Dr CHIU, Dickson K. W.

Dr CHIU, Dickson K. W.
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
B.Sc.(Comp.St.)(HKU), M.Sc., PhD (HKUST), SMIEEE, SMACM, LifeMHKCS
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 2859 7087
Room 215, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Culture and Cultural Studies
- Higher Education Policy and Practice
- Information Science and Management
- Learning Sciences
- Technology-enhanced Learning
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
Areas of Expertise
Teaching Areas:
Information Management, Information Systems, Knowledge Management, E-commerce
Research Interests:
Information management, service science/computing, workflow, information systems, Internet technologies, m/e-commerce, agents, database, exception handling, conceptual modeling
- Best Paper Award, 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS37), Jan 2004
- D.K.W. Chiu (PI) (2018) Sharing Successful Experience Worldwide for School Libraries, HKU Knowledge Exchange Grant (HK$70,000)
- E.W.S. Kong (PhD Student), Dickson K.W. Chiu (Mentor) (2016) Online Knowledge Repository for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration amongst Successful Cases of School Libraries in Hong Kong Shirley Grundy Memorial Fund, (HK$25,000)
- D.K.W. Chiu (PI) (2014, 2015) Educational Use of ContemporaryMobile Technologies Amongst University Students. Faculty Research Fund, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (HK$30,000 + HK$30,000)
- Timothy Hew, Samuel Chu, D.K.W. Chiu, Jingli Cheng. (2015) The Design and Evaluation of an E-learning Course based on Active Learning and Meaningful Gamification Strategies, Teaching Development Grant, The University of Hong Kong.
- Liya Ding, C.C. Tseng, Ho-fung Leung, D.K.W. Chiu, et al. (2010) Intelligent Knowware System Research and Application智能知件系統的研究與應用, Macau SAR Science & Technology Development fund (#040/2010/A).
- Haiyang Hu, D.K.W. Chiu, Bo Xie, Bin Xu. (2009) Behavioral analysis on software business process in mobile wireless environments using an uncertain approach 无线移动环境中面向软件业务过程的非确定性行为分析技术研究 (Natural Science Foundation of China: #60903053)
- Hua Hu, Haiyang Hu, Yi Zhuang, Bin Xu, D.K.W. Chiu. (2008) Theory and key technology of cross-organizational business non-functioal collaboration and roles’ intermittent business operations in mobile wireless environments无线移动环境中面向非功能性质的企业跨组织工作流业务协同与角色间歇业务操作的原理和关键技术研究 (Natural Science Foundation of China #60873022)
- H.F. Leung, D.K.W. Chiu and S.C. Cheung. (2003) Agent-based Collaborative Workforce Managemen (RGC: CUHK 4190/03E, HK$324,000)
- S.C. Cheung and D.K.W. Chiu. (2003) Cross-Organizational Process Exceptions.(RGC HKUST 6170/03E, HK$377,149)
Recent list see: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=9vgZNKsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Liu, Q., Cheuk, M.K., Lo, P., Zhou, Q., Chiu, D.K.W. (2019) 走進大專院校圖書館: 圖書館員視角下的大中華區高等教育現狀與未來發展(Best Practice of Academic Librarians in Greater China) City University Press. (in Chinese, final proofreading)
Jiang, T., Lo, P., Cheuk, M.K., Chiu, D.K.W., Chu, M.Y., Zhang, X., Zhou, Q., Liu, Q., Tang, J., Zhang, X.*, Sun, X.*, Ye, Z.*, Yang, M.*, Lam, S.K. (2019) 文化新語:兩岸四地傑出圖書館、檔案館及博物館傑出工作者訪談 (New Cultural Dialog: Interviews with Outstanding Librarians, Archivists, and Curators in Greater China). Systech publications/Hong Kong. (in Chinese, partially supported by HKU KE Grant, around 320 A4 pages) ISBN:9789888569809 (*HKU MLIM students)
Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W., Cho, A., Allard, B. (2018) Conversations with Leading Academic and Research Library Directors: International Perspectives on Library Management. Chandos Publishing. ISBN: 9780081027462 (Elsevier imprint, 524 pages).
Kong, E.W.S.*+, Lo, P., Yu, P.J., Ip, K.K.L.+, Chiu, D.K.W. (2018). 閱讀推手: 學校圖書館專業(Reading Promoter: School Library Professions)Commercial Press HK.ISBN 9789620757907 (in Chinese, around 220 pages). (*HKU PhD student, +MLIM alumni)
Lo, P., Rogers, H., Chiu, D.K.W. (2018) Effective School Librarianship, Two-Volume Set, Successful Professional Practices from Librarians around the World. Apple Academic Press. ISBN 9781771886567, 534 pages.
Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W., & Cho, A. (2017). Inside the World's Major East Asian Collections: One Belt, One Road, and Beyond. Chandos Publishing (Elsevier imprint. 466 pages). ISBN: 9780081021453.
Lo, P., Cho, A., Chiu, D.K.W. (2017) World´s Leading National, Public, Monastery and Royal Library Directors – Leadership, Management, Future of Libraries. De Gruyter/Berlin (380 pages), ISBN 978-3-11-053083-4.
Kong, E.W.S.*, & Chiu, D.K.W. (2016) Knowledge Repository for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Amongst Successful Cases of School Libraries in Hong Kong Forum 2016. Hong Kong Teacher Librarian Association. ISBN 9789887761105. (*HKU PhD student)
Chiu, D. K. W., Marenzi, I., Nanni, U., Spaniol, M., & Temperini, M. (Eds) (2016). Advances in Web-Based Learning–ICWL 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 10013, Springer. (303 pages)
Gong, Z., Chiu, D.K.W., & Zou, D. (Eds.). (2016). Current Developments in Web Based Learning: ICWL 2015 International Workshops, KMEL, IWUM, LA, Guangzhou, China, November 5-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 9584). Springer. (201 pages)
Chiu, D.K.W., Wang, Minhong Popescu, Elvira, Li, Qing, Lau, Rynson, Shih, Timothy K., Yang, Chu-Sing and Sampson, Demetrios G. (eds.) (2015) Advances in Web-Based Learning–ICWL 2013 Workshops. Vol 8390, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. (278 pages)
Chiu, D.K.W., Wang, Minhong, Popescu, E., Li, Q., & Lau, R. (Eds.). (2014). New Horizons in Web Based Learning: ICWL 2011 International Workshops, KMEL, ELSM, and SPeL, Hong Kong, December 8-19, 2011; ICWL 2012 International Workshops, KMEL, SciLearn, and CCSTED, Sinaia, Romania, September 2-4, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. (362 pages)
Parsons, J., & Chiu, D. (Eds.) (2014) Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER2013 Workshops. Springer LNCS 8697. (299 pages)
Chiu, D.K.W. (ed). (2013) Mobile and Web Innovations in Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering. IGI Global. ISBN 1466624701. (421 pages)
Chiu, D.K.W. (ed). (2012) Theoretical and Analytical Service-Focused Systems Design and Development. IGI Global. ISBN 1466617675. (489 pages)
Sasaki, H., Chiu, D.K.W., Kapetanios, E., Hung, P.C.K., Andres, F., Leung, H.-f., Chbeir, R. (eds). (2012) Intelligent and Knowledge-Based Computing for Business and Organizational Advancements. IGI Global. ISBN 146661577X. (401 pages)
Chiu, D.K.W., Bellatreche, L., et al.(Eds)(2011) Web Information Systems Engineering: WISE 2010 International Symposium WISS, and International Workshops CISE, MBC. Hong Kong, China, December 12-14, 2010. Revised Selected Papers.Springer LNCS 6724. (505 pages)
Leung, H.-f., Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P.C.K. (Eds) (2010) Service Intelligence and Service Science: Evolutionary Technologies and Challenges. IGI Global. (ISBN: 1615208194) (308 pages)
Chen, L., Liu, C., Zhang, X., Wang, S., Strasunskas, D., Tomassen, S.L., Rao, J., Li, W.S., Candan, K.S., Chiu, D.K.W. and Zhuang, Y. (Eds.)(2009). Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management, APWeb/WAIM 2009 International Workshops: WCMT 2009, RTBI 2009, DBIR-ENQOIR 2009, PAIS 2009, Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, LNCS 5731, ISBN 978-3-642-03995. (244 pages)
Mellouk, A., Bi, J., Ortiz, G., Chiu, D.K.W., Popescu, M. (Eds.)(2008) Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW 2008, 8-13 June 2008, Athens, Greece. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3163-2
Journal Publications
Au, C.H., Kevin, K.K.W., Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Before illnesses become terminal: A comparison of the roles of habit, incentive, and legislation in healthcare and political misinformation dissemination, submitted.
