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HKU’s Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programme was far from traditional. It encompasses a wide range of exposure that has deepened my understanding in the field of early childhood education. I observed how a Reggio-inspired school works, learned about the project approach first-hand from a principal who has practiced it for years, gained from my classmates who were placed in a spectrum of kindergartens for their practicum, and from all of my instructors who shared their rich experience in different kindergarten settings.


The courses were also very interactive, well-structured and cohesive. We were given readings one week in advance, reflected on them every week and observed how theory was put into practice in a real kindergarten setting two days a week and completed a cycle of reflection when we returned to the classroom.


Apart from that I had the opportunity to experience education beyond the classroom through the experiential programme working at Ocean Park for five weeks. I led one-hour tours on sea animals, Arctic animals and the Giant Panda to different age groups and managed different class sizes. My course coordinators visited me twice and gave me useful guidance along the journey so I could improve my teaching and become an all-rounded educator.

Monica Tam

Postgraduate Diploma in Education
