Professor CHAN, Kennedy K. H.

Professor CHAN, Kennedy K. H.
Post-graduate Diploma of Education Course Co-ordinator (Biology)
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2541
Room 313, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Science Education
- Teacher Education and Development
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
My research focuses on science teachers’ professional knowledge and practice. Specifically, my research is about using innovative ways to characterise, develop and assess the situational and dynamic nature of teachers' professional knowledge. My work highlights important debates and different ways of thinking about the construct of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and redirects the field to important questions for its advancement. I was one of the 26 scholars invited to the PCK Summit II in the Netherlands and was involved in conceptualising the refined consensus model for PCK. See this <link> for the model. Details of my research publications can be found below.
I strongly believe that research should impact on teaching practice and that critical reflection on teaching practice should in turn contribute to the scholarship of teaching. I practise research-led teaching and am actively involved in teaching and curriculum innovations. This includes innovative teaching practices for biology/science and science teachers. I disseminate my innovative teaching ideas in various ways, including journal articles, newsletters and talks at meetings for practitioners. See my teaching-related publications below. I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Community of practice “The Innovation and the Future of STEM Education”, which aims to promote excellence in teaching at tertiary institutions <>.
I also believe that research should have an impact on what actually happens in the classroom. I have worked with schools, government agencies, charities (e.g. Bei Shan Tang Foundation) and international partners (e.g. Monash University, Stanford University) to improve the quality of teaching with the aim of enhancing students' learning experiences in the classroom. Below you will find my publications on knowledge exchange.
My recent research includes scientific modelling/model-based inquiry, teacher knowledge assessment and practice-based (science) teacher education. I am also developing innovative multimedia educative curriculum materials for school-based assessment of high school biology and high-impact video-based professional learning opportunities for teacher leaders.
Read this article to know more about my work <link>
(1) Teaching Awards:
- University Grants Committee (UGC) Early Career Teaching Award Finalist 2019
- Faculty Team Teaching Award 2018-2019
- University Teaching Feedback Award 2017-2018
- University Early Career Teaching Award 2017-2018
- Faculty Early Career Teaching Award 2016-2017
- Faculty Team Teaching Award 2016-2017
- Faculty Teacher Effectiveness Awards (Undergraduate) 2015-16 The University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Education)
(2) Research Awards:
- Young Scholar Award (East-Asian Association for Science Education)
- Best Paper Award (East-Asian Association for Science Education)
- PCK summit II invited participant
- International Science Education Conference (ISEC)-Springer Best Paper Award (Student Category) International Science Education Conference Singapore 2014
- Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships (For Postgraduate Research Students) Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund
(3) Academic awards:
- Tao Ping-kee Prize in Science Education The University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Education)
- Lee Chung Yin Jubilee Prize in Zoology The University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Science)
- Chan Kai Ming Prize The University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Science)
Dean’s Honours List (Faculty of Science)
Dean’s Honours List (Faculty of Education)
(4) Fellowships:
- U21 Fellowship 2023-2024
- Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
- Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowship (2020)
- Teaching Exchange Fellowship (2019)
- Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (2011-2014)
Co-investigator, Investigating science student teachers’ learning in the 360-videos enhanced micro-teaching workshops (PI: Prof Umesh Ramnarain, University of Johannesburg; Year of award: 2022; Amount: R150 00.00)
- Co-investigator, Teacher Noticing in Science Classrooms: An International Comparative perspective (PI: Dr Suchi Fang, National Taiwan Normal University; Co-I: Dr Lihua Xu, Deakin University; Year of award: 2022; Amount: Taiwan dollars: 2,610,000)
- Co-investigator, Promoting the use of educational technology in learning and teaching in science (S1-S3). (Education Bureau, HKSAR Government, PI: Dr Anthony Cheung; Co-I: Ms Annie Chan; Year of award: 2022; Amount: HKD $1,399,900)
- Co-investigator, Teacher change and feedback practices: Scaling up the enhancement of feedback strategies (The University of Hong Kong, PI: Professor David Carless; Year of award: 2021; Amount: HKD $248,882.)
- Promoting video-based teacher professional development in Hong Kong. Bei Shan Tang Foundation, January 2021 to August 2024. $926,250
- Investigating the development of responsive teaching ability in pre-service science teachers: A video-based teaching intervention. General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, Project No.: 17611620. Nov, 2020 to May, 2023 ($351,437)
- Promoting effective use of practical work in senior secondary Biology classrooms through cognitively demanding practical work and video analysis of teaching practices, Quality Education Fund. August, 2021 to July, 2024 ($1,883,800)
- Exploring the use of new video technologies to leverage pre-service teachers’ observation experience in teaching practicum, Teaching Development Grant, Sept 2018 to June 2020 ($217,500).