Wong, S.W.S.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Re-examining the value of remote academic library storage in the mobile digital age: A comparative study, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Zhou, J.*, E.T.H. Lam, Au, C. H., Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Library or elsewhere: Usage of study space by different majors, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Cheung, V.S.Y.*, Lo, J.C.Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) Predicting Facebook’s influence on travel products marketing based on the AIDA model, submitted. (*HKU BSIM student)
Li, Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) An Integrated Model for Predicting Social Media Influences on Film Marketing, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Ye, Z.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) The Effect of User Experience on the Loyalty of Mobile Reading Applications,submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Sung,, C.Y.Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) E-book or print book: Parents’ Current View in Hong Kong,submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Li, K.K.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) A Worldwide Quantitative Analysis of the iSchools’ Archival Education, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Yau, A.*, Chiu, D.K.W. Nakamura, Y., Li, K.K.* (2020) Quantitative Comparison of LIS Programs Accredited by ALA and CILIP, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)\
Leung, T.N.*, Hui, Y.M.*, Luk, C.K.L.+, Chiu, D.K.W., Kevin, K.K.W. (2020) An Empirical Study on the Aid of Facebook for Japanese Learning, submitted. (*HKU BSIM students, +HKU Business student)
Leung, T.N.*, Luk, C.K.L.+, Chiu, D.K.W., Kevin, K.K.W. (2020) User perceptions, academic library usage, and social capital: A correlation analysis under COVID-19 after library renovation, submitted. (*HKU MLIM students, +HKU Business student)
Wang, W.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lung, M. M.-w., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) Supporting University Students’ Learning with Social Networks: Trust and Privacy vs Perceived Effectiveness, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Mak, M.Y.C.*, Poon, A.Y.M.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Using Social Media as Learning Aids and Preservation: Chinese Martial Arts in Hong Kong, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Ezeamuzie, N.M.*, Rhim, A.H.R.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lung, M. M.-w. (2020) Mobile Technology Usage by Foreign Domestic Helpers: Exploring Gender Differences, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Deng, W.*, Chin, G. Y.-l.+, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020). Contribution of Museums to Cultural Education: A Case Study of Jin Yong's Gallery, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student / +BSIM alumni)
Kee, H.C.L.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Building Social Capital in Major U.S. Public Libraries, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Dong, G.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Huang, P.-S., Lung, M. M-w., Ho, K.K.W., Geng, Y. (2020) Relationships between Research Supervisors and Taught Graduate Students: Information Usage under Social Media, submitted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Ho, K.K.W., Au, C.H., Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) A Replica Study of the Home Computer User Security Behavioral Intention using Data from Guam, AIS Transactions on Replication Research, revision under review.
Yang, Z., Zhou, Q., Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Exploring the factors influencing continuance intention to use academic social network sites. The Journal of Academic Librarianship,revision under review.
Ni, J.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) Exploring Information Search Behavior among Self-Drive Tourists, Information Discovery and Review, revision under review. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Xie, R.*, Chu, S. K. W., Chiu, D.K.W., Wang, Y. (2021) Exploring Public Response to COVID-19 on Weibo with LDA Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis. Data and Information Management, 5(1): 1–14. (*HKU MLIM student)
Lo, P., Lin, C.-H.*, Xie, Z.*, Zhou, X.*, Xie, Z.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2021) Informational Interview with Lawrence Tarlow, Principal Librarian, The New York Philharmonic. Journal of Canadian Music Librarianship, accepted. (*HKU MLIM student)
Yip, K.H.T.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W., Lo, P. (2020) Adoption of Mobile Library Apps as Learning Tools in Higher Education: A Tale between Hong Kong and Japan, Online Information Review, accepted. (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI)
Suen, R.L.T., Tang, J., Chiu, D.K.W. (2020). Virtual reality services in academic libraries: Deployment experience in Hong Kong, The Electronic Libraries, accepted. (SSCI)(*HKU MLIM student)
Fantinato, M., Peres, M.S., Kafeza, E., Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P. (2020) A Survey of the Integration of Deep Learning and Service Orientation. Journal of Database Management, accepted (SCI-E)
Lei, S.Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lung, M. M.-w., Chan, C.T. (2020) Exploring the Aids of Social Media for Musical Instrument Education, International Journal of Music Education, accepted. (SSCI)(*HKU MLIM student)
Wang, W.*, Lam, E.T.H., Chiu, D.K.W., Lung, M. M.-w., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) Supporting Higher Education with Social Networks: Trust and Privacy vs. Perceived Effectiveness. Online Information Review, in press. (SSCI) )(*HKU MLIM student)
Cheung, T.Y.*, Ye, Z.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020). Value chain analysis of information services for the visually impaired: A case study of contemporary technological solutions. Library Hi-Tech, accepted. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Ding, S J.*, Lam, E.T.H., Chiu, D.K.W., Lung, M.M.-w., Ho, K.K.W. (2020) Changes in reading behaviour of periodicals on mobile devices: A comparative study. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, in press. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Zhang, Y.*, Lo, P., So, S., Chiu, D.K.W (2020) Relating Library User Education to Business Students’ Information Needs and Learning Practices: A Comparative Study. Reference Service Review.in press. (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI)
Zhang, X.*, Lo, P., So, S., Chiu, D.K.W., Leung, T.N.*, Ho, K.K.W., Stark, A. (2020) Medical students’ attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of mobile learning: A comparative information-need perspective. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, in press. (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI)
Chan, M.K.Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lam, E.T.H.+ (2020) Effectiveness of overnight learning commons: a comparative study, The Journal of Academic Librarianship,46(7), 102253. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student/ +alumni)
Chan, T.T.W.*, Lam, A.H.C.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) From Facebook to Instagram: Exploring user engagement in an academic library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(6), 102229. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Cheng, W. W. H.*, Lam, E. T. H.*, & Chiu, D. K. W. (2020). Social media as a platform in academic library marketing: A comparative study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5), 102188(SSCI) (*HKU MLIM graduate)
Chung, C-h. Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W., Au, C.H. (2020) Applying social media to environmental education: Is it more impactful than traditional media? Information Discovery and Delivery, in press. (SSCI) (*HKU MITE student)
Ji, S-j, Zhang, Q., Li, J., D.K.W. Chiu, Xu, S., Yi, L., Gong, M. (2020). A burst-based unsupervised method for detecting review spammer groups, Information Sciences, 536, 454-469 (SCI-E) (impact factor 5.563)
Cao, N., Ji, S., Chiu, D.K.W., He, M., Sun, X. (2020) A Deceptive Review Detection Framework: Combination of Coarse and Fine-grained Features, Expert Systems with Applications, 156, 113465. (SCI-E) (Impact factor 5.452)
Fan, K.Y.K.*, Lo, P., Ho, K.K.W., So, S., Chiu, D.K.W., Ko, K.H.T. (2020) Exploring the Mobile Learning Needs amongst Performing Arts Students. Information Discovery and Delivery, 48(2), 103-112. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Jiang, N., Zhuang, Y. & Chiu, D.K.W. (2020) Effective and efficient crowd-assisted similarity retrieval of medical images in resource-constraint Mobile telemedicine systems. Multimedia Tools and Applications, in press. (SCI-E)(impact factor 2.101)
Lo, P., Allard, B., Anghelescu, H.G.B., Xin, Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2020). Transformational Leadership and Library Management in World’s Leading Academic Libraries, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, in press, 0961000619897991. (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI)
Ho, K. K., See-To, E. W., & Chiu, D. K. (2020). “Price Tag” of Risk of Using E-Payment Service. Journal of Internet Commerce, 19(3), 324-345. (Scopus, ESCI)
Ji, S., Yang, W., Guo, S., Chiu, D.K.W., Zhang, C., Yuan, X. (2020) Asymmetric response aggregation heuristics for rating prediction and recommendation. Applied Intelligence, 50, 1416–1436. (SSCI) (impact factor 2.882)
Fong, K. C. H.*, Au, C. H., Lam, E. T. H., & Chiu, D. K. W. (2020). Social network services for academic libraries: A study based on social capital and social proof. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(1), 102091. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Lau, K. S. N.*, Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W., Jiang, T., Zhou, Q., Percy, P., Allard, B. (2020) Library, Learning, and Recreational Experiences Turned Mobile: A Comparative Study between LIS and non-LIS students. TheJournal of Academic Librarianship, 46(2), 102103. (*HKU BSIM/MLIM student) (SSCI)
Lo, P., Allard, B., Wang*, N., Chiu, D.K.W., (2020). Servant leadership theory in practice: North America's leading public libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 249-270. (SSCI) (*HKU MLIM student)
Leung, L.M.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lo, P. (2020) School Librarians’ View of Cooperation with Public Libraries: A Win-Win Situation in Hong Kong. School Library Research, 29, 17 pages. (*HKU MLIM student) (Highlighted by ALA member news Aug 5, 2020)
Law, T.Y.*, Leung, F., Chiu, D.K.W., Lo, P., Lung, M. M-w., Zhou, Q., Xu, Y., Lu, Y., Ho, K.K.W. (2019) Mobile Learning Usage of LIS Students in Mainland China. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering , 9(2), 12-34. (*HKU MLIM student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Liu, Q., Lo, P., Allard, B., Ho, K.K.W., Chiu, D.K.W.(2019). LIS Pre-Professionals’ Perspectives towards Library User Education: A Comparative Study between Three Universities in Greater China, Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 52(3), 832-852. (SSCI)
Lo, P., So, S., Liu, Q., Allard, B, Chiu, D.K.W. (2019). Chinese Students’ Choice of Overseas versus Domestic MLIS Education: A Comparative Study between University of Tsukuba and Shanghai University, College & Research Libraries, 80(7).(SSCI, impact factor 1.760)
Wang, X., Ji, S., Liang, Y., Leung, H.-f., Chiu, D.K.W. (2019) An unsupervised strategy for defending against multifarious reputation attacks, Applied Intelligence, 49(12), 4189-4210. (SCI, impact factor 3.325)
Lam, E. T. H.*, Au, C. H., & Chiu, D. K. (2019). Analyzing the use of Facebook among university libraries in Hong Kong. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(3), 175-183.(SSCI, impact factor 1.459)(* HKU MLIM student)
Yip, T.*, Chiu, D. K. W., Cho, A., & Lo, P. (2019). Behavior and informal learning at night in a 24-hour space: A case study of the Hong Kong Design Institute Library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(1), 171-179 (SSCI, impact factor 1.089) (*HKU MLIM student).
Lo P., Chan, H.H.Y.*, Tang, A.W.M.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Cho A., Ho, K.K.W., See-To, E., He, J., Kenderdine, S., Shaw, J. (2019). Visualising and Revitalising Traditional Chinese Martial Arts – Visitors’ Engagement and Learning Experience at the 300 Years of Hakka KungFu. Library Hi-Tech, 37(2):273-292. (SSCI, impact factor 1.256) (*HKU BSIM student)
Deng, Q., Allard, B., Lo, P., Chiu, D. K., See-To, E. W., & Bao, A. Z. (2019). The role of the library café as a learning space: A comparative analysis of three universities. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(3), 823-842.
