (4), 527-535.
- Olekiyenko, A. & Yang, R. (2015). Nix the BRICS? Competitive and Collaborative Forces in the Ostensibly “Blocalized” Higher Education Systems. Frontiers of Education in China, 10 (1), 1-6.
- Yang, R. & Xie, M. (2015). Leaning toward the Centers: International Networking at China’s Five C9 League Universities. Frontiers of Education in China, 10 (1), 66-90.
- Yang, R. (2014). Long Road Ahead: Modernizing Chinese Universities. International Higher Education, 77 (3), 17-19.
- Yang, R. (2014). Western Practicality Fused with Confucian Virtues: How Far Can It Take East Asia's Higher Education? HERDSA News, 36 (2), 7-8.
- Yang, R. (2014). China’s Removal of English from Gaokao. International Higher Education, 75 (1), 12-13.
- Yang, R. (2014). China’s Strategy for the Internationalization of Higher Education: An Overview. Frontiers of Education in China, 9 (2), 151-162.
- Yang, R. (2014). Going Global: Contemporary International Networking in Chinese Universities. Chinese Education and Society, 47 (1), 27-43.
- Yang, R. (2013). Responding to Living in a 2.2 World: ERA, Capacity Building and the Topography of Australian Educational Research from Hong Kong. The Australian Educational Researcher, 40 (4), 521-525.
- Li, M. & Yang, R. (2013). Interrogating Institutionalized Establishments: Urban-Rural Inequalities in China’s Higher Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14 (1), 315-323.
- Yang, R. (2013). Indigenizing the Western Concept of the University: Chinese Experience. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14 (1), 85-92.
- Yang, R. (2012). Internationalization, Regionalization and Soft Power: China’s Relations with ASEAN Member Countries in Higher Education. Frontiers of Education in China, 7 (4), 486-507.
- Yang, R. (2012). Academic Entrepreneurialism in a Context of Altered Governance: Some Reflections of Higher Education in Hong Kong. Globalization, Societies and Education, 10 (3), 387-402.
- Yang, R. (2012). Paradigm Shifts in China’s Education Policy: 1950s-2000s. Italian Journal of the Sociology of Education, 10 (1), 29-52.
- Yang R. & Welch, A.R. (2012). A World-Class University in China? The Case of Tsinghua. Higher Education, 63 (5), 645-666.
- Yang, R. (2012). Up and Coming? Doctoral Education in China. Australian Universities’ Review, 54 (1), 64-71.
- Yang, R. (2011). Self and the Other in the Confucian Cultural Context: Implications of China’s Higher Education Development for Comparative Studies. International Review of Education, 57 (3-4), 337-355.
- Yang, R. (2011). Educational Research in Confucian Cultural Contexts: Reflections on Methodology. Comparative Education, 47 (3), 395-405.
- Yang R. & Qiu, F.F. (2010). Globalization and the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora: An Australian Case Study. The Australian Educational Researcher, 37 (3), 19-37.
- Yang, R. (2010). International Organizations, Changing Governance and China’s Policy Making in Higher Education: An Analysis of the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30 (4), 419-431.
- Yang, R. (2010) Much Cry but Little Wool: Peking University Personnel Reforms. International Higher Education, 60, 10-11.
- Yang R. & Welch, A.R. (2010). Globalization, Transnational Academic Mobility and the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora: An Australian Case Study. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 31 (5), 593-607.
- Yang, R. (2010). Soft Power and Higher Education: An Examination of China’s Confucius Institutes. Globalization, Societies and Education, 8 (2), 233-243.
- Yang, R. & Wu, M. (2009). Education for Ethnic Minorities in China: A Policy Critique. SA-eDUC JOURNAL, 6 (2), 117-131.
- Yang, R. (2008). University Rankings in China: Contexts, Practices and Concerns. ACCESS:Critical Perspectives on Communication, Cultural & Policy Studies, 27 (1&2), 73-86.
- Yang, R. (2008). Transnational Higher Education in China: Contexts, Characteristics and Concerns. Australian Journal of Education, 52 (3), 272-286.
- Currie, J., Vidovich, L, & Yang, R. (2008). ‘Countability not Answerability?’ Accountability in Hong Kong and Singaporean Universities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28 (1), 67-85.
