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The 21st Century Skills and Teacher Training

Event type




November 19, 2021 (Fri)


6:15 PM - 7:00 PM


Dr. Rachel Zorman
The 21st Century Skills and Teacher Training

The 21st Century Skills and Teacher Training

Dr. Rachel Zorman, Executive Director, The Henrietta Szold Institute, Israeli

Date: November 19, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 18:15 – 19:30 (HK Time)
Mode: ZOOM Webinar

The seminar addresses three major questions:
1. WHAT characterizes the educational environment of the 21st century?
2. WHICH skills are needed to succeed in the 21st century?
3. HOW do we integrate these skills into the social and educational environment of students?


The seminar relates to the volatility, uncertainty, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the environment in the 21st century.

Seminar participants will discuss the network of cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills needed to succeed in this environment. They will also explore different ways of integrating these skills into teaching various subject areas in the classroom, utilizing many examples that may be used in teacher training.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Rachel Zorman holds a Ph.D. in special education from Columbia University, New York. She served as the executive director of the Henrietta Szold Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences, in Jerusalem, Israel.
She specializes in researching, identifying and nurturing talents among gifted students in general, and among gifted females, in particular .She has vast experience in educational and social program evaluation and in integrating 21st century skills into educational programs.
Dr. Zorman taught courses in gifted education and educational research and assessment at Stanford and San Jose universities in the USA, and Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion Universities in Israel.
She designed the Eureka and Everest programs, nurturing STEM, sports and artistic talents among elementary school students from diverse populations. She also leads the National Mentoring Program for highly gifted high school students with the Ministry of Education.
Her work is presented in articles, books and international workshops and conferences.

~ All are welcome ~

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