Liu, Q., Lo, P., & Chiu, D. (2019). Do You Know Your Music Students’ Information Needs and Library Usage Behaviors? Interview with the Music Librarian of the Hong Kong Baptist University. Music Reference Services Quarterly, 22(3), 150-163.
Chen, Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K K.W. (2018). Facilitating the learning of the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy at Chao Shao-an Gallery. Micronesian Educators, 26:45-58. (*HKU MLIM student)
Chan, A. W. Y., Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W., Wang, M. (2019) Information Needs of Vocational Training from Training Providers’ Perspectives. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 8(4), 26-42. (*HKU MLIM/ EdD student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Cheung, C. Y., Chiu, D. K., & Li, K. K. (2019). In Search of Hong Kong Literature in a Digital Hub: Evaluation of Hong Kong Literature Database from a Perspective of Researchers. Journal of East Asian Libraries, 2019(169), 4.
Dong, L. Y., Ji, S. J., Zhang, C. J., Zhang, Q., Chiu, D. W., Qiu, L. Q., & Li, D. (2018). An unsupervised topic-sentiment joint probabilistic model for detecting deceptive reviews. Expert Systems with Applications, 114, 210-223. (SCI-E, impact factor=3.768)
Wai, I. S. H.*, Ng, S. S. Y.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K. K., & Lo, P. (2018). Exploring undergraduate students’ usage pattern of mobile apps for education. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50 (1), 34-47 (Impact factor: 1.239, *HKU BSIM student).
Zhuang, Y., Jiang, N., Li, Q., Hu, H., & Chiu, D. K. (2018). Towards professionally user-adaptive large medical image transmission processing in mobile telemedicine systems. Multimedia Systems,24(2), 123-145. (SCI-E, impact factor 1.410
Chang, V., Chiu, D. K., Ramachandran, M., & Li, C. S. (2018). Internet of Things, Big Data and Complex Information Systems: Challenges, solutions and outputs from IoTBD 2016, COMPLEXIS 2016 and CLOSER 2016 selected papers and CLOSER 2015 keynote. Future Generation Computer Systems 79(3), 973-974. (SCI-E, impact factor=4.639)
Feng, Z., Wang, C., Zhao, Y., Wang, C., Chiu, D. K. W., He, K. (2018) An approach for business process model registration based on ISO/IEC 19763-5. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 12, 349-370. (EI)
Jiang, N., Zhuang, Y., & Chiu, D. K.W. (2017). Multiple transmission optimization of medical images in recourse-constraint mobile telemedicine systems. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 145, 103-113. (SCI, impact factor=2.674)
Lo, P., Cho, A., Law, B. K. K.*, Chiu, D. K. W., & Allard, B. (2017). Progressive Trends in Electronic Resources Management among Academic Libraries in Hong Kong. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 40(1-2): 28-37. (SSCI)(*HKU MLIM student)
Lau, K. P.*, Chiu, D. K., Ho, K. K., Lo, P., & See-To, E. W. (2017). Educational Usage of Mobile Devices: Differences between Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(3): 201-208 (SSCI, impact factor 1.150)(*HKU MLIM student)
Zhou, Q., Li, Z., Huang, X., & Chiu, D.K.W. (2017). Undergraduates' electronic resources diffusion at the Peking University: An exploration on language impacts.Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 40(1-2): 1-9. (SSCI)
He, H.*, Chiu, D. K., & Ho, K. K. (2017). Motivations and Behaviors of Young People in Playing Online Games. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 7(3), 53-63. (*HKU MLIM student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Zhuang, Y., Jiang, N., Hu, H., Chiu, D. K., & Li, Q. (2017). Interactive transmission processing for large images in a resource-constraint mobile wireless network. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(22), 23539-23565. (SCI-E, impact factor 1.331)
Feng, Z., Chiu, D., Peng, R., Gong, P., He, K., & Huang, Y. (2016) Facilitating Cloud Process Family Co-evolution by Reusable Process Plug-in: An Open-source Prototype. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 10(6), 854-867. (SCI, impact factor 3.520)
Ji, S. J., Ma, H. Y., Zhang, S. L., Leung, H. F., Chiu, D., Zhang, C. J., & Fang, X. W. (2016). A pre-evolutionary advisor list generation strategy for robust defencing reputation attacks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 103, 1-18. (SCI, impact factor 4.396)
Wang, P.*, Chiu, D. K. W., Ho, K. K., & Lo, P. (2016). Why read it on your mobile device? Change in reading habit of electronic magazines for university students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(6), 664–669. (SSCI, impact factor 1.150) (MLIM student)
Fung, R. H. Y.*, Chiu, D. K., Ko, E. H. T.*, Ho, K. K., & Lo, P. (2016). Heuristic Usability Evaluation of University of Hong Kong Libraries' Mobile Website. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(5), 581-594. (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI, impact factor 1.150)
Lo, Patrick, Chiu, D.K.W., Cho, Allan, Ikeuchi, Ui, Liu, Jing, & Lu, Yang. (2017) Motivations for Choosing Librarianship as a Second Career among Students at the University of British Columbia and the University of Hong Kong. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 49(4), 424-437. (SSCI impact factor 1.239)
Ma, J.*, Chiu, D. K., & Tang, J. K. (2016). Exploring the Use of Social Media to Advance K12 Science Education. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 6(4), 47-59. (*MITE student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Kong, E. W. S.*, Chiu, D. K., & Ho, K. K. (2016). Applications of Social Media in Academic Library Services: A Case of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 6(2), 53-65. (*HKU MLIM/PhD student)
Chung, A. C. W.*, & Chiu, D. K. (2016). OPAC Usability Problems of Archives: A Case Study of the Hong Kong Film Archive. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 6(1), 54-70. (*HKU MLIM student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Tang, K. C. T.*, Chiu, D. K., Chan, A. W. Y.+, & Tang, J. K. (2016). Enterprise Content Management System for IT Training. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 6(3), 32-54. (*HKBU student, +HKU MLIM/EdD student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Lo, P., Cho, A., Leung, M. H.*, Chiu, D. K., Ko, E. H. T.*, & Ho, K. W. K. (2016). Use of smartphones by art and design students for accessing library services and learning.Library Hi Tech, 34(2). (*HKU MLIM student) (SSCI)
Lo, P., Kong, E. W. S.*, & Chiu, D.K.W. (2016). Long Way for Hong Kong to Achieve Democracy: Urgent Call for the Archives Law to Protect Valuable Government Records: Informational Interview with Cyd Ho, JP. Journal of East Asian Libraries, 2016(163), 8. (*HKU MLIM student)
Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W., Chan, J. C. K.*, Cheung, C. C. Y.*, Li, S. H. Y.*, & Tsoi, A. W. K.* (2016). The Library of Hong Kong Society for the Blind. Journal of East Asian Libraries, 2016(163), 9. (*HKU MLIM student)
Lo, P., Chiu, D.K.W., Jin, Y.*, Jiang, N.*, Jiang, Y.*, & Zheng, L.* (2016). From Bullets to Biographies: Informational Interview with Tony Banham Hong Kong War Diary. Journal of East Asian Libraries, 2016(163), 10 (*HKU MLIM student)
Lo, Patrick; Chiu, Dickson; and Rogers, Heather. (2016) Academic Library Leadership Issues and Challenges: An Informational Interview with Peter Sidorko, Librarian of the University of Hong Kong. Journal of East Asian Libraries: Vol. 2016: No. 162, Article 3.
Hew, K. F., Huang, B.*, Chu, K. W. S., & Chiu, D. K. (2016). Engaging Asian students through game mechanics: Findings from two experiment studies. Computers & Education, 92, 221-236. (SSCI, impact factor 4.538) (HKU PhD Student)
Ji S.J., Leung H.F., Sim K.M., Liang Y.Q. and Chiu D.K.W. (2015)An Adaptive Prediction-regret Driven Strategy for One-shot Bilateral Bargaining Software Agents.Expert Systems with Applications, 42(1):411-425. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.965)
Ko, Eddie H.T.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Lo, Patrick, Ho, Kevin K.W. (2015). Comparative Study on m-Learning Usage Among LIS Students from Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(5), 567-577. (HKU MLIM student) (SSCI, impact factor 1.150)
Lo, Patrick, & Chiu, D.K.W. (2015). Enhanced and Changing Roles of School Librarians under the Digital Age. New Library World, 116(11/12).