- Yang, R., Vidovich, L. & Currie, J. (2007). University Accountability Practices in Mainland China and Hong Kong: A Comparative Analysis. Asian Journal of University Education, 1 (2), 1-21.
- Yang, R., Vidovich, L. & Currie, J. (2007). ‘Dancing in a Cage:’ Changing Autonomy in Chinese Higher Education. Higher Education, 54 (4), 575-592.
- Yang, R. (2007). Incorporation and University Governance: The Chinese Experience, Using University Enrolment Expansion Policy as an Example. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 27 (3), 255-269.
- Yang, R. (2007). Building a Learning Society: The Chinese Experience. European Educational Research Journal, 6 (3), 312-320.
- Vidovich, L., Yang, R. & Currie, J. (2007). Changing Accountabilities in Higher Education as China ‘Opens up’ to Globalization. Globalization, Societies and Education, 5 (1), 89-107.
- Yang, R. (2007). China’s Soft Power Projection in Higher Education. International Higher Education, 46 (2), 24-25.
- Yang, R. (2006). The Commodification of Education and Its Effects on Developing Countries: A Focus on China. Journal Für Entwicklungspolitik, XXII (4), 52-69.
- Yang, R. (2006). What Counts as ‘Scholarship’? Problematizing Education Policy Research in China. Globalization, Societies and Education, 4 (2), 207-221.
- Yang, R. (2005). Internationalization, Indigenization and Educational Research in China. Australian Journal of Education, 49 (1), 66-88.
- Joseph, C., Marginson, S. & Yang, R. (2005). International Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Introduction by the Guest Editors. Australian Journal of Education, 49 (1), 3-9.
- Yang, R. (2005). Corruption in China’s Higher Education System: A Malignant Tumor. International Higher Education, 39 (2), 18-20.
- Welch, A.R., Yang, R. & Wolhuter, C. (2004). Internationalizing a Rural, Historically Black South African University. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8 (3), 317-331.
- Yang, R. (2004). Openness and Reform as Dynamics for Development: A Case Study of Internationalization at South China University of Technology. Higher Education, 47 (4), 473-500.
- Yang, R. (2003). Globalization as a Context of Inequality and Scarcity for Higher Education Development: A Critical Analysis. International Review of Education, 49 (3), 269-291.
- Yang, R. (2003). Internationalized While Provincialized? A Case Study of South China Normal University. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, 33 (3), 287-300.
- Yang, R. (2003). The China-Hong Kong Connection: A Key to Internationalizing Chinese Universities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 23 (1), 121-134.
- Yang, R. (2003). Contemporary Higher Education Studies in the People’s Republic of China. Asian Research Trends: A Humanities and Social Science Review, 13, 61-78.
- Yang, R. (2002). Lost Opportunities and Massification in China’s Higher Education. International Higher Education, 28 (2), 16-18.
- Yang, R. & Au Yeung, K.H. (2002). China’s Plan to Promote Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. International Higher Education, 27, 20-22.
- Yang, R. (2002). University Internationalization: Its Meanings, Rationales and Implications. Intercultural Education, 13 (1), 81-96.
- Yang R. & Welch, A.R. (2001). Internationalizing Chinese Universities: A Study of Guangzhou. World Studies in Education, 2 (1), 21-51.
- Yang, R. (2001). An Obstacle or a Useful Tool? The Role of the English Language in Internationalizing Chinese Universities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 5 (4), 339-356.
- Yang, R. (2001) China’s Entry into the WTO and Higher Education. International Higher Education, 24, 9-10.
- Yang, R. (2000). Tensions between the Global and the Local: A Comparative Illustration of the Reorganization of China’s Higher Education in the 1950s and 1990s. Higher Education, 39 (3), 319-337.
- Yang, R. (1998). A Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics: Rhetoric or Reality? International Education, 28 (1), 26-41.
- Yang, R. (1998). Ranking Universities in China: Same Game, Different Contexts. International Higher Education, 13 (2), 15-16.
- Yang, R. (1997). The Debate on Private Higher Education Development in China. International Higher Education, 9, 8-9.
- Yang, R. (1997). College Student Culture in Contemporary China: An Analysis. International Education, 26 (2), 41-51.