- Use of a video-based approach to enhance dynamic pedagogical content knowledge development in pre-service science teachers. Early Career Scheme, Research Grant Council, Project No: 27608717. January, 2018 to June, 2020 ($701,260).
(1) Teacher Expertise:
Xu, L., Chan, K.K.H., Berry, A., Ferguson, J. P., Kim, G., van Driel, J., Vale, C., & Widjaja, W. (2022) Applying a scoping review methodology to investigate adaptive expertise: Insights and challenges for research in STEM education In P. J. White, R. Tytler, J. P. Ferguson, & J. C. Clark (eds) Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research (Volume 3) (pp. 350-368). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom.
She, J. S. & Chan, K. K. H.* (2023) Situated and dynamic versus declarative and static forms of pedagogical content knowledge: An evaluation of the differences in test reactions and performance. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 60(3), 568–607.
- Chan, K.K.H. (2022) A critical review of studies using the pedagogical content knowledge map approach. International Journal of Science Education. 44(3), 487-513,
- Yeh, Y.F., Chan, K.K.H.* & Hsu, Y.S. (2021). Toward a framework that connects individual TPACK and collective TPACK: A systematic review of TPACK studies investigating teacher collaborative discourse in the learning by design process. Computers & Education. 171. 104238 *Corresponding author
- Kind, V., Park, S., Chan, K.K.H. (2022) Science teacher professional knowledge and its relationship to high-quality science instruction In J. Luft & G. Jones (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education.
- Chan, K.K.H. (2021) Using classroom video-based instruments to characterise pre-service science teachers’ incoming usable knowledge for teaching science. Research in Science and Technological Education. 41(1):147-169
- Chan, K.K.H., Xu, L., Cooper, R., Berry, A., & van Driel, J.H. (2021). Teacher noticing in science education: Do you see what I see? Studies in Science Education, 57(1), 1-44. <>
- Lam, D.S.H., & Chan, K.K.H.* (2020). Characterising pre-service secondary science teachers’ noticing of different forms of evidence of student thinking, International Journal of Science Education, 42(4):576-597 <>
- Seah, L.H., & Chan, K.K.H. (2020). A case study of a science teacher’s knowledge of students in relation to addressing the language demands of science, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. <>
- Carlson, J., Daehler, K., Alonzo, A. C., Barendsen, E., Berry, A., Borowski, A., …Chan, K.K.H. ... Wilson, C. D. (2019). The Refined Consensus Model of pedagogical content knowledge in science education. In A. Hume, R. Cooper, & A. Borowski (Eds.), Repositioning PCK in Teachers’ Professional Knowledge (pp. 77-92). Singapore: Springer.
- Chan, K.K.H., & Hume, A. (2019). Towards a consensus model: Literature review of how science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge is investigated. In A. Hume, R. Cooper, & A. Borowski (Eds.), Repositioning PCK in Teachers’ Professional Knowledge for Teaching Science (pp. 3–76). Singapore: Springer. <> .
- Chan, K.K.H., Rollnick, M., & Gess-Newsome, J. (2019). A grand rubric for differentiating the quality of science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. In A. Hume, R. Cooper, & A. Borowski (Eds.), Repositioning PCK in Teachers’ Professional Knowledge for Teaching Science (pp. 251–269). Singapore: Springer. <>
- Kind, V., & Chan, K.K.H. (2019) Resolving the amalgam: Connecting pedagogical content knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 41(7):946-978 <>
- Yip V.W.Y., & Chan K.K.H. (2019) Teachers’ conceptions about STEM and their practical knowledge for STEM teaching in Hong Kong. In: Hsu YS., Yeh YF. (eds) Asia-Pacific STEM Teaching Practices (pp. 67–81). Springer, Singapore.
- Chan, K.K.H., Yeh, Y.F., & Hsu, Y.S. (2019). A framework for examining teachers’ practical knowledge for STEM teaching. In: Hsu Y.S., Yeh Y.F. (eds) Asia-Pacific STEM Teaching Practices (pp. 39–50). Springer, Singapore.
- Chan, K.K.H., & Yung, B.H.W. (2018) Developing pedagogical content knowledge for teaching a new topic: More than teaching experience and subject matter knowledge. Research in Science Education. 48(2): 233-265 <>
- Chan, K.K.H., & Yung, B.H.W. (2015). On-site pedagogical content knowledge development. International Journal of Science Education. 37(8):1246-1278 <>
- Chan, K.K.H., & Yung, B. H.W. (2018) Pedagogical content knowledge development in experienced biology teachers in their first attempts at teaching a new topic. In J. Yeo, W. T, Tang & K. S. Tang (Eds). Science Education Research and Practice in the Asia-Pacific Region (pp.197-214). Singapore: Springer. <>
(2) Practice-based Teacher Education and Use of Videos in Teacher Education:
Chan, K. K. H., & Yu, S. K. K. (2023). Different camera perspectives, different observations?: Pre-service science teachers' noticing and perceived usefulness on different classroom videos. In G. Bansal, U. Ramnarain Fostering Science Teaching and Learning for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond (pp. 147-164). IGI Global.