Lo, Patrick, Dukic, Zvjezdana, Chiu, D.K.W., Ikeuchi, Ui, Liu, Jing, & Lu, Yang. (2015) Why Librarianship? A Comparative Study Between University of Tsukuba, University of Hong Kong, University of British Columbia and Shanghai University.Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 46(3), 194-215.(SSCI)
Zhuang, Y., Jiang, N., Li, Q., Chiu, D. K., & Hu, H. (2016). Personalized and efficient social image transmission scheme in mobile wireless network.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(6), 2931–2968.(SCI-E, Impact factor: 1.058)
Lo, P., Ho, K.K.W., Chiu, D.K.W. (2016) Japanese Undergraduate Students' English Communication Problems and Learning Motivation outside Formal Classroom Environment. Micronesian Educator, 23, 15-32
Chan, C.-T., Cheng, K.T.L.*, & Chiu, D.K.W., (2015). Alert Driven Communications Management for Children Music Learning Based on Suzuki Method. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 5(3), 75-89. (*HKU BSIM student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Chan, M. W. M., Chiu, D. K. W., & Chung, A. C. W*. (2015). Developing Forward and Reverse e-Auction with Alert Support in a Web Service Environment. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), 5(2), 73-94. (*HKU MLIM student) (Inspec, Carbell’s Directory)
Chan, Agnes W. Y.*, Chan, Elza Y. L.,* Lee, Will C. K.*, Yu, Benny M. L.*, Chiu, D.K.W. (2015). Metadata Design of a Content Management System for Music Virtual Learning Environment. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 5(1), 56-76. (*HKU MLIM student)
Chan, Agnes W.Y.*, Ko, Eddie H.T,* Chan, Elza Y.L.*, Ho, Eric M.Y.*, & Chiu, Dickson K.W. (2015) Information seeking behaviour and purchasing decision: a case study in digital cameras. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2(3). (*HKU MLIM student)
Zhang, Qiudi*, Huang, Biyun+, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, Kevin K.W. (2015). Learning Japanese through social network sites: A case study of Chinese learners’ perceptions. Micronesian Educators, 21, 55-71. (*HKU MLIM student, +HKU MITE student)
Lo, P., Liu, Kelly K.L., Yu*, Connie, Y.Y.* & Chiu, D.K.W. (2015). A Research Agenda for the Enhancing Roles and Practice of School Librarians in Hong Kong’s 21st Century Learning Environments. School Libraries Worldwide, 21(1), 19-37. (HKU PT MLIM student)
Zhuang, Y., Li, Q., Chiu, D. K., Wu, Z., & Hu, H. (2014). Efficient Personalized Probabilistic Retrieval of Chinese Calligraphic Manuscript Images in Mobile Cloud Environment. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP), 13(4), 18. (EI)
Lo, Patrick, Chiu, D.K.W. and Chu, Wilson (2014). Modeling Your College Library after a Commercial Bookstore? The Hong Kong Design Institute Library Experience, Community & Junior College Libraries, 19(3-4), 59-76.
Lo P.,Lam, Hei-lee*, and Chiu D.K.W. (2014). The Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Journal of East Asian Libraries, 158(2), 60-72.(*HKU MSc student)
Lo P., and Chiu D.K.W. (2014). Graffiti Inside an Art and Design Library? The Hong Kong Design Institute Library Experience, Journal of East Asian Libraries, 158(2), 40-48.(*HKU MSc student)
Sin*, Simon M.C., Lo P. and Chiu D.K.W. (2014). Why is the Archive Policy Absolutely Vital for the Archives Collection to Function? the Lingnan University Experience, Journal of East Asian Libraries, 158(2), 49-59. (*HKU MLIM student)
Wen S.T., Tang C.G., Li Q., Chiu D.K.W., Liu A. and Han X.L. (2014) Probabilistic top-K dominating services composition with uncertain QoS, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 8, 91-103.
Zhuang, Y., Jiang, N., Wu, Z., Li, Q., Chiu, D. K., & Hu, H. (2014). Efficient and robust large medical image retrieval in mobile cloud computing environment, Information Sciences, 263:60-86. (SCI) (Impact factor 4.305)
Lai, W. W., Chiu, D. K., & Feng, Z.(2013) A collaborative food safety service agent architecture with alerts and trust. Information Systems Frontiers 15(4): 599-612. (SCI-E, impact factor 3.232) (*HK Baptist U MSc student)
Lau, R. Y., Liao, S. S., Wong, K. F., & Chiu, D. K. (2012) Web 2.0 Environmental Scanning and Adaptive Decision Support for Business Mergers and Acquisitions, MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1239-1268. (SCI, SSCI, Impact factor: 5.430)
Boongasame, L., Chiu, D.K.W. (2012) Preference Coalition Formation Scheme for Buyer Coalition Services with Bundles of Items. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 3(2):64-77.
Sun, Y., Chiu, D. K., Gong, B., Meng, X., & Zhang, P. (2012) Scheduling mobile collaborating workforce for multiple urgent events.Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(1):156-163. (SCI-E, impact factor 3.991)
Sun, Y., Matthias, F., Patrick, C. K., Chiu, D.K.W., & Ji, G. (2012). Context-aware task allocation for collaborative responses. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21(3), 395-402. (SCI-E, impact factor 0.650)
HU, Haiyang, HU, H., & Chiu, D.K.W. (2012) A Framework for Service-based Business Process Collaboration. Journal of Computational Information Systems 8(4):1791-1803.
Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., Hung, P. C., Shan, Z., Cheung, S. C., Yang, Y., & Farwick, M. (2011). Service composition and interaction in a SOC middleware supporting separation of concerns with flows and views. Journal of Database Management (JDM), 22(2), 32-63.(SCI-E / SSCI, Impact factor: 2.0)
Chen, Y., Ding, L., Lo, S.-L., Chiu, D.K.W. (2011) Implementing Background Net with Knowware System for Personalized Keyword Support. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering 2(1): 77-90.
Jia, H., Wang, M., Ran, W., Yang, S. J., Liao, J., & Chiu, D. K. (2011). Design of a performance-oriented workplace e-learning system using ontology. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(4), 3372-3382. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.596)
Chiu, D.K.W., Sasaki. H. (2011) Editorial Preface:Special Issue on Intelligent Web Systems / Web services. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 2(1-2).
Chiu, D.K.W., Kafeza, E., & Hung, P. C. (2011). ISF Special Issue on Emerging Social and Legal Aspects of Information Systems with Web 2.0,Information Systems Frontiers, 13(2):153-155. (SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232)
Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P.C.K., & Kwok, K.H.S.* (2011) Engineering Financial Enterprise Content Management Services: Integration and Control. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 1(2):86-113. (*CUHK PT MSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W., Lau, R.Y.K., Cheung, W. K., Karduck, A. (2010) Editorial Preface: Service-Oriented Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 1(2).
Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P.C.K, Leung, H.-f. (2010)Guest Editorial Preface: Challenges and Opportunities for Service Intelligence: The Next Wave of Service Computing. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 1(2).
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S.C., Till, S., Narupiyakul, L., & Hung, P.C.K. (2010) Enhancing E-service Collaboration with Enforcement and Relationship Management: a Methodology from Requirements to Event Driven Realization. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 1(1):15-43.
Chiu, D.K., Cheung, S.C., Leung, H.F., Hung, P.C., Kafeza, E., Hu, H., Wang, M., Hu, H. and Zhuang, Y. (2010) Engineering e-Collaboration Services with a Multi-Agent System Approach. International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 1(1):1-25.
Chiu, D.K.W. (2010) Editorial Preface: Challenges and Opportunities for Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, International Journal of Systems and Service-oriented Engineering, 1(1).
Meng, S., Chiu, D.K.W., Kafeza, E., Wenyin, L., & Li, Q. (2010) Automated management of assets based on RFID triggered alarm messages. Information Systems Frontier, 12(5):563-578, 2009. (SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232)
Chiu, D.K.W., Lin, D. T.*, Kafeza, E., Wang, M., Hu, H., Hu, H., & Zhuang, Y. (2010) Alert based disaster notification and resource allocation,Information Systems Frontiers, 12(1), 29-47, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s10796-009-9165-0(SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232)(*HKUSTPTMSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W., Yueh, Y. T., Leung, H. F., & Hung, P. C. (2009) Towards Ubiquitous Tourist Service Coordination and Process Integration: a Collaborative Travel Agent System with Semantic Web Services Information Systems Frontiers,11(3), 241-256(SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232) (*HKUSTPTMSc student)
Wang, J., Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., & Li, M. (2008). Service Sharing for Streaming Video Multicast, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 10(7):1393-1405. (SCI, impact factor 3.977)
Wang, M., Wang, H., Vogel, D., Kumar, K., & Chiu, D. K. (2009) Agent-Based Negotiation and Decision Making for Dynamic Supply Chain Formation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 4(2):36-56, 2009. (SCI-E, impact factor: 2.819)
Chiu, D. K., Kwok, B. W., Wong, R. L., Kafeza, M., Cheung, S. C., Kafeza, E., & Hung, P. C. (2009) Alerts in Healthcare Applications: Process and Data Integration. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 4(2):36-56. (ESCI)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W., Leung, H. F., & Lam, K. M. (2009) On the Making of Service Recommendations: an Action Theory based on Utility, Reputation, and Risk Attitude.Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2P2): 3293-3301. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.596)
Cheung, S. C., Chiu, D.K.W., & Ho, C. (2008) The Use of Digital Watermarking for Intelligence Multimedia Document Distribution. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic CommerceResearch, 3(3):103-118. (SSCI, impact factor 1.441)
Chiu, D.K.W., & Leung, H.-f. (2008) Editorial: Special Issue on Service Intelligence and Service Science, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 3(3):145-146. (Scopus)
Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P. C., & Leung, H. F. (2008)Special Issue on Service Intelligence and Service Science. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2(2-3):47-49. (ESCI)
Chiu, D.K.W., Choi, S. P., Wang, M., & Kafeza, E. (2008) Towards Ubiquitous Communication Support for Distance Education with Alert Management.Journal ofEducational Technology & Society, 11(2): 92-106. (SSCI, Impact factor: 0.469)
Hong, D., Chiu, D.K.W., Shen, V. Y., Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, E. (2007) Ubiquitous Enterprise Service Adaptations Based on Contextual User Behavior. Information Systems Frontier, 9(4):343-358, 2007. (SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232)
Hung, P.C., Chiu, D.K.W., Fung, W.W., Cheung, W.K., Wong, R., Choi, S.P., Kafeza, E., Kwok, J., Pun, J.C. and Cheng, V.S. (2007) End-to-End Privacy Control in Service Outsourcing of Human Intensive Processes: A Multi-layered Web Service Integration Approach.Information Systems Frontier, 9(1):85-101, March 2007. (SCI-E, Impact factor: 3.232)
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S. C., Hung, P. C., Chiu, S.Y.Y.*, & Chung, A. K.* (2005) Developing e-Negotiation Process Support with a Meta-modeling Approach in a Web Services Environment. Decision Support Systems, 40(1):51-69. (*CUHK final year project students) (SCI, impact factor: 3.565)
Chiu, D.K.W., Kok, D.*, Lee, A. K.*, & Cheung, S. C. (2005) Integrating Legacy Sites into Web Services with WebXcript, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 14(1):25-44, 2005. (*CUHKfinal year project students)(SCI, impact factor: 0.971)
Krishna, P. R., Karlapalem, K., & Chiu, D.K.W. (2004) An ER^EC Framework for e-Contract Modeling, Enactment and Monitoring, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 51(1): 31-58. (SCI, impact factor: 1.467)
Kafeza, E., Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, M. (2004) Alerts in Mobile Healthcare Applications: Requirements and Pilot Study, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 8(2):173-181. (SCI, impact factor: 2.493)
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S. C., Till, S., Karlapalem, K., Li, Q., & Kafeza, E. (2004) Workflow View Driven Cross-Organizational Interoperability in a Web Service Environment. Information Technology and Management, 5(3/4):221-250.(SSCI, impact factor 1.635)
Chiu, D. K. W., Cheung, S. C., Kafeza, E., & Leung, H. F. (2003) A Three-Tier View Methodology for adapting M-services, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 33(6):725-741.(SCI, impact factor: 5.131)
Kafeza, E., Chiu, D. K.W., & Kafeza, I. (2001)Workflow Views Based E-Contracts in a Cross-Organization E-Service Environment. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 12(2-3):193-216.(SCI-E, Impact factor: 1.027)
Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2001) Web Interface-Driven Cooperative Exception Handling in ADOME Workflow Management System. Information Systems, Elservier, 26(2):93-120. (SCI, impact factor: 2.551)
Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2000)Facilitating Exception Handling with Recovery Techniques in ADOME Workflow Management System. Journal of Applied Systems Studies, 1(3):467-488. (EI)
Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (1999)A Meta Modeling Approach for Workflow Management System Supporting Exception Handling. Information Systems,Elsevier, 24(2):159-184. (SCI, impact factor: 2.551)
Chiu, D. K., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (1999)Exception Handling with Workflow Evolution in ADOME-WFMS: a Taxonomy and Resolution Techniques. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 20(3):8-8.