- Yang, R. (1995). Educational Development in the Pearl River Delta and Its Implications for China. International Education, 24 (2), 18-27.
- Qin, G.Z. & Yang, R. (1993). Private Higher Education in the People’s Republic of China: A Silent Resurgence. International Review of Education, 39 (5), 438-442.
Regional/National/. Local Academic Journals
- Yang, R. & Shen, Y.T. (2020). 「融匯中西知識體系是我國高等教育的重要追求」 [Integrating Chinese and Western knowledge is a must for Chinese higher education].《光明日報》[Guangming Daily], 21 April, 13.
- Yang, R. & Li, M.Y. (2017). 「中國頂尖大學的文化使命」 [The cultural mission China’s flagship universities].《光明日報》 [Guangming Daily], 28 November, 13.
- Yang, R. (2017). 「坐落于東西文化交匯處的香港大學教育學院」[Siting at the East-West interface: The Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong],《蘇州大學學報·教育科學版》 [Journal of Soochow University (Educational Science Edition)]. 5 (1), 3-5.
- Yang, R. (2015). China Beware: A Corrupt Culture Is Undermining Higher Education. Global Asia, 10 (2), 20-24.
- Yang, R. (2014) Western Practicality Fused with Confucian Virtues: How Far Can It Take East Asia's Higher Education? [online] HERDSA News, 36 (2), 7-8.;dn=677392853726468;res=IELHSS
- Yang, R. (2011). 「中國高等教育演化的若干啟示-基於文化比較的視角」 [Historical development of Chinese higher education: Some cross-cultural reflections].《高等教育研究》 [Journal of Higher Education], 32 (7), 9-17.
- Yang, R. & Wu, M. (2009). 「國際組織與中國高等教育」 [International organizations and higher education development in China]. 《復旦教育論壇》 [Fudan Education Forum], 7 (2), 52-55+67.
- Yang, R. & Vidovich, L. (2002). Positioning Universities in a Context of Globalization. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 2 (1), 209-222. (In Turkish)
- Yang, R. (2001). 「對當代世界全球化特徵及其在高等教育中影響的批判分析」[Globalization and its impact on higher education: Some critical analyses]. 《高等教育研究》 [Journal of Higher Education], 22 (1), 95-100.
- Yang, R. (1999). 「當代高等教育研究的國際展望」 [Contemporary higher education research: An international perspective]. 《高教探索》 [Guangdong Higher Education Research], 1, 63-66.
- Yang, R. (1998). 「九十年代澳大利亞高等教育的新變化」 [Higher education reforms in the 1990s in Australia]. 《高教探索》 [Guangdong Higher Education Research], 1, 68-73.
- Yang, R. (1998). 「當代國際學術關係述評」 [Contemporary international relations in scholarship]. 《汕頭大學學報》[Journal of Shantou University], 14 (1), 71-76.
- Yang, R. (1997). 「當代學術職業的國際比較研究」[Contemporary academic profession: Findings from an international study]. 《高等教育研究》 [Journal of Higher Education], 18 (5), 89-97.
- Yang, R. (1997). 「廣東省高等教育國際化的理論依據和執行策略」[Higher education internationalization in Guangdong: Theoretical basis and strategic measures]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 13 (5), 10-15.
- Yang, R. (1997). 「香港學者論回歸對香港教育的影響」[Impacts of sovereignty change on Hong Kong education: Views from Hong Kong scholars]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 13 (1), 68-75.
- Yang, R. (1996). 「當代國際比較高等教育研究述略」[Contemporary comparative higher education research: A literature review]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 12 (4), 85-90.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1996). 「面向二十一世纪國際高等教育发展趋势」[Trends of international higher education development in the 21st century]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 12 (4), 5-10.
- Bray, M. & Thomas, M. (1996). 「教育研究中比較的層次問題」[Levels of comparison in educational studies (translated by Yang, R)]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 12 (2), 72-81.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1996). 「我國高等教育發展的宏觀背景的研究」[A study of the macro background of higher education development in China]. 《教育管理研究》[Research in Educational Administration], 2, 22-25.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1996). 「面向二十一世紀國際高等教育的發展趨勢」[International higher education developments in the 21st Century]. 《高教探索》[Guangdong Higher Education Research], 3, 2-6.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1996). 「高等教育發展的宏觀背景與戰略思考」[Higher education development: Macro background and strategic options]. 《高等工程教育研究》[Research in Higher Education of Engineering], 3, 15-18+26.
