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Achievements in the General Research Fund and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (2021/22 Exercise)

Updated on July 13, 2021 (Tue)

Achievements in the General Research Fund and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (2021/22 Exercise)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) has announced the results for the General Research Fund (GRF) and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) exercises for 2021/22. Congratulations to all our colleagues who have been successful in this year's exercises!


The lists of successful GRF and HSSPFS projects are as follows:



Dr Gaowei Chen, Associate Professor, Academic Unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences (CDIS)

A Video-Visualization Online Professional Development Approach for Teachers: Promoting Productive Classroom Talk and Student Learning


Dr Jessica Leung, Assistant Professor, Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership (TELL)

A practice turn in learning about science: Promoting the use and perceived value of nature of science understanding in evaluating socioscientific news


Dr Yuen Yi Lo, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching); Associate Professor, TELL

Conceptualising assessment literacy of teachers in Content and Language Integrated Learning programmes


Dr Guang Ouyang, Assistant Professor, CDIS

Developing an EEG-based Instantaneous Neural Feedback System for Neuroadaptive Research


Professor Nirmala Rao, Chair Professor of Child Development and Education, CDIS

Enhancing Early Childhood Development in China and India:   Understanding the Contributions of Maternal Education and Policy Variations 


Dr Shelley Tong, Associate Professor, CDIS

Neurophysiological and Behavioural Metalinguistic Correlates of Reading Comprehension Development and Difficulties in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children: A Three-year Longitudinal Study


Professor Edwin Yiu, Professor, CDIS

Comparing the use of whole body vibration and localized neck vibration for teachers to prevent and alleviate vocal fatigue: Green Voice Gymnastic Program


Dr Xiao Zhang, Associate Professor, CDIS

The Longitudinal Interplay between Mother-child and Father-child Numeracy Activities and Young Children's Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Number Skills



Professor David Carless, Professor & Unit Head, Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education

Feedback literacy for lifelong learning: new pathways for research and practice