Chiu, D.K.W., Li, Q. (1997) A Three-Dimensional Perspective on Integrated Management of Rules and Objects. International Journal of Information Technology, 3(2):98-118.
Book Chapters
Fang, J.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W (2020) Exploring Cryptocurrency Sentimental with Clustering Text Mining on Social Media, In: Sun, Z. (Ed Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications, under review. (*MLIM student)
Gao, W.*, Lam, K.M., Chiu, D.K.W., Ho, K.K.W (2020) A Big data Analysis of the Factors Influencing Movie Box Office in China, In: Sun, Z. (Ed Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications, under review. (*MLIM student)
Dukic, Z., Chiu, D.K.W., Lo, Patrick (2015). Learning with smartphones: higher education students’ experience and practice. In: G. Needham & M. Ally (eds.) M-libraries 5: From device to people. London, UK: Facet Publishing. ISBN: 9781783300341, pp.99-106
Chiu, D. K., Nick, L. L.*, Lai, S. C.*, Farwick, M., & Hung, P. C. (2014). Automating Tendering Processes with Web Services: A Case Study on Building Construction Tendering in Hong Kong. Advanced Web Services 2014: 311-338, Springer.(*HKUSTPTMSc student)
Zhuang, Y., Zhuge, F., Chiu, D. K., Ju, C., & Jiang, B. (2014). A Personalized Travel System Based on Crowdsourcing Model. In Advanced Data Mining and Applications (pp. 163-174). Springer International Publishing.
Kafeza, E., Kanavos, A., Makris, C., & Chiu, D. (2014). Identifying Personality-based Communities in Social Networks. In Advances in Conceptual Modeling(pp. 7-13). Springer, LNCS 8697.
Zhuang, Y., Chiu, D. K., Jiang, G., Hu, H., & Jiang, N. (2013, October). Effective location-based geo-tagged image retrieval for mobile culture and tourism education. In: Advances in Web-Based Learning (pp. 152-161). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 8167.
Chiu, D. K. W., Yan, W.N. Y.+, Kafeza, E., Farwick, M., & Hung, P.C. K. (2012) Enhancing E-Commerce Processes with Alerts under Service-Oriented Architecture: A case study on Credit Card Payment Notification. In: Business Enterprise, Process and Technology Management: Models and Applications, 133-138. (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Zhuang, Y., Chiu, D. K., Jiang, N., Jiang, G., & Wu, Z. (2012). Personalized clustering for social image search results based on integration of multiple features. In: Advanced Data Mining and Applications (pp. 78-90). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 7731.
Zhuang, Y., Wu, Z., Jiang, N., Jiang, G., Chiu, D. K., & Hu, H. (2012). Efficient probabilistic image retrieval based on a mixed feature model. In Web Technologies and Applications (pp. 255-269). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 7235.
Zhuang, Y., Jiang, N., Wu, Z., Chiu, D., Jiang, G., & Hu, H. (2012). Bandwidth-Aware Medical Image Retrieval in Mobile Cloud Computing Network. In Web-Age Information Management (pp. 322-333). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 7418.
Chan, C. T., & Chiu, D. K. (2011). Web 2.0 with alert support for busy parents in suzuki method of children music teaching. In Advances in Web-Based Learning (pp. 62-71). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 7048.
Cheung, B. H.*+, Chiu, D. K., Hu, H., Zhuang, Y., & Hu, H. (2010). Alert-based hiker status system. In Web Information Systems Engineering (pp. 494-504). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 6724. (+HKBU BSc student)
Tansiri, P., Boongasame, L., Chiu, D. K., & Leung, H. F. (2010). Forming buyer coalition schemes with ontologies in e-marketplaces. In Web Information Systems Engineering (pp. 27-35). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 6724.
Chiu, D.K.W., Trojer, T., Hu, H., Hu, H., Zhuang, Y., Hung, P.C.K. (2009). Flow-based Adaptive Information Integration. In Minhong Wang, Zhaohao Sun (Ed), Handbook of Research on Complex Dynamic Process Management: Techniques for Adaptability in Turbulent Environments, ISBN: 978-1-60566-669-3, IGI Global.
Boongasame, L., Leung, H. F., Boonjing, V., & Chiu, D. K. (2009). Forming buyer coalitions with bundles of items. In Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications (pp. 714-723). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 5559.
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S.C., Leung H.F. (2006) Mobile Workforce Management in a Service-Oriented Enterprise: Capturing Concepts and Requirements in a Multi-Agent Infrastructure. In: Enterprise Service Computing: From Concept to Deployment. Enterprise Service Computing: From Concept to Deployment, edited by Robin Qiu, Idea Group Publishing, 2006.
Chiu, D. K.W., Shan, Z., Hung, P. C., & Li, Q. (2004). Designing workflow views with flows for large-scale business-to-business information systems. In Technologies for E-Services (pp. 107-121). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 3324.
Chiu, D. K.W., Cheung, S. C., & Leung, H. F. (2003). A three-tier view-based methodology for adapting human-agent collaboration systems. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering (pp. 226-241). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2681.
Chiu, D. K., Karlapalem, K., & Li, Q. (2003). Views for Inter-organization Workflow in an E-commerce Environment. In Semantic Issues in E-Commerce Systems (pp. 137-151). Springer, Boston, MA.
Chiu, D. K.W., Cheung, S. C., Karlapalem, K., Li, Q., & Till, S. (2002). Workflow view driven cross-organizational interoperability in a web-service environment. In Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web (pp. 41-56). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2512.
Cheung, S. C., Chiu, D.K.W., & Till, S. (2002). A three-layer framework for cross-organizational e-contract enactment. In Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web (pp. 78-92). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2512.
Cheung, S. C., Hung, P. C., & Chiu, D. K. (2002). A meta-model for e-contract template variable dependencies facilitating e-negotiation. In Conceptual Modeling (pp. 50-64). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2503.
Chiu, D.K.W. (2001). A three-layer model for workflow semantic recovery in an object-oriented environment. In Conceptual Modeling (pp. 541-554). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2224.
Kafeza, E., Chiu, D. K., & Kafeza, I. (2001). View-based contracts in an e-service cross-organizational workflow environment. In Technologies for E-Services (pp. 74-88). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2193.
Chiu, D.K.W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2001) Web-driven Flexible Workflow Evolution. In Web-age Information System, pp. 377-389, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 2118.
Chiu, D., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2000). A logical framework for exception handling in ADOME workflow management system. In International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (pp. 110-125). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNCS 1789.
Chiu, D.K.W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2000) ADOME-WFMS: Towards Cooperative Handling of Workflow Exceptions. In: Advances in Exception Handling Techniques, edited by Christophe Dony, Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen, Alexander Romanovsky, Anand Tripathi, Springer-Verlag (LNCS 2022), pp. 271-288.
Conference and Other Publications
Ho, K. K., Au, C. H., & Chiu, D. K. (2018). A Comparative Study of the Home Computer User Security Behavioral Intention. Technology Research, Education, and Opinion Talks, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2018/treos/treos/15/
Ho, K.K.W., Takagi, T., Ye, S., Au, C.K., Chiu, D.K.W. (2018) The Use of Social Media for Engaging People with Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle – A Conceptual Model, SIG Green Pre ICIS Workshop. https://aisel.aisnet.org/sprouts_proceedings_siggreen_2018/2/
Wang, X., Ji, S. J., Liang, Y. Q., & Chiu, D. K. W. (2016). An Impression-Based Strategy for Defending Reputation Attacks in Multi-agent Reputation System. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (pp.383-388). IEEE.