- Yang, R. (1996). 「新興工業國家和地區發展高等教育的基本經驗」[Higher education development in newly industrialized countries]. 《比較教育研究》[Comparative Education Review], 2, 31-35.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「香港開放學院教育品質的保證措施」[Quality assurance in the Open University of Hong Kong]. 《中國電大教育》[Distance Education in China], 4, 47-53.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「英國高等教育研究會」[The Society for Research into Higher Education]. 《比較教育研究》[Comparative Education Review], 3, 35-36.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「淺論中國特色的高等教育內涵、依據及特徵」[Chinese characteristics of higher education: Meaning, rationale and features]. 《廣西高教研究》[Guangxi Higher Education Research], 3, 83-85.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1995). 「我國高等教育發展宏觀背景研究的跨世紀思考」[Reflections on the studies of the macro background of China’s higher education development]. 《遼寧高等教育研究》[Liaoning Higher Education Research, 6, 25-30.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「影響我國高等教育發展的若干國內背景因素」[Domestic factors to influence China’s higher education development]. 《吉林教育科學·高教研究》[Jilin Education Research-Higher Education], 3, 18-21.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「我國高等教育發展取向分析」[Trend analyses of China’s higher education development]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 11 (3), 55-63.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「當代發達國家高等教育體系運行的主要特點」[Functional features of higher education systems in major developed countries]. 《電力高等教育》[China Electric Power Education], 2, 82-86.
- Huang, Y.Z. & Yang, R. (1995). 「廣東高等教育宏觀背景及發展策略選擇」[Higher education development in Guangdong: Macro background and strategic choices]. 《高教探索》[Guangdong Higher Education Research], 1, 31-38.
- Yang, R. (1995). 「淺談美國高等教育發展中的幾個主要特點」[Features of American higher education development]. 《外國教育研究》[Foreign Education Research ], 1, 6-8.
- Yang, R. (1994). 「教育的傳播學透視及意義」[Education: A communication study and its implications]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 10 (2), 54-60.
- Yang, R. (1994). 「我國農村教育發展中存在的問題及對策」[China’s rural education development: Existing problems and suggested countermeasures]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 10 (4), 58-65.
- Yang, R. (1994). 「發展中國家高教發展中的問題與出路」[Higher education in developing countries: Dilemmas and solutions]. 《高教探索》 [Guangdong Higher Education Research], 3, 68-73.
- Yang, R. (1994). ). 「論建立廣東發展新優勢中的教育因素」[Education in the development of Guangdong’s advantages]. 《現代教育論叢》 [The Modern Education Journal], 2, 9-12.
- Yang, R. (1994). 「略論教育與社會變遷」[Higher education and social change]. 《吉林教育研究》 [Jilin Education Research], 6, 13-17.
- Yang, R. (1993). 「論高等教育與城鄉社區的協調發展」[On the harmonious interaction between higher education and local communities]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 9 (3), 70-79.
- Yang, R. (1993). 「當代大學生文化的發展、特徵與展望」[Contemporary college student culture: Development, features and prospect]. 《高教探索》[Guangdong Higher Education Research], 2, 73-78.
- Yang, R. (1992). 「當代大學生文化的發展軌跡與趨向」[Historical trajectories and future directions of China’s college student culture]. 《青年探索》[Youth Studies], 5, 41-43.
- Yang, R. (1992). 「對我省專科類教育發展的若干思考」[Reflections on the development of higher vocational education in Guangdong]. 《高教探索》[Guangdong Higher Education Research], 2, 26-29.
- Yang, R. (1991). 「产学合作联合培养大学生实际操作技能」[University-industry collaboration in fostering students’ practical skills]. 《機械工業高教研究》[University Education Science], 1, 82-84.
- Yang, R. (1991). 「關於當前比較高等教育研究與實踐的幾個問題」[Reflections on contemporary theory and practice of comparative higher education]. 《高教探索》[Guangdong Higher Education Research], 3, 66-71.
