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“Educating Learners for Their Future – Not Our Past” by Professor Andreas Schleicher

Updated on September 27, 2021 (Mon)

“Educating Learners for Their Future – Not Our Past” by Professor Andreas Schleicher

Sponsored by the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, the Distinguished Lecture of the Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education International Webinar Series for Exemplary Scholarship on “Educating Learners for Their Future – Not Our Past” was successfully held on September 17, 2021. It was delivered by Professor Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Webinar was well-attended by about 260 participants, including university academic staff and students, school principals and teachers, and researchers. 


The Webinar started with a warm welcoming remarks by Professor A. Lin Goodwin, Dean, Faculty of Education, HKU. Professor Schleicher was then invited to deliver the lecture. By drawing on different analyses on the relationship between skills and  automation, policy levels and professionalism, learning environment and outcomes, etc., Professor Schleicher discussed how knowledge could be reproduced and created, the application of technology and the synthesis and integration of different fields of knowledge to prepare students for their future.   


In the Q&A session, the enthusiastic audience made fruitful interactions with Professor Schleicher and Professor Goodwin.


The recording and presentation slides are now available on our website