Ko, E.H.T.*, Chiu, K.W.D., Dukic, Dana, and Lo P. (2015), Comparative Study on M-Learning Usage Among Lis Students From Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, The 5th Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship, Osaka. (*HKU PT MSc student)
Kong, E.W.S.*, and Chiu, D.K.W. (2015) The Potential of Developing a Museum Collection Management System in the Hong Kong Museum of History, The 5th Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship, Osaka. (*HKU PT MSc student)
Lo, Patrick, Chen, C.C., Dukic, Z., Youn, Y.-r., Yang, G.H., Chiu, D.K.W. (2014). 學校圖書館主任作為資訊素養專家之比較研究:香港、上海、南韓、台北和日本 (The Role of the School Librarians as Information Literacy Specialists: a Comparative Study between Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Taipei, and Japan), The Fifth World Chinese School Librarians' Forum, Hong Kong.
Kong, E.W.S.*, Chiu, D.K.W., and Lo P. (2014) The Potential of Developing a Museum Collection Management System in the Hong Kong Museum of History, The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship, Osaka 2014 , 181-196. (*HKU PT MSc student)
Feng, Z., Chiu, D. K., & He, K. (2013, May). A service evolution registry with alert-based management. In 2013 Fifth International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (pp. 123-130). IEEE (invited paper)
Law, W. T.*, Chiu, D.K.W., Hu, H., Zhuang, Y., & Hu, H. (2012, September). An advanced rapid alert system for food safety. In 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on e-Business Engineering (pp. 361-366). IEEE. (Hangzhou, China)(+HKBU PTMSc student)
Hu, H., Hu, H., & Chiu, D. K. (2012, September). Optimizing Energy Consumption for Time-Constraint Data Query in Wireless Environment. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops (pp. 57-64). IEEE. (Beijing, China)
Fong, E., Chiu, D. K., Hu, H., Zhuang, Y., & Hu, H. (2011, October). Blackout avoidance and energy saving with alert aggregation. In The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (Vol. 2, pp. 340-345). IEEE. (Macao) (+HKBU PTMSc student)
Sun, D. F., Chiu, D. K., Jiang, N., Hu, H., Zhuang, Y., & Hu, H. (2011, October). A multi-agent infrastructure for healthcare process improvement using ontology. In 2011 IEEE 8th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (pp. 392-396). IEEE.(Beijing, China)(+HKBU PTMSc student)
Terry M.F. Tsang*, Thomas M.W. Yeung*, Dickson K.W. Chiu, Haiyang Hu, Yi Zhuang and Hua Hu. Security Alert Management System for Internet Data Center Based on ISO/IEC 27001 Ontology. 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE), Shanghai, IEEE press, pp.178-183, Nov 2010.(*HKBU PTMSc student)
Sun, Y., & Chiu, D. K. (2010, April). Context-aware scheduling of workforce for multiple urgent events. In The 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (pp. 629-634). IEEE.
Chan, V.C.T.*, Chiu, D. K., Watson, M., Hung, P. C., Hu, H., Hu, H., & Zhuang, Y. (2009, October). Designing a Credit Approval System Using Web Services, BPEL, and AJAX. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (pp. 287-294). IEEE. (Macao)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Lui, B., Chiu, D. K., Hu, H., Hu, H., & Zhuang, Y. (2009, October). Ontology based content management for digital television services. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (pp. 565-570). IEEE. (Macao) (+CUHKPTMSc student)
Chiu, D. K., Lau, R. Y., Cheung, W. K., & Karduck, A. (2009). Message from the SOKMBI 2009 chairs: SOKMBI 2009. In Proceedings-IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2009; IEEE Int. Workshops-AiR 2009; SOAIC 2009; SOKMBI 2009; ASOC 2009.
Sun, Y., Farwick, M., & Chiu, D. K. (2009, July). Constraint-based authorization management for mobile collaboration services. In 2009 Congress on Services-I (pp. 22-29). IEEE. (Los Angeles, CA)
Chiu, D.K.W. & Lau, R (2008) Message from SOKM 2008 Chairs. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Xi’an, China.
Wu, K. C.*, & Chiu, D. K. (2008, October). Toward tourist service integration and personalization with semantic web services: A case study in hong kong. In 2008 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (pp. 687-692). IEEE.(Xian, China)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Wong, W. M.*, Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2008, September). A Global Criminal and Terrorist Tracking Framework Using Semantic Grid Technologies. In 2008 IEEE Congress on Services Part II (services-2 2008) (pp. 157-162). IEEE. (Beijing, China)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Meng, S., Chiu, D. K., Wenyin, L., & Chen, X. (2008, June). Automated management of assets based on RFID. In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (sutc 2008) (pp. 296-301). IEEE. (Tai Chung, Taiwan)
Chiu, D.K.W., Leung, H.-f., Hung, P.C.K. (2008). Message from the SIC Workshop Chairs. IEEE Congress on Services Part II, 2008. SERVICES-2, p. xii.
Lin, D. T.T.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2007, November). Alert Notification and Resource Allocation against Disease Outbreak using Web Services. In 2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT) (pp. 551-555). IEEE.(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Lee, C. K.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2007, November). Ontology Based Personalized Service in E-markeplaces: A Case Study in a Used Car Matching System. In 2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT) (pp. 631-635). IEEE.(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Yu, K. W.+, Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2007, November). Implementing a facial recognition system with alerts and web services. In 2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT)(pp. 561-565). IEEE(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Zheng, Y., Chiu, D. K., Wang, H., & Hung, P. C. (2007, October). Towards a privacy policy enforcement middleware with location intelligence. In 2007 Eleventh International IEEE EDOC Conference Workshop (pp. 97-104). IEEE. (Annapolis, Maryland)
Chan, V. C., Chiu, D. K., Chow, S., & Hung, P. C. (2007, October). e-Monitoring of Outsourcing IS Project in Financial Institutions: A Case Study on Mandatory Provident Fund Projects in Hong Kong. In IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'07) (pp. 460-465). IEEE.(Hong Kong) (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W. & Lau, R. (2007, October). Message from SOKM 2007 Chairs. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, p. xxxiii, Hong Kong.
Wong, D. S.+, & Chiu, D.K.W. (2007, October). Collaborative workflow management with alerts: An integrated retailing system for garments brands. In IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'07) (pp. 433-438). IEEE (Hong Kong) (+HKPolyU PTMSc student)
Chung, J. C.S., Chiu, D.K.W., & Kafeza, E. (2007, September). An alert management system for concrete batching plant. In 2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA 2007) (pp. 591-598). IEEE.(Patras, Greece) (+HKPolyU PTMSc student)
Ngan, W.K.F., & Chiu, D. K.W. (2007, August). Value-Added Services and Decision Support Through Web Services Brokering: A Case Study on E-Travel Insurance Quotation. In 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Vol. 7, pp. 3825-3830). IEEE. (Hong Kong)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Yan, W. N.Y.+, & Chiu, D.K.W. (2007, August). Enhancing e-commerce processes with alerts and web services: A case study on online credit card payment notification. In 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Vol. 7, pp. 3831-3837). IEEE.(Hong Kong) (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Cheong, F. K., Chiu, D. K., Cheung, S. C., & Hung, P. C. (2007, July). Developing a distributed e-monitoring system for enterprise Website and Web services: An experience report with free libraries and tools. In IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007) (pp. 1008-1015). IEEE. (Salt Lake City, Utah) (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Chan, L. S.+, Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2007, July). E-tendering with web services: a case study on the tendering process of building construction. In IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2007) (pp. 582-588). IEEE. (Salt Lake City, Utah) (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Tong, M. Y.S.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2007, July). Alert Driven Process Integration and Exception Handing: A Case Study on Audit Confirmation with Web Services. In The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007) (pp. 469-476). IEEE.(Tokyo)(+HK Baptist UMSc student)
Liu, H., Li, Q., Gu, N., & Chiu, D. K. (2007, July). Enhancing web services conversation with exception contexts for handling exceptions of composite services. In The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007)(pp. 39-46). IEEE.(Tokyo)
Chiu, D.K.W., Ng, N. L. L. +, LAI, S.C.+, & Hung, P. C. K. (2007, May) Automating Tendering Processes with Web Services: A Case Study on Building Construction Tendering in Hong Kong, Group Decision and Negotiation Meeting (GDN 2007), Mt. Tremblant (Montreal). (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Yueh, Y. T.F.+, Chiu, D. K.,W., Leung, H. F., & Hung, P. C. (2007, May). A virtual travel agent system for m-tourism with semantic web service based design and implementation. In 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'07) (pp. 142-149). IEEE. (Niagara Falls, Canada)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Chiang, A. Y.+, Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P. C., & Zheng, Y. (2007, May). Providing More Customized Services for Online Games Using Service Oriented Architecture and Three-Tier Views: A Case Study" Mankind". In 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) (Vol. 2, pp. 1007-1012). IEEE.(Niagara Falls, Canada)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Lee, R. C.M.+, Mark, K. P., & Chiu, D. K.W. (2007, January). Enhancing workflow automation in insurance underwriting processes with web services and alerts. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) (pp. 64-64). IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (+HKPolyU PTMSc student)
Wong, J. Y.Y.+, Chiu, D. K.W., & Mark, K. P. (2007, January). Effective e-Government process monitoring and interoperation: A case study on the removal of unauthorized building works in Hong Kong. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages). (+HKPolyU PTMSc student)
Chiu, D. K. W., Hong, D., Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, E. (2007). Adapting ubiquitous government services with context and views in a three-tier architecture. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (best paper nomination)
Chiu, D. K., Hung, P. C., Cheng, V. S., & Kafeza, E. (2007, January). Protecting the exchange of medical images in healthcare process integration with web services. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) (pp. 131-131). IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Cheng, V. S., Hung, P. C., & Chiu, D. K. (2007, January). Enabling web services policy negotiation with privacy preserved using XACML. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) (pp. 33-33). IEEE.(Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Ng, L. L. N.*, Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2007, January). Tendering process model (TPM) implementation for B2B integration in a Web services environment. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) (pp. 143b-143b). IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)(*HKUSTPTMSc student)
Lee, K. K.*, Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2006, December). Web-service based information integration for e-financial planning system matchmaking decision support. In 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops (pp. 259-262). IEEE. (Hong Kong).(*HKUSTPTMSc student)
Kong, V.S.T.+, Chiu, D.K.W, & Hung P.C.K. (2006, Dec.) Integrated Workforce Management for End-to-end Service Process Monitoring: A Case Study of Telecommunication Enterprise in HongKong, 5th Workshop on e-Business, (+HKPolyU PTMSc student)
Lam, N.L.H.+, Chiu, D.K.W., & Hung P.C.K. (2006, Dec.) Service-oriented Digital Library Integration with Knowledge Management System: A Case Study on the Hong Kong Public Libraries, 5th Workshop on e-Business. (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Leung, T. P.Y.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2006, December). Alert-Driven E-government Service Management: A Case Study on Road Maintenance Management System. In 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Services Computing (APSCC'06) (pp. 160-167). IEEE. (Guangzhou, China) (+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Hon, B. Y.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2006, December). An Integration of Web Service and Workflow to a Wealth Management Order Placement System: A Case Study of International Brokerages. In 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Services Computing (APSCC'06) (pp. 123-129). IEEE. (Guangzhou, China)(+HKUSTPTMSc student)
Wang, C., Chiu, D. K., & Leung, H. F. (2008). A Persistent Conversation Protocol Supporting Anonymity and Security. In Cooperative Internet Computing (pp. 12-26). (Hong Kong)
Chiu, D. K., Hong, D., Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, E. (2006, October). Adapting ubiquitous enterprise services with context and views. In 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'06) (pp. 391-394). IEEE. (Hong Kong)
Wang, C.J., Chiu, D.K.W., & Leung H.F. (2006, October) Anonymity and Security for Persistent Conversion. In 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'06) (pp. 471-476). IEEE. (Hong Kong).