- Yang, R. (1990). 「西歐中學校長培訓」[Secondary school principal training in Western Europe]. 《中小學管理》 [School Administration], 3, 13-16.
- Yang, R. (1990). 「美國大學生的校園生活」[Students’ life on American campuses]. 《高教與人材》 [Higher Education and Personnel], 5, 60-62.
- Yang, R. (1989). 「西歐中學校長培訓方法」[Secondary school principal training in Western Europe: Methods]. 《外國教育》[Foreign Education], 4, 41-43.
- Yang, R. (1989). 「簡論高等學校群落」[On the community of higher education institutions]. 《高教探索》 [Guangdong Higher Education Research], 2, 58-61.
- Yang, R. (1989). 「略談戰後日本教育及其對人口素質的影響」[Educational development in Japan after the second World War and its impact on population quality]. 《汕頭大學學報》 [Journal of Shantou University], 5 (1), 27-31.
- Yang, R. (1988). 「西歐中學校長培訓課程」[Secondary school principal training in Western Europe: Curriculum. 《外國教育》[Foreign Education], 6, 40-42.
- Yang, R. (1987). 「略談人口對教育發展的影響」[Population and its impact on educational development]. 《教育研究》 [Educational Research], 6, 58-59.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports, and Case Studies
- Yang, R. (July 18, 2020). Internationalization of Higher Education: Barriers Within. World University News.
- Yang, R. & Shen, Y. T. (May 7, 2020). 「高等教育的“全球視野”並不是一個空泛的概念」[A global perspective in higher education isn’t an empty concept]《社會科學報》[Social Sciences Weekly], page 5.
- Tso, Scarlet H. & Yang, R. (January 25, 2019). Private Universities Are Facing an Uncertain Future. World University News.
- Yang, R. (2018). 「舊瓶裝新酒:新知識背景下的人文教育」[New wine in old bottles: Humanities education in a context of new knowledge realities]《高教縱橫》[Perspectives in Higher Education], no. 12, Centre of Higher Education Research, South University of Science and Technology.
- Yang, R. (2017). “Forward” to Phan Le-Ha (2017). Transnational Education Crossing ‘Asia’ and 'the West': Adjusted Desire, Transformative Mediocrity, and Neo-colonial Disguise (xvii-xix). New York: Routledge.
- Yang, R. (23 September 2016). The Long Battle against Academic Corruption. World University News.
- Yang, R. (July 11, 2016). 「東亞高等教育面臨文化糾結」 [Cultural struggles of East Asian higher education]《社會科學報》[Social Sciences Weekly], page 5.
- Yang, R. (January 29, 2016). Corruption Undermines Rise of East Asian Universities. World University News Issue No: 398.
- Yang, R. (June 6, 2013). 「中西文化觀念的交融與博弈」 [Blending and competition between Chinese and Western cultural values]《社會科學報》[Social Sciences Weekly], page 5.
- Yang, R. (February, 2009). Institutional Mergers in Chinese Higher Education: An Arranged Marriage? International Association of Universities Horizons, 15(1), pages 6-7.
- Yang, R. (2005). La corrupciÓn en la educatiÓn superior de China. Campus: Supplemento Universititario (Mexico), Jueves 21 de Abril, page 7.
- Yang, R. (May 17, 1987). 「香港教育簡介」 [Introduction to Hong Kong Education]. 《中國教育報》 [China Education Daily), page 3.
