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HKU Faculty of Education launches “Knowledge Exchange Video Series (Primary School Series)” to share practical parenting tips

Updated on December 09, 2022 (Fri)

HKU Faculty of Education launches “Knowledge Exchange Video Series (Primary School Series)” to share practical parenting tips

The mode of teaching and learning in Hong Kong has undergone a drastic change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents and children have been facing various challenges. Parents are playing a more important role in children’s learning under the New Normal. To this end, HKU Faculty of Education has launched the “Knowledge Exchange Video Series (Primary School Series)”, in which our Faculty teachers share practical tips and skills with parents and teachers to help children learn easily and boost parent-children interaction time in an interesting and simple way.


The topics and speakers include:

  • How to Help Primary Students Learn Mathematics Happily? (Dr Arthur Lee)
  • What is Self-directed Learning? Why is It Important? (Dr Lo Yuen Yi)
  • The Myths of Dictation (Part 1 and Part 2) (Dr Elizabeth Loh)
  • How to Enhance Primary Students’ Reading Interest and Ability? (Dr Samuel Chu)

The videos are uploaded to our YouTube channel We hope these videos are helpful in nurturing your beloved kids!