Chan, K. K. H. (2022) Eliciting and working with student thinking: Preservice science teachers’ enactment of core practices when orchestrating collaborative group work, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, DOI: 10.1002/tea.21823
- Chen, G., Chan, C. K. K., Chan, K. K. H., Clarke, S. N., & Resnick, L. B. (2020). Efficacy of video-based teacher professional development for increasing classroom discourse and student learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 28(4-5):642-680.
Chan, K.K.H., Yu, S.K.K., & Sin, R.K.H. (2021). Using student actors and video-mediated reflection to promote pre-service teachers’ ability to enact responsive teaching. Innovations in Science Teacher Education. 6(1). Retrieved from
- Leung, J.S.C., Chan, K.K.H.*, & He, T.C.L. (2020). Student teachers’ metaphorical conceptualisations of the experience of watching themselves and their peers on video. Educational Studies. <>
- Chan, K.K.H., He, C.L., Ng, C.K., Leung, J.S.C., (2018) Student teachers’ emotions when watching their own videos and those of their peers. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 3(3); 192-211. <>
- Yip, V.W.Y., Chan, K.K.H., Yung, B.H.W. & Lai, C. (2019) Preparing teachers for reform-oriented teaching using the thematic approach of re-viewing videos. In L.H. Xu, G. Aranda & D. Clarke (Eds) Video-based Research in Education: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives (pp.260-274). Routledge
(3) Formative Assessment & Dialogic Teaching:
- Xia, S., Zhan, P., Chan, K. K. H., & Wang, L. (2023). Assessing concept mapping competence using item expansion-based diagnostic classification analysis. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–27.
- Chan, K.K.H., &Yau, K.W. (2021) Using video-based interviews to investigate pre-service secondary science teachers’ situation-specific skills for informal formative assessment, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19:289–311 <>
- Carless, D. & Chan, K.K.H. (2017) Managing dialogic use of exemplars. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(6):930-941. <>
- Lehesvuori, S., Chan, K.K.H., Ramnarain, U. & Viiri, J. (2017) In search of dialogicity: A comparison of curricular documents and classroom interactions from Finland and Hong Kong. Education Sciences, 7(4), 76 <>
- Carless, D., Chan, K.K.H., To, J., Lo, M. & E. Barrett (2018). Developing students’ capacities for evaluative judgement through analysing exemplars. In D. Boud, R. Ajjawi, P. Dawson & J. Tai (Eds), Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work. London: Routledge. (
(4) Innovative Biology Teaching:
- Chan, K.K.H., Ho, D.T.S., Lau, D.S.P. (in press) Using amylase beads to investigate factors affecting enzyme activity. American Biology Teacher.
- Chan, K.K.H., Ho, D.T.S., Lau, D.S.P., Tsui, B. C.S. (2023) Developing classroom assessment tasks that evaluate students’ abilities to plan scientific investigations. American Biology Teacher.
- Chan, P.C., & Chan, K.K.H. (2023). Inquiry on a potential anti-obesity agent: investigating pancreatic lipase inhibitors in seed extracts. American Biology Teacher.
- Chan, K.K.H., West-Pratt, J., Ng, R.C.K. (2021). Using yeast fermentation as a context for meaningful learning of procedural understanding. American Biology Teacher, 83(1):26-32
- Leo, L.C.C., Sin, N.H.L., Chan, K.K.H.* (2020). Simple models for teaching and learning about the human withdrawal reflex. School Science Review, 102(379): 13-19.
- Chan, K.K.H. (2019) Using a post-box strategy to elicit and address student misconceptions in biology. American Biology Teacher, 81(9): 668-672.
- Chan, K. K. H. (2016). A simple microscale set-up for investigating yeast fermentation. American Biology Teacher.78(8):669-675
- Cheng, K.L., & Chan, K.K.H. (2018). Evolution education in Hong Kong (1991–2016): A content analysis of the biology textbooks for secondary school graduates. In H. Deniz, L. A. Borgerding (Eds.), Evolution Education Around the Globe (pp. 108–116). Singapore: Springer.
- Yung, B.H.W. & Chan, K.K.H. (2014) China - Hong Kong SAR. In B. Vlaardingerbroek & N. Taylor (Eds.), Issues in Upper Secondary Science Education: Comparative Perspective (pp. 61-81). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
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