Chiu, D.K.W., Hung, P. C., Cheng, V. S., & Kafeza, E. (2006, October). Protecting the exchange of document images in cross-enterprise process integration with web services. In 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW'06). IEEE. (CDROM full paper) (Hong Kong)
Luk, G. H., Chiu, D. K., & Leung, H. F. (2006, October). Web-service based human resource recruitment by using matchmaking decision support. In 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW'06) (pp. 67-67). IEEE. (Hong Kong)(+HKUST PTMSc student)
Ho, E. W., Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2006, September). Alert Based Monitoring of Stock Trading Systems. In 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'06) (Vol. 1, pp. 77-86). IEEE. (Chicago, USA) (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Li, Q., Shan, Z., Hung, P. C., Chiu, D. K., & Cheung, S. C. (2006, May). Flows and views for scalable scientific process integration. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Scalable information systems (Article 30). ACM. (Hong Kong)
Lam, A. C.Y.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2006, January). Cooperative brokerage integration for transaction capacity sharing: A case study in Hong Kong. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06) IEEE. (Kauia, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages) (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W., & Hung, P.C. K. (2006, January) Contract Management and Decision Support in Services Science (Introduction to Minitrack), HICSS39, IEEE press, CDROM, 1 page.
Ng, C. W.W.+, & Chiu, D. K. (2006, January). e-Government integration with web services and alerts: A case study on an emergency route advisory system in Hong Kong. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06). IEEE. (Kauia, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages) (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Lau, G. K.T.+, Chiu, D. K. W., & Hung, P. C. K. (2006, January) Web-service Based Information Integration for Decision Support: A Case Study on e-Mortgage Contract Matchmaking Service. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06). IEEE. (Kauia, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages) (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Kafeza, E., Chiu, D. K., & Karlapalem, K. (2006, January). Improving the Response Time of Business Processes: An Alert-based Analytical Approach. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06). IEEE. (Kauia, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages)
Chan, H. S.+, Chiu, D. K. W., Hung, P. C. K., & Leung, H. F. (2005, December). Credibility relationship management in a web service integration environment. In 4th ICIS Workshop on e-Business, Las Vegas. (+HKUST PTMSc student)
Kafeza, I., Kafeza, E., & Chiu, D. K. (2005, September). Legal Aspects of Security in e-contracting with Electronic Agents. In ISSE 2005—Securing Electronic Business Processes: Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe 2005 Conference (p. 179). Springer Science & Business Media. (Budapest, Hungary)
Chiu, D. K., Leung, H. F., & Lam, K. M. (2005, August). Making personalized recommendations to customers in a service-oriented economy: a quantitative model based on reputation and risk attitude. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 210-216). ACM. (Xian, China)
Chiu, D. K. W., & Leung, H. F. (2005). Next Generation Multi-platform Tourist Assistance Systems: A Multi-agent and Semantic Web Approach. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 574-581). ACM. (Xian, China)
Hong, D., Chiu, D. K.W., & Shen, V. Y. (2005, August). Requirements elicitation for the design of context-aware applications in a ubiquitous environment. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 590-596). ACM.(Xian, China)
Hung, P.C.K., Chiu, D.K.W., Fung, W.W., Cheung, W.K., Wong, R., Choi, S.P., Kafeza, E., Kwok, J., Pun, J.C. and Cheng, V.S. (2005, August). Towards end-to-end privacy control in the outsourcing of marketing activities: A web service integration solution. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 454-461). ACM. (Xian, China)
Chiu, D.K.W., Wang, C.J., Kafeza, I., Leung, H.F., & Kafeza, E. (2005, August) Supporting Agents’ Legal Identity with a Secured Agent Platform. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 721-728). ACM. (Xian, China)
Wang, C., Chiu, D. K., & Leung, H. F. (2005, July). Anonymity and security in public Internet forums. In Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'05) (pp. 448-451). IEEE.(Munich, Germany)
Chiu, D. K.W., Poon, J. K. M.*, Lam, W. C.*, Tse, C. Y.*, Sui, W.*, & Poon, W. S.* (2005, May). How ontologies can help in an eMarketplace. European Conference on Information Systems 2005 Proceedings.(*HKU final year project Students)
Chiu, D. K., & Choi, S. P. (2005, March). Alert driven communications management for distance learning. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (pp. 570-575). IEEE. (Hong Kong)
Hung, P. C., & Chiu, D. K. (2005, March). Exception handling for XML query execution plans in a web service environment. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (pp. 466-471). IEEE. (Hong Kong)
Chiu, D. K., Cheung, S. C., Hung, P. C., & Leung, H. F. (2005, January). Facilitating e-negotiation processes with semantic web technologies. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Chiu, D. K., Cheung, S. C., & Leung, H. F. (2005, January) A Multi-Agent Infrastructure for Mobile Workforce Management in a Service Oriented Enterprise. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Kafeza, I., Kafeza, E., & Chiu, D. K. (2005, January). Legal Issues in Agents for Electronic Contracting. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Chiu, D. K., & Hung, P. C. (2005, January). Privacy and Access Control in Financial Enterprise Content Management. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Shan, Z., Chiu, D. K., & Li, Q. (2005, January). Systematic Interaction Management in a Workflow View Based Business-to-business Process Engine. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (best paper nomination).
Chiu, D. K., Lee, O. K., Leung, H. F., Au, E. W., & Wong, M. C. (2005, January). A Multi-Modal Agent Based Mobile Route Advisory System for Public Transport Network. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (+CUHK PTMSc student)
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S.C., Hung, P.C.K. Chiu, S.Y.Y.*, & Chung, K.K.* (2004, January) Developing e-negotiation support for matching and un-matching tradeoff views in an e-marketplace environment. 4th IFIP Working Group 7.6 Workshop on Virtual Environments for Advanced Modeling (VEAM), Honolulu, Hawaii, pp 67-76. (*CUHK final year project students)
Chiu, D. K.W., Kwok, B.W.C.+, Wong, R. L.S.+, Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, E. (2004, January). Alert-driven e-service management. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaiian Conference on System Sciences. IEEE. (Big Island, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages) (BEST PAPER AWARD). (+CUHK PTMSc student)
Kwok, K.+, & Chiu, D. K. W. (2004, January) An Integrated Web Services Architecture for Financial Content Management. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaiian Conference on System Sciences. IEEE. (Big Island, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages) (best paper nomination). (+CUHK PTMSc student)
Chiu, D. K. W., Kwok, B.+, Wong, R.+, Kafeza, E., Cheung, S. C., & Kafeza, M. (2004, January). Alert Driven Healthcare Process and Data Integration. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaiian Conference on System Sciences. IEEE. (Big Island, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages)(+CUHK PTMSc student)
Chiu, D. K., Cheung, S. C., Hung, P. C., & Leung, H. F. (2004, January). Constraint-based negotiation in a multi-agent information system with multiple platform support. In 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the. IEEE.(Big Island, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages)
Hung, P. C., & Chiu, D. K. (2004, January). Developing workflow-based information integration (WII) with exception support in a web services environment. In 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the (pp. 10-pp). IEEE.(Big Island, HI, USA, CDROM, 10 pages)
Chiu, D. K.W., Kok, D.*, Lee, A. K.C.*, & Cheung, S. C. (2003, November). Integrating heterogeneous Web services with WebXcript. In Proceedings 27th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. COMPAC 2003 (pp. 272-277). IEEE. (Dallas, Texas). (*CUHK final year project students)
Cheung, S., Curreem, H., Chiu, D.K.W., & Hung, P.C.K. (2003, June) Implementing Watermark Token in WS-Security for Digital Content Distribution, First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03), pp. 415-419, Las Vegas.
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S.C., & Hung, P.C.K. (2003, June). Developing e-Negotiation Process Support with Web Services, First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03), pp. 97-103, Las Vegas.
Kafeza, E., Chiu, D. K., & Cheung, S. C. (2003, June). Alert-driven Process Integration in a Web Services Environment, First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03), pp. 145-151, Las Vegas.
Chiu, D.K.W., & Hung, P.C.K. (2003, June). Workflow-based Information Integration in a Web Service environment, First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03), pp. 10-16, Las Vegas.
