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“Important Skills Required in the Workplace” – a Sharing Session

Updated on October 18, 2021 (Mon)

“Important Skills Required in the Workplace” – a Sharing Session

A very fruitful exchange focusing on “Important Skills Required in the Workplace” took place via ZOOM on October 8, 2021 with around 20 mentors, mentees and education undergraduate students participating. 


The event was kick-started with a short speech by Dr Lawrence Ng, Associate Dean (Outreach and Engagement), who warmly welcomed all the participants. Mr Vincent Tam, Head of Talent Management at the Hong Kong Productivity Council and a mentor on the Education Mentorship Programme, spoke first, highlighting the top skills required in today’s workplace and how students could better equip themselves for their dream jobs. Then, Mr Anderson Kwan, an experienced Mathematics teacher from St Peter’s Secondary School and another of our mentors, explored the essential skills and qualities to become a good teacher. Both speakers delivered their presentations in an engaging and humorous way, which the audience greatly enjoyed. 


Towards the end of the event, our students also proactively mingled with the speakers/mentors, who are experienced professionals and executives in education and professional fields, in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Many of them were keen to share their feelings and reflections. The mentors also gave useful advice and showed warm support to our students. 


We thank everyone for their participation, and we hope that the event provided our students with useful and practical tips before entering the workplace!