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Dr RICHARDS, Benjamin

Dr RICHARDS, Benjamin


Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education


PhD (London School of Economics)


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(852) 3917 0361


Room 503, Meng Wah Complex

Research Interests:

Education policy; Early child development; Socioeconomic inequalities; Statistical modelling


Teaching Areas:

Education policy; Public policy; Social research methods; Child development


Personal Website:




Google Scholar:



Richards, B., Umayahara, M., Mirpuri, S., & Rao, N. (2021). Correlates and mediators of geo-ethnic inequalities in child development in Cambodia. International Journal of Early Years Education.


Lau, C., & Richards, B. (2021). Home Literacy Environment and Children’s English Language and Literacy Skills in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Psychology11, 4093.


Rao, N., Chan, S. W., Su, Y., Richards, B., Cappa, C., De Castro, E. F., & Petrowski, N. (2021). Measuring Being “Developmentally on Track”: Comparing Direct Assessment and Caregiver Report of Early Childhood Development in Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar. Early Education and Development, 1-23.


Chan, S. W., Rao, N., Cohrssen, C., & Richards, B. (2021). Predicting child outcomes in Bhutan: Contributions of parenting support and early childhood education programmes. Children and Youth Services Review126, 106051.


Richards, B., Umayahara, M., Maw, N., & Rao, N. (2020). Early Childhood Education, Language of Instruction, and Child Development in Myanmar: Comparisons among Ethnolinguistic Groups. Early Education and Development, 1-22.


Schirmbeck, K., Rao, N., Wang, R., Richards, B., Chan, S. W., & Maehler, C. (2020). Contrasting executive function development among primary school children from Hong Kong and Germany. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-21.


Rao, N., Richards, B., Lau, C., Weber, A. M., Sun, J., Darmstadt, G. L., Sincovich, A., Bacon-Shone, J., & Ip, P. (2020). Associations Among Early Stimulation, Stunting, and Child Development in Four Countries in the East Asia–Pacific. International Journal of Early Childhood.


Lau, C., Wang, Y., Chan, S. W., Chen, E. E., McBride, C., Tse, S. K., Richards, B., & Rao, N. (2020). Promoting Chinese Literacy in South Asian Preschoolers and their Mothers in Hong Kong: An Intervention Study. Early Education and Development, 31(4), 561-581.


Rao, N., Richards, B., Sun, J., Weber, A., & Sincovich, A. (2019). Early childhood education and child development in four countries in East Asia and the Pacific. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 169-181.


Rao, N., Sun, J., Richards, B., Weber, A. M., Sincovich, A., Darmstadt, G. L., & Ip, P. (2019). Assessing diversity in early childhood development in the East Asia-Pacific. Child Indicators Research, 12(1), 235-254.


Richards, B., Bacon-Shone, J., & Rao, N. (2018). Socioeconomic correlates of early child development: Gradients from six countries in the East Asia-Pacific region. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42(6), 581-587.


Zhang, L., Sun, J., Richards, B., Davidson, K., & Rao, N. (2018). Motor Skills and Executive Function Contribute to Early Achievement in East Asia and the Pacific. Early Education and Development 29(8), 1061-1080.


Rao, N., Becher, Y., Lee, D., Richards, B., Sun, J., Bacon-Shone, J., Ip, P., Umayahara, M., & Chen, E. (2017). Assessing early development and learning: the East Asia-Pacific Early Childhood Development Scales (EAP-ECDS). EAP-ECDS Brief. ARNEC. UNICEF.


Rao, N., Richards, B., & Umayahara, M. (2017). Myanmar East Asia- Pacific Early Child Development Scales (EAP-ECDS) Project. UNICEF: Myanmar.


Rao, N., Becher, Y., Lau, C., Chen, E., Lee, D., Tse, S.K., McBride, C., Richards, B., & Lo, O. (2017). Promoting early development and learning in children from ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Narrative report. Optimus Foundation, UBS.


Richards, B. (2013). National identity and social cohesion: theory and evidence for British social policy. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).


Hills, J., & Richards, B. (2012). Localisation and the means test: A case study of support for English students from Autumn 2012. CASE/160.