Cheung, S. C., Hung, P. C., & Chiu, D. K. (2003, January). On the e-negotiation of unmatched logrolling views. In 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the。IEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)(best paper nomination).
Chiu, D. K., Cheung, S. C., & Till, S. (2003, January).An Architecture for E-Contract Enforcement in an E-service Environment. In 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of theIEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (best paper nomination).
Cheung, S. C., Chiu, D. K., & Till, S. (2003, January). A Data-driven Methodology to Extending Workflows across Organizations over the Internet. In 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of theIEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages
Chiu, D. K.W., Chan, W. C.W.*, Lam, G. K.W.*, Cheung, S. C., & Luk, F. T. (2003, January). An Event Driven Approach to Customer Relationship Management in an e-Brokerage Environment.In 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of theIEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages) (*final year project students)
Chiu, D. K.W., Cheung, S. C., & Till, S. (2003, January). A Watermarking Infrastructure for Enterprise Document Management. n 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of theIEEE. (Big Island, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages)
Cheung, S. C., Curreem, H., & Chiu, D. K. W. (2002, October). A Watermarking Infrastructure for Digital Rights Protection. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2002), Hong Kong..
Chiu, D.K.W. & Cheung, S.C. (2002, October). Automating Online Web-base E-commerce Activities with Webscript. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2002), Hong Kong..
Chiu, D. K. W., Cheung, S. C., & Hung, P. C. K. (2002, September). A contract template driven approach to e-Negotiation processes. In Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conf. on Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan, CDROM.
Chiu, D.K.W., Cheung, S.C. & Kafeza, E. (2002, July) Three-tier View-based Support for Mobile Workflow. First International Conference on Mobile Business, Athens, Greece, CDROM.
Chiu, D. K.W., Karlapalem, K., & Li, Q. (2001). E-adome: enacting composite e-services in an advanced workflow environment. In 25th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. COMPSAC 2001 (pp. 311-316). IEEE.
Chiu, D. K.W. (2001, September). A script language for generating internet-bots. In 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 667-671). IEEE. (Munich, Germany)
Chiu, D.K.W. (2001, June) Workflow Management Systems as Meta-Agents in a Multi-Agent Information System. 3rd International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2001), Interlaken, Switzerland, Books on Demand GmbH, ISBN 3-8311-2138-9, pp.1-12.
Chiu, D. K. W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2001, April) A Framework for Flexible Workflow Enactment and Evolution in an Advanced Object Environment. 7th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA01), Hong Kong, IEEE press, pp.148-149.
Chiu, D. K. W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K.(2000, September) E-ADOME: A Framework for Enacting E-services. 1stVLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, Cairo, Eygpt, pp. 135-154.
Chiu, D. K. W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (2000, June) Web Interface-Driven Cooperative Exception Handling in ADOME Workflow Management System. 1st International Conference on Web Information System Engineering(WISE’00), Hong Kong, IEEE press, pp157-165.
Chiu, D. K. W., Li, Q., & Karlapalem, K. (1998, November) Exception Handling with Workflow Evolution in ADOME-WFMS: a Taxonomy and Resolution Techniques. Adaptive Workflow Workshop, as part of the 1998 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Seattle, WA, USA.
Chiu, D. K. W., Karlapalem, K., & Li, Q. (1998). Developing a workflow management system in an integrated object-oriented modeling environment. In Proceedings of 6th Int’l Conf. on Sofware Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’98)(pp. 71-78). (San Fransisco, USA)
Chiu, D. K. W., Karlapalem, K., & Li, Q. (1997, June). Poster on "Exception Handling in ADOME Workflow Management System”. Second IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems(CoopIS'97), Charleston, South Carolina, USA, IEEE Press, p.227.
Chan, L.C., Chiu, D.K.W., & Li, Q. (1995) A Versatile Bridging Mechanism with a Experimental User Interface for An Expert OODBMS. Computer Science Dept., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Technical Report HKUST-CS95-35, 1995.
Ph.D. Thesis: Chiu, D.K.W. (2000) Exception Handling in an Object-Oriented Workflow Management System. Dept. of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.(Advised by: Dr K. Karlapalem and Dr Qing Li)
Professional Community Services
Journal Editing
- Editor(-in-chief), Library Hi-Tech, Emerald publishing, Jan 2020-present, indexed in SSCI
- Founding Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), IGI Global, indexed in Inspec,Carbell’s Directory (retired – currently Managing Director / Editor-in-chief Emeritus)
- Founding Editor-in-chief, EAI-endorsed Transactions on e-Business, The Institute for Computer Sciences, European Alliance for Innovation. (retired)
- Co-Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), IGI Global, indexed in Inspec.
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), IGI Global, indexed in Inspec
- Associate Editor, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), ISSN 2073-7904
- Associate Editor, Engineering Letters, International Association of Engineers, ISSN (Online): 1816-0948; 1816-093X (Print).
- Editorial Board Member, Service Oriented Computing and Applications,Springer (EI)
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), IGI Global
- Editorial Board Member,International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, IARIA
- Editorial Board Member,International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, IARIA
- Editorial Board Member,International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology, IARIA
- Editorial Board Member,International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, IARIA
- International Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Web Services Research. (SCI-E), retired
- Guest Editor, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Service Oriented Architecture, Journal of Database Management (SCI-E) (Current, in progress)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Internet of Things, Big Data and Complex Information Systems: Challenges, solutions and outputs from IoTBD 2016, COMPLEXIS 2016 and CLOSER 2016 selected papers and CLOSER 2015 keynote.” Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier (2018) (SCI-E)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Emerging Social and Legal Aspects of Information Systems with Web 2.0,” 2009, Information Systems Frontier (SCI-E), Springer.
- Special Issue Editor, on “Service Intelligence and Service Science,” 2008, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Service Intelligence and Service Science,” 2008, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Inderscience Publishers.
Conference Organization
- Symposium Chair: Casual Reading Promotion: 1-day Symposium (in Cantonese) 隨便讀:為期一天研討會, 2019 (Funded by HKU KE Grant)
- Conference Co-chair: 5th Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship 2015, 2016
- Program co-chair, 15th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2016)
- Program co-chair, The IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, 2015
- Workshop co-chair: 32nd International conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2013), Nov 2013, Hong Kong
- Workshop co-chair: International conference on Web-based Learning, Hong Kong, Dec 2011; Sinaia, Romania, Sept. 2012; Kenting, Taiwan, Sept 2013.
- Founding Co-chair: International Symposium on Knowledge Management and e-Learning, Hong Kong, Dec 2011; Sinaia, Romania, Sept. 2012; Kenting, Taiwan, Sept 2013; Tallinn, Estonia, August 2014, Guangzhou, China, 2015.
- Workshop co-chair: 11th International conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2010), Hong Kong, Dec 2010.
- Founding Co-chair: International Symposium on Web Intelligent Systems and Services, Hong Kong, Dec 2010, Macau, Dec 2012.
- Founding Co-chair: International Workshop on Cloud Information Systems Engineering, Hong Kong, Dec 2010.
- Founding Program Co-Chair: International Workshop on Mobile Business Collaboration, Brisbane, Australia, April 20, 2009; Hong Kong, Dec 2010.
- Founding Program Co-Chair: The 1st International Workshop on Web-based Contents Management Technologies (WCMT 2009), Suzhou, China, April 7, 2009; JuJaiGuo, July, 2010.
- Founding Co-Chair, International Workshop on Business Intelligence Methodologies and Applications (BIMA'08), October 22-24, 2008, Xi'an, China; Macau, 2009.
- Founding Co-Chair, International Workshop on Electronic Service Marketing (ESM2008), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2008.
- Founding Co-Chair, International Workshop on Social and Legal Aspects under Emerging Computing Environments (SLAECE 2008), Athens, Greece, June 2008.
- Founding Co-Chair, International Workshop on Service Oriented Knowledge Management (SOKM), Hong Kong, Oct 26, 2007; Xi’an, Oct 12, 2008; Macau 2009; Shanghai 201 Beijing 2011.
- Founding Co-Chair, International Workshop on Service Intelligence and Service Science (SISS), Hong Kong, Oct 17, 2006; Beijing, China, September 2008.
- Theme founding Co-Chair, Service Intelligence and Service Science. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2007), Hong Kong, Aug 19-22, 2007.
- Mini-Track founding Co-Chair,Contract Management and Decision Support in Service Science. 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS39), Kauai, Hawaii,Jan 2006.
Conference Program Committee Member
About 200 - to be provided upon request.
Recent Presentations
- Invited panel speaker, “Education for Teacher Librarians,” Hong Kong Teacher Librarian Association, March 2019.
- Keynote speech, “Sharing Successful Experience Worldwide for School Libraries,” Reading Promotion – 1 Day Symposium, HKU, March 2019. (funded by HKU Knowledge Exchange Grant)
- Conference presentation, “New Frontiers in International and Comparative Studies in mobile and Social Media for Education: A Focus on Services vs User Needs,” 3rd International Conference on Technology, Education, Assessment and Management (TEAM), Guam, March 2019.
- Invited talk, Conversations with Leading Academic and Research Library Directors: International Perspectives on Library Management,University of Macau, Macau, April 2018.
- Invited talk, Reading promotion for library professions (閱讀推手圖書館管理專業講座), Pui Ching Middle School, Macau, April 2018.
- Guest lecture, The New Frontier of Mobile Library Services in the Digital Age, Kyushu University, Dec 2017.
- Invited talk, Conversations with world’s leading public librarians, National Library/Library Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 2017.
- Guest lecture for Master and PhD Library and Informtion Studies students, Effective School Librarians: Successful Professional Practices from Librarians around the World, National Taiwan Normal University, Oct 2017.
- Book talk, Inside the World's Major East Asian Collections: One Belt, One Road and BeyondHKU Library, April 2017.