Professional Community Services
2017- Journal of Studies in International Education, edited by Betty Leask (Professor of Internationalization and Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Latrobe University, Australia), published by SAGE
2011- Frontiers of Education in China, published jointly by Brill Academic Press and Higher Education Press in China
Associate Editor
2014- Asia Pacific Education Review, edited by Dong-Seop Jin (Seoul National University, Korea), published by Springer
Board of Editors
2021- Cotemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social sciences, edited by Jacqueline Barnes and John Connolly, published by Taylor & Francis
2021- Globalization, Societies and Education, edited by Mario Novelli and Susan L. Robertson, published by Taylor & Francis
2020- SN Social Sciences, edited by Gino D’Oca, published by Springer Nature
2020- HKU Press
2020- Education Inquiry, edited by Nafsika Alexiadou (Umeå University, Sweden) and Linda Rönnberg (Umeå University, Sweden), published by Taylor & Francis
2019- Contemporary Higher Education, edited by Wanling Chen (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China), published by Social Science Academic Press
2018- Policy Review in Higher Education, edited by Ellen Hazelkorn (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland) and William Locke (UCL Institute of Education, UK), published by Taylor & Francis
2018- ECNU Review of Education, edited by Zhenguo Yuan (Faculty of Education, East China Normal University), published by East China Normal University Press
2017- Tsinghua Journal of Education, edited by Fu Gui Ye (Tsinghua University, China), published by Higher Education Press
2014- Australian Journal of Education, edited by Petra Lietz (Flinders University, Australia), published by Sage
2014- Higher Education Evaluation and Development, edited by Angela Yung-Chi Hou (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan), jointly published by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, and Asia-Pacific Quality Network
2013- Journal of Studies in International Education, edited by Betty Leask (University of South Australia, Australia), published by Sage
2012- Higher Education Research & Development, edited by Barbara Grant (University of Auckland, New Zealand), published by Taylor & Francis
2012- European Journal of Educational Research, edited by Ibrahim Kir (Sutcu Imam University, Turkey), published by Wiley-Blackwell
2011- International Journal of Chinese Education, edited by Jinghuan Shi (Tsinghua University, China), published by Brill Academic Press
2006- Asia Pacific Journal of Education, edited by Allan Luke (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) and S. Gopinathan (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), published by Taylor & Francis
2006- Chinese Education & Society, edited byStanley Rosen (University of Southern California) and Gerard A. Postiglione (University of Hong Kong), published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Professional Leadership and Service Experience
2009.10-2011.1 President, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong
2009.4-9 Vice President, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong
2008.1-2009.3 Secretary, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong
2006- Member, Association for the Study of Higher
Education, USA
2004- Member, Research Standing Committee, World Council of Comparative Education Societies
2004- Member, Australian Association for Research
in Education
2001-03 Member, International Association for
Intercultural Education
1998- Member, Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society
1996-98 Member, Comparative Education Society of Asia
1996-99 Member, Comparative Education Society of
Hong Kong
1995-97 Executive Member, Guangdong Comparative
Education Society
1994-96 Executive Member, Chinese Comparative
Education Society
External Reviewer
2021 Application for Promotion to Professorship, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
2021 Application for Promotion to Senior Lecturer, Monash University
2020 北京大學教育學院2020年度教師高級職稱評審
2020 浙江大學教育學院2020年度教師高級職稱評審
2019 Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST), Taiwan
2018 Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST), Taiwan
2018 Application for Promotion to Professorship, Monash University
2018 浙江大學教育學院評審
2018 Tenure application, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
2017 浙江大學2017年度教師高級職稱評審
2017 City University of Hong Kong Press
2017 Application for Promotion to Associate Professorship, University of Melbourne
2017 上海市高校高峰高原學科建設第一階段績效評價
2016 Further appointment on contract as Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2016 Application for Promotion to Professorship, University of Macau
2015 Advancement and substantiation as Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 Application for Promotion to Chair Professorship, Hong Kong Institute of Education
2015 Application for Promotion to Professorship, RMIT
2014 Tenure and promotion to the rank of full professor, College of Education, University of Hawaii
2013 The Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong
2012 Austrian Science Fund
2011 Cambridge University Press
2011 Tenure application, School of Administrative and Policy Studies, University of Pittsburgh
2011- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada
2010 Tenure application, Faculty of Education, York University, Canada
2009- Springer
2009- Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group
2009- Hong Kong University Press
2007- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
2007- Lexington Books
2006 UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre, the 2007 Asia-Pacific Regional Human Development Report on Corruption and Human Development
2004- Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
2004- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
2004- The Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES)
2018.8-2021.8 Member of Academic Committee, Center for Higher Education Research, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
2017- Utahloy Education Foundation
2012 American Council on Education
2011 The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
2010 International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO
2005 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
2005 The World Bank
2004 The Australian Education International, and the International Development of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd (LDP)
Contacts by Governmental and Non-Governmental Bodies
- European Observatory of Universities
- Beijing Municipal Government
- Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development
- Asian Development Bank
- American Council on Education
- National Commission for Higher Education in Thailand
- National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan
- Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
- International Association of Universities (IAU)