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A brand new look for our Faculty website

Updated on October 12, 2021 (Tue)

A brand new look for our Faculty website

We are delighted to launch the new Faculty website with a fresher look and more streamlined interface.


The new website is more well-organised and user-friendly for the many stakeholders who use it, such as current/prospective students, academics, collaborators, alumni and the general public. 


We have added a number of new features for easier navigation. For example, you can now search for relevant Faculty academics by their research expertise. 


Moreover, from the newly added research, knowledge exchange and donation stories, you can learn about how projects beneficial to students’ learning and to the community were designed and implemented. We are immensely grateful to our donors, as their kind support has made possible many projects and activities that have enabled us to improve community lives.


The new website demonstrates our dedication to achieving excellence in all dimensions. It will continue to serve as our major source of information and updates. Remember to scroll down to explore our news, events, programmes, student sharing and many more highlights. 


We hope you will enjoy exploring our new website and that you will find it informative. To stay tuned to our latest news and exciting activities, please also subscribe to our monthly Faculty e-Notice and